Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1317: Contest for exploits (continued)

Lu Ping and Yin Tianchu left the secret place where the Qingli ancestors and others were, and headed northwest to meet the five people, including Qinghu and Liu Tianyuan, who were supposed to be here today. m.

It's just that the two rushed all the way hundreds of miles away, but still no trace of Qinghu and others were found. Although neither of them spoke, their expressions became more solemn.

Suddenly, both of them felt a slight aura, and they flew away in the direction where the aura came from without thinking, and as the two progressed, Yin Tianchu's figure became more and more ethereal. Lu Ping's face became more gloomy.

Tens of miles away, Yuwenke and Yuwen Jinglei brought a few monks from the Yuwen family to stop Qinghu and the others. Yuwenke smiled and said, "People of the True Spirit School? Your school has been in the limelight recently, but it's just now. A Moluo team is ours, so let's get out of it!"

Qinghu's face sank, and he coldly snorted: "Why, we discovered this trace of Mo Luo first. How can you know the whereabouts of this Mo Luo if you don't wait behind me?"

Yuwen Jinglei sneered: "We are doing this for your good. This strength of Mo Luo is not something you can deal with. The reason for stopping you is to prevent you from going to death. Don't know what it is, get out! "

The green fox looked angry, and Liu Tianyuan on the side grabbed her, and said in a deep voice: "The Yuwen family is the first family in the cultivation world, and it's not a bully who wants to come here. Since everyone already knows the traces of this Mo Luo team, This fellow Taoist also said that this Mo Luo team is huge, why don't I wait to join forces to annihilate it. After all, Mo Luo is the enemy of our two sides. Why not have a better chance of winning together?"

Yuwenke glanced at Liu Tianyuan playfully, and felt the deep breath of Liu Tianyuan. He knew that although this person was only a monk in the early stage of the Dharma stage, his strength might not be much worse than that of the female cultivator in the middle stage of the Dharma stage, so the look of contempt on his face Converged a little, and said with a smile: "You mean you and me each do what we can?"

Qinghu snorted coldly, but she also knew that Liu Tianyuan's proposal was not wrong at this time. The opponent's strength was obviously surpassed by her. If she blindly argued with the opponent, she would get nothing in the end. It would be better to pursue this together with the opponent. A Moluo team will do what they can at that time, no matter how strong the Yuwen family is, they may not be able to tear off a piece of meat from it.


Yuwen Jinglei seemed to have heard something funny, and laughed: "I heard it right, because you still want to compete fairly with us, so you must have that strength. If Lu Tianping said this, we too Why don't you give him a face, what are you that are worthy of being on an equal footing with us?"

Everyone in the True Spirit faction was furious, but they knew that the five of them could never be opponents of the other party, not to mention that Yuwen Jinglei and Yuwenque were both famous masters of the Yuwen family, and only seven or eight children of the Yuwen family under their opponents. Among them, there were three monks in the middle stage of the law, even if Yuwen Jinglei and Yuwenke did not interfere, Qinghu and others might not be their opponents.

Seeing that the real spirit school was silent, Yuwen's startled laughter seemed even more meaningful.

At this time, Yu Wenke, who had been watching the people of the True Spirit faction, suddenly said, "Well, we will give you a chance."

Yuwen's triumphant expression of thunder suddenly froze on his face, and he turned his head and said, "Brother Ke,..."

Yuwenke reached out his hand to stop Yuwen's shocking words, ignoring his dissatisfaction, and then said: "But whether you can win the battle, it depends on whether you have that strength!"

"Hey, since the people who see you have a share, how about a few younger sisters also come and get involved?"

As soon as Yu Wenke's voice fell, a weak voice swayed, but there was no movement in the surrounding void, but the five cultivators of the True Spirit School became more and more silent.

Yuwen Jinglei looked at the surroundings with a vigilant look, while Yuwenke beside him seemed not surprised. He looked at the sky on the side and smiled: "It turns out that it is the Shuixing Mozi from the Five Elements Sect. To share a piece of the pie, there is no reason to refuse!"

A silver bell-like laughter came, and a group of ten practitioners, five men and five women, stepped on a white cloud floating in the sky and slowly fell to the ground.

At first, one person was dressed in a palace costume with a jingle around his waist, and there was also a Jin Ling who made a crisp sound from time to time. It was the water of the Five Elements Zong who was so soft.

And beside Shui Zhirou, it is the person headed by the five male cultivators. This person is tall and magnificent. Walking with Shui Zhirou, he looks like a handsome man and a beautiful girl, as if he were a natural pair. .

Seeing that this man is extraordinary, Yu Wenke asked in surprise, "Who is this person next to Fellow Waterway?"

Shui Zhirou "chuckled" and the man beside him had already spoken: "Under Zhuoyi, Yuwen Daoist is reasonable!"

Yu Wenke suddenly appeared, hurriedly admiring his great name for a long time, and said: "It turns out that it is the new native of the Five Elements Sect, but he is rude to the next. Fortunately, I will be lucky!"

Shui Zhirou smiled and said: "Junior Brother Zhuo has always been hardworking in this school, but his reputation is not obvious. This time after Brother Tu fell, Senior Brother Zhuo took over the position of Tuxing Juzi, but it was the first time he walked in the cultivation world. ."

