Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1370: The ambition of the True Spirit School (continued)

A ray of light in the night sky concealed its trail as much as possible across the sea, and finally fell on the empty sea. Lu Ping appeared here with Deng Ming and Xuanhua.

Lu Ping's divine consciousness spread to the surroundings like a tide, and there was no one within the envelope of the divine consciousness. Lu Ping beckoned at the two of them, and his body had already dived under the sea.

The three of them dived all the way to more than a hundred meters. When Xuanhua Zhenyuan's endurance was at its limit, a bright bead suddenly rose from Lu Ping's hand. The surrounding water pressure suddenly dissipated, and the three of them continued toward the depths of the sea. Go down.

Deng Ming looked at the pearl on Lu Ping's head, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly surprised: "Is it the Moon Pearl?"

Lu Ping smiled "hehe" and said, "It is the Moon Pearl!"

The three of them dived all the way into the waters thousands of feet deep, and only then vaguely saw a submarine cliff, and then dived more than a thousand meters away, a stone platform with a radius of more than a hundred meters protruded from the submarine cliff, and On the stone platform is depicted a delicate formation.

"It's a teleportation array!"

Naturally, this teleportation formation can't hide from Deng Ming, the formation master, but looking at the suspicious formation master at this time, it seems that he guessed something from this teleportation stone platform that suddenly appeared in the deep sea, but he really didn't dare. It's ok, and in his opinion, this teleportation array seems to have been manipulated, and the teleportation function cannot be activated at all.

Lu Ping smiled "hehe" and took the two of them onto the stone platform. Then he didn't see how he fiddled with it, and then he inlaid the spirit stones in several places on the stone platform. Then he said to Deng Ming: "This Can Junior Brother Deng break through this secret transmission array?"

Deng Ming pondered for a moment, and said: "This is a secret array, which is slightly different from the ordinary teleportation array. It is difficult for outsiders to crack! But it is not easy to find such a stone platform on the seabed of thousands of feet!"

Lu Ping pinched a few magic tactics in his hand, the secret array was immediately opened, the teleportation array was activated, a gloomy light flashed across the deep seabed, and the three of them had disappeared on the stone platform.


A ray of light flickered. Lu Ping and the three suddenly appeared here in an underwater secret cave. Deng Ming felt a great crisis seem to be floating above his head, as if his life would be stripped at any time. The small repair Xuanhua at the early stage of Pill Smelting next to him seemed to feel like this, and the moment he appeared in the secret cave in the water, he was also shocked.

This feeling appeared extremely abrupt, but it disappeared equally fast. It seemed that at that moment, the existence of the crisis hidden in the secret cave in the water discerned the identity of the three of them as friends and not enemies in an instant.

Lu Ping never seemed to feel the dangerous aura like the abyss. The moment he appeared in the secret cave in the water, he just glanced at the secret cave with a smile on his face, and then walked out with the two of them.

In a clear water pool, the three of them rose up in the air, with a strong spiritual energy rushing towards their faces. Deng Ming and Xuanhua were both stunned by everything that suddenly appeared in front of them.

For a long time, this Xuanhua said, "Is this the secret of the inheritance of the school, the magic weapon of the cave sky, that my father once said?"

Lu Ping smiled without saying a word. Deng Ming on the side saw a huge mountain that seemed to have been cut off in the distance, and the green water band winding down from the top of the mountain until it reached the pool below his feet. He shook his head and said. : "How can Dongtian magic weapon support such a giant peak? If you guess it right, is this the location of Feiling Mountain, the resident of the Fei Ling Sect of the entire Beihai practice world?"


Lu Ping hadn't spoken yet, but Xuanhua on the side was taken aback first!

As the only large-scale sect in the North Sea for tens of thousands of years, even if the Fei Ling Sect has been destroyed, it is still famous in the North Sea practice world. Then, the only giant island in the North Sea, Fei Ling Island, was caught by the door when the Fei Ling sect was destroyed. The monks of Faxiang desperately opened the forbidden formation and sank to the bottom of the sea. Every five hundred years, there was only one opportunity for the hemolysis minor to enter the Feiling Island to explore. As a native of the North Sea monk, Xuanhua himself would not know this news!

"Feiling Island can only be opened for five hundred years, and it is impossible to enter it with my cultivation base."

Lu Ping laughed up to the sky, his expression couldn't hide his triumph, and said, "This is the Feiling Island in the North Sea, and the giant peak is also the Feiling Mountain where the Feiling Sect was located in the past. What do you think?"

"Really? Doesn't it mean that this faction will also have giant islands and giant spirit veins in the future?" Xuanhua was pleasantly surprised.

"This is the foundation of the True Spirit School's inheritance for eternity. Xuan Ming finally understood what happened to Yankun Island for several years. Fortunately to participate in it!" Deng Ming's face flashed with enthusiasm, which seemed to be completed by his hands. A terrifying event! ,

"So, I brought Junior Brother Deng here. In the next few years, Junior Brother Deng will probably not be able to get there for a few years under the deep sea!"

Deng Ming laughed and said: "Senior brother wants me to leave if such a great event can be experienced personally, and I would rather die!"

Soon after the three of them came out of the secret cave in the water, the three escape lights had flew towards the three from the top of the Fei Ling mountain far away.

