Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 808: Dainichi

The raging sun is like a fire, and the big day is beautiful.

There is no cloud in the air, there is a hot sun on the top of the head, there is no wind, the sun shines on the body, it seems to be cooked, the grass underneath is languid, can not stand the blazing roast, hanging his head.

Sun Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw that it seemed to be swayed by the big sun, and his heart could not help but move.

Recreation has a white jade flute and a pair of white gloves.

The white light emitted by the glove is very similar to the current environment.

In other words, such an extreme big day environment should be very beneficial to the health and fitness.

Leisurely condensed and stood up, his face swayed with a burst of smiles. Sure enough, in such an environment, he could play a 12-point battle, and Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang could have a few battles?

Confidence in the heart, Kang Lei shocked the waist jade card, inducted the direction, striding out, the sun, like a fish, like a spring breeze, very incomparable, spurt away.

The waist jade card is specially designed for Jindan's qualifying war. It can make the monk out of the battlefield when it is not in the enemy. At the same time, in the battlefield, it also has the ability to guide the general direction of the monk.

Otherwise, the battlefield is too big, and the two monks can’t touch it. Isn’t it a joke?

Sun Hao sat in the air with his knees, urging a small flame, licking the nerves, and feeling a little better when he was cooked.

Carefully feeling the big sky and feeling the surrounding environment, Sun Hao began to adjust himself.

Day, but also Yangyang fine, pure yang.

The small flame is a fire attribute, although it is not pure yang, but. There are also attributes of yang. Sun Hao felt a little. In such an environment, the real attribute of his own wood property has been suppressed, and the Jianqi is basically flat, while the Yanlong Jiudianzhenyuan has a slight increase.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao's heart moved, scattered to protect the body suffocating and Yan Long Jiu Duan Zhen Yuan, let the sun shine on his body, but driven the proud of the gods 罡 罡 炼 炼 炼 炼 炼 炼 般 般 般 般.

Sunshine sun is quickly inhaled into the body. Immediately, Sun Hao had a heavy burning sensation, and it felt like there was a burst of blue smoke on his body.

Do not dare to neglect, touch a piece of physical strength source into the mouth, quickly drive the drug, with the Aoyu refining body exercises to polish the body.

By chance, Sun Hao’s method of refining has been progressing rapidly, and it is already on the verge of Dacheng.

The extreme solar environment is just a matter of cultivation.

Of course, the gods are completely free. Keep an eye on the surroundings, but here is the battlefield. Recreation may come at any time, but it can't be sloppy.

The two-column incense kungfu flew past.

Sun Hao, sitting cross-legged, slammed his eyes and stood up, looking forward.

In the sunlight, a group of white light, like another small sun, the small sun that bloomed in the white hot sun quickly rushed over to Sun Hao.

The faster the rush, the brighter the sun, the more flaming, and the laughter from the inside of the singer: "The big day is beautiful, whoever I am, Aquilaria takes over."

The huge light energy almost illuminates the glare of Sun Hao's eyes and instantly blindness.

In the sky, it seems like a viscous beam of light that burns like a glass, attacking Sun Hao.

Sun Hao strode a step, his body swayed, and eight figures appeared and went around.

The big day beam is divided into eight, and it is chasing after it.

The seven figures were spurred by the ray of light, and instantly turned into nothingness. Together with the vast mountains and forests under the shadows, the hills were instantly turned into gas and turned into nothingness under the big sun.

On the big day of Huanghuang, Lieyang burned everything.

Instantly high temperature, let the bottom turn into a white flame and burn out.

Sun Hao’s body was also caught up in the sky with a strong and powerful sun.

The body guards blocked the first gear, as if there was a burst of blue smoke, and then the gods shrank and disappeared.

Sun Hao’s body is covered with a touch of golden light.

In a hurry, a piece of physical strength cream was stuffed into his mouth, and Sun Hao flew back with a beam of light.

The blue smoke burst out from the body, a lot of golden skin, slowly, like the metal being grilled, began to black.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly relieved.

The two-layer defense of the gods and the refining technique has finally resisted the great day of the light, and there has not been a phenomenon of direct melting. Otherwise, Sun Hao cannot rely on the recreation of the gods, but only the full force. Defence, strong expulsion of recreation.

