Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1371: Trigger the catastrophe

After the accumulation of the True Spirit Sect over the years, especially the rapid rise in the last two to three hundred years, there are at least four large spiritual veins on Tianling Mountain. m.

However, now only the spiritual veins on Feiling Mountain are equivalent to seven large spiritual veins, and this is only the result of Lu Ping's temporary collection with Linglong Baoding.

In fact, although Feiling Mountain was shaved off a small half of the peak, the giant spiritual veins on Feiling Island suffered severe damage, but if the entire Feiling Mountain was scraped, it might not be impossible to gather one or two large spiritual veins. .

When Lu Ping came to Feiling Island this time, in addition to bringing Deng Xuanming to truly participate in an important matter concerning the inheritance of the True Spirit School, the more important point was to spend the second time. Thunder Tribulation, the great monk in the late stage of the achievement Dhamma makes the final preparations.

Originally, Lu Ping didn't need to be so cautious, but something that happened suddenly at this juncture made Lu Ping have to repeatedly postpone his tribulation time.

As one of Lu Ping's destiny treasures, the Sword of True Spirit Li Qi asked to face the second thunder catastrophe at the same time as Lu Ping!

During the first Thunder Tribulation, combining his power with the True Spirit Sword Thunder Tribulation made Lu Ping feel lingering. Originally, Lu Ping was not too concerned about the second Thunder Tribulation, but Li Qiye’s repeated requests made him Lu Ping's heart suddenly came to his throat again.

Therefore, Lu Ping spent a period of time practicing in Fei Ling Island in retreat, not only to continue to hone his body's true essence, but also to refine the medicinal power of the Bailian Rongshen Pill accumulated in his body as soon as possible to use it for his own use, increase physical strength, and strengthen himself. The foundation is prepared to deal with the arrival of the second thunder robbery.

Secondly, it was to use the power of Thunder Tribulation to accomplish something he had planned for a long time, and this matter was also because he insisted on bringing Deng Xuanming, a master of formation with art investment master, to participate in this big event.

"What? You want to summon the second thunder robbery on Fei Ling Island, and you will summon thunder robbery at the same time as a spirit treasure in your hand?"

The amiable ancestor Tianlu with white beard and hair only listened to Lu Ping's words and turned into a beard and hair. He split his head and covered his face, saying: "Do you know what you are talking about? Others tried to weaken themselves by various means. Intensity, you are not good. You only think that your thunder tribulation is not powerful enough, and you have to receive the thunder tribulation of the spirit treasure in your hand. This is not a simple one plus one. The two thunder tribulations are added together, and the power is No less than the third Pure Sun Thunder Tribulation!"

Lu Ping still smiled and said: "Yes, the disciple knows that he is dissatisfied with Uncle Master. When the disciple spent the first thunder robbery, it was the thunder robbery summoned at the same time as this magic weapon. Although it was the first thunder robbery, the thunder robbery The tyrannical is no less than the second thunder robbery of an ordinary monk, and the disciple has survived this too!"

The ancestor of Tianlu said with a serious face: "This is not a child's play. It can be done last time, but it does not mean that it can also be done this time. Besides, to spend thunder and tribulation together with magic weapons and spirit treasures, this should be a kind of tradition passed down from the past. Earth’s secret technique for replacing the life spirit treasure. You have already used this secret technique last time. Is it possible to replace the life spirit treasure again this time?"

Lu Ping also said: "It's not a replacement, it's the last life spirit treasure, but this time it is about whether a supreme magical secret technique that the disciple wants to cultivate can be quickly achieved, so I have to take another risk!"

Seeing that Lu Ping was determined, he had to say: "Why do you want to summon Thunder Tribulation on Feiling Island? You need to know that Feiling Island is under the deep sea at this time. Although it does not affect the summoning of Thunder Tribulation, it may not be impossible. It caused various restrictions on Feiling Island, and the gathering of thunderclouds was extremely eye-catching. After all, it was the second thunder catastrophe. The movement caused by that time might shake the entire North Sea practice world. If it exposes the fact that this faction can fly in and out The secrets of Lingdao will inevitably affect the various plots of this faction."

"This disciple naturally knows!"

Lu Ping did not hesitate to explain: "In fact, the disciples did this deliberately. During this period of time, Junior Brother Deng Xuanming was ready to come. The forbidden formation on Feiling Island was the three true spirits of the Feiling School back then. The great supernatural powers of, which were able to sink such a huge island in the sea, needless to say that its power is superb. Now, if you want to restore it, you can only use huge external forces to shorten the time. This time, my disciple’s thunder The robbery is an excellent opportunity, otherwise, just by waiting for the days and months, this Fei Ling Island will not be able to surface at all without 800 years."

"Furthermore, there have been few people in this Fei Ling Island sea area for thousands of years. Even though the disciples have attracted the attention of all the North Sea factions this time, but who can imagine that this faction has already entered Fei Ling Island, and Who would have thought that this faction actually played the idea of ​​recreating the entire Fei Ling Island in the North Sea? Anyway, there will be no need for too many people to enter and leave this Fei Ling Island in the next few years. The North Sea factions can hardly find the person who crossed the calamity. Will he stay here for many years?"

Even though Lu Ping persuaded the ancestors of Tianlu, the summoning of Thunder Tribulation is not trivial. Lu Ping still found a place far away from Feiling Mountain as a place to cross the Tribulation, and Deng Xuanming finally flew after months of hard work. The large forbidden formation in the belly of Lingshan unlocked a small part, and used this as an opportunity to set up a huge formation, with the intention of leveraging the power of thunder calamity dissipated during Lu Ping's robbery to pry the entire Fei Ling Island forbidden. Great array.

