Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Mask

Accompanied by peers, the same ancient tomb. ╪╪.?.

One person, one tiger, one rat, plus a small chapter that occasionally comes out to help, the depths of the ancient tomb, the deeper and deeper.

Along the way, among the ancient tombs of the real women, all sorts of ghosts emerged endlessly.

A more ferocious corpse than a corpse, appearing in the tomb.

The corpse, whether it is the ability to break the defense or the defensive ability, must win the corpse, and it can also spray the ice attack.

The number is also like the waves, one wave after another, it seems that there is no end.

But there is experience in dealing with corpses.

Taking out the small chapter, forcing nausea and discomfort, and pushing the big meatball chapter that was huddled together, Sun Hao continued to roll for more than ten days in the tomb of the ancient tomb, and eventually killed two kings, which broke open. The corpse is off.

The guards of the real women, who fought with the evil spirits during their lifetime, fell.

After the fall, the will is immortal, swearing to defend the true female tomb, turning into the resistance of Sun Hao and Hu Gaia.

Along the way, I met the hand-held sword, the "bird body sword girl" who can display the skill of the sword, the guardian, is a heroic female swordsman, fully entangled with Sun Hao for more than half an hour, and finally lost in Sun Hao’s sun masculine masculine.

Along the way, I also met the "Goddess of the Goddess" who came to the sky with a steady stream of light. The goddess had more than one official, and the light **** that were attacked together gathered together to form a minefield.

Tiger Gaia was not aware of it, and the blasted minefield exploded a gray face.

Later, Sun Hao came forward and walked between the Thunder, and Tiger Gaia was stunned. If nothing happened, he would kill a goddess who was not very strong.

Even the most powerful priest, "Goddess Guardian", was bullied by Sun Hao's strong, with the ball of the goddess Wei, Sun Hao double grasped the hands of the goddess Wei, tearing on both sides, directly shocking Tiger Gaia to heaven. The goddess has torn into two halves. ╪┢╪═╪┡.(.

Although I know that the goddess is not a dead ghost.

But Hu Gaiya is also screaming at the heart of the **** Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang does not know how to pity the jade, actually fierce.

The fire of the goddess Wei, who was smashed by the fire, was even more screaming.

In the mind. One blame: "Brother, you are too bloody."

Sun Hao shook his head and smiled.

The goddess of the goddess seems to be delicate, but with the stealth ability of the goddess, it has its own unique power. The power of the goddess is the rebirth of flesh and blood, and the horrific ability to regenerate.

If Sun Hao doesn't tear it into two halves, the injury is small and she can't help.

Of course, I witnessed the battle process between Sun Hao and Goddess Wei. Xiaohuo and Hu Gaiya also knew that Sun Hao was a last resort. Although he was a bit savage, Sun Hao was fierce, but he did not think that Sun Hao was a bloodthirsty.

As you progress all the way.

Sun Hao and Hu Gaia gradually revealed a skill.

There is a contrast between each other.

The comparison results are in the hearts of both people.

When you are outside, you are sympathetic to each other.

The ability of Hu Gaiya is a typical Tiger inheritance ability.

In addition to the ghosts and tigers, Tiger Gaia should be able to fly, the degree of flight is absolutely very dexterous, and Sun Hao sighs.

Tiger Gaia’s slamming was fierce, and the momentum was fierce. Sun Hao has a feeling of trepidation.

Obviously, Tiger Gaia also took a step in the momentum and was attacked by the Tiger Gaia. The combat power will inevitably be greatly affected. ┢╪┝═┝┠┡.[<.

Tiger Gaia's tail is rarely used, but it is absolutely extraordinary.

Sun Hao suspects that when he meets a goddess, even if he does not intercept the sharp arrow that hits Hugaia, Tiger Gaia's tail can also accurately pull out the sharp arrow.

There is also a tiger tooth of Tiger Gaia, which is also very sharp. Have the ability to break the law.

Sun Hao once saw that Hu Gaiya went down, biting the tomb of the ancient tomb, and the tombstone covered with the law was actually bitten off by him.

Sun Hao admire Tiger Gaia.

especially. Sun Hao can be sure that Tiger Gaia has definitely hidden a lot of means.

At the very least, Tiger Gaia has only used his own abilities, and has not used any magic weapon to help.

However, Sun Hao can be 100% certain that Tiger Gaia is absolutely different from the ordinary Yaozu, and Hu Gaiya’s body is absolutely a lot of gadgets.

