Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 709: Contract package

In order to please the small fire, the dark blue is a small gift that has turned over the pattern, and various kinds of gadgets emerge in an endless stream.

Sun Hao is also an eye-opener, a lot of gifts, as the grandson of Jin Dan real people are heart-warming.

However, what moved Sun Hao was that Xiaohu faced so many small gifts, but he did not move at all. He stood firmly on the shoulders of Sun Hao and did not have any intention to act.

In the end, Sun Hao said to the small fire: "Small fire, how, did not see the temptation."

The sound of the small fire came over: "Brother, a small fire follows you, better than anything."

Sun Hao smiled slightly, raised his hand and took a shot, and took a small chapter and slap.

This guy's performance is extremely unbearable, a pair of big eyes smashed round, small mouth only out of Harry, if the dark blue little gift is rushed to him, maybe this time, this guy has already rushed over.

When Sun Hao slammed down, Xiao Zhang Bao Ke looked like he suddenly woke up, and he had a big pair of innocent big eyes, looked at Sun Hao pitifully and began to wave.

The voice of the small fire rang in Sun Hao’s knowledge: "Brother, Xiao Zhang said that he also wants to enter the funeral market with you."

Sun Hao thought that this guy was fascinated by the dark blue gift. Who ever thought that this guy really remembered that he still buried the ruins of the sky, and sure enough, he was not known for his wisdom.

As a king-level sea beast, Xiao Zhang refining the blood of Kang Kang, as long as he finds the opportunity, he can greet the catastrophe.

Compared with the Jindan monk advanced Yuan Yingzhen, the difficulty of the body shape is much greater.

Jin Dan’s advanced Yuan Ying is extremely difficult. With the accumulation of Sun Hao, he needs to do everything possible to find a way, even if he is willing to go into the funeral market to fight for the opportunity.

It can be imagined how difficult it is to shape a small chapter.

The eight-legged variant of the King of the Kings looks very cute, but in fact, the hard work and the enthusiasm of the time when it comes to the advanced opportunity, let Sun Hao be amazed.

In the battle against Kang, in order to be a **** of blood, almost directly fell on the spot.

At this time, Xiao Zhang proposed to bury the market. no doubt. I also want to take the opportunity from the middle.

However, there is a limit on the number of places in the funeral market. Although it is magical, it is estimated that it will be bound by the rules of the funeral market. It's really not necessarily possible to bring people or bring the beast into it.

Sun Hao said to the small fire: "I can only do my best, but the funeral sky is not so good. Even I myself, I am afraid it is not easy to obtain qualifications."

The small fire passed the message.

The small chapter is dancing.

The small fire came over again: "Xiao Zhang said that he has confidence in you."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Even if I can qualify, it is still difficult to bring a small chapter into it."

The small fire turned the words to the small chapter.

The small chapter was a little silent, then. A pair of big eyes showed a firm look, and quickly swayed into the small fire.

Xiaohuo said in Sun Hao’s knowledge: "Brother, Xiaozhang said that he only needs to reach a contract similar to your small fire with your brother. You should be able to take him in."

Sun Hao’s heart is a little glimpse. Immediately thought of the Shenting with the same fate.

The Eight-legged Deformation Overlord Zhang followed Sun Hao, but so far, it is accurate. The small chapter can only be regarded as Sun Hao's follow-up or younger brother, but it is really not the soul of Sun Hao.

It is fundamentally different from a small fire.

The small fire is closely related to Sun Hao’s life, but the chapter is much worse.

Now, the small chapter puts forward the requirements, but Sun Hao needs to carefully consider the benefits and gains.

Relatively speaking, although Xiao Zhang has been with Sun Hao for many years, it is a little worse than a small fire.

Receive? Still not?

Sun Hao stood on the spot and did not make a decision.

In the big eyes of Xiao Zhang, there is a silky expression.

The dark blue kitten hated Xiao Zhang. At this time, he saw Xiao Zhang eating, and he forgot his fear and happily rolled on the ground.

While rolling, I also aimed at the call.

Sun Hao heard the cat call and returned.

God knows how to sweep the shoulders, and Sun Hao’s heart is not moving.

I recalled that Xiao Zhang had followed her own scene.

Over the years, as the overlord of the sea, I can be willing to be ordinary incarnation of small octopus to follow myself. Over the years, I have been sitting in the waters of the crisis for many times in my own cultivation resources. I have been seriously injured several times, but I have never been there. Expressing the willingness to leave.