During the period when Lu Ping was preparing for his second thunder robbery, Xuanhua completely became Lu Ping’s right and left hand. In addition to the various cultivation practices under Lu Ping’s guidance, he witnessed Lu Ping’s work for the thunder robbery. Preparation is also of great benefit to Xuanhua's future growth.

When he went with Lu Ping to the place of crossing the catastrophe, Lu Ping handed him the Golden House, and said: "The matter of crossing the catastrophe has always been nine deaths, and this thing contains most of my life's hard work, and you will give it to the head. That's it."

Xuanhua took over the Golden Room and said, "Master Uncle is so famous, it is natural to become a great monk. The disciple of this thing will keep it for the time being, and it will be returned when Master Uncle succeeds in the advanced disciple."

Lu Ping smiled, and handed over two storage artifacts to him, saying: "You will give these two rings to the real person Huanglidao Xuanhu in the future. She naturally knows how to do it."

Xuanhua silently accepted two storage artifacts, but saw Lu Ping throw another storage ring into his hand, saying: "This is a reward for you. Brother Tiantian died young, although he fell The hand of Mo Luo, but it has a lot to do with Taixuanzong and Canghaizong. It contains a set of wood-attribute swordsmanship that is very suitable for your cultivation, and there is also a part of cultivation resources, a wood-attributed spiritual object of high-grade ground level, you should be a good living. Do not be impatient in your cultivation. You may not be able to achieve higher achievements than your father in the future."

Lu Ping paused, then said: "You should do it yourself!"

"Shishu Jiren have their own heavens!"

Xuanhua tightly grasped the storage ring in his hand and bowed and bowed to Lu in a parallel salute. When he raised his head, he saw that Lu Ping was already hundreds of meters away.

And at this moment, a powerful force ran across the void. Although Lu Ping had moved the place of the catastrophe as far away as possible from Feiling Mountain, the forceful pressure still made the entire Feiling Mountain that has gradually become lively. Fell into silence.

Lu Ping completely let go of the restraint on his own cultivation base, and the tyrannical aura swept across the sky, contending with the pressure of heaven and earth that descended through the ten thousand feet of water in the void.

Above the sea, the thick cloud of robbery has gathered, and the huge celestial phenomenon soon shocked the entire North Sea practice world. This is Lu Ping’s second thunder robbery, but where is the cloud of robbery gathered now? It is something that a monk in the middle stage of the law can bear. This is basically the third thunder catastrophe faced by the monks in the later stage of the law, pure sun thunder catastrophe!

When is Beihai going to have a pure Yang monk?

Could it be the Daosheng ancestor of the Xuanling Sect, or the celestial elephant ancestor of the Zhenling Sect?

The Celestial Ancestor is unlikely. At this time, the True Spirit Sect is in a critical period of sect promotion, and it is absolutely impossible for the True Spirit Sect to take risks at this time.

It is possible that Daosheng ancestors, as the largest monk in the North Sea, had much older qualifications than the Celestial ancestors, not to mention that the True Spirit School has become more and more powerful in these years, the original North Sea No. 1 school. The Xuanling Sect is on the decline. Dao Sheng ancestors may not be able to fight hard at this time. If Dao Sheng ancestors can truly achieve Chun Yang, this Beihai cultivation world will definitely be combative.

After all, there is no true pure-yang monk in this North Sea cultivation world, and no one can understand the power of the third pure-sun thunder catastrophe. Even the ancestor of Daosheng and the ancestor of the sky have never seen it before, but Many people know that this kind of tyrannical thunder catastrophe has at least far exceeded their knowledge of the secondary thunder catastrophe.

Exceeding the intensity of the second thunder tribulation, what is that if it is not pure sun thunder tribulation?

The key is who is the person who caused Thunder Tribulation?

Various factions in the North Sea sent monks to investigate. The first to respond was the True Spirit Sect. As the sect that was about to be promoted to a large sect to dominate the North Sea, it suddenly discovered that there were forces in the North Sea cultivation world that they could not control. Existing, they are naturally the most anxious, and this also "proves" to the Beihai practice world that the people who cross the catastrophe here are definitely not the people of the True Spirit faction!

The various factions in the Beihai first relaxed after learning the but the people who followed the Xuanling faction also came in a panic, so naturally it is not the ancestor of Daosheng, it is impossible that it will be People outside the Beihai came to the Beihai to cross the robbery on a special trip?

This seems not impossible! In the past one or two hundred years, the Beihai cultivation world seems to have attracted the attention of other cultivation circles, and the cultivators from all walks of life in the Beihai cultivation world have also become more frequent.

The robbery clouds gathered on the sea, and the rumble of thunder directly shook the monks' minds, and all within a radius of a hundred li were covered by robbery clouds. Within this range, no monk dared to enter it.

Forge Pill Brothers can enter the area covered by the thunder tribulation, but they can also go deep into three to fifty miles at most, because the huge pressure of the world makes them unable to withstand this pressure at all.


Sleeping Autumn is considered to have been planted this time. I weighed it down today. I lost seven or eight catties in less than a week. Now the whole person is sluggish. From now on, everyone must be cautious when going out to eat. Go to a clean place with a good quality. Tomorrow is a new week. Sleeping autumn looks like I really can’t get enough energy. Sleeping autumn tries my best. I kindly ask everyone to vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket to Sleeping autumn, so as to keep the top 20 positions , Thanks!

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