Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1375: Luan Yu's news

Chikiri Island has a huge area, and there are endless active volcanoes everywhere on the island, and the flying volcanic dust renders the entire island a hazy fiery red. m.

Since Chikiri Island floated from the western part of the North Sea, this volcanic island has become a paradise for North Sea monks' adventures.

This island is like a huge treasure house, which contains many fire attributes or treasures related to fire attributes. Although there are more of them and various risks hidden in it, they still cannot stop the North Sea monks from coming in. Enter it absolutely.

The True Spirit School took the lead before the Red Kiri Island floated. It not only harvested the highest number and highest quality of Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire when the Spirit Fire broke out, but also occupied nearly a third of the entire Red Kiri Island in one fell swoop. Along the coastline, and strive to expand toward the depths of the island.

Over the years, as the various factions in the North Sea continue to work together to exert pressure, the space of the True Spirit faction on Chiwu Island has been continuously compressed, and the coastline currently occupied is only a quarter. This is because of the past few years. Jiang Tianlin suddenly advanced to the late stage of Dharma Phase, followed Lu Tianping and then Zhongtu to gain a great reputation, and the subsequent trial of the treasure ship made all the forces in the North Sea extremely jealous. The various factions in the North Sea jointly suppressed the True Spirit faction. Had to pause.

The deeper the Chikiri Island, the greater the danger. Until now, the various factions in the North Sea have only carried out about a hundred miles in the safety of the depths of Chikiri Island, and further in, the degree of danger inside increases exponentially. Even the Buddhist monks entered it cautiously, and the Beihai monks still don't know the whole picture of the entire Chikiri Island.

But what everyone knows is that in the deep area of ​​Chigiri Island, there are more resources for cultivation than the periphery of Chigiri Island. There are often various heaven and earth spiritual fires in the depths of Chiwu Island, and volcanic eruptions often bring out various All kinds of rare fire-attribute spiritual materials, and even some people have already discovered several fire veins in the depths of Chikiri Island.

Different from the water vein, which is suitable for most monks to use for cultivation, it can be used as a spiritual vein. Although the fire vein is only useful for the monks who practice the fire attribute technique, the fire vein can also be used to lead and evolve various flames. , Whether it is alchemy or refining tools, they are all indispensable things.

The direct reason why Chikiri Island floated from the bottom of the sea was that the True Spirit Sect dragged a fire vein it found to Tianling Mountain. After that, the True Spirit Sect’s efficiency in repairing the treasure ship was greatly increased, and the Refining Pavilion also relied on it. The support of this fire vein.

Although the various North Sea factions occupy Chikiri Island in the periphery, they cannot prevent the monks from entering and leaving their sphere of influence at will and then entering the depths of Chiwu Island to explore. Although most of the monks on these expeditions are North Sea monks, there are also a considerable number of them. The monks outside the North Sea, and among these monks outside the North Sea, the most numerous are the monks of the Eastern Sea Huolun clan.

The Huluan family has always liked places where flames converge, and the volcanic community is their favorite place to stay. In fact, the Huluan family's current habitat is a huge volcano community.

After Chikiri Island surfaced, a large number of Huoluan monks entered the depths of Chiwu Island to investigate. The Beihai factions who are familiar with the habits of the Huluan clan have also been nervous for a while. After all, the Huluan clan is strong, and the North Sea is strong. The factions have also privately agreed with each other that if the Huolun clan invades, the factions should join forces against the enemy.

However, although the Huolun clan has never stopped exploring the depths of Chiwu Island in recent years, they have never shown covetousness towards Chiwu Island. The various factions in the North Sea also slowly let go of their hearts, thinking that this is the North Sea after all. In the expedition far away from the East China Sea, even the powerful family like Huolun had to act cautiously.

"It's not that the Huolun clan is not interested in Chiwu Island. In fact, the Huolun clan has been coveting Chiwu Island for a long time, but they have been waiting for the patriarch of the Huolun clan, Yan Jiuxiao, to pass the third pure sun thunder. Jie, become a pure-yang monk!"

Luan Yu, who was awakened by Lu Ping's Explosive Spirit Technique, sent a drop of Wanmiao Yulu to Lu Ping, Tianqin Patriarch and Jiang Tianlin, and explained to them the situation of the Huoluan clan. At the same time, he explained to them why the Huoluan clan chose to live The reason for the invasion of Chikiri Island at this time.

As soon as Luan Yu’s words fell, Jiang Tianlin felt a bit, stretched out his hand to cut through the void, he grabbed a jade slip, his mind swept away, his brows slightly frowned, and said: "Brother Tianfeng has received news from the East China Sea, Patriarch Huolun In the advanced pure sun, the Huoluan clan moves frequently. There is a lot of speculation about this in the East China Sea cultivation world, and the Huoluan clan is also extremely secretive. It seems that what Luan Daoyou said is true. The Huoluan clan is only for Chi. From Kirishima."

Lu Ping asked in a puzzled way: "The Huoluan clan will inevitably be enemies of the various factions in the North Sea. This faction is now on trial sailing on the treasure ship. When the time comes, a big monk will be able to compete with a pure sun. The Huoluan clan shouldn’t fail. I know, where do they have the confidence to join forces with the various factions in the North Sea?"

Luan Yu smiled bitterly: "Huolun clan has more than one pure sun, and Huoluan clan also has a pure sun ancestor who is still above the flames of the sky!"

