Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 424 Wang Ao

The ultimate in killing swordsmanship is to condense the form of the ancient killing god.

Blessed by the power of the ancient God of Killing, he condensed the true way of killing.

But he wanted to perfect his killing swordsmanship and condense the form of a true ancient god of death.

In the entire Nine Realms, those who can achieve this are very rare, no more than one hand.

If you want to condense it, you don't know how much blood you have to swallow. For example, Chu Fengmian has great wealth and purchased so many saints' essence and blood.

After adding all the essence and blood of the saints that were taken from the Lord Duohua, only the weakest left hand in the ancient killing god's body was condensed.

However, Chu Fengmian had not expected the difficulty of condensation. If it could be so easy to condensate, it would be impossible for the killing swordsmanship to have such a prestigious reputation.

The more powerful the power, the more the price has to be paid to get it. For example, although Chu Fengmian is powerful, it still requires a lot of difficulties to break through.

At least Chu Fengmian has not yet felt that he has any chance to break through and must look for more adventures.

"Ancient God of Killing! Blessed by power!"

Chu Fengmian shouted coldly, and behind him, the left hand of the ancient killing god condensed.

The most powerful killing intent in the world condensed one after another, and for a moment the entire world seemed to turn into a sea of ​​blood.

As soon as the God of Killing appeared, there was a sea of ​​blood all over the place.

Even Han Yueli couldn't help but condense her spiritual power when she was beside Chu Fengmian, trying to resist.

It must be said that this killing swordsmanship is indeed extremely powerful, and it is worthy of being one of the most powerful swordsmanships in the Nine Realms.

Just one of the weakest left hands possesses such terrifying power.

If we can go one step further and condense the right hand of the ancient God of Death, or even condense all of the Ancient God of Death.

The killing swordsmanship can also become more perfect and powerful.

Feeling the current power of the killing swordsmanship, Chu Fengmian took a breath and dispersed the shadow of the ancient killing god behind him.

The terrifying killing intent in Chu Fengmian finally disappeared.

Feeling the killing intent disappearing from Chu Fengmian's body, Han Yueli couldn't help but sigh when she dared to come closer.

"This swordsmanship is so powerful that even I feel great pressure."

Just now, when Chu Fengmian activated his killing swordsmanship with all his strength and concentrated his killing intent, even Han Yueli did not dare to approach Chu Fengmian rashly.

Even though she knew that Chu Fengmian would not attack her no matter what, she felt that if she approached Chu Fengmian rashly, she would be killed by Chu Fengmian.

The blessing of the ancient killing god's murderous intention is indeed an extremely terrifying thing.

"If you want to go further, you must get more saint blood essence. Four hundred tanks? Five hundred tanks? Six hundred tanks? At least double the amount is needed to condense other parts of the ancient killing god. ”

Chu Fengmian stopped and spoke calmly.

Now this left hand, which is the weakest, has consumed Chu Fengmian's two hundred jars of saint's essence and blood.

If you want to go further, you can only pay double the amount.

"I even have to look for some demon blood. The demon blood is much richer than the saint blood, and it is of great use to me."

Chu Fengmian said aloud.

The spiritual power of the demon's essence blood may be similar to that of the saint's essence, but the blood energy of the demon's essence is far superior to that of the saint's essence.

After all, how terrifying is the blood energy of a demon god? I'm afraid it will surpass human saints dozens of times.

I don’t know how much it will cost to break through again just by relying on the blood essence of the saint. It would save a lot of effort if I use the blood essence of the demon god.

"Let's go to the dinner party."

Chu Fengmian woke up and spoke.

Now he also wants to see what the Xu family's plan is for this dinner.


Han Yueli nodded.

Tuoba Ding in the room next to him also woke up, walked out, and followed Chu Fengmian out of the room.

With the strength of the three of them, they arrived in front of a huge palace of the Xu family in an instant.

There are countless Xu family guards guarding the palace, which is extremely strict.

Powerful warriors came out one after another and came to the vicinity of the palace.

"Get out of the way! The Wang family is coming!"

As soon as Chu Fengmian arrived in front of the palace, someone suddenly shouted, and then countless people around him backed away like a flood.

A wide and wide avenue was left, and he got out of the way.

Then a carriage came over. This carriage was actually an earth-level spiritual weapon, refined using various methods. In this carriage, ordinary saints could not threaten the people inside. .

And the horse that pulls the carriage is not an ordinary horse, but a kind of horse with a ray of true dragon blood, a red lin horse. It is a red lin horse. It is said that it has the blood of a true dragon and can travel thousands of miles in a day without any problem.

Such a scarlet lin horse is probably worth about 100 million nine tripod pills. This carriage has eight such scarlet lin horses.

Including the carriage, this carriage is worth at least one billion in wealth.

"This is quite grand. The Wang family seems to be a big family."

Chu Fengmian thought to himself that his spiritual consciousness moved and he observed.

The carriage slowly stopped in front of the palace, and a white-haired man stepped out of it.

This white-haired man looked like he was in his early twenties, but for some unknown reason, he had white hair. When he got off the carriage, he glanced at everyone with a look of disdain from the bottom of his heart.

"This person is Wang Ao, an inner disciple of our Beimang Academy. However, it is said that he is about to be promoted to a seed disciple. His strength index is close to ten, and he is only one step away from being a seed disciple. Among the inner disciples , a nearly invincible existence.”

When Tuoba Ding saw the white-haired man, he suddenly whispered to Chu Fengmian.

"The power of the Wang family is greater than that of the Tuoba family behind me, and it plays an important role in Beimang College. This person from the Xu family is actually related to the Wang family?"

There was also some surprise in Tuoba Ding's voice, as if he didn't know the existence of this relationship.

"There are actually disciples from Beimang Academy here."

A smile appeared on Chu Fengmian's lips, which was getting more and more interesting.

"It's Wang Ao."

"Why are people from the Wang family in our Douxuan Kingdom?"

Countless people around him seemed to be extremely surprised when they saw Wang Ao, and they were all in disbelief.

It’s unclear why Wang Ao appears.

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