Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1343: The road opens

There was a problem with the Internet, I have not been able to go online, uploading a bit late, there is still a chapter after the early morning, tomorrow is the time to double the monthly pass, Sleeping Autumn is working hard, I urge everyone to support the monthly pass, thanks!


A few tokens were divided into the hands of Lu Ping’s five Faxiangs and the five Forge cultivators. Lu Ping squeezed the tokens in his hands, and a liquid-like blue light filled his hands. The tokens were like waves. The light quickly melted away, and a mark appeared on Lu Ping's palm. M.

Lu Ping's spiritual thought sank into the palm of his palm, and found that this mark had actually carved a spatial transmission talisman in the monk's body.

When Lu Ping raised his head and looked at the other people, Yin Tianchu and others also completed the refining of this space talisman, and the ancestor Jiang Tianlin handed a few storage bags and life-saving items to the five forgers. Brother Dan.

The space tokens handed over to several blacksmith cultivators also have a monitoring function. After the cultivators refine them, this symbol will also record the cultivators’ gains in the three secret realms one by one, so as to prevent anyone from getting out of the secret realm. Hidden private.

Jiang Tianlin handed over four jade tiles to Wang Xuanqi and other four mid-Dan Dan monks, saying: "These four jade tiles are psychic jade tiles of this school. People will be randomly distributed after entering the secret realm. The four of you can pass These psychic jade tiles can be gathered as soon as possible, so that it is convenient to do things. Although the cultivation resources in the secret realm are extremely rich, there are also many strange and dangerous places, but the more dangerous is the monks of other factions. It is only possible if all people work together. Get the biggest gain."

After talking, Jiang Tianlin looked at the only late alchemy cultivator, saying: "Nephew Wu, you are the only cultivator of the late alchemy cultivator who are eligible to enter the secret realm. The gains in it are second, and the key is to pay attention to yourself. Security, cultivation resources are important, but if there are no human beings, then there is nothing!"

As the only third-generation cultivator among the late cultivators of the True Spirit Sect to make it into the top 100 in the battle list this time, Wu Xuanren obviously went beyond the expectations of everyone in the True Spirit Sect.

The shameless Wu Xuanren smiled honestly, and said, "Uncle, don't worry, how can I save my disciples!"

Lu Ping thought for a while, took out a stack of talismans with various auras and five jade bottles out of the storage artifact, and said: "The three secret realms have always been occupied by the six sacred places, and it is difficult to keep some of them. The things will be concealed by the monks who have entered using formations, prohibitions and other means. If you find out, just break them. These talismans are my spare time to practice hand things, mostly three-color, four-color. You can divide the forbidden charms like color."

When the five people heard that these talisman were actually famous forbidden-breaking talisman, their expressions were joyful, and they carefully took the talisman from Lu Ping's hand, and then after each of them divided three or five pieces, it was cherished and cherished. stand up.

Today, Lu Ping and Fulu specialize in breaking the forbidden talisman, and have been able to successfully produce the six-color forbidden breaking talisman, but he is obviously not able to master this process proficiently, and the success rate of production is not particularly high.

He also distributed a few jade bottles, and said: "In the jade bottles are a few intentional battle pills that I have refined, which are sealed with a few sword qi that I usually practice. They can be used to save my life at critical moments. I want to come to the law. In the early days, there were few monks who could resist."

Everyone was filled with joy again. Now there are still a few people in the entire cultivation world who don’t know about the sword immortal in the North Sea. Although the pill that can seal the sword qi sounds very strange, the sword qi of the water sword immortal is not something ordinary people can resist. Live, this is a rare life-saving thing for the cultivators of the alchemy period.

Not to mention several pill forging monks, it was Yin Tianchu and others who were very surprised when they heard about the "intentional war pill" that can seal the sword energy. These treasures are no less than the charms made by the monks of the law. The only difference is that the talisman can be used repeatedly, while the intentional battle pill is obviously only a one-time consumable item.

There was a rumbling roar in the sky, and the palms of the several disciples who had refined the space runes suddenly flashed light, and several people rose into the sky and flew towards the three space channels that were slowly opened in the sky.

One of them flew to the most central space channel, it was Wu Xuanren, the only late dandan monk, and the other four disciples of the fourth generation of Duan Dan mid-stage flew towards the left space channel. After a while, all five of them disappeared into the channel. It disappeared, and the three space portals in the mid-air gradually closed, and the sky returned to calm again.

Reddy smacked his lips and said, "This Wu Xuanren is good. It seems that your True Spirit faction almost lost a talent!"

Liu Tianyuan nodded and said: "Yes, Brother Wu has a longer training time than me. It should be about the same as Brother Tiantian and others. However, Brother Wu has always been very low-key, and his cultivation speed is not too high. Quickly, few cultivators of the same generation can notice him, and I don’t want his strength to have reached such a level. Just with the cultivation of the eighth-layer of forging alchemy, he will be abruptly among the cultivators of the nine-layer or even the peak of alchemy. It’s a blockbuster that made it into the top 100!"

This time, the Alchemy monks sent by the True Spirit Sect to Middle-earth, among them, the monks in the later Alchemy period were mostly three generations of disciples of the seventh or eighth floors of Alchemy. These people practice slowly and do not show any amazing talents in the ordinary days. From the point of view of the sects, they basically lost the opportunity to advance the phase of the magic phase, and most of the three generations of disciples who have reached the ninth level or even the peak of the forging pill, and there is a slight possibility of breaking through the phase of the magic phase, most of them did not come to Middle-earth. , Only a few fighting madmen or disciples who are hopeless about their cultivation base came to Middle-earth together, hoping to have a chance.

However, no one expected that among the disciples who seemed to be hopeless to advance, there was such an impressive disciple hidden among the disciples of these sects, which made the ancestor Jiang Tianlin seem a little embarrassed.

Jiang Tianlin looked at the ancestor of and said, "Junior, what do you think?"

The ancestor Tiancheng took the Sanling Fire Source Pill, and the original injury in his body had already healed. At this time, his face was already radiant, and the surging breath of the whole body almost couldn’t be suppressed. He was about to advance to the middle stage of the Dharma Phase just for the sake of This time, the Seventh Ancestor's trip to the Taoist altar has been suppressing his own cultivation.

The ancestor Tiancheng smiled upon hearing the words: "A good thing, I am afraid that I will pay more attention to it after I go back this time. Maybe it will be another good seedling of Dharma phase."

Jiang Tianlin nodded, then asked Lu Ping, "What do you think?"

Lu Ping thought for a while, and said: "You still have to be cautious in the selection of the disciples that the sect focuses on training. It may not be possible to treat them equally, but at any time can not cut off the upward channels and hopes of the disciples among the sects, even if the most talented is the most cultivated. Slow disciple."

Old Ancestor Jiang Tianlin smiled and nodded. Old Ancestor Tiancheng stretched out his hands helplessly and said, "You know, I'm not good at these things. That's something the boss should consider."

There was a rumbling whisper in the sky again, and the ancestor Jiang Tianlin looked up and said: "The Seventh Ancestor Taoist Altar is open, get ready to go in, you only have one year."

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