Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2731: Black crystal square shield

For example, without the concept of weight, the illusory shadow can pick up the black crystal; for example, without the concept of hardness, the illusory shadow can cut the black crystal, a lot of different properties from the outside world.

If it is used well, if it can collect enough high-quality black crystals, refining a few strange magic weapons, after going back, when fighting against the virtual world, it will certainly produce unexpected results.

Of course, the various characteristics of this black crystal are still reflected in the black hole world, and it is not known what kind of nature will be after the black hole.

The rules are different and the performance should be different.

Sun Hao used the annihilation of the golden silkworm incarnation to try the black crystal, and suddenly found its huge difference. The two golden worms of the ruins of the world’s golden silkworms couldn’t be black crystals. They attacked and bounced back, not like physics. The attack exemption is more like super hardness.

I tried to raise the black crystal with the ruined gold silkworm, and found an incredible thing. Although the golden silkworm is not powerful, it is a great time, but after all, the golden silkworm body can be huge. It has the power to move mountains and reclamation.

However, to make the power of eating milk, the ruined gold silkworm can only lift a black crystal of the size of a basin.

This is a bit embarrassing.

The strange black crystal, the virtual shadow has no power, it can be lifted, it can be cut, but why the real entity, the physical strength goes up, but it is as heavy as a thousand, a little can not lift, can not afford the feeling?

Perceived the abnormality of black crystal, Sun Hao knows a little bit that the power system within the black hole world is afraid of being very different from the virtual world. The power of the gold silkworm can only lift such a large piece of black crystal, then the black hole world is judged. The power may be vastly different from one's own perception.

The black-hole world's non-enemy power is estimated to surpass the power of the golden silkworm. After all, a black crystal that an adult can lift should exceed the size of a basin.

But right away, Sun Hao’s heart was inextricably confused and questioned.

According to the truth, this should not be the case. In any case, he is also the top ten in the virtual world. Even the existence of the top five can be sorted out. The power of the golden silkworm should be extraordinary and far beyond the understanding of ordinary monks. It is.

But when it comes to the black hole world, can it be the second stage of no enemy? Is it too abnormal? Will the level of cultivation in the black hole world be so high?

Is there something wrong?

Sun Hao called out the star-shaped ice butterfly, and tried it. The power of the star-shaped ice butterfly and the golden silkworm was similar. Only one basin-sized black crystal could be lifted.

While Sun Hao is a bit dumbfounded, he is also convinced that there must be problems that he does not understand, and if not, there will never be such unconventional events.

It’s unreasonable that one of the Mahayana masters is weaker than a sly power. There should be some cockroaches that I haven’t figured out.

There is still another problem. Sun Hao now also expressed doubts. According to the truth, the virtual shadow shell can hold up a large area of ​​crystal without much hindrance, cutting black crystal without hindrance, and the physical monk, the ability to face the crystal is Significantly weakened.

Usually, according to the analysis of such performance, then the combat power of the virtual shadow shell is far more than the physical monk.

However, in the power system of the black hole world, the cultivation of the entity is an important progress, and it is an important criterion for the evolution of power, which is obviously in harmony with Sun Hao’s common sense.

The black hole world is really weird and unpredictable. It has many differences with its own cognition. I look at the world from the perspective of a normal monk. I am afraid that there are many wrong things.

What exactly is going on?

Sun Hao did not bother to find an answer. As he practiced more and experienced more, the answer would often come out.

Aside from the problem of power entanglement, Sun Hao began to think about the possibility of taking the black crystal refining magic weapon.

Black crystal is definitely a rare and unconventional material in the virtual world. The magic weapon of refining will also be able to surprise the monks in the virtual world.

Black crystal, according to Zheng Ya’s guess, it is very likely that the dark matter will undergo the absorption and compression of the black hole, and the crystal formed. If this kind of thing becomes a magic weapon, then in the future, there will be incomparable magic and let Unexpected application.

Sun Hao is a great master of refining, but a long time ago, Sun Hao’s craftsmanship was mainly practice-based and rarely used in practice.

The main reason is that Sun Hao's progress is too fast, and he has not found a strong refining material at hand. The magic weapon of refining is easy to be outdated, and Sun Hao has not deliberately pursued it.

Nowadays, the discovery of black crystal makes Sun Hao suddenly express the idea of ​​the refiner. This is a kind of refining material that the monk can not imagine. If he can make rational use, he may refine it for his own use. magic weapon.

Anyway, I have been forgotten in the town. If so, I can just use this time to refine one or two pieces of magic weapons. Is this not a sharpening of the wood?

After some thinking and combining with his own needs, Sun Hao thinks that at present, the magic weapon that he should refine is a shield.

Now, Sun Hao’s magic weapon in attacking hands is not lacking. Fighting sticks and Shen Xiangjian are powerful weapons that can follow Sun Hao’s footsteps and progress with Sun Hao’s progress.

There is also a savage sword, and because of the existence of the fighting stick and the agarwood sword, it is often in an idle state.

Then the attack class is not needed for the time being. In contrast, because the body is repaired to be particularly powerful, the physical defense is extraordinary, so the defensive magic weapon is quite inadequate.

I remember that Sun Hao used a penalized shield. The shield level was a bit low and was destroyed in the battle. So far, Sun Hao’s punishment is not a weapon.

In the memory of the sorcerer's day, there is a very powerful knife and shield, and the sword is dry and the knife and shield are said.

Nowadays, Sun Hao does not have it.

The knife can be replaced by the bucket stick, the stick of the stick is fierce, and the shield is currently lacking. Why not refine a black crystal shield?

The idea was very good, but when Sun Hao really started to refine, he suddenly realized that the situation was a bit wrong.

It also suddenly discovered the root cause of why a physical monk is higher than the virtual shell. The virtual shadowless monk is free to cut, and the freely moving black crystal is actually a virtual shadow, not a real solid crystal.

It seems to have moved a large piece, it seems to cut a large piece, and it is all virtual!

In other words, Sun Hao discovered that there is a big secret in the black hole world. Black crystal is actually two kinds of When the virtual shadow is used to perceive, and when cutting black crystal, the black crystal is illusory. If you want to use the black crystal, it is physical, real.

Moreover, there is still a problem, that is, once the black crystal is used by the virtual image, it basically becomes illusory. If it is to become an entity again, it will take a long time to place it.

Sun Hao tried it a bit, refining a black crystal square shield with his own virtual state, and then using his own state of the golden silkworm to get it. As a result, the golden silkworm moved to the black crystal, and immediately, this black crystal It became a huge, erected, six-sided cylindrical crystal that completely lost its square shield.

In other words, if Sun Hao wants to refine the black crystal square shield, it must be an entity.

After a few months of the normal virtual world, Sun Hao could not find the correct refining technique.

However, in this refinement, Sun Hao finally figured out another secret of the power inside the black hole world.

The power is actually proportional to the volume! This is another law that Sun Hao did not expect.

For example, when the size of the palm is small, only one basin-sized black crystal can be lifted.

When it became the size of the basin, it was able to lift a crystal of a windmill size.

The same is true for Starlight Ice Butterfly. However, Xinghui Ice Butterfly is quite disadvantageous in the power of the black hole world. Because the wings of the ice butterfly are very thin, so the volume needs to be a loss, and the flapping wings can lift. The black crystal is much smaller than the dead gold silkworm.

In this case, the major event of refining the black crystal square shield is mainly undertaken by the ruined gold silkworm.

In the town, Sun Hao sinks his heart, drives his own golden silkworm, wields a pair of huge chees, and begins to refine his magic weapon.

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