Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1316: Contest for exploits (continued)

Qin Shijun’s words were not only aimed at Junior Brother Ouyang, but also at the Crystal Palace monks who had befriended him. Today, Qin Shijun’s words will also be spread by word of mouth by the Crystal Palace disciples present. The three generations of monks in the Crystal Palace knew his attitude.

Yes, it is his attitude. His Qin Wuliang's strength and status can be said to be the same among the three generations of crystal palace disciples.

Junior Brother Ouyang lowered his head and bit his lips tightly. He didn't know if it was Qin Shijun's own meaning or the Crystal Palace's meaning. If it were Qin Shijun's own words, the most affected would be the three generations of Crystal Palace disciples. In fact, he also He did have the thought of borrowing a knife to kill.

But if his words are also showing the attitude of Crystal Palace, does that mean that Crystal Palace intends to withdraw from the North Sea?

If so, it would be a real disaster!

After Qin Shijun beat Junior Brother Ouyang, he stretched his waist and felt that the true essence in his body was recovering well. Then he muttered to himself: "The Mo Luo in the buffer area has become more and more cunning recently. I want to be like I don’t know when this kind of luck will be encountered today, and the danger is not small, worry, the people behind are chasing more and more tightly, how can I find a suitable place to hunt Mo Luo! "

Junior Brother Ouyang moved in his heart and said, "Senior Brother shouldn't go to the vicinity of Xuanzong's residence."


Junior Brother Ouyang blinked and said, "Now the Mo Luo army is still besieging the Sky Profound Sect, and the Heavenly Profound Sect has seven ancestors and Xiao Baiyu two pure Yang ancestors. If you want to come to the Mo Luo army to break the Tianxuanzong resident, I am afraid it is not It's very easy. It is much easier for Senior Brother to find a chance to hunt Mo Luo near the Profound Sky Sect now than the buffer area, and it is much safer than going deep into the buffer area."

Qin Shijun thought for a while, and said, "This proposal is good. I heard from this faction recently. It also means that Xuanzong seems to have made a big move recently. If he can catch up with Xuanzong's massive counterattack against the demon Luo army, it would be even more of an exploiter. Chance!"

"Alright, let's take a look near the residence of Xuanzong Sky!"

At the same time when Qin Shijun decided to go to the residence of Xuanzong Tian, ​​near the residence of the Yuwen family, Yuwenque saw that Yuwen Feixiang was standing suspended in the air, looking into the distance.

A smile of joy appeared on Yu Wenke's face and said, "Cousin, are you healed?"

Yuwen Feixiang turned around and smiled: "It's Kedi, why haven't you hunted in the past two days?"

Yuwenke smiled and said: "I have to rest for two days, every day I ran to find Mo Luo to fight, who can stand this!"

Yuwen Feixiang sighed softly, and said: "Brother Ke, you didn't need to be like this before. The left and right are just a ranking, so why not let me deliberately!"

Yuwenke smiled unnaturally, and said, "After all, my cousin is the first heir to the family. Brother, if I surpassed you on the military merit list while your cousin was injured, it is inevitable that someone who doesn't know the truth will say something. Fourth, not to mention that some people who are ill-intentioned are afraid that they will not let go of this opportunity to spread rumors even if they know the condition of their cousin's injury. People say it is awesome!"

Yuwen Feixiang smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said: "It's all just jumping clowns, you don't need to pay attention to it. Now my injuries are fully healed, and you just try your best to compete for the merit list, just like my cousin Jinglei. Unfortunately, this time Brother Lie didn't come together, otherwise my Yuwen family is afraid that there will be four people occupying this merit list, but if you want to surpass me, you have to show some real strength!"

Yuwenke humbly smiled and said, "Brother, I am the opponent of my cousin? By the way, where is my cousin going, now the Mo Luo in the buffer area is getting harder to kill. Recently, the points growth on the merit list is slowing down. ."

Yuwen Feixiang thought for a while, and said, "The Ziyang Palace is closer, and now the ancestor Lingtian is also in the Ziyang Palace, let's take a look around the Ziyang Palace!"

Yuwenke frowned and said, "Ziyang Palace? The scene in Ziyang Palace is not very good recently. The Mura army there is gathering more and more, so my cousin shouldn't go near the station of Xuanzong!"

Yuwen Feixiang turned around and smiled, and said, "Brother Ke, you have to understand that no matter how powerful Mo Luo is, they are going to be defeated after all. Mo Luo exists only to kill people!"

Yuwenke's expression changed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but Yuwen Feixiang's mouth curled slightly when he turned around, and he put on a mocking smile.

