Nine Cents Refining

: Shenguang Fifty Plus

Bo Yao also has a light, ha, I don’t know how many great gods can there be in the end?

The glory of Bo Yao needs everyone to maintain together. The achievements of Jiu Lian need the verification of Shenguang.

Along the way, I don’t know that there are those readers who have accompanied the Bo Yaofeng all the way from beginning to end, and those who have accompanied the nine refining thorns and waves.

The light of the Great God should be the best proof.

Waiting for your arrival.

Subscribe to Jiu Lian's book friends, full of 500 chapters, you can go and collect.

If it is a jump, you can go back and fill the missing chapter. Had the light of the gods is 50, and Bo Yao will add a chapter.

In addition, the book review area has the top posts of the moderator Gaia, and the book friends who received the light of the Great God went to the Bo Yao to support it.

The monthly ticket is full of 1400, and today's 3 is more. The recommended ticket needs to be a little stronger. If you rush to 3000 today, you can add another chapter tomorrow. (To be continued.)



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