Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1342: Secret of Taoism

Lu Ping finally understood why no matter it was Qin Shijun, Fan Mingjie, or Sang Yu, they all avoided this Nangong Xiaojian. This guy is a complete bitch, his mouth is terribly damaged, but he knows how strong he is. Take it when you see it, this is also the reason why this guy has almost ridiculed all the leading figures present at the scene, but in the end he is safe.

In the end, this guy rushed to Luping without accident: "Do you know you are going to be out of luck!"

Looking at the guy with a serious face in front of him, Lu Ping finally did not choose to sneer directly, but quietly asked: "I would like to hear the details!"

Nangong Xiaojian's expression suddenly shook, cleared his throat, and said, "The wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind. Don't you understand such a simple truth? What's more, your show is too big, 480 With more than a dozen points of merit, it’s not that we look down on our own, or that Dongfang Yanhong came here and is willing to bow down. You can ask the fan behind you, if it is replaced by the Yan Nanfei from their family, can it be compared? Can you beat you?"

Yan Nanfei was the first descendant of the three-generation monks of Ziyang Palace, and Dongfang Yanhong was also the first descendant of the Chongtian Pavilion. Neither of them had participated in the battle of the Jiuxuan Tower. One of many reasons.

Although many people know that because of Lu Ping’s strength on the merit list, most of these people are not Lu Ping’s opponents, but they are still suspicious of the merit list after they did not come, or they are still willing to let this merit list be suspicious. What a joke, let a turtle from Beihai grab the first place. I don't know how many people are going to watch these jokes passed down by the holy land.

This is also the reason why Qin Shijun gave up the fight for the merit list at the last moment of the war, and began to specifically assist other monks of this faction to compete for the merit list. As the first descendant of the Crystal Palace, it is the only one among the six holy places that participated in this battle of the Nine Profound Towers. There is the first protagonist who has made all-out efforts from beginning to end. He doesn't want to be yelled at by someone pointing his nose, "Trash, even a North Sea turtle can't compare with it, but also the first protagonist of the Crystal Palace"!

Nangong Xiaojian looked left and right, and said, "It's really a miracle that you can live!"

Even if Lu Ping had already known the poisonous tongue of this Nangong Xiaojian, at this time, he couldn't wait for a sword to poke a hole in this guy's body.

However, this Nangong Xiaojian had already thought of this, and had already hid far behind Sima Charge, avoiding Lu Ping's sharp edge.

"Lu Tianping, don't think that Lao Tzu speaks badly. Now in this land of Hexi, I don't know how many people are making your mind. Hey, you have to be careful. If you are unlucky, Lao Tzu won't mind stepping on it! "

Nangong Xiaojian’s words made Yin Tianchu and others behind Lu Ping look very ugly. Yin Tianchu’s eyes were full of murderousness, and the whole person was about to become illusory. Unexpectedly, Lu Ping stretched out one hand and easily grabbed his arm, and then He shook his head at him.

Xie Tianyang on the side couldn't listen anymore, and said angrily: "Nangong bitch, you're still endless. If you feel uncomfortable, how about I thank someone to play with you?"

That Nangong Xiaojian didn't seem to hear Xie Tianyang's words, but his mouth said: "Hey, I have left, and people have known each other, and they don't have three heads and six arms. There is nothing to look at. Let's go, let's go!"

Nangong Xiaojian turned around and left. It looked like he was scared away by Xie Tianyang's provocation, but none of the people present was not a top person. Naturally, he would not stupidly think that the second progeny of the dignified tower would be scared away by a few words. .

On the other hand, Sima charged two steps behind, and smiled bitterly at Lu Ping: "Brother Lu, I'm really sorry, Senior Brother Nangong has such a personality, I hope Brother Lu will not take it to heart!"

Lu Ping's face turned straight, and Su Rong turned towards Nangong Xiaojian's back in the distance and said, "Anyway, I have to thank Brother Nangong for reminding him. Lu Mou will be careful not to give Brother Nangong a chance to step on it. !"

In the distance, Nangong Xiaojian's figure stagnated, and then he walked faster. The breeze blew and brought Nangong Xiaojian's cursing in a low voice, as if regretting the reminder to Lu Ping, which gave him one less chance to have fun. .

After the people from the Sky Tower came to drive, Qin Shijun quickly took the monk from the Crystal Palace to leave. Xie Tianyang raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother Lu, although Nangong Xiaojian's words are a bit awkward, they are not unreasonable."

Lu Ping's eyes flashed with a cold light, nodded, and said: "I know, in fact, as early as the last battle of encirclement and suppression of Moluo, someone had tried to count against me, but that time the opponent not only did not take advantage. Also suffered a big loss!"

Lu Ping suddenly thought of something and smiled: "Speaking of the Seventh Ancestor Taoist Temple, what do you know about it, don't tell me that Ziyang Palace knows nothing about it."

Xie Tianyang said: "This is actually not a secret. I think it's like Brother Sang and other large sects have clear records about this, and everyone should know about it."