He gave him the identity of Qingyungang to guard the beast, and he was very happy to dance.

For so many years, has he really just followed his own for the sake of chance?

Thinking about it, Sun Hao’s face showed a smile.

As soon as the face turned, Sun Hao looked at Xiaozhang and smiled on his face. He said solemnly: "Small chapter, I am a special contract with Xiaohuo, but I want to explain that once you are used Similar to the contract, the result is that your life will inevitably be affected by me. If I can't advance, if my life is exhausted, then it will divide your life... You think about it yourself, if you are not afraid Shouyuan is damaged, I am willing to accept your participation."

In fact, Sun Hao is still wondering, he has signed a contract with Xiaohuo, but he still doesn't know if he can sign a small chapter. After signing it, there will be some changes.

Xiao Zhang’s big eyes were full of tears, and the eight feet were slightly bent. On Sun Hao’s shoulder, he hanged down slightly, as if he had worshipped Sun Hao.

Xiaohuo said in Sun Hao’s consciousness: "Brother, Xiaozhang said that he agreed to join, and said that your brother will have a promising future and follow you, but it is the biggest chance for his Zhangsheng. I hope you don't dislike it."

Sun Hao smiled slightly, and his heart began to change. He began to meditate on the same slogan. After several martial arts, his wrists whirl, and a six-pointed star pattern appeared in the air, falling straight on the forehead of Xiao Zhang.

Xiao Zhang did not move, in the big eyes, flashing the sparkling light, quietly waiting for Sun Hao to show his secret skills.

Zhenyuan reminded me, a small flame burst into flames, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out.

Sun Hao screamed: "Deed", the heart of the blood fell on the six-pointed star, rushed into the head of Xiao Zhang.

The small chapter only felt squeaky in his mind, as if there were strange mysteries flowing in his own blood.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea reflected that a small mini octopus gradually formed, a little shorter than the mini fire, floating on the sea.

After half a ring, Sun Hao called in his heart: "How, Xiaozhang, can you hear me?"

Immediately, in Sun Hao’s knowledge, a voice like a boy rang like a cannon.

"Big brother, the big brother of Yingming Shenwu, you finally accepted the small bag, grandly introduce yourself. I am a small bag, a foreskin bag, a big name, big brother, you can call me a small bag, or a bag."

Sun Hao has not spoken yet.

In the consciousness, Xiaohuo has been very surprised to ask: "Small package, I have always been very curious, what is your bad name, why is the surname package, what is the package of the foreskin?"

"This", Xiaozhang bag seems to hesitate a moment, this quickly said: "Package surname, is the greatest surname of my Dazhang family, can be traced back to the age of the ancient times, he said that it can be long... ..."

"Well," Xiaohuo no longer struggled with the surname package, but asked: "Why are you famous?"

"In the big chapter, Ketu means to enter or leave the bottle, or the meaning of Dongfu. Big sister, you know, I am a big family, I like all kinds of utensils. My name is naturally a picture."

"得得", Xiaohuo said in the consciousness of Sun Hao: "I still think that there is any special meaning, what is Ketu, so I can simply call the package into the hole."

Sun Hao...

Xiaozhang Bao Ketu has yelled in Sun Hao’s knowledge: "Big sister, my big sister, can you be subtle?"

Just contacted Sun Hao, the mood is also very good, a lot of small words.

There is also a small fire that can speak directly, and it feels very fresh.

Good guy, two little things, screaming in the sky of Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea.

Sun Hao shook his head and smiled. The gods knew the movement and blocked the exchange of knowledge between the two people. Let them talk and feel that the ear was clear.

After accepting the small bag, Sun Hao sat down and began to analyze all kinds of information about Jin Dan's qualifying war, and hoped to get some inspiration from it.

On the surface, Li Min, the strength of the single-minded is relatively higher, but the real Jindan ranks in the war, the accidental factors are not afraid.

At least, Luo Peng’s feeling for Sun Hao is very strange.

If Luo Peng is really related to the ancient demon, then Luo Peng’s true strength is not so simple.

If this is the case, then the danger of Luo Peng is even above Li Min. Also, after Luo Peng went to the funeral market, will it add a few variables?

Do you want to point out that Luo Peng is not right?

Sun Hao fell into meditation.

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