Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Top 10 rankings

The golden warfare is great, and the single body is in the flesh. Sun Hao already has the ability to fight with Yuan Yingzhen.

The speed and ability of the flesh is far from being comparable to recreation.

Leisurely flew back, but escaped the pursuit of Sun Hao.

In the sky, the white light flashed, and the recreation has just withdrawn from the distance of three or four feet. Sun Hao’s golden glitter is chasing and killing. The two palms are unreasonable, and they are not afraid of the attacking ability of the clean white boxing gloves. They are arrested arbitrarily. come.

Leisure and his fists waved, each punch flew out a white brilliance, trying to repel Sun Hao's palms.

However, in the face of absolute strength, any flower and embroidery legs have no effect.

Sun Hao’s hands flashed with gold, and he has firmly grasped his arms.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and his arms were lifted in one fell swoop. Leisure was involuntarily lifted by Sun Hao.

It seems that there are two golden dragons circling out from Sun Hao’s hands, and the circle is wrapped around the body. The huge force is like a golden hoop, so that it can’t move.

Forced straight into the body, there is a feeling that the spirit is also restricted.

Leisurely, his heart screamed and his legs jerked, trying to get out of Sun Hao’s hands, but it was only in vain.

The arms are like iron tongs, and the recreation is like a small bug, which is firmly clamped and cannot move.

Even the waist jade brand can not find a chance to be destroyed.

For a moment, there was a sorrow in the heart of Kangle, and there was a flash of thought. Do you want to fall?

A hundred years of hard work, a trick is not careful.

Sad in my heart, my eyes are desperate.

Sun Hao’s heart sighed slightly, and his hands were torn apart.

Leisure has a painful pain in his arms, blood spatter, head dizzy, black eyes.

Recreation has once again set the mind and found that he has already appeared in a field.

The dusty man quickly pointed a few fingers on himself...

Then, the violent pain rushed from his arms, and he embraced his arms and wished to be grateful to go to the master. But suddenly found that his arms have been missing, empty.

Look at the shoulders on both sides, the broken arm. Bloodstained.

The arms have been broken by Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang directly.

However, fortunately, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang left the line and did not directly tear himself into two halves.

Just the moment, between life and death. The feeling of recreation is very obvious. If Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang are willing, at this time, he has absolutely disappeared into the battlefield.

On the white battle boat of Baihuamen, Yuan Yingzhengjun shouted: "Le Qi, are you okay?"

Leisure looked up and looked at it. His face was bitter and bitter, and his body slammed down: "Uncle Shi, the disciple is incompetent, and he is not good enough to disappoint Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, so that Shi Shu is disappointed."

Originally thought that the environment is conducive to recreation. Recreation will have the upper hand, but the result is that Kangle’s arms were folded and expelled, and his heart was slightly disappointed.

But look at Kangle's broken arm, Baihuamen Zhenjun's face is a little angry, or openly comforted: "Let's be alive, happy, have you tried your best, hey, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang. But it is good means."

On his face, there was a smile on his face: "Uncle Shi, Le Qi’s art is not refined, but it is a resentment, if it is not. If it is not Shen Xiang’s mercy, Le Qi can’t come out at this time.”

Baihuamen Zhenjun slightly stunned, his face looked a little slow, nodded slightly: "It turns out."

At this time, a musk time has arrived.

The hero symbol shines, and a green shirt. A bald-headed Sun Hao stood upright below the hero.

His face smiled slightly, his wrists and his hand waved, and his broken arms were thrown over, and his mouth said, "Kang brother went on."

On the face of Recreation, there is a silky expression of joy, and the difficulty of reattaching the broken arm is much smaller than that of the broken arm. With a broken arm in hand, you can recover as you can in a few days.

The gods moved, a pair of broken arms stopped in front of them, the real yuan stirred up, and they took the broken arm and flew straight into the air.

On the heroic character, the radiant masterpiece, Sun Hao’s name flashed, jumped to the top five, and advanced to the next round.

The name of Recreation is dimmed.

Sun Hao slowly bowed to the dust-off person, and he stood freely behind him.

Looks like glory and shame.

However, in the heart, Sun Hao also has an inexplicable excitement.

The elimination of recreation and advancement into the top five means that Sun Hao has obtained the qualification to enter the funeral market.

Perhaps there will be an unexpected huge crisis in the funeral of the sky market, but there is no doubt that there will be a huge opportunity within the funeral market.

