Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Gold Dacheng

The lion violently hit.

Turned into a male lion, rushing to the small door of the ruler, at the same time, Sun Hao's hands raised, a lifelike flamingo appeared on his head, his wings spread, burning flames, rushing to recreation.

The smile on his face is still the same.

The speed of both hands jerked faster, and the little sun pushed into the small door.

When the small door spits, the beam of speed is so fast that it is sprayed out.

Like running through the thin paper, the light beam runs through the lion's shadow, and then runs through the fire sea in front of Sun Hao. It runs through the fire shield of Sun Hao, and defeats the guardian **** in front of Sun Hao. Sun Hao, in Sun Hao, formed a large burst of blazing flame. Hula, drowning Sun Hao.

Although the beam is strong, after a series of blocking, it did not directly penetrate Sun Hao’s body as the first time, but attacked Sun Hao, turned into a light fire, and began to burn Sun Hao.

In an instant, Sun Hao has become a burning human figure.

In the fire, Sun Hao shouted in the sky, his hands violently waving, as if to dispel the flames, but the effect was not good.

The light fire is like a self-tracking, and it is firmly attached to Sun Hao. Even if Sun Hao jumps up and down, it still burns.

Together with the flame formed by Sun Hao's own flame Aegis spatter, in the sky, under the scorching sun, a large piece of fire is formed, and Sun Hao is trapped in the sea of ​​fire.

Leisurely, his heart is stunned, no longer reminding Sun Hao to quit. Behind the small door, he pulled the posture and attacked a boxing shadow.

The small door filters to form a beam of light, and does not stop, and mercilessly shoots Sun Hao, who is struggling in the air.

In the midst of the fire, Sun Hao’s knowledge is always concerned about the situation.

Although it was calcined by the fire, it was still strong against the Aegis of Fire and defended the beam of the attack.

The layers of the sacred Aegis were broken and the fire was more prosperous.

The fistprint beam was intercepted by the Aegis of Fire, and was blocked by the guardian of the body. It was once again turned into a raging fire, and it was attached to Sun Hao and calcined.

He sighed: "How long can you support?"

Recreation does not stop for a moment. Attack a boxing shadow beam.

Every once in a while, I pulled out a small sun and poured it in.

Sun Hao is trapped in the sea of ​​fire and seems to be struggling in the sea of ​​fire. But it has never been confessed.

Tenaciously, use various means to reduce the attack damage of the beam.

However, the fire is burning more and more.

In the air, Sun Hao’s figure has been completely submerged in the fire.

Leisure also does not believe it, so the sun is really hot. Will not cook Sun Hao.

Kangle believes that when Sun Hao finally can't stand it, when he can, he can withdraw from the battlefield in time. It is really not necessary. If possible, Kangle does not mind killing Sun Hao directly in the battlefield.

The attack continued for a moment, and the recreation broke out with full force, and it was necessary to leave Sun Hao in the battlefield.

Among the fires, Sun Hao’s eyes were low. Pride of the gods, the law of the sacred body, and the likes of the dragons are carried to the extreme, and the mouth contains a piece of physical source cream, the strength of the majestic, combined with the practice of the body, turned into a pure energy, with With the burning of the hot sun, I will continue to temper Sun Hao’s body.

On the surface of Sun Hao's body, the burn seems to be getting more and more serious, and the skin seems to be cracked and black. The whole person does not seem to be adult.

However, Sun Hao’s body is undergoing qualitative changes.

The spinal cord turns from white to gold, and the golden spinal fluid also dyes the spine into a faint golden color.

The blood is also covered with a layer of golden light and muscles. It is even more golden, and Baoguang is shining.

Firmly, in the flames of the Great Day, Sun Hao insisted on more than three hours.

With the progress of the refining of the body, the golden battle body is in the forefront, and Sun Hao naturally weakens the resistance a little. The pressure on your body is getting bigger and bigger.

In the performance of Kang Le, it is that Sun Hao’s resistance is getting weaker and weaker and is nearing collapse.

The smile on the face of Kangle is getting more and more prosperous, and the victory is close at hand. It is very likely that it will be in the next moment.

In the heart of Sun Hao, the small flames screamed and burned, the flames became more and more prosperous, and the stone tires and Mudan “嘭嘭” began to beat with the rhythm of the heart.

Every time the beating, the golden blood travels with the vigorous energy to travel around the body.

Among the muscles, among the bones and bones, among the veins, the faint golden color gradually becomes deeper, and the energy contained in the deep sea is generally hidden, ready to be sent, and the thicker and thicker.