Now, try to use the great day of the sun to temper the body.

It is rare for someone to help with the refining, but Sun Hao will not miss such an opportunity.

Da Ri Shen Yan was blocked by Sun Hao, and he was not discouraged by happiness. Haha laughed: "Agarwood, I don't know if you can stop me from attacking a few times, hahaha, I hope that Shen Xiang will not be completely replaced by me, become the second. A fallen top monk."

Sun Hao’s face was slightly condensed, his body was slightly faint, and his mouth whispered: “While Kang’s brother came over and see if I can stand it.”

Leisurely, his hands jerked upwards, and his hands with white gloves made a lifting act in the air. With this movement, there was a basin-sized, white-light, glareous light group between the hands.

With both hands in the air, I will laugh forward and laugh: "Agarwood, pick me up."

The light group is like a sun thrown out, spinning and dancing, and Chong Sunhao smashed down.

Wherever you go, like a meteor, drag a long flame tail.

The leisure of the small sun took off, and a stepping glimpse in the air. Then, aiming at Sun Hao began to throw a punch.

Without a blow, the white gloves were a rush, rushing out of a white light and shadow punch, rushing to Sun Hao.

Leisure's attack speed is extremely fast, and the moment is hard. The little sun has not yet attacked Sun Hao. Later, more than 20 punches have been rushed over.

Above the sky, in an instant, Sun Hao seems to become a live target, bursting into a fist, intertwined into a network, in all directions, shrouded Sun Hao.

I screamed: "It’s good."

Sun Hao’s faint golden light flashed, then the masculine purity, and the anger was rushing from Sun Hao’s body.

In the great day of Huanghuang, Sun Hao’s strong sunshine is a strong, unique and temperament from the inner fortitude.

Leisure was surprised to feel that Sun Hao’s justice, courage, determination and determination were strong; he felt a courage to dare to be first and never to lose.

In the environment of the great day, the zen yang of the eight-style view of the sea, the moment has also increased, Sun Hao body, the sun is strong.

Sun Hao step by step, striding in the air, big open, big and small, between the advance and retreat, just fiercely cast a burst of punches against the air strikes.

A strip of true dragons rushed out with Sun Hao's Asahi masculine, and the monk snarled in the sound, shaking his head and swaying toward the sky, falling layers of white light.

Rumble, rumbling.

Above the sky, there was a huge explosion of explosions.

Picking up the ripples after the explosion.

The air is over, the space seems to be burning, the mountains and trees are cut off by the waves.

Leisurely, his arms were on display, and his hands crossed in front of each other. A white light shield appeared in the air, blocking the waves from the impact.

However, Sun Hao was greatly inferior. The explosion of the turbulent waves, and the small sun that could not be completely defeated, drowned Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's body glitters golden light, among the waves, the heat of the small sun's heat, a golden mountain, undulating, and bears a series of attacks, like the ball is far away.

With his hands closed, he retracted his front light shield and looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao took a big step in the air, and took the mountain to catch up with the moon. He stepped from the air and the sky, and his body slammed into the sky, shaking off the dust and shaking off a piece of Mars.

At this time, Sun Hao, the hair must have been burnt, the upper body vestment has been burned and burned, the image is not good, it can even be said to be worse.

A little black face on the a pair of Langmu is still stunned, and his mouth screamed: "A good move is a big day, Huang Shen, Shen Xiang taught."

In the voice, in the scorching sun, still standing on the burning flame, slowly stepping forward, set the starting style of the sun masculine.

Although the shape is a little embarrassing, but the masculine volatility of the body, stretched out the right hand, slowly swaying to the recreation, indicating the other party to come again.

Although the image is not very good, but the combat power is not damaged.

Leisure's brows are slightly wrinkled, and the heart says that the monks who are ranked high are not simple. It seems that even if the environment is extremely beneficial to them, it must be a protracted war.

One leg left and right, Kangle’s palms are slowly swiping in front of the body. With the movement of the hands, another round of the sun begins to shine.

Sun Hao’s body sinks slightly, and it seems that there is a real dragon shadow on his body. (To be continued.)



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