Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 800: Jin Dan blood

Eight sects rushed to the Han, Jin Danwei Fengming Chaoyang.

Among the Zhaohui, the white ones are one of the most beautiful mountains and the mountains are full of light.

Drive the crane and slap the dust.

Returning to the dust pan on the crane, in the Zhaohui, like a layer of golden light, golden light, a smile, and screamed: "The mainland event, Baizong to the DPRK, Jin Dan blood, hero ranking, there are Please hero."

The hero that has been hanging above the sky slowly floats to the sky that is back to the dust.

Slowly, in the golden light, the hero symbol opened a page.

The Zongmen group battle record turned over and the Jindan qualifying war is about to begin.

"The eight sects of the sect, the forty golden dan, the ranks of the regiment, the survival of the fittest, the twenty golden dan, the arrogant and arrogant," returning to the dusty voice, echoed in the field for a long time: "plus ten people who should be recruited Gaide Yinghao, 30 children ranked Jindan, decided to go out in the top five, and annihilate the Tianxu. First of all, please ask Jindan to come to the blood."

In the sky, a row of ten Jindan monks flew over and they were all outstanding Jindan monks in the South China.

There are many sub-classic gates in the southern continent, and there are no fewer than twenty ancestral gates or families.

However, there are only ten people who receive the heroic characters. It is obvious that there are not many monks who want to meet the requirements of the hero.

What makes Sun Hao more unexpected is that among the ten monks, there are actually three acquaintances.

One-eyed Hao San, Emperor Li Yuncong, and the island owner Ying Xuan Hu, also among the ten, followed the team and slowly flew to the hero.

In the eyes of the flash of light, Sun Hao could not help but think of the years in the South Sea, the swords and swords of those years, the smile smiled on the face.

It’s really a life that doesn’t meet.

I didn't expect to go back to the field and see the old comrades again.

The three followed the big team, and they did not squint and flew to the dust.

In front of the dust, stand under the hero.

Go back to the dust and dagger, and shouted loudly: "Golden Dan points blood, name heroes. Please."

According to legend. The Heavenly Palace hero is the secret treasure of the mainland's air transport. The monk of the blood-stained hero will be the clock of the mainland, which represents its unique identity and status on the mainland, and will be extremely beneficial to the practice of the monk. And can enhance the monk's chance.

The blood-stained hero can be used to create a chance to break the baby.

Ten Jin Dan hearts are stirring. One by one, dripping blood.

Yin Hong’s blood drops and rushes into the hero.

The bright red blood is immersed in the paper. Rapidly expand, then. The blood is scattered and becomes a **** pattern, which is dotted on the paper.

A blood flower. Represents a Golden Dan monk.

Ten Jin Dan, ten blood flowers. Rows of rows, let the heroes add a bit of grandeur.

The blood flowers in the air are different and have different forms. However, the arrangement of the heroes is particularly harmonious and tidy. Just as the Sun Hao must be in the empty tower, the name of the tower will be hanged on the paper.

Ten Jin Dan completed the blood drop.

Going back to the dust, he said: "Jin Dan's essay, hero blood, hero, blood."

The hero flutters in the air and vibrates. Ten blood flowers begin to bloom, the blood is spreading, and the blood is blooming.

After a while, there were ten flowers of different sizes and shapes and colors on the paper.

Moreover, the ten flowers are no longer arranged in a row, but in a flash of light, divided into upper, middle and lower rows on the hero.

The first row, two different flowers.

One resembles an iron sword, and the sword is black, as if there is blood on it.

A shape is like a hot flame, burning in the raging.

The second row, three different flowers.

Other cross-flowers are in the third row.

Among the information, this situation has long been recorded.

The heroes of the Heavenly Palace are **** heroes, with **** flowers, before the battle, the first row.

The records of the classics, the blood of the hero, are divided into four levels, special, first class, second class, third class.

Among them, the third-class is the most common and the minimum requirement. If Jin Dan's blood and blood are not even able to go up, he will automatically lose the qualification for qualifying.

After the ten Golden Dans, one, two, three, etc. were arranged, but there was no heroic blood.

The heroic blood of the special hero is very rare. In the legend, the monk who lives in the blood of the special hero, as long as it does not fall, breaking the Dan baby is a matter of iron nails.

I don’t know if there are any monks in the South China’s mainland, who are in the blood of a certain hero.