When the Qingming River flows near the Jiuxuan Tower, it suddenly makes a big turn to the south, and more than a thousand miles downstream of the Qingming River is the residence of another sacred place, Chongtian Pavilion in Zhongtu.

At this time, the blue light Zhang Zhifei of Lingyun Valley was leading a few cultivators of the same rank to chase down a Mo Luo team that haunted the buffer zone.

"Senior brother, don’t take risks. In order to fight for a ranking, it’s not worth the risk to chase down to the depths of the buffer zone. If you startle the Moluo army that besieged the Ninth Profound Building, you will not only be your brother, but even the Zongmen resident. Follow along."

Zhang Zhifei cursed angrily: "Damn, that Qin Shijun is crazy and usually grabs the exploits. I don't know where to find so many Mo Luo for killing him. If it doesn't work, Lao Tzu will also ask a few big monks to come out and help with the exploits. !"

"Senior brother, it is better to go to the vicinity of the resident of Chongtian Pavilion!"

Zhang Zhifei was taken aback, and asked: "How to say?"

"Brother, look, these people who call the wind and rain on the battle list, whether it is Beihai Lu Tianping, Yuwen Feixiang, Yuwenke brothers of the Yuwen family, or Fan Mingjie, Xie Tianyang, Cao Jianping, Nangong Xiaojian, Sima Charge, or even before. Yu Ziqing of the Talisman Pavilion, the reason these people are able to do this is that their sect station has been attacked by the Mo Luo army. These people can be said to be close to the water and get the moon first, and they only need to keep killing Mo Luo to increase their points. However, there is no need for us to spend time in the buffer zone constantly looking for the trail of Mo Luo."

Zhang Zhifei thought for a while, and smiled: "What you said makes sense. It's no wonder that the big brother just came from the martial arts and never went to the buffer area, but went east, thinking about going to the place near the tower of the tower, there is a wave there. The Mo Luo army is facing the Sky Tower, which is a good place to earn points for combat merit."

Zhang Zhifei smiled "hehe", and said, "You deserve to be a big brother, go, let's go too!"

In a dense area near the Tianxuanzong station, after the secret station in the valley was exposed, the ancestor Qingli rushed here with everyone. At this time, Lu Ping and Xiahou Wushang seemed to be waiting for someone outside the station.

There was a call from the sky, Lu Ping and Xiahou Wushang hurriedly greeted him, and a loud laugh came and said: "Brother Lu, Brother Xiahou, we meet again!"

Lu Ping watched Sang Yu jump off a flying demon eagle, and smiled: "Brother Sang Yu, you are late!"

Sang Yu smiled and said: "I encountered a team of Mo Luo on the road. After a battle, it was delayed for a while. Come and come. Let me introduce the other one of this sect to the world, Feng Jizu, Senior Brother Feng. Brother Feng, these two are the Beihai Lu Tianping I have told you before, and Xuanxuanzong Xiahou has no injuries!"

The flying demon eagle hovered in mid-air, and there was a tall and thin monk on it. After landing, he nodded to Lu Ping and then waved at the flying demon eagle. The demon eagle rose into the sky again. He hovered a few times before heading towards the residence of Xuanzong.

Sang Yu smiled and said: "This demon eagle is Brother Feng’s natal monster. It is extremely fast and possesses natal pupils. There is Brother Feng’s demon eagle. We don’t know everything about the movement of the demon army, at least not. As for the confusion, he fell into the siege of the Mo Luo army."

When the four of them walked and talked about entering the secret residence, Lu Ping asked, "Is there also an ancestor of Chunyang from Guizong?"

Sang Yu smiled and said, " The ancestor Feng Lian of this sect has a good relationship with the two seniors, Xiao Baiyu and Qifan. This time they are definitely coming!"

Lu Ping let out a "ha" and said with a smile: "Four Chunyang, if you want to come to this battle, you should have a chance to win!"

"I just don't know when to launch a counterattack, but then it will be a good time for me to wait for the exploits, Brother Lu, you have been quiet for a while, and your position on the exploits list is getting farther and farther away!"

"Don’t worry, it’s not an overnight thing to destroy the Moluo army. There are so many opportunities. It’s only now! Besides, Brother Sang, you and I have not been in a hurry, I am afraid that it is also accumulating, and now I just wait for you, Chunyang. Did you order it?"

"When the counterattack is naturally up to several ancestors of pure Yang, we will just grab the merits and beat the drums. However, I heard that Yuwen Feixiang and Xie Tianyang have also begun to increase their recent combat merits. This is the list of merits. I am afraid that the competition will be even more intense!"

"If not, wouldn't it seem too boring?"

"Haha, Brother Lu is sure enough, but it is also true. The battle for the merit list is just beginning!" q

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