Mainland monks, breaking Dan's baby is very difficult.

If he is practicing step by step, Sun Hao does not know that he still needs hundreds of years to climb to the height that can break the baby. Perhaps he still has to work hard to find the chance, so that there is a trace of the top peak of this monk.

There is no doubt that the dangerous burial sky market is a huge opportunity for Sun Hao.

On the Qingyun battle boat, Xuanyuan Yaqin's face showed a bright smile.

Sun Hao stepped into the top five and entered the funeral market. As long as he can come back alive and get some points from the funeral market, the overall ranking of Qingyunmen in the South China will not be too low.

Of course, at the same time of happiness, Xuanyuan Yaqin is also a little worried about it. I hope that in the cemetery, Sun Hao will not have problems. Otherwise, the loss of Qingyunmen will be great.

Looking at Xuanyuanhong, Xuanyuan Yaqin sighed softly, and the burial of the market was so dangerous, Xiaohong did not go.

Agarwood may have considered the danger of burying the market, which made Xiaohong think of ways to cover up the heroes and lower the blood level.

Sun Hao returned to the top five.

At this point, the top five in the southern continent, all the five monks who had entered the funeral market were all present.

Li Min, Luo Peng, Du Yi, Jian Bai Forging, Sun Hao.

The five big names stand side by side on the heroes, glittering.

The dusty man said to the heroic character, and said with aloud: "The hero is in place, the top five are standing side by side, congratulations to you."

Within one field, on top of the battle boat, the monks greeted each other with a high voice: "Congratulations to five real people."

On the hero, it radiates golden light and shines on five monks.

Xiaguang Wanzhang, proudly standing in the air, Li Min took the lead, the five people sighed slightly, and said loudly: "Thank you for your friends."

Going to the dusty hands, he said, "Before the top five rankings, the first six to tenth rankings."

After that, the eyes swept the monk in the field, and the brow could not help but wrinkle.

Among the six to tenth, the emperor's fate fell directly in the hands of Luo Peng, the cloud yew fainted, and the leisurely folded his arms.

The state is still good, there are only one eye and three in the pocket.

After the dust-off people announced that they had played against each other, they did not wait for the hero to generate the battlefield. One-eyed Haosan had said aloud: "I admit defeat."

Returning to the predecessor, I knew this, and nodded slightly, and immediately announced the sixth to tenth ranking.

In the sixth pocket, the seventh one-eyed Hao San, the eighth recreation, and the ninth cloud yew.

The tenth blank.

The emperor's edge has fallen, but it will not add tenth. If it is empty, it will be empty.

The top ten will have Zongmen qualifying points, the difference is different.

Even the fallen royal road, added a little points to Huang Daozong.

Huang Daozong and Bai Huamen were also wiped out by the whole army. The qualifying war came to an end. However, the scores obtained by the two were not low, but they would not be squeezed into the top eight.

The last Wuyue Cave in the rankings has been squeezed by the Emperor.

One-eyed Hao San faces a burst of red light, and the heart is very comfortable, eating honey sweet.

Agarwood is his own lucky star.

It’s so good to have agarwood, and everything can be thought of. After that, I can see if the blue boss can advance to Yuan Ying. Otherwise, I can’t stay in the top eight for a long time.

The sixth to tenth rankings are exceptionally simple.

Get it done soon.

The dusty man turned his eyes to the air and looked at the Jindan real person in the top five. He smiled and said: "The five real people are the real heroes of the South China, the arrogance, the battle of qualifying, but there is no tolerance, battle. Law, ranking rules, but it has to be changed."

Luo Peng and Li Min chose to participate in Jin Dan's ranking, occupying the top five places.

The top five of the continents are truly the treasures of the continents and the elites of the elite.

There is no substitute for the entrance to the ruins of the Tianxu market. That is to say, the top five in the South Chinadom cannot be lost.

If it is still like the front, the battlefield is generated by the hero, and if you play against it, what will happen is really hard to say.

Therefore, the top five rankings in the southern continent, the tactics and rules are all changed.

Quite simply, the top five are no longer killing and killing.

Do not touch, turn to the mouth.

It is for the debate.

Going back to the field, the bells are melodious, and Jin Dan is on the battle.

Returning to the dust, the dust in the air, a futon, a program desk, braving the heat, floating in the scent of the tea set, flew up, stopped between the field and the hero.

Going back to the dust, he said: "There is a real person, Jin Dan is on the fairy." (To be continued.)



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