Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Sun Hao is stunned

The temple of the sea has always been mysterious, and the position of the mainland is also neutral.

The status is undoubtedly high.

However, the four gods will actually visit the Qingyunmen Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

Look at the mainland rankings of Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, good guy, 94th.

However, for the gods of the sea temple, who would not visit, but only visit him?

Isn’t there anything wrong with Sun Sun’s agarwood?

Very powerful? Or is it a very broad friend?

Did not wait for the right way elites to understand this problem.

More ridiculous things are coming.

Black glittering Pluto.

The huge dragon tortoise, representing the dragon tortoise of the demon temple, actually floated a note, drifting to the right side of the camp, aiming at the Qingyun battle boat.

This is good.

Not only is the right way monk speechless.

Even the Monsters are enchanted.

The righteous monk has always been in the wrong place with the demon temple.

Everyone is going to bury the market, and after entering, they may have a big fight.

The traditional burial of the Tianzheng, the two camps of the Tao, really have very little communication.

Even the temporary trading market is divided into two parts.

Now it’s good, the demon temple actually visited the Qingyun battle boat.

Moreover, the big demon who visited the Qingyun battle boat is more of a comer, but it is a demon-like demon, and the demon temple is a princess.

It is reasonable to say that this gathering is a grand event for the monks of Jindan. The monks who are guarded by Xuanyuan Yaqin are rarely active.

The stage is reserved for the younger generation of monks.

However, the rat Duobao actually bowed down to worship, but still sternly bowed to the hostile camp. It’s a big surprise.

The focus of the visit is still not Xuanyuan Yaqin. It is the Qingyunmen Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

Sun Hao is also a bit embarrassed.

I don't know why Ratobao visited him.

I have not said anything else. Just repeating Sun Hao to be kind to the spiritual pet, to have love, not to take the spirit out of the air, can not take the fire to spoil the soul, the face of fat, a pair of small eyes from time to time sweeping the fire of Sun Hao's shoulder, sweeping Sun Hao's waist 10style_txt; spirit beast bag.

Sun Hao can only echo with the sound, but slowly it is also a taste.

Rat Duobao should be looking at the small fire. By the way, it may be to catch the thief.

Of course, it is impossible for Sun Hao to hand over the dark blue, but he can only understand and confuse him.

Sending away the seemingly unwilling mouse and treasure, Sun Hao thought that he would stop, but did not expect to have just arrived.

The rat's forefoot left, the hind feet, the dark Pluto's post, the dark, representing the magical road to the high authority of the Pluto airship. A dark Pluto plaque flew out.

Straight Pluto posts, actually flew straight to the right camp.

The demon temple is the Alliance Magic. But the essence is that the demon is repaired, and occasionally the right way is made, but it can be understood.

However, the Temple of Pluto is the sacred door of the real magic road holding the ear, but it is the Optimus Prime that leads the magic road against the right path.

Now it’s good, Pluto has not yet visited the Magic Road.

Actually, I have already gone right.

I don’t know who the Pluto will visit? Is it still Qingyunmen?

After the prince's post, the wind blew in the wind, and the yin wind turned into a white bone in the air. The white bone turned into a scorpion head, and the human head opened his mouth. The yin test said: "The temple of the prince, the lord of the temple is like a ghost, and the lord of the temple is ruined." Hey, come to see Qingyunmen, please have Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang exchange one or two."

In an instant, I am alone.

In an instant, Sun Hao is also awkward.

Sun Hao did not remember at all, he had had contact with the Temple of Pluto.

Ghosts like spirits? Meditation?

Sun Hao can be 100% sure that he is the first to hear.

Why do they visit themselves?

According to the records, the two main temples of the Pluto Temple are women, and Sun Hao feels that there are no communicators.

Why are you visiting?

The two young masters visited Qi Sun and Sun Xiangxiang.

Qingyunmen, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's big face!

It is to remember such a personal thing.

The two sides of the Tao and the devil are silent.

what's the situation?

Before today, no one paid attention to Qingyunmen Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

His ranking, but the mainland is the 94th.

The blood is only three.

However, after today, all the monks, it is difficult to remember Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

The wind is too strong.

The Ice and Snow Palace, the Temple of the Sea, the Temple of the Demon, and even the Temple of the Kings have visited.

There is no two in the limelight.

