Nine Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 2898 Void and conciliatory!

Su Chen sneered in his heart. He really wanted to ignore the Lord of Beasts and directly enter the Black Dragon Palace to seize fortune and opportunity.

However, he also understood that at this moment, the Lord of All Beasts had left a regular soul mark on him, not to mention the Lord of All Poisons and the Lord of Annihilation, who were eyeing him. It would be unwise to turn against them at this moment.

Therefore, Su Chen did not stay in the formation barrier for long, but came out directly from it.

He came to the Lord of Beasts, pretending to be submissive and said: "I pay homage to the Lord of the City. Fortunately, I have fulfilled my destiny. I can enter the Black Dragon Palace, but my three-color Taoist divine light can only Protecting myself into it, can’t seem to bring anyone else in!”

"Can't bring other people in? You don't want to lie to us, do you?"

The Lord of All Poisons sneered.

"If Master Wandu doesn't believe it, you can give it a try! This Chaos Formation seems to have some kind of filtering effect. Only those who understand the principles of Chaos and have strong enough potential can enter it!"

Su Chen said seriously.

He was not wrong, this black dragon

The chaos formation outside the palace has such a screening effect. Only the geniuses who have understood the principles of chaos and have sufficient potential are allowed to enter.

This is also the reason why Su Chen showed the Dao of Chaos and was unable to enter it, but the three-color Dao emerged, allowing him to pass through the barrier of Chaos unharmed.

Of course, what Su Chen didn't say was that if he released the fragments of the Chaos Wanshou Cauldron in his body, he could easily break through the Chaos Barrier in front of him and bring everyone inside.

"Filtering effect?"

The Lord of All Poisons' expression was a bit unsightly. Although he was unwilling to do so, he understood that Su Chen might be right.

After all, it is a Black Dragon Palace. It is most likely the inheritance place left by the most powerful people. It may also be related to the Chaos God Emperor. Without understanding the principles of chaos, it is naturally difficult to enter it.

"Take me to try it!"

The Lord of Beasts was unwilling to give in and still said to Su Chen.


Su Chen agreed with great obedience.

He activated the Tao Fruit in his body, and the three-color Taoist divine light enveloped him and the Lord of Beasts.

Getting up, the two of them walked towards the Chaos Barrier.

Sure enough, Su Chen was able to pass through the Chaos Barrier unharmed and arrive in front of the Black Dragon Palace. Even though the Lord of Beasts was shrouded in the three-color Taoist Divine Light, when he touched the Chaos Barrier, the Taoist Divine Light on his body The light was directly shattered by the barrier, and the whole person was pushed back.

It is difficult to enter the Chaos Barrier!

This made the Lord of Beasts' expression become extremely gloomy.

"It seems that we can only let this Su Chen enter the Black Dragon Palace!"

The Lord of Annihilation said softly.

"Let him in?"

The Lord of All Poisons and the Lord of All Beasts looked at each other, naturally a little unwilling.

After all, who knows what treasures there are in the Black Dragon Palace, or whether there is a powerful inheritance?

Naturally, they were unwilling to let the inheritance fall into Su Chen's hands.

The Lord of Beasts pondered for a moment, but nodded and agreed. He said slowly: "Then let Su Chen enter the Black Dragon Palace to look for opportunities and fortune! Let's take out the treasures he took out according to the previous agreement. How about it?"

Although he was a little unwilling

, but thinking that Su Chen had regular soul marks in his body and could not escape from his control, he felt relieved.

No matter what Su Chen gains in the Black Dragon Palace, he cannot keep it all to himself.

"All right!"

The face of the Lord of All Poisons was a bit unsightly. He glanced at Su Chen, his eyes were extremely deep, and he said coldly: "Boy, you can enter the Black Dragon Palace, but I warn you that if you dare to hide treasures and opportunities secretly, you will have to wait. After you come out, you should know your fate!"

"Thank you to the three seniors for their trust. The juniors will naturally not hide it secretly. When the time comes, the treasures will be distributed by the three seniors!"

Su Chen said with a respectful look on his face.

Seeing Su Chen being so respectful, the Lord of All Poisons looked better.

"then you go!"

The Lord of Beasts waved his hand and said.

He decided to secretly activate the rule soul seal and monitor Su Chen's every move. In this way, he would know at a glance what Su Chen got in the Black Dragon Palace.

Not afraid that Su Chen might do something secretly.


Su Chen nodded and said, and then activated the three-color Taoism again.

Divine light enveloped the whole body, submerged into the Chaos Barrier, and walked towards the Black Dragon Palace.

"The Lord of Beasts will definitely activate the rules soul seal investigation, but I don't know if the Black Dragon Palace can isolate him from the investigation? If not, I will have no choice but to take risks!"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart, with a faint light shining in his eyes.

Do the Lord of All Beasts and All Poisons really think they can control him?

Killing intent surged in his heart, and he was thinking about what method he should use to completely eliminate the Lord of All Beasts and the Lord of All Poisons.

At the same time, what Su Chen cared about more was the Lord of Nirvana. Although she seemed indifferent and seldom spoke, she made Su Chen feel more dangerous than the Lord of Beasts and the Lord of Poisons.

After passing through the barrier, Su Chen arrived in front of the Black Dragon Palace.


Su Chen placed his hands on the two ancient gates, but found that there were no rune restrictions on the gates. It seemed that it was not difficult to push open. The divine power in Su Chen's body exploded, and he pushed open with both arms. Then his figure disappeared into the Black Dragon Palace.

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