Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 425 Dinner

Waiting until Wang Ao entered the palace, everyone continued to line up to enter.


Chu Fengmian took out the invitation and walked directly into the palace.

The unfamiliar faces of Chu Fengmian and the three people attracted some people's attention.

Most of the people who came to the dinner today were strong men in Douxuan City, disciples of big families, and all of them were at least familiar.

Seeing a new face like Chu Fengmian, many people started talking.

"I heard that Miss Sumire of the Xu family was intercepted and killed by Lord Duohua of the Earth Demon Sect. It was these three people who saved Miss Sumire."

Some well-informed people already knew about Xu Jin being intercepted and killed by Lord Duohua.

After all, Xu Jin is not an unknown person, she is a leader among the younger generation of the Xu family. The news of her accident quickly spread throughout Douxuan City.

"Really? Lord Duohua is strong enough to compete with some seed disciples from Beimang College. Can these three people kill Lord Duohua?"

"Just these three people, if they meet the Master Duohua, they will be killed in an instant."

"I don't know. I heard that these three people got a bargain, but now these three people have actually come to the Xu family. I don't know what the Xu family thinks."

"Recruiting? These people want to be recruited by the Xu family, I'm afraid they are not qualified."

Voices of doubt rang out.

"Brother Wang, it was these people who saved Miss Sumire."

Deep in the palace, several young men gathered together. These young men all had the ninth level of divine power. Almost every one of them belonged to the kind of person who could survive the catastrophe of life and death at any time.

It's just to accumulate strength, but they haven't made a breakthrough yet, but they still have the strength of the inner disciples of Beimang Academy.

The leader of this group of young people is Wang Ao, the young man from the Wang family who has just come into limelight.

"Hmph, these three ants just got a bargain, and they actually want Jin'er to give them benefits. They simply don't know what to do."

Wang Ao glanced at Chu Fengmian with disdain in his eyes and said coldly.

"That Venerable Duohua dares to intercept and kill Jin'er. If he doesn't die, I will kill him sooner or later."

"I don't know why they were invited to today's dinner party. It's just a disgrace. Forget it, I'll just let them retreat."

Wang Ao said something and walked directly towards Chu Fengmian.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian and his party had also noticed Wang Ao's actions.

"Wang Ao seems to be coming with bad intentions, what should I do?"

Han Yueli asked from the side.

Wang Ao's strength is not even as good as Master Duohua. To Han Yueli, he can be defeated with a wave of his hand, but he is far from being taken seriously by her.

But there is still a powerful family behind Wang Ao, and she is still accustomed to relying on Chu Fengmian to make the decision.

Even though Han Yueli's strength is now considered to be that of an ancestor, she still likes to follow Chu Fengmian's words.

This dependence cannot be changed.

"Soldiers will cover up the water and earth, so don't worry too much."

Chu Fengmian said lightly.

Chu Fengmian didn't bother to care about the origin of Wang Ao. As long as he didn't cause trouble for him, he wouldn't care.

"Are you Chu Fengmian? The one who saved Jin'er?"

Wang Ao walked up to Chu Fengmian in a swaggering manner and said coldly.

This Wang Ao, dressed in gorgeous clothes, looks like a noble from a well-known family. Every move he makes is extremely arrogant, which matches his name very well.

His words were extremely conceited and condescending.

"Brother Wang, are you here too?"

Just as Wang Ao spoke, Xu Jin suddenly walked over beside him, looked at Chu Fengmian, smiled and said.

"Mr. Chu is here too. Please take a seat. I hope you all have a good time at today's dinner."

"Jin'er, there is no need to be polite to these losers. Their status does not allow them to participate in today's dinner."

Wang Ao looked at Chu Fengmian and the others with disdain.

"For this kind of trash, if I save you without getting any benefits, maybe I can give them a higher look. It's a joke for a bunch of profit-seeking trash to want benefits without any strength."

"I will help you get rid of these three losers today."

After Wang Ao finished speaking, he turned his head, looked at Chu Fengmian, and said coldly.

"Today's dinner is not for you three losers to attend. You saved Jin'er's life, and I will give you three lives back! This is one billion Nine Cauldron Pills, which is enough to save the lives of you three losers. Take it quickly Get out! Don’t show up in Douxuan City again.”

As Wang Ao spoke, he waved his hand, and a billion Nine Cauldron Pills suddenly appeared and flew towards Chu Fengmian.

After he finished speaking, he didn't even look at Chu Fengmian, as if he was too lazy to pay attention, thinking that Chu Fengmian would just take the billion Nine Cauldron Pills and leave.


Seeing the Billion Nine Cauldron Pills flying over, Chu Fengmian showed a bit of a sneer in his eyes.

It seems that he didn't want to cause trouble, but he found this trouble himself.

He moved and dodged directly, and the billion Nine Cauldron Pills suddenly fell to the ground.


One billion Nine Cauldron Pills were scattered all over the place. This sound also attracted the attention of countless people, who all looked sideways.

"What? You three losers, how dare you not accept my elixir?"

Wang Ao turned around and looked at the Jiuding Dan on the ground, with a hint of anger on his expression.

"I'll give you another billion, get out of here!"

With that said, Wang Ao waved his hand again and threw out another billion Jiuding Pills. This time, the billions of Nine Cauldron Pills were directly condensed by a force of spiritual power.

It turned into a huge fist and slammed towards Chu Fengmian.

This power is to drive Chu Fengmian and his party directly out of the palace.


Chu Fengmian snorted coldly, and his body flashed, turning into countless shadows, and he immediately dodged away. The billion Nine Cauldron Pills had no target, and they shattered again and rolled to the ground.

Now in this palace, the ground is full of these rolling Nine Cauldron Pills.

"Three losers, how dare you reject me twice! Seeking death! Boy, I'm giving you one last chance. Kneel on the ground and pick up all the Jiuding Pills for me. You don't need to use spiritual power to pick them up with your bare hands. Then Get out!"

Wang Ao roared angrily.

He could not have imagined that Chu Fengmian would dare to resist him. Who was he? A genius of the Wang family, an inner disciple of Wusheng Academy, and even about to be promoted to a seed disciple, with a high status.

In the entire Douxuan City, they are invincible.

Who is Chu Fengmian? In his opinion, he is just a bumpkin from a remote country. How dare such a person resist him?

In the past, he wouldn't even look at a saint in such a remote place. Now that he offered Jiuding Dan, Chu Fengmian didn't even accept it. This made his face suddenly turn red with anger.

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