Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 809: Repeated battle

Although I don't know the specific situation of the battlefield, I can still judge the basic types of battlefields through some features of the sky.

The whiteness of the peak of the peak, under the hero, the space of Zhang Xu is like a glare, standing inside the dojo to see the feeling of blindness to the battlefield.

On the face of Bai Huamen Yuan Yingzhen, there was a smile.

There is no doubt that such an environment will be extremely beneficial to recreation.

In the case of a small difference in strength, there is no doubt that the battlefield environment will have a huge impact on the outcome of the battle.

Xuanyuan Yaqin looked calm.

Xuanyuan red is confused, and his mouth does not stop. The cloud yew is still in a coma, and there is no expression on Daewoo’s face, sitting cross-legged.

Compared with the relaxed expression of the Baihuamen monks, the monks know that the battlefield is afraid of the great disadvantage of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

The basic conclusion is that recreation will have a bigger win.

What the final result will be, but no one is sure.

One day passed quickly.

There is still a strong light in the battlefield. From time to time, it seems that I can still see the screaming and shaking, showing that the two are fighting.

As the battle progressed, the look of the white monk's face was more relaxed.

In such a favorable environment, the longer the time, the more the recreation, the more advantage it can take, and the more the Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang suffers.

As long as the recreation can take over the assault of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang at the beginning, and stabilize the battle, and then by the power of the environment, the mill can also kill Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

Recreation is full of battles, and the combat experience is very rich. The truth is true, and he naturally wants to understand.

During the day, it seems that Recreation has been active, and has launched a tidal attack on Sun Hao again and again, but in fact, he always has spare time, even in the dark. In order to make a sudden shot at a critical moment, and hit Sun Hao.

One day, Sun Hao’s vestment was completely burned, revealing a strong golden muscle that was burnt out of black spots.

The lower body vestment is under the protection of Sun Hao. It is only the key parts are better, and the pants and clouds are also burned out.

What has to be sent is also burned out.

Sun Hao is barefoot, bald, standing in the air. However, on the slightly black face, a pair of bright eyes are still sacred, full of spirit and high morale.

Opening and closing, each time is full of masculinity, and resisting the golden light of recreation, although it falls completely under the wind, but the actual damage suffered is not big, the combat power is still.

One day down. The two men attacked each other, and the war continued. The surrounding mountains and rivers were completely smashed into flat land, and the ground was cut off layer by layer.

Leisure has also to admire Sun Hao's tenacity and fighting spirit.

Many times, Sun Hao was directly hit by his little sun, drowned in the sea of ​​fire, Sun Hao's body, there have been many burns, many places have become black.

But even so. Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is still fighting with enthusiasm, opening a big match, walking the dragon, and being full of energy. In the momentum, there is no wind.

As the battle continued, the face of the recreation gradually revealed a smile.

And Sun Hao’s face is calm as water.

Leisure is clearly aware of it, one day down. I have already caused a lot of damage to Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, hurting the accumulation of sand into towers, and accumulating, the effect is not weak.

Although Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is still high in fighting spirit, it is obvious that the movement is not as agile as it was a day ago, and the probability of being hit by his own little sun is growing.

Recreation has reason to believe that it may be in the next blow, and he can directly destroy the defense of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang and win the final victory.

The eyes are shining, and Sun Hao is calm, but his heart is still full of joy.

The great day of Huang Huang, its fierce yang, it really has great help to Sun Hao's refining.

After a day of handling, the proud and sacred body of the sacred body completely digested a piece of physical source cream.

Although the body is burnt in many places, it is gestating to generate new energy in the burn.

Among the spine, the silvery white spinal cord began to be dyed with a touch of gold, which is the performance of the golden warfare.

Recreation continues to temper, and maybe you can get a small step in the battlefield.

On his face, his smile floated up, his wrists twitched, and a white door appeared in the air, his hands were stroked again, and the white boxing with his hands in front of him formed another round of small sun.

Sun Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, his hands slowly opened, his body showed a pale golden light and if there was no red, and the arms were above, as if there was a real dragon to swim, from time to time, a few faucet.

Recreation has a small door in front of him.

The small door is very small, only one foot high, half a foot in size, facing Sun Hao, the small door opens.

Leisurely, his mouth sighed and said: "Agarwood, look at the trick."