Lu Pianlu came up in surprise and said: "Uncle Shi, is it good to have not seen it for decades? But the disciple did not expect that your old man would be the host here!"

The ancestor of the sky furnace with white beard and hair "ha ha" smiled and said: "It is very good, very good. If you can see this flying spirit giant in your life, the old man is dead and no regrets! Dan pavilion has your Tianqin master uncle sitting in town, and the old man will spend the rest of his life. Staying here on Fei Ling Island is"

Lu Ping hurriedly said: "Uncle Shi is a senior, whether this Feiling Island can be restored to its old appearance depends on Uncle Shi's chairing here!"

The ancestor of Tianlu laughed and said: "The old man speaks but doesn't do anything. On this Fei Ling Island, he can be regarded as arrogant. With the help of the fellow daoists you have invited, the recovery progress has been greatly accelerated!"

After seeing the ancestor of the Tianlu, Lu Ping said, "Uncle, Senior Brother Tianshang!"

The ancestor Tiancheng glanced at the two people behind Lu Ping, and then said, "This time you are trying to trigger the second thunder robbery. Have you ever been completely sure?"

Lu Ping smiled and said: "Who would dare to say that he is completely sure about the Thunder Tribulation, but there are disciples who are 70% to 80% sure about it."

The ancestor Tiancheng nodded, dare to say that he was 70% to 80% sure of going through the thunder tribulation and only Lu Ping was so sure, but the ancestor Tiancheng was somewhat concerned and confused, thinking that the True Spirit faction could be the third. The great monk made the status of the large sect of the True Spirit School no longer in suspense.

Halfway behind the ancestor of Tiancheng, Tian Shang arched his hands to Lu Ping and said with a blank expression: "Junior brothers are always one step ahead, and now they have to go through the second thunder catastrophe, but the brothers and others are going to be behind again. Legs!"

Lu Ping knows that Tianshang has always been unsmiling. Although he is tall, he always has a sallow face and a sad face. He looks as if he has just recovered from a serious illness. In the True Spirit School, he is called a "sick tiger" in the Beihai practice world!

"Illness" refers to Tianshang's peculiar appearance, and "tiger" shows that Tianshang's strength is an extremely powerful character among the three generations of true spirit disciples. If it weren't for true spirits to send evildoers and geniuses like Lu Tianping and Yin Tianchu, Tian The fall of Tian Zhongdao, Liu Tianyuan has accumulated so much accumulation and has been taken care of by his elders to this day. His strength is probably one of the best among the entire three generations of True Spirit Sect disciples.

Lu Ping smiled and said, "Senior brother, I'm just one step ahead. Senior brother will be able to catch up in the future!"

During the greetings, Lu Ping introduced Deng Ming and Xuanhua behind him to the three ancestors. Hearing Deng Ming’s identity, even though Deng Ming had already worshipped Jiang Tianlin, the ancestor Tiancheng and others had to say politely " There is work"!

As for Xuanhua, after everyone sighed in their hearts, they couldn't help but work hard, but there were a few more gifts from the Celestial Furnace ancestors and others.

Tian Shang nodded towards Lu Ping, and said: "So, I will first take Junior Brother Xuanming to the forbidden place of the mountain guard faction formation!"

After Tianshang left, Tiancheng looked at Xuanhua who was behind Lu Ping, and said, "Do you want this little guy to follow you this time?"

Lu Ping smiled and nodded, and said: "I see that this kid is very fond of swordsmanship, but Senior Sister Tianhui is not very proficient in swordsmanship. It just so happens that I have a set of swordsmanship supernatural powers in my hand, so I thought of passing it on to this kid and saving him. Take more detours!"

The ancestor Tianlu listened to the side, smiled and nodded, "It's so good."

Lu Ping seemed to have thought of something at this time, and asked the ancestor Tianlu: "Uncle Shi, can those few people stop using your hands to make it easy?"

The old ancestor of Tianlu said with a straight face and said: "The old man is about to ask you where I can find them, and there are still so many. If the news is leaked, I am afraid that others will be coveted again!"

Lu Ping's mouth moved slightly, and he briefly talked about the Tianlu and Tiancheng in the Nine Profound Tower's longevity cave. Seeing the stunned expressions of the two, he smiled: "I'm afraid they will just stay here and don't want to. After going out, they were born to be nurtured, and they were already full of fear of the outside world. On Fei Ling Island, I did not pay attention to them. This is a paradise-like existence. As for the cultivation of spiritual grass and the opening of spiritual gardens, these things are right. As far as they are concerned, it is like instinct. Uncle Master must be concerned about gains and losses. Besides, they have been viciously restrained by others in their divine minds. Even though the disciples can conceal them, they cannot eliminate them. They will still die if they leave here!"

The ancestor Tiancheng shook his head and said: "You are really brave, here, some of them are here too!"

When Lu Ping turned and looked around, he saw several Luan birds flying from the sky. The two leaders were Luan Xiu and Luan Qing who had reached the middle stage of the Fa, and the rest were in the Pill Forging Stage and the Hemolysis Stage. They were all different, and there were even a few little Luan birds that seemed to have just hatched and learned to fly, flapping their wings hard behind them. Among them were the ones that Lu Ping ordered Lu Qin'er to hatch.

Luan Xiu swooped down from mid-air and turned into a human form. Lu Ping said loudly, "Lu Tianping, your true spirit faction is so ambitious!"

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