Always low-hanging eyes, seemingly resisting the sun burning in the hot sun, Hao Hao, suddenly raised his head from the fire.

Among the eyes, the flashing silk is golden.

Through the flame, I saw a look at it.

Leisurely, suddenly a cold war, as if he had been stared at by the beast, immediately, shaking his head slightly, but the battle of the beasts, how can you still be yourself?

Jinguang flashed, Sun Hao headed an ang, and shouted in the sky.

In the long whistle, he rushed out from the flames.

Lieyang really wants to chase after him, calcining Sun Hao, but Sun Hao’s body suddenly slammed, and suddenly he was a golden light, and he became a golden **** of war.

The prestige is sturdy, the golden light is dazzling, and the yang of the yang is eclipsed in the golden light, and it is impossible to get close.

The body shook in the air and screamed in his mouth: "Drink."

The layers are dark and black, like the layer of burnt skin shakes off, and Sun Hao has a golden skin like pure gold.

The wrist was swayed, and a set of vestments were put on the body.

Looking at Sun Hao, the same golden **** of war, is very bad feeling in his heart. It is not a good thing to look at such a vision.

At this moment, recreation is puzzling. At the moment, Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang are still crumbling under their own calcination, but immediately, will there be such a change? At this time, Sun Hao, where is the previous passive beating?

Leisure is a little confused.

Sun Hao has already smiled and said with aloud: "Thank you for helping me to refine my body. Now, is Kang brother automatically leaving the battlefield?"

Kangle immediately understood and co-authored that Sun Hao had been taking his own big day.

The face was a bit bitter, and his hands were arched, and there was a burst of white light on the glove. He shook his face with Sun Hao in the distance, and said in a faint voice: "You still have to teach Aquilaria."

On the raging fire, Sun Hao was golden and bright, and he exclaimed: "In this case, Kang brother pays attention."

Stride through the stars, chasing stars and catching the moon.

Sun Hao stepped forward, with a golden light, crossed a golden silk thread from the air and attacked.

Left and right fists, like two golden dragons, one left and one right, hovering and flying, attacking the leisure.

Leisurely, his eyes shrink, do not dare to neglect, pull the hands up and down, pull out a small sun, the small sun into the Baihua door, rushed out a beam of strong light, shot to Sun Hao.

He still doesn't believe it, and Sun Hao can only block his own beam of light by the flesh.

Sun Hao flashed his white light on his chest.

The beam hits Sun Hao's chest accurately.

"嘭", a loud sound, Sun Hao seems to have something crushed on his chest.

At the same time, however, Leisure found with horror that the white beam has been reflected very quickly and back.

Kang Leqi just judged that the instrument in front of Sun Hao’s chest was a strange mirror. The Baihua Gate in front of him had slammed and ignited a burst of blue smoke. On the white threshold, a black hole was burned. If the beam is weak after the mirror is reflected, it may directly destroy its magic weapon.

Sun Hao’s body shook a little, a little bit, and then Jin Guang’s masterpiece, striding forward, forcing him to withstand the light beam from the white light of Kangle’s boxing, and grabbed Baihuamen with his hands.

Leisure was shocked in his heart, and his mouth was sighing, trying to close the magic weapon.

Sun Hao’s hands were full of strength, and Baihua’s door was firmly held and could not move.

Leisurely in his heart, he sighed and wanted to urge Baihuamen to blew himself.

However, Sun Hao has already screamed: "Give me."

Pull the door with your Pull on both sides.

In the heart of the leisure, Baihuamen is a fine iron casting in the Wannian period. The whole door is completely integrated, and there is a good place in it. It is not so good.

However, he did not wait for him to detonate.

Bai Huamen has already slammed a crack in his horrified eyes. Then, two golden dragons are attached to the Baihua Gate, and they are left and right.

Leisurely, it was sullen, blood appeared in the corner of his mouth, his heart was big, his strength was strong, and his body was regressing.

Sun Hao's eyes flashed golden, and the dark channel said: "Good", the golden battle body is great, Sun Hao body, the power of the real dragon is almost doubled, and the strength of the thousand is no longer an illusion.

Moreover, the true dragon of Sun Hao Bo, has produced a golden faucet, super destructive power, and the purity of purity has increased again.

When I first appeared, I broke my white door, and it worked well.

The heart turned to mind, Sun Hao did not stop on his hands, and both palms went forward and grabbed the joy. (To be continued.)

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