Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2738: When Wang Dao is in progress

Wang Dao is often symmetrical with "hegemony": no partiality, no party, no kingdom.

In a very early period, the human sages Mencius first proposed the concept of kingship: the saint became a king, and his rule was king, so it could be said to be "the way of the king." Wang, as the name implies, is the meaning of being high. "Wang Dao" means that the monarch ruled the world with benevolence and righteousness, and used the virtues to appease the rule of the subjects.

Sun Hao’s family education from childhood has its roots in the Confucian doctrine of the human race, and the ancient sages Mencius, the Confucian saint.

Sun Hao, who has practiced hegemony, has decided to practice the kingship. It seems to be a contradictory choice. However, after seriously thinking, Sun Hao feels that hegemony and kingdom are not conflicting in many fields.

When placed in the rule of the world, the kingdom is indeed incompatible with the hegemony.

But when placed in other directions to deal with things, hegemony and kingdom, sometimes, even a degree of difference, is a kind of practice that is in the same vein.

Even the dominance, in fact, hegemony and kingdom, there are also some places where they blend together.

In the dark world, in front, Sun Hao led the Zhazu, Mo Li and Hexu to complete the conquest of the dark world with incomparable posture.

So now, when all races are under their own rule, Sun Hao thinks that perhaps this is a good time to practice the king.

After all, Sun Hao is now the dark world. The first person in the true sense of the death star is the real king. Now, you can indeed understand the process of the whole dark world. Wang Dao's technique.

Sun Hao has come a lot and experienced a lot. In many cases, Sun Hao has climbed to the top of the mainland and has achieved a high-ranking manager. In other words, Sun Hao has no experience in how to rule and how to manage it.

Any management is actually a pyramid-like structure, and no one rule can be done by one person.

The technique of Wang Dao, in fact, first of all, should be his own skill.

A true king, there must be a group of powerful ministers under his command;

Wang Daozhi, the most important thing, should be his own management technique, that is, various laws and regulations issued by himself, various rules, and so on.

After comprehending these things, after familiarizing with the use of these things, your own kingdom should have some higher insights.

This is actually said to be worn, that is, the politics of the king. According to the records of the tribes of the human race, the so-called kingly politics has a typical characteristic, which means that “when it is not against the farm, the valley cannot be eaten; the number does not enter the Dianchi, the fish can not eat too much; the axe into the forest The wood can not be used. The valley and the fish can not be eaten, the wood can not be used, is to make the people's health and death, no regrets. Health and death without regret, the beginning of the king."

The meaning of this sentence is to alleviate the burden of the people and follow the laws of nature. People are full of food and clothing. Although there is no regrets, this is the "king of the king."

It is a large category, consisting of two major parts: one is the most clear social politics; the other is relatively perfect ethics.

However, the Qingming social politics is the main part of the king.

Sun Hao practiced overbearing.

The understanding of overbearing is quite in place.

Now understand Wang Dao, actually has a lot of reference.

It is also interesting to say that the yin and yang avenues that Sun Hao wants to practice need pure yin pure yang with the opposite nature.

This is the two huge contradictions. Sun Hao has come all the way, actually completed the practice of pure Yang and pure Yin. At that time, as long as Sun Hao releases pure Yin and pure Yang at the same time, the understanding of Yinyang Avenue , can achieve a strong understanding.

In fact, in the process of practicing pure Yin and pure Yang, Sun Hao has already had a lot of insights into the yin and yang road. Now, with one chance, he will get a huge upgrade soon.

The current imperialism and the hegemony of Sun Hao's past practice are also a relatively contradictory existence, and also a very contrasting avenue. To complete such a practice, the monk must have a very clear judgment.

Sun Hao began to intervene in the management of the Zhazi and began to build a new order covering the entire dark world.

Into the real practice, Sun Hao's understanding of the king is gradually deepening.

