Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1376: The conspiracy of the True Spirits

Lu Ping came out of the secret room, and the two ancestors Jiang Tianlin and Tianqin, as well as the two Buddhist monks Tianchang and Tianfeng who helped Jiang Tianlin to station on Chiwu Island, have also arrived. The two of them have also learned from Jiang Tianlin that the Huolun family is about to come. News of the massive invasion of Chikiri Island. m.

Chiwu Island has become an extremely important place for the True Spirits to collect training resources. Although the great monk Jiang Tianlin is in charge, and Tianchang and Tianfeng alone are helping him, it seems weak, not to mention Chiwu Island is a training fire. It’s too wasteful for the True Spirit Sect to sit here without any other practitioners who practice the fire-attribute exercises, and the ancestor of Tianqin obviously came here because of Luan Yu.

Jiang Tianlin seemed to see Lu Ping's doubts, and explained: "Your Master Tiancheng took Tian Lian to the central area of ​​Chiwu Island. It seems that you are looking for an extremely scarce spiritual material."

Lu Ping's eyes lit up, and he said, "Brother Chen Lian succeeded in consolidating the Faxiang? This is a happy event!"

The ancestor of Tianqin smiled and said, "It's not just Chen Lian. In the past three years, Zhong Jian and Ma Yu have both advanced to the stage of Dharma and physiognomy, and this faction has added three dharma cultivators!"

Jiang Tianlin nodded and said: "I have already informed the treasure ship. The treasure ship has turned around and came here from the southern waters. This Zhong Jian and Ma Yu are also on board, and they will arrive in the waters of Chiwu Island in the near future."

Jiang Tianlin is the actual controller of the treasure ship of the True Spirit School. Although he is not on board at this time, he can mobilize the voyage of the treasure ship at any time.

The ancestor of Tianchang said: "With a treasure ship sitting in town, the Huolun family at least dare not be too arrogant in front of their own faction. If they unite with the Beihai factions, the Huolun family may not dare to speak out!"

Tian Feng suddenly said: "Lian Heng!"

The ancestor of Tianchang was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Lian Heng? Who is it? Which school in Beihai dares to risk the world's disgrace?"

As soon as the ancestor of Tianchang finished speaking, a disciple came to report that there was news from the school that an envoy from the Huolun clan from the East China Sea had come to Tianling Mountain, and the head was receiving it.

The ancestor Tianchang was taken aback for a moment. Random's face was quite moving, and he muttered to himself: "If we join forces with the Huolun clan, it is very likely that Chiwu Island will be divided equally!"

Jiang Tianlin looked at the Tianchang ancestor and said, "Equally divide? Don’t forget that this faction now occupies a quarter of the periphery of Chiwu Island. If we divide equally, will this faction and Huolun clan each occupy half of Chiwu Island, or both Divide the remaining three quarters equally?"

"The former faction has undoubtedly suffered a loss. In the latter, do you think that the Huoluan clan is willing to take advantage of this?"

The ancestor Tianchang smiled and said, "That's all."

Tianqin continued: "The situation in the North Sea is now delicate. If this faction is the first to start this introduction of wolves into the room, the North Sea factions may not be eager to follow suit. At that time, this faction may not only be treated in isolation by the North Sea factions, but the situation in the North Sea. It will also be eroded. Now this faction is on the eve of the treasure ship’s voyage to Middle-Earth. The situation in the North Sea is still focused on stability, so this time I think it is better to unite the various factions in the North Sea to fight the Huoluan clan."

The ancestor of Tianchang groaned: "Nevertheless, the current faction is so powerful. If you want to unite with the faction, the faction will be the main faction. However, the faction must also be the vanguard to fight against the Huoluan clan. This is not good. !"

At this moment, Jiang Tianlin received news from Tianling Mountain again, raised the jade slip in his hand, and smiled: "The head has orders, I am waiting for the camera to act on Chiwu Island!"

Tianqin said coldly: "The head is a good calculation!"

However, in Lu Ping's view, Tianqin ancestor seemed somewhat disappointed, and it seemed that Master's judgment was ahead of her once again.

Lu Ping didn’t care about this. He knew the teacher’s calculations when the commander came, and he naturally supported his teacher’s plan. He smiled and said, “It’s so wonderful, it’s only necessary that the treasure ship arrives before the Huolun clan. Within the sea area of ​​Chikiri Island, the Huolun clan will definitely not fight to death with their own faction. At that time, they will inevitably use the sphere of influence of other sects as a breakthrough point. This faction will wait for other sects to ask for help, so it takes the initiative."

At this time, the ancestor of Tianchang also understood the purpose of the head, but still said: "So this faction has taken the initiative in the Beihai factions, but it has become passive for the Huoluan clan. When will the Huoluan clan launch an attack? , Which faction will occupy the sphere of influence as a breakthrough point, and what their real purpose is, I don’t know anything about this!"

Lu Ping said at this time: "Before Luan brother said, the fire-luan clan invaded northward in a large scale. In addition to the coveted fire-attribute training resources in this Chiwu Island, more importantly, it might be directed at a certain person. The most important thing now is to figure out what treasure the Huluan clan came for, and how did they know that this treasure is in Chiwu Island? Come, at least in the next possible fight, the martial art can take the initiative."

"It's the truth!"

The ancestor of Tianchang echoed: "Among the many monks of this school, if you say that the one who is most familiar with the central area of ​​Chiwu Island, I am afraid it belongs to Junior Brother Tiancheng. Dacheng may be able to bring back more news in the central area."

The ancestor Jiang Tianlin said: "No matter what the real purpose of the Huluan clan is, there is one thing that is beyond doubt, that is, the Huluan clan has planned for so long, and for this reason, he will spend several years waiting for Yan Jiuxiao to become a pure sun. This is of course a careful deployment, but it also shows that the Huluan clan actually has no certainty of victory, at least there is no certainty of victory in a short time, if the Huluan clan is really just aiming at some kind of treasure that may exist in Chiwu Island. Come, then I will have enough time to deal with the rest!"

Tian Feng also said at this time: "Not enough manpower!"

Although the treasure ship on the sea is completely comparable to a pure sun, even in terms of power and durability, the treasure ship is far above the pure sun, but what needs to be seen is that the pure sun monk is more flexible and maneuverable than the treasure ship. The pure sun monk of the empire is not so stupid to fight with the treasure ship of the True Spirit Moreover, the reason why the treasure ship has such power, in addition to the quality of the treasure ship itself, it also needs a big monk and Hundreds of low- and middle-rank cultivators, who are like arms, cooperate with each other to make the most of the power of the treasure ship.

Once the Huoluan clan invades Chiwu Island, it will definitely prepare for the worst. Except for the Chunyang monks, the number of major monks will not be less than the total number of major monks in the Beihai human clan today. In addition, There are a large number of other Buddhist monks, the Huolun clan is a large monster clan second only to the Bihai Spirit Snake clan in the East China Sea, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

Although the number of cultivators of the True Spirit Sect has increased like a blowout in recent years, it is still far away from the large monster tribes such as the Huolun Clan. In addition to the Tianling Mountain as its base camp, the True Spirit Sect still has a lot of important places. The monks of Dharma need to guard, and as a result, the manpower that can be transferred to Chikiri Island is also limited.

"It doesn't have to be so many people!"

Lu Ping's voice suddenly added a hint of chill out of thin air, and said: "Maybe the Huoluan clan will retreat when the time comes!"

There was a lot of noise outside the secret room, and the voice of the ancestor Tiancheng came in from afar, saying: "The old man is 80% in trouble this time. Where is Brother Jiang, take me to see him!"

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