Sang Yu smiled and nodded, and said, "The Seventh Ancestor Taoist Altar is a small thousand world created by the Seventh Ancestor of the Open Heaven for the purpose of preaching. In this world, there are seven huge chimes each with seven pieces. At the beginning of the opening of the heavens, the seven ancestors each passed down seven kinds of openings of the heavens on these seven Taoist altars. This is the origin of the forty-nine openings of the heavens in the legends of the cultivation world. Moreover, it is said that among the seven Chime-tone divine stones of each Taoist altar, there is a collection of an Kaitian inheritance, and these 49 Chime-tone divine stones also record forty-nine Kaitian inheritance."

Lu Ping unconsciously touched the storage artifact in his hand. The two purple jade he practiced recorded "Beihai Tingtao Jue" and it was simple and convenient. The water ape spirit of Qiankun Baoding once said that Lu Ping practiced techniques. It's the Kaitian inheritance. Could it be that this "North Sea Tingtao Jue" is a cultivation technique with the water attribute in the seven Taoist Kaitian inheritance handed down by the Taoist Taoist?

Just listen to Xie Tianyang continue to say: "After the Seven Ancestors disappeared, the Seven Ancestors’ Taoist altar was closed, only the seven bloodlines were concentrated and the seven attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and ice were cultivated, and the cultivation base had to reach the combined strength of the monks of pure Yang Only then can the Seventh Ancestor Taoist Altar be reopened."

"However, after the disappearance of the Seventh Ancestor, the Seventh Ancestor Taoist Altar also collapsed suddenly. Forty-nine Qingyin Divine Stones were broken into countless pieces of small gravel, scattered in this small thousand world. Therefore, the forty-nine Dao opens the heavens. Therefore, with these scattered stones, they are completely scattered, and if you want to reunite the forty-nine paths of the Kaitian inheritance, it is possible unless you can collect the Qingyin gravel scattered in the world of Xiaoqian without falling. But this is clearly impossible to do."

Lu Ping frowned upon hearing this and said, "Why?"

Fan Mingjie explained: "No one knows how many pieces of the sacred stone are broken, and each piece of sacred stone contains the will of the seventh ancestor. Even if one can be found, if the will of the seventh ancestor cannot be subdued, I am afraid that even I don’t know which ancestor’s altar originally belonged to this sacred stone. It only takes one year for the seventh ancestors’ altar to be opened. In such a short period of time, let alone find a few pieces of gravel, even if you find enough The crushed stone does not have enough time to subdue the will of the Seven Ancestors contained in the crushed stone.

Lu Ping frowned and said, "Is he able to bring the Qingyin gravel out of the world of Xiaoqian by overcoming the will to open the sky in the gravel?"

Everyone was taken aback, Su Jin smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "No!"

Without waiting for Lu Ping to ask the reason, Su Jin explained: "Suppressing the will of the open sky in the gravel is at most but able to know the words of the open day inheritance recorded in the gravel, but suppressing the will of the open sky does not mean The will to open the sky disappears. As long as the will to open the sky in the gravel does not disappear, the gravel cannot be taken out of the little thousand world."

Su Jin seemed to guess what Lu Ping wanted to do, and then explained: "As long as the will to open the sky in the gravel exists, it cannot be included in the storage artifact."

Lu Ping's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said, "So there are still chime-tone gravels that were taken out of the altar?"

Fan Mingjie nodded and said: "Yes, you can take it out of the Taoist altar by refining the Kaitian Will contained in the divine stone, but who does not know how to refining it, even those who are lucky enough to bring out the divine stone The monk himself is also confused. It seems that the will in refining it is not because of how strong his own strength is, but it is more like a **** stone self-recognizing the master."

"Although this has happened in the cultivation world, it has only been a limited number of times in the past tens of thousands of years. Of course, if anyone brought out the sacred stone from the inside, but did not disclose it, no one knows. This is why forty-nine. This is the reason why Kaitian inheritance can no longer be assembled."

The scenes in the Seventh Ancestor Taoist altar, Lu Ping once received some information from the ancestor Lin Yu, and part of the memory of the flying ancestor’s pure sun soul was also left, and then it was mutually confirmed with what Xie Tianyang and others said. It gave Lu Ping a better understanding of the Seventh Ancestor Taoist It’s just that there are many areas that Lu Ping puzzled about. Lu Ping was about to ask, but he saw a bright golden light burst out of the sky. , One of the golden lights came towards Lu Pingping’s direction, and when he got closer, Lu Ping could see that the golden lights were actually emitted from the hands of the two ancestors Jiang Tianlin and Tiancheng, and these golden lights were too dazzling, even hidden. The escape of the two ancestors themselves.

Liu Tianyuan said strangely: "Uncle Master, Uncle Master, this is..."

The ancestor Jiang Tianlin raised up the token that was exuding golden light very quickly, and said: "This is the proof of entering the Seventh Ancestor Taoist Altar."

Speaking, he nodded towards Xie Tianyang and the others, and said, "Your ancestors have also taken yours back. If you want to come, you will receive news."

As soon as the voice fell, the two sound transmission notes fell into the hands of Fan Mingjie and Sang Yu. After reading the contents of the sound transmission notes, the two of them quickly bid farewell to the True Spirit faction, set up the escape and left.

Jiang Tianlin sent a few golden tokens to Lu Ping, the ancestor Tiancheng also handed a few tokens to Wang Xuanqi and other disciples of the forging period, and said: "It will be refined soon, the Seventh Ancestor Taoist The entrance and the three big secret realms will soon be opened by those Pure Yang monks."

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