Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2897 The Black Dragon Palace appears!

The fragment on Su Chen's body was the fragment of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron.

When he came to the top of the Black Dragon Pond, the fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron trembled slightly, and there was a wave of desire. It seemed that there was something in the Black Dragon Pond that attracted the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron fragments.

This made Su Chen a little excited.

Could it be that there are fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron in the Black Dragon Pond?

If this is the case, then you will really make a fortune.

Su Chen suppressed his emotions and remained calm on the surface, seeming to be carefully observing the Black Dragon Pond.

After all, the three old monsters, the Lord of All Beasts, the Lord of All Poisons, and the Lord of Annihilation, are not easy to fool. They all have thick faces and dark hearts, and they must not be allowed to notice anything unusual.

More importantly, Su Chen discovered that the Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons was actually here. Perhaps even the Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts and the Lord of Annihilation didn't know that this Lord of Ten Thousand Poisons was his true form!

Su Chen's thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he kept thinking about how to kill this lord of all poisons.


As Su Chen circulated the Great Dao Sutra of Chaos, Zhou

The body was filled with chaotic light, and the chaotic path was activated by him. The mysterious palace in the Black Dragon Pond immediately reacted.

The mist is thick and the rays of light are rising.

That palace looked like it was in the Black Dragon Pond, but in fact the void was twisted, and it seemed like there were layers of time and space between it and Su Chen.

But as Su Chen's Chaos Dao was activated, the layers of time and space seemed to shatter, and the ancient palace was pulled in, accompanied by an ancient and mysterious dragon's roar.


The void burst, and the ancient palace rushed out of the void and appeared in the sky above the Black Dragon Pond, exuding ancient and prehistoric aura fluctuations.

The originally vague palace showed its true appearance.

It was a palace that was as black as ink. It looked simple and mysterious. There was a black dragon entrenched on the huge pillars of the palace, exuding a mysterious dragon power.

On the plaque above the palace, there are three big characters with flying dragons and phoenixes.

Black Dragon Palace!

Although at this moment, the surroundings of the Black Dragon Palace are still shrouded in a mysterious fog of chaos.

The mist is filled with a barrier, but it is no longer as hard to touch as it was before.

"Is this kid really useful? Black Dragon Palace, is there any connection between Black Dragon Palace and Black Dragon Pond?"

The Lord of All Poisons couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said with some expectation.

"Don't be happy so early! Outside the Black Dragon Palace, there is a formation barrier evolved by chaotic rules. It is not so easy to break. Let's see if he can do anything first!"

Although the Lord of Beasts was also quite excited, he still said in a deep voice.

The Lord of Nirvana's eyes fell on Su Chen, with a bit of curiosity and doubt. For some reason, Su Chen seemed to have an aura that made her feel close to him.

"Black Dragon Palace?"

Su Chen did not dare to be careless in the slightest under the watchful eye of the Lord of Three Rules.

Seeing the Black Dragon Palace emerge, he breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time began to slowly approach the Black Dragon Palace, touching the formation barrier outside the Black Dragon Palace.

"Sure enough, he's a bastard

Is the Chaos Formation actually the power of Chaos Rules? In this way, this Black Dragon Palace is at least a place where the Lord of Rules who embodies the rules of chaos stays! "

Su Chen felt slightly excited and thought to himself.

He approached the formation barrier. Although he was enveloped by the principles of chaos and was not repelled by the chaotic formation in front of him, he still could not enter the formation barrier.

At the same time, the fragment of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron in Su Chen's body became more and more restless, as if it wanted to rush out of Su Chen's body.

Su Chen had a hunch that as long as he released the fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron, he could easily pass through the barrier of the Chaos Formation and enter the Black Dragon Palace.

However, he did not dare to do so.

Not only did he not dare, he was still trying his best to suppress the fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron. Otherwise, if the master of the three rules discovered it, Su Chen would probably be in big trouble.


Su Chen tried to use Taoism, using the Dao of Chaos to activate it, and the blazing sword light struck the formation barrier, causing

The formation barrier trembled violently, but not only could it not be broken, the force of the counter-shock made Su Chen's arms numb.

Su Chen once again circulated the Chaos Dao Sutra, and the Dao Fruit in his body burst into dazzling light, and the three-color divine brilliance spurted out from his palm.

Headed by the Tao of Chaos, the two Tao of Tianxin and Samsara were intertwined, and the three-color beam burst out with huge and immortal power, directly hitting the Chaos Barrier.


This time, it seemed to be working.

The three-color beam contained extremely mysterious power, and it actually shook the Chaos Barrier, making the originally extremely strong Chaos Barrier become much softer. When Su Chen's body hit it, his whole body actually penetrated it. The Chaos Barrier entered the formation and arrived in front of the Black Dragon Palace.

"He actually did it?"

The Lord of All Beasts and the Lord of All Poisons were both surprised and happy, and at the same time their hearts became extremely hot.

The Lord of Beasts couldn't wait to say to Su Chen: "Su Chen, come out quickly and take us in!"

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