Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1388: Essence of the Flood

Yan Jiuxiao's expression was excited, and the Lingyu three feet Lingyu who flew out of the colorful prohibition was suppressed, and the flame coffin on the side said excitedly: