Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 807: Wickworm

A strange ancient corpse. ╡╡┞.[". c?o{m

Amazing masks.

Not only is it powerful, it can be attacked and defended.

More critically, I can actually resurrect myself.

And it is not a ghost, Gaia is completely deterrent.

The individual strength of the masked sergeant is even the female ghost who passed the first level of the tomb.

Fortunately, the number of masks is far less than that of female ghosts. Otherwise, Sun Hao feels that his best way is to completely overlook.

In addition, perhaps because the body inside the armor is composed of dead bones, and the outside is covered with armor, the degree of the mask is not very fast.

The density is not large, and the running speed is not fast.

Although he could not kill, he could not stop the pace of Sun Hao and Gaia.

Anxious forward, Sun Hao's Shen Xiangjian, Gaia's wind blade turned round, strong defeated the mask armor's armor, defeated their bodies, and then took the opportunity to resurrect the mask armor.

In this way, Sun Hao was in the front, Gaia was behind, and went to the depths of the ancient tomb.

Observing that the last step of the resurrection of the mask is to bring a mask, Sun Hao consciously defeated the mask to see if it can stop the resurrection of the priest.

But the effect is not good.

After the mask is destroyed, it is also with the armor. It can absorb the yin and reshape it.

If you can't think of a better way, you can only kill and run and rush to the depths of the tomb.

Just as the advancement, Sun Hao has some problems.

The mask is not fast, and it is impossible to catch up with the two.

But the mask is not a dead thing that can only rely on instinct to act without wisdom.

The mask of the resurrection is chasing inside the tomb.

In all directions, there are more and more masks in each channel, and there is a tendency to make dumplings. ┞┞┞╪┠┟┠═.<".

Once blocked by the numerous masks in the depths of the tomb, the situation will be very bad.

However, if Sun Hao wants to break through the ancient tomb and enter the funeral market, the mask can only be circumvented.

Standing in an ancient tomb passage, looking at the shadowy tomb in front of the tomb, Sun Hao revealed a look of inquiries to Gaia.

Gaia nodded slowly.

When Sun Hao knew the move, Shen Xiangjian rushed into the tomb with the momentum of the mountain. Bumps and bumps, a series of crashes.

Sun Hao and Gaia followed the agarwood and rushed into the tomb.

"When", a loud noise blew inside the tomb, and Shen Xiangjian suddenly flashed. Fly back.

In the tomb, a huge black shadow rolled backwards, and then one knee, and fell on the floor of the tomb, a huge wide blade sword inserted into the floor. When it sounded, Mars splashed.

The mask of the skull looked at the ground silently. The tall masked armor completely removed the impact force of the agarwood sword. On the floor, there appeared a crack like a spider web.

In the tomb, there was another tall black shadow that jumped on the side of the knees on one knee. The ghost face looked silently at the floor, and the huge wide-blade sword in his hand pointed to Sun Hao and Gaia. .

Within the huge tomb, more than 20 ordinary masks have been joined together. I rushed to Sun Hao and Gaia.

Tall masks, perhaps called mask generals, are more appropriate.

On their bodies, the thick armor has a dark luster, and above the top of the mask, two horns like horns are erected. The shoulders, the elbows and the armor above the knees are all like swords. Spurs, cold and light.

Even more powerful is the broad-bladed sword in their hands.

All the way to kill, Sun Hao's Aquila sword is invincible, or for the first time by the ghosts in the ancient tomb with the sword in his hand, with his own strength to pick up.

The strength of the two mask generals. Absolutely qualified for a battle with Sun Hao.

Moreover, unlike the other masks, the mask general has the ability to command a mask. ┞╪═┝═╞.".

Under the command of the generals of the mask, not only the masks in the tomb, but also the spurs of the sword and the sword. Moreover, within the outer tomb, a large number of masks are constantly coming over.

Sun Hao and Gaia Qiqi retired and retired from the passage to temporarily evade the assault.

The spurs of the squadron rushed directly to the vicinity of the passage, and the degree dropped. Landing on the ground, raise the sword with both hands, ready to slam forward.

Sun Hao waved a hand and threw a small hammer, which rose into the wind and instantly turned into a big hammer and hit the past. At the same time, Gaia's two claws flew, exploding a series of wind blades and cutting away.

The two are very tacit and moving at the same time.

The timing was very good, the sniper of the mask armor was not fully formed, and the wind blade and the giant hammer had already attacked them.

Wipe, touch and touch.

More than 20 masks were mostly recruited, and the sniper was interrupted by the students, and they could not help but retreat.

Sun Hao’s mouth sighed and said: “The tiger brother, kill it, I see the tombstone.”

Gaia’s heart moved, and Shen Sheng said: “Good.”

In the hands of Sun Hao, the gongs and drums were wiped out, and the gods knew the agarwood. Gaia whipped up a whirlwind, and one person and one tiger rushed into the tomb.

In the knowledge of Sun Hao, Xiaohuo gently asked: "Brother, want me to swallow?"

Sun Hao’s gods reflected the tomb room and began to check the records of the bluestone tombstone. At the same time, he said: “For the time being, don’t be a small fire, don’t force it, brother is fine.”

There are not many masks, but the strength is strong, but the removal of the mask generals is estimated to be unable to stop the devour of the small fire.

However, the expression on the face of Xiaohuo is not as good as Sun Hao.

When Sun Hao defeated the armor of the mask, revealing the dry corpse inside, the expression of the suffocating sputum of the small fire was not as good as Sun Hao. Obviously, the small fire felt that the mask was very disgusting.

At this point, the small fire is willing to endure nausea and help Sun Hao, if Sun Hao is not really unable, he really does not want to let the small fire shot.

Moreover, the ability of the mask to resurrect is very different. It is not necessarily safe to let the small fire rush before the cause is not understood.

What's more, Sun Hao has already recorded some records of the masks on the bluestone tombstones in the tomb.

The bluestone tombstone is slightly different from the previous ones.

The first few tombstones are well preserved and are standing in the tomb.

But the tombstone of this tomb was poured down on the ground and broken into two halves.

Under the guise of the gods, the records on the tombstone are also related to the mask.

On the tombstone, three bright red characters instantly let Sun Hao know what he has met: "The evil spirits."

The tombstone records: "The evil spirits, the evil spirits raised by the evil spirits, hidden in the mask, invade the brain of the human being, no matter the mortal monk, once invaded, do not become evil spirits, do not mourn, kill not die The real woman is soaked in the secrets of the ice, and is buried in the bottom of the ancient cemetery, exempting the big 6 big disaster, this is a monument..."

There are not many tombstones, but let Sun Hao know for a moment what the mask is.

But at the same time, Sun Hao’s body is not sweating.

The masked priest, who was said to be a monk controlled by evil spirits, broke the frozen seal of the real woman, broke the bluestone tombstone that was suppressed on them, and rushed from the ground.

The reason why Sun Hao is sweating is the appearance of the mask, which means that the story of the battle between the real woman and the evil spirit is true.

Moreover, the evil spirits raised by the evil spirits can still rush back after a long time, forming a strange ghost of the mask.

Then, the warning at the entrance to the true female tomb, the possibility that the evil spirit is still alive is quite large.

It is followed by the opening of the funeral market. It is also worth pondering.

The true female tomb exists as the pre-marine of the burial sky market, so the monks who enter the burial sky market will inevitably have a great chance to release the evil spirits.

If Sun Hao just knows the ancient words like the pattern, maybe it will really be a moment to let the evil spirits go to heaven.

The body sweated, but the hand did not stop, Sun Hao knows the movement, Shen Xiangjian flies away, and hits a mask of a gentleman accurately.

The mask could not stop the aroma of the aroma, and was defeated by a blow.

However, the surrounding yin is coming together and trying to form a mask shape again.

Sun Hao’s eyes flashed, and Shen Xiangjian rushed out, picking up the brain in the back of the sergeant.

Shen Xiangjian is not a very regular sword tip, violently provoked a bug that is dark and small, about one inch in size.

The worms struggled at the tip of the agarwood sword, swaying from side to side, trying to escape from the tip of the sword.

Sun Hao knows a reminder, the small flame rushes up, screams and wraps the black bug.

On the top of the sword of Shen Xiangjian, there was a scream of screams, three martial arts, a small flame, and flew back.

The whole black bug turned into a group of flying dust, which slipped from the tip of the sword.

The one who was broken by Sun Hao’s mask, after two steps forward, fell to the ground with his legs and struggled for a few times, but he could never get up again.

Gaia’s eyes flashed, and there was a tiger in his mouth: “Well, agarwood, I didn’t expect it to be a bug.”

In the sound of the tiger cub, the film wind blade cut a mask of a sergeant, picked out the black bug, and chaotically cut it down, and instantly broke the worm into a silk meat line.

The worm was destroyed, and the masked sergeant slammed and slammed and was truly wiped out.

The mask is very powerful, but after finding a way can't stop Sun Hao and Gaia, more than 20 masks are fast and fast.

Among the passages in the tomb, the masks that are coming together, after the change in the tomb, are no longer surrounded, but follow the tomb, and flee, not coming in.

Two tall masked generals, after looking at them, did not entangle with Sun Hao and Gaia, and jumped up, and the tall body rushed into the ground where the bluestone tombstone was pulled up.

After Sun Hao and Gaia eliminated the tomb mask, the two mask generals had escaped.

The direction in which they fled was precisely where the true women once sealed them.

And as they escaped, there were two downward passages within the tomb.

One is the hole in which the two masks of the generals left. Under the tombstone, it should be the mask general who broke out and the other should be the normal tomb of the tomb. (To be continued.)



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