Wang Dao is actually a certain attitude and action taken by people in a certain historical period when dealing with all problems, according to the prevailing human condition and social moral standards, without violating the political and legal systems of the time.

On the other hand, if you are desperate, relying on power, arrogant and arrogant, arrogant and arrogant, it is the so-called overbearing.

After Sun Hao began to take charge of politics, the various races of the dark world, at the beginning, were timid and fearful, fearing that the great demon would be unhappy, come to the shun of me, and against the death of me, and wash the continents.

Who knows, after the real policy came down, the various races in the dark world suddenly discovered that the management of the Great Devils was very humanized, and they treated each race equally and developed a very reasonable and progressive rule and system.

Moreover, the Great Devils convened a consultation conference in an unprecedented way, and after a thorough elaboration and discussion on various laws and systems, this was gradually promulgated and implemented.

Sun Hao’s management of the dark world finally adopted a framework similar to that of the Terran. The Zara people were the core sacred sites, built the Dark Temple, established a scientific and rational policy of recruiting disciples, and convened elites to the various tribes to enter the temple.

Sun Hao personally served as the first lord of the Dark Temple, and Mengla served as the first great elder of the Dark Temple.

The Mo Li and the Hexu people respectively established the Mo Li Dian and the Black Dynasties, and became the two major halls of the Dark Temple, each responsible for the recruitment and cultivation of disciples of certain ethnic groups.

Zhi Mo and Wu Hexu respectively served as the two main divisions, and served as the deputy of the Dark Temple.

Attached to the temple, Sun Hao formed the Sanctuary, spread across all races.

After all the frameworks were in place, Sun Hao began to organize the expansion of the Sanctuary. In the dark world, there were countless black crystals that were not occupied, even farther, and there were powerful dark forces.

The dark temples of the Zhala began to expand. Gradually, the entire dark world was smashed into one in the process of expansion. The races began to blend together, more sites, more resources, and became the Darkness. The peripheral strength of the temple.

I don’t know how many years have passed, and the name of 勐拉里沙 has spread throughout the dark world.

Above the Dark Temple, that side represents Sun Hao's huge black crystal shield shape, which has become a symbol and symbol of the entire dark world.

Under the leadership of Sun Hao, according to the will of Sun Hao, the dark world where Sun Hao is located has also begun to implement a new method of the New Year.

The fire festival became a year, and began to truly connect with the outer virtual world and Sun Hao also under the support and support of the three thousand ethnic groups in the dark world, climbed to the dark Lord, the whole The dark world entered the first year of darkness.

How wide is the dark world, and Sun Hao has not been able to detect the end. The black crystals are clustered and unchanging. If not a physical monk like Sun Hao discovers that black crystal is in the dark world, it is also illusory. .

Under the leadership of Sun Hao, the entire dark world led by the Dark Temple gradually formed an enlightened management system and formed a high degree of political freedom.

Throughout the dark world, it seems to be a song and dance, and there is harmony everywhere.

But in this way, not too many teenagers, just three hundred years of darkness, a huge wave of turmoil broke out in the dark world, more than one race, more than one generation of monks rolled into it.

This is a great movement to fight for more freedom and rights, breaking the inherent framework of rights and trying to subvert the rule of the Dark Temple.

Sun Hao, who advocated the kingdom and the road of benevolence and justice, perceived this movement, did not come out to suppress it in the first time, but was very surprised, and came out to perceive why it would become the current situation.

In conclusion, let Sun Hao laugh at all.

There are many reasons for this massive movement, and the most important aspect of it is actually a policy of its own kindness. Enlightened politics has given the initiators the courage to launch.

After so many years, most monks, especially those of the new generation, have long forgotten the horror of the Great Devil. They are now confidently fighting for more rights within the rules set by Sun Hao. And benefits.

The emergence of such a thing is contrary to the situation, so that Sun Hao suddenly felt a little confused, is Wang Dao not the most benevolent way of governance? Isn't it the politics that should be the most supported? Why are there so many people dissatisfied?

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