Ten Jin Dan respectfully respected the return of the dust mites, and then the body swayed, slowly retreating to the back of the dust, floating in the void, waiting for the beginning of the qualifying war.

At this time, the one-eyed Haosan also had Xuanhu and Li Yuncong together to look at the air, the Qingyun battle boat floating in the distance, before looking at the battle boat, the ragged, jade-faced juvenile monk, nodded slightly, followed Sun Hao said hello.

Sun Hao nodded with a smile, but in his heart, it was a strange feeling.

Heroes, a variety of different flowers, actually gave Sun Hao a familiar feeling.

That is to say, on the heroic character, Jin Dan’s blood is different, but it is also a very strange text.

After sinking his heart, Sun Hao began to interpret and wait for the other monks Jin Dan to blood, and began to translate the thousands of words in his mind.

I don't know why, I saw a row of flowers on the hero.

I think about the tower of the tower in the tower of the towering tower, and the heart of Sun Hao’s heart is not good.

It is reasonable to say that the hero is the top secret of the mainland, and it is the maintenance of the mainland's safety. It is also the mainland's air transport. There should be absolutely no problem.

However, in the heart of Sun Hao, there is still a sense of uneasiness.

If you can recognize the words on the hero, and understand the meaning a little, Sun Hao will feel at ease.

Perhaps, because of the unknown, because of the magic of the hero, Sun Hao felt puzzled and brought anxiety.

After ten Jindan, they went back to Baihuamen in the direction of the dust, and said with aloud: "Please have Baihuamen."

The monks on the battle boat in the Millennium Valley and Wuyuedong have a slight stunned face. It is even more resentful to look at the sword and forge. Because the group battle was expelled, they lost the chance of Jin Dan’s blood. It can be said to be a sword. One hundred forging hands ruined their future.

Sword hundred forged touched the nose, sighed at the bottom of my heart, and wanted to say: "His mother, you hate the wrong person."

Leisurely echoed from the Baihuamen battle boat and came out, like the top ten Jindan monks, forced out the blood and rushed to the heroes above the sky.

Yin Hong’s blood dripping up, and soon formed a blood flower on the hero, bloody, and gradually turned into a white light door.

The alienated light door flashed and went to the first row.

Ranked first.

First place in the first row!

However, there is still a regretful expression on the face of recreation.

His heroic blood was not listed as a Principal and was a bit disappointed.

Behind the dust, he nodded with other Jindan monks, and he turned his eyes to the air battle boat. He thought: "So, will there be a specific hero blood in the South China? Li Min? Bai Forging also has Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, will they be a special hero?"

Huang Daoyuan led Huang Daozong to come to the blood.

The blood of the golden dragon of the emperor's edge was turned into a big seal, and the Kang Leqi was squeezed out, ranking first in the first row.

And his two younger brothers are in the second and third rows.

The heart of the emperor is also a little regrettable, but this matter is determined by Tian Ding, and he is forced to come to the rear of the dusty people and look at it with Kangle. Then, the two will look in the same direction.

After returning to the group, the team lost the fourth place.

However, no one can deny that the individual strength of a monk is the strongest, and the prospect of the monk should be the greatest, that is, he does not know whether Li Min will be classified as a principal.

Going back to the dusty face, even more smiles, looking at the battle of the sect, whispered: "Proud of the world, it is your turn."

Li Min nodded proudly and led Luo Peng and Yi Xiaobai to fly over from the battle.

Seeing the dusty people in the past, the three Jindan real people looked at each other. Li Min said: "Begin, let's come first."

At this moment, Sun Hao’s knowledge has found the corresponding font in the thousands of characters.

To really start comparing translations, I hope that this font can be self-contained with the word.

Otherwise, even if you can recognize the word, it is difficult to read without grammar knowledge.

Yi Xiaobai is the first to come.

There is no surprise Yi Xiaobai is behind the recreation. Usually, after the real person, what is the qualification, can be linked to the repair.

Yi Xiaobai himself had long predicted this, but it was not much disappointment.

Of course, there are exceptions to the matter. Sometimes, high-level heroes do not necessarily have high-level heroic blood, while those who are low-educated do not necessarily have special heroic blood.

The hero character has a special rule. The special hero blood monk can automatically get the qualification to enter the funeral market even if he fails to enter the top five of the mainland.

I don’t know if there are any heroes in this group of disciples in the South China.

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