Yuwenke clapped his hands and laughed: "This time, the strength of the Mo Luo team I am waiting to track is really not low. I originally thought about whether this Mo Luo team could be wiped out, but now there are friends from the Five Elements Sect. There are two moments who make a move. It is not a problem to come to this battle."

Shui Zhirou glanced at the people of the True Spirit Sect next to him, and asked casually: "It is the duty of my generation to wipe out the devil, but these fellow daoists are very tight, so I won’t introduce them to you. Huh?"

When the monks of the Five Elements Sect arrived, Qinghu and others felt that they were going to suffer. The two great predecessors of the Five Elements Sect, Tu Gaoshan and Mu Changsheng, fell under Lu Ping’s sword. This time they encountered the two elements of the Five Elements Sect. One of them is even a newly appointed native speaker. If the Five Elements Sect turns a blind eye to a few of them, that would be a weird thing!

But now that the five people want to leave, it’s too late, not to mention that if they leave now, they are showing weakness. The previous dispute with Yuwenke has also turned into a slap in the face of their own, and how can the Five Elements Sect make them easy Go away.

The weird color on Yuwenke’s face flashed past, and he quickly patted his head and said, “Look at this surname. These are all monks of the North Sea True Spirit School. The traces of this Mo Luo team were originally These fellow daoists discovered it first!"

"True Spiritualism!"

The cultivators of the Five Elements Sect cast their eyes on Qinghu and the other five people, and their fierce murderous aura suddenly surged. For a while, except for Liu Tianyuan and Tianfeng, all three of Qinghu and the others changed their colors.

Zhuo Yi took a step and shouted sharply, "Where is Lu Tianping?"

Liu Tianyuan wasn't afraid at all, and said solemnly: "Why, does the Five Elements Sect want to rely on more for victory?"

Zhuo Yi laughed furiously, and sneered: "Just rely on you? But a small North Sea faction who has sent out a genius thinks that he has the qualifications to be wild in the middle earth? You are still far away!"

Seeing that the swords of both sides were drawn at each other, Yuwen Ke coughed, and the water was soft and crisp and smiled: "Junior Brother Zhuo, don't be impatient, the enemy is now, don't let everyone Yuwen Dao friends read the joke!"

Yuwenke also seemed to make a rounding speech: "Hehe, what the fellow water masters said is that now the disaster of the devil is raging, and the earth is now, I have to talk about grievances and grievances, and let go of the grievances first, and eliminate this demon. , After all, it was discovered by the true spirit daoists first!"

Zhuo Yi suddenly realized that there are people from the Yuwen family here after all. If you really start your hands, it will be detrimental to the reputation of the Five Elements Sect and the Yuwen family. , Even if the Five Elements Sect has a deep hatred with the True Spirit School, at least it can't act in front of the Yuwen Family.

So Zhuo Yi chuckled coldly: "But it's in Xia Menglang. Since all the daoists of the True Spirit School first discovered the traces of Mo Luo, please take us to catch up. Are you not afraid?"

The monks of the two sects moved without a trace, and vaguely cut off the back road of the five True Spirits. Once Qinghu and others refused to agree, it would be a joint attack by the two.

Qinghu said bitterly: "The Five Elements Sect and the Yuwen family are hiding evil hearts. They want us to explore the way for them as cannon fodder, so that they can take advantage of the fisherman's profit!"

Tianfeng's expression was calm, but his eyes flashed with fierce sword intent, and he was obviously ready to die. Liu Tianyuan's expression was calm. He is the chief of the five, but now he is in desperate situation. I don't know what to do for a while.

The Shui Zhirou saw that the True Spirit Sect members were silent, and laughed coldly: "It seems that everyone of the True Spirit Sect doesn't take me too seriously!"

Everyone in the Five Elements Sect sneered, and the murderous intent on their bodies was steaming. The Yuwen family seemed to watch from the wall, but in fact it was the most insidious.

At this time, Liu Tianyuan’s eyes flickered and then he laughed, and said, "In that case, why should I lead the way for you fellow Taoists?"

Tian Feng's cold voice sounded behind Liu Tianyuan, saying: "Brother,..."

Liu Tianyuan stretched out his hand to stop him, used a color, and said: "We have no choice. The two are also on guard against each other. I can only do this as cannon fodder, and I may not be able to survive from death!"

Tian Feng's eyes were drooping, and he couldn't see what he was thinking, but Qinghu had heard the meaning of Liu Tianyuan's words, and his expression was also certain.

Zhuo Yi and Shui Zhirou both sneered, and Yu Wenke said with joy from the side: "It's a great kind of this, everyone of the True Spirit School, please!"

Liu Tianyuan snorted coldly, and led the way to the previously tracked direction. The Five Elements Sect and the Yuwen Family members followed the True Spirit Sect in parallel but always kept a certain distance.

After everyone left for a while, there was a flash of light in the void, and Lu Ping and Yin Tianchu appeared in the place where their eyes were before.

Yin Tianchu said coldly: "Brother, this Yuwenke is dead!" q

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