Look at the treasure fan that the small fire often uses to play. There is definitely something good about this guy.

After changing from the state of the dark blue kitten to the tiger Gaia, Sun Hao is now, he should remember the story of the dark blue state.

From his look to Xiao Zhang's eyes, he knew that he must be very uncomfortable when he turned into a dark blue during the dark blue period.

However, Hu Gaiya’s attitude toward the small fire is very good, perhaps because of the small fire saved him, or perhaps because the small fire itself has a connection with the demon temple, Hu Gaiya did not ask the dark fire for the dark blue. The treasure fan sent out in the state.

Sun Hao also noticed a detail.

Hu Gaiya seems to be very dissatisfied with the fighting ability of the small fire.

Looking at the small fire, it is also a look that hates iron and does not become steel.

I opened my mouth a few times and finally sighed.

According to Sun Hao’s observation, it is as if Hu Gaiya wants to remind the little fire to cheer up, but I don’t know where to start.

All the way into the ancient tomb, Sun Hao himself gradually showed some strength according to the needs of the battlefield.

In the face of the prostitute, Sun Hao showed the strength of the gods and the powerful swordsmanship.

In the face of the female swordsman, Sun Hao showed off the martial arts of another person's refining body and another artistic conception.

In the face of the goddess Wei, Sun Hao is the most powerful force to show his strength to the extreme.

Sun Hao can feel that Hu Gaiya is proud, but after showing some combat power, he is unconscious, and Hu Gaiya’s attitude is much more peaceful.

All the way to kill, all the way to meet the true guardian spirit of the year.

For more than a month, I have retired a wave of true female guards. I have read a piece of bluestone tombstone. Through the tombstone, Sun Hao can even feel that I can feel the tragic battle of the year.

The true female guards followed suit and assisted the real women in battle. They were killed and turned into heroes and guarded the ancient tomb.

As he advances and feels the hardships of the evil spirits recorded in the tombstone, Sun Hao has been unable to determine whether the evil spirits have been completely eliminated.

Sun Hao is already skeptical that the warning of the true female tomb is really there.

Whether a real woman can only suppress the evil spirits, and the evil spirits still exist.

If that is the case, then Sun Hao must pay careful attention and observe carefully. Otherwise, if one does not observe it and put the evil spirit out, it may be a big disaster.

The more you go to the depths of the ancient tomb, the more information you have in contact with the tomb, the more doubtful you are in Sun Hao’s heart.

Especially after breaking the goddess Wei guarded area.

Sun Hao and Gaia met a brand new one. At first glance, it was not the ghost of the goddess guarding the spirit.

All the way to the ancient tomb, the guards of the spirits encountered are all women, but this time it is not.

Among the tombs, they are tall, black, full-body armor, and with a mask of evil spirits on their faces.

The sword is also a black sword. The sword is not a random sword. It has a set of not weak swordsmanship. Together with several swordsmen, they can cooperate with each other to form a sword array. It is very difficult.

The black body is made up of the ancient tomb smoldering, anti-law ability, anti-strike ability is very strong, and can not be easily defeated.

After some temptations, Sun Hao basically mastered the characteristics and materials of the priest, but the two eyebrows were deeply wrinkled.

One of the most powerful tricks of the swordsmanship is the stab of the body and sword. If several swords are at the same time, the impact is great, and Sun Hao has to take a break.

Then there is the sniper.

The sergeant can hold the sword with both hands, lift it over his head and mammoth ahead.

When several gentlemen fell at the same time, they could be connected into one piece, forming a momentum similar to that of Sun Haojian.

Spurs and snipers are powerful attacks when the Ghost Faces burst. At the time of the battle, they also have a set of swords like the Qingyun four, which can be used alone or in battle.

It is difficult to deal with the balance of offensive and defensive capabilities of Ghost Faces.

However, in contrast, its strange way of existence makes Sun Hao and Gaia unable to do anything, and can't think of a good way to break the barrier.

Strongly defeated the body armor of the sergeant, the body wrapped after the armor was not fictional, but a real dry, decaying ancient corpse.

The ancient corpse is unusually small and can easily be destroyed.

However, the ancient corpse after the destruction is very abnormal. The broken bones will automatically be combined into a skeleton, and some dry meat will be attached. Do not take a bit of effort. The yin in the ancient tomb will gather and automatically form a whole body armor.

In the end, the mask slammed into the face of the ancient corpse, a dragon and a tiger, and the imposing masks of the scorpion instantly came alive. (To be continued.)



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