The three cultivators of the True Spirit School of Lu Ping looked at each other, and they could see the suddenness and worry in each other's eyes.

Lu Ping saw that Luan Yu's eyes seemed to hesitate, so he smiled and asked, "Does Luan brother have anything else to say?"

Luan Yu was not very embarrassed when Lu Ping saw through his mind. On the contrary, he looked solemnly and asked the ancestor Jiang Tianlin: "Please forgive the younger generation to speak frankly. The younger generation knows that the nobles have the largest sphere of influence on Chiwu Island. The volcanic area in the depths of Kirishima should also be well understood. I wonder if the seniors have found anything unexpected in the depths of Chikiri Island?"

Jiang Tianlin's expression was startled, as if thinking of something, he turned to ask: "Little friend Luan meant that the Huoluan clan's large-scale conquest of Chiwu Island came for something or something hidden in Chiwu Island?"

Luan Yu nodded and said, "That's right, the reason why the junior can escape from the Huoluan clan this time is because Senior Wujiu Yan has rescued him. Senior Wugui has spoken to the junior, and there is a monk of Huoluan clan. Some extremely important treasures have been found in the depths of Chikiri Island, and these treasures seem to be extremely important to the Huluan clan, otherwise the Huluan clan will not still decide to cross the border to invade Chiwu Island even knowing that the noble treasure ship is on trial."

"Moreover, even though the juniors have escaped the Huoluan clan this time, it is very likely to make the Huoluan clan vigilant. Maybe the Huoluan clan will be activated in advance."

Jiang Tianlin arched his hand towards Luan Yu and said: "Thank you for the announcement, the little friend is seriously injured and still needs to rest. Just ask Tianping if you need it. This faction must do its best to do what the little friend said. It's important, and the old man is out of company first."

Jiang Tianlin and Tianqin turned to Lu Ping and turned to leave. Lu Ping smiled and asked, "Brother Luan has not heard from him all these years. Is it possible that he has been imprisoned by the Huo Luan clan? Brother Luan's cultivation base has been obtained by Brother Luan who wanted to come to Muluan's secret inheritance!"

Luan Yu replied: "Senior Suiyan Wugui did find the secret place of his clan at the beginning, but he gained the inheritance of his clan during his nine deaths and his cultivation base rose greatly. However, after returning to the Huoluan clan, he was imprisoned, although You Yan Wugui predecessor protects me in many ways, but Luan also realizes that the reason Huo Luan clan doesn't kill me is just to raise me and prepare for that Yan Wugui to advance to Pure Yang in the future."

"But that Yan Wugui is also considered to have a profound background. He actually survived the third thunder calamity on his own, but I was still under house arrest by the Huo Luan clan until another time when Yan Wugui's grandson, Yan Yan's coffin said, I It has become the blood food of the advanced stage of the flame coffin again. With my cultivation as the foundation, I can already pass the first stage of the thunder catastrophe, just to make my cultivation lower than that of the flame coffin. , So as not to be swallowed by the flame coffin, then Yan Jiuxiao will seal my cultivation base, otherwise I won't be so embarrassed if I take the opportunity to escape this time."

"Seal? Let me take a look!"

As soon as Lu Ping put his hand on Luan Yu's shoulder, an unstoppable force of true essence wrapped in a divine mind and carefully probed towards Luan Yu's core space.

Luan Yu smiled and said: "Although I have been imprisoned these years, Brother Lu's reputation is still eloquent. When I saw Luan today, I still couldn't see Brother Lu's current cultivation level. I just felt that the cultivation base was as deep as that. The sea is unfathomable. Luan originally thought that he would be able to catch up with Brother Lu if he had obtained the secret transmission of his clan. Unexpectedly, the gap is getting bigger and bigger."

The true essence that infiltrated Luan Yu’s core space with Lu Ping’s true essence retreated suddenly. Lu Ping’s palm had left Luan Yu’s shoulders, and smiled: "If your core space is not sealed and cultivated, it will not be the beginning of Dharma phase. , But now I can’t help you unlock the seal, otherwise Thunder Tribulation will come right away, and in your current state, it’s an ironclad death!"

"What?" Luan Yu looked a little unbelievable, and said: "Brother Lu, you mean you can unlock the seal, that is the seal of Yan Jiuxiao's own ancestors, brother Lu, you Are you sure you can solve it? Are you actually..."

Lu Ping shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just that I can unlock the seal, but it doesn't mean that my cultivation base must reach pure Yang!"

Luan Yu felt even more admired, but listened to Lu Ping: "The most important thing now is to recover from the injury. After your injury recovers, I will take you to a secret place. I will definitely give you a big surprise!"

Luan Yu nodded, then flushed, and said, "Brother Lu, where is Qin'er now, and how is she now?"

Lu Ping laughed "haha" and said, "It's extremely true, but I forgot about it. Qin'er is now a monk in the early stage of Dharma, and is now in the Golden Room. I will send Brother Luan to see Qin'er!"

Luan Yu's face flushed, and he said with shame: "Brother Lu, don't make fun of, don't make fun of!"

Lu Ping waved open the space portal of the Golden House, and could not help but send Luan Yu inside.

The smile on Lu Ping's face slowly sank, a sneer appeared from the corner of his mouth, and then he walked out of the secret room.

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