With one hand, the small sun in front of him was pushed out and pushed into the small white door.

The small sun body seems to be much larger than the small door, so the sense is that the little sun is pressed into the light door by the recreation.

The one pressed and the other spouted.

Moreover, as if the water pipe was caught in the exit, the small sun was squeezed into a glare, glaring glare, and spurred Sun Hao.

The white door, which filters the sun, filters in a way that Sun Hao can't understand, strengthens and instantly speeds up the beam.

It was almost an instant effort and the light beam came over.

With Sun Hao’s knowledge and eyesight, it’s too late to dodge. He can only stagger his vital parts between the electric and the flint.


Such as the defeat of the leather.

Sun Hao only felt a pain in his right shoulder.

The gods swept away, and the right shoulder was already run through, and there was a hole in the size of the copper coin.

The beam of light runs through Sun Hao and shoots straight into a mountain. It passes through the mountain and leaves a small hole and disappears into the distance.

The right shoulder was injured, and there was a severe pain. Moreover, what surprised Sun Hao was that the wound on the right shoulder seemed to be calcined at a high temperature. A large piece of flesh and blood was necrotic, and the physical regenerative ability of Sun Hao’s golden body was strong. After a while, it will not recover.

On the face of his leisure, his smile was even worse. He said in a faint voice: "How is it that Aloes is not going to leave?"

Sun Hao's eyes narrowed, and his face was blackened, revealing a ugly smile, but his tone was steady and firm and said: "Who is the deer who has died, I don't know yet, Kang brother can't be too proud."

"is it?"

Leisure smiled even more on his face, and he said in his mouth: "In this case, Agarwood will blame me for being rude."

In the voice of the voice, he waved his fists and continually waved a boxing shadow.

The fist shadow flew into the white door, and then turned into a small condensed beam, attacking Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's eyes narrowed, his body swayed in the air, an egg shell appeared on the surface of the body, and a layer of crimson armor appeared in the egg shell.

The punching and punching of the beam, whether it is power or speed, is much worse than the beam formed by the small sun.

Sun Hao had been on alert for a long time, but he erected the defensive cover in time.

After the recreation of the light gate, the fist shadow is good, the little sun is good, the attack is filtered and condensed, and it becomes sharp and sharp. Undoubtedly, it is extremely unfavorable. Sun Hao cultivates the proud and sacred hegemony. At this time, It is not good to take hard resistance, Sun Hao began to fully support the defense.

The beam of the fist shadow is weaker, but the number is very large.

Puff puff……

In the light door, the beam was continuously sprayed and attacked Sun Hao.

On the fire shield of Sun Hao, a series of creaking sounds, and then a small hole appeared, like a leaking balloon, how long it could not last, and instantly broke.

Between Sun Hao’s knowledge and movement, a layer of egg-shell-like fire shields quickly and like a scorpion.

However, the beam penetration ability is extremely strong, and the speed is extremely fast. It quickly passes through the layers of the Aegis of Fire and attacks the Sunon's bodyguards.

Puff puff……

After a series of sounds, the five-inch **** disappeared, and the light beam hit the body of Sun Hao's pale gold.

Sun Hao’s body was hit by a series of beam attacks, and he could not help but retreat.

Blood Splash, Flame Splash, and Leisure's series of fists ended. After Sun Hao snorted, he stood firmly in the air, and the body was already surrounded by fire. Fire Aegis was attacked, automatic sputtering The flame will form a sea of ​​fire around Sun Hao’s body.

The sea of ​​fire blocked the sight of recreation, but in the knowledge of God, Sun Hao’s state was not very good. There were many large wounds on his body, and blood was coming out.

After the light beam was blocked by Sun Hao's sacred Aegis and the guardian spirit, the power fell and could not kill Sun Hao, but Sun Hao was never relaxed.

Leisurely smiled on his face.

Hands slowly pull in the air, another round of small sun molding, hands pushed forward, the small sun pushed into the small door.

Sun Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the body shook slightly in the sea of ​​fire.

The legs were slightly bent, the hands were eyebrows, the whole body was stunned, and there was a long scream in the mouth. In the long whistling sound, the fists and shadows were interlaced, turned into a male lion in the air, shaking his head and swaying, and attacking the small door very quickly.

Want to destroy the door? Leisure is a sun, aloes, you are afraid to be disappointed. (To be continued.)

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