One white, one black and two delicate figures floated out from the temple of Pluto, bringing bursts of fog, passing through the green, passing through the two sides and falling on the Qingyun battle boat.

It fell on the side of Sun Haosun Shen Xiang.

In the dark fog, it seems that there is a delicate voice called: "The son..."

Then, the black mist rolled, and even the gods completely lost the scene of the scene.

Above the high sky, there is more than one woman repairing her feet: "Hey, the heart of the radish is really a big radish."

Sun Haozhen.

Although it was called a son.

However, Sun Hao can be sure that this voice is very strange, I heard it for the first time.

Suddenly on the face, Sun Hao stood up and arched his hands: "I have seen two young masters, and I am so fragrant, I don't know where I have seen two young masters?"

"The son, you are more forgotten about the nobles," the lead woman repaired slightly, and then said: "Ghosts and spirits, have seen the son."

"Hey," smirked, and the masked woman who just called Sun Haogong said with a smile: "Sister, you are sour", then, learning the movements of her sister, a blessing, and vividly said: "妾I have seen myself and I have seen my son."

After that, he added a smile and added: "The son, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Sun Hao is inexplicable, and the heart said, have we seen it somewhere? There is no slight impression on the two young masters.

With Sun Hao’s memory, I have met and talked, and I should remember it quite deeply. Moreover, these two lesslords are so distinctive?

Sun Hao can swear that he has never seen two young ladies.

However, the two hooded masks are less familiar with the temple.

Sun Hao is also confused.

Send away the two inexplicable Lords of the Temple of Pluto.

The singer has already said that he is obsessed with the five bodies of Sun Hao Pei, and thinks that even the two kings of the Temple of the Kings have come, and Sun Hao should stop there.

However, the fact is that the story around Sun Hao is not over yet.

Among the sky, the black-pressed battleships, airships, and the onlookers of the monks, were all enchantingly watching the two main lords rise and fly back to the Pluto airship.

Then, the argument sounded.

Everyone is very curious, how is the Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang of Qingyunmen, who is related to the two young masters of the Magic Road.

Just when everyone talks about this.

In the sky, on the high-hanging airship, there was another change.

On the water blue sea king boat, it actually shot a blue water streamer again, and went straight to the Qingyun battle boat.

At the same time, almost at the same time, Tiangong, the right-handed Tiangong also fired a hero again, and the target also pointed to the Qingyun battle boat.

Good guy, there are stories.

All the monks feel that today's business is everywhere.

Feeling, the center of the entire continent, his mother turned into a Qingyun battle boat.

Sun Hao is now a big one.

Sun Hao originally wanted to keep a low profile.

The strange heroes, the unknown burial sky, make Sun Hao feel uneasy, want to act secretly, and make a big fortune.

But things are counterproductive. Today, I am inexplicably the most healthy ranking person.

What's more important is that the ranking of himself is so low, giving the impression that the grass can't be grassed again, the grass roots can't be rooted, but it is also the strength of several majors, especially the Shaogong and the Lord. Visiting, this feeling, Sun Hao feels that he has been grilled on the fire, and the skin is open.

Ok, now, the Temple of the Sea, Tiangong has also posted a message at the same time, I do not know what is famous.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao sighed, but it did not move. Since I am here, I am calmly accepted. I think it is more useful.

Hai Shen Temple, Sun Hao knows, it should be the post of Shantou.

Tiangong, Sun Hao is completely confused. In memory, Sun Hao and Tiangong have no communication at all. Is it that Tianzhugong Xiaolu looks at himself and is not pleasing to the eye?

The sea **** post is so fast in the sky, ripples, there is a female voice crisply said: "The sea **** temple is less than a single, there is a sinking real person, hope Shen Xiang move."

Sun Hao knows that she is her.

The mainland road magic is another horror.

The sea **** temple is the master of the single, the insider news that is a thousand beautiful, charming all the beautiful women, actually post the post about Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang!

Sun Hao smiled and was preparing to stand up.

In the sky, the voice of Yuhua Fairy has been passed over: "Tiangong has orders, Qingyun orders."

Sun Hao looks around, and the heart says, Yaqin ancestors, people?

Xuanyuan Yaqin has already been paralyzed. Today, she can understand it. Sun Hao is the master. What is she doing here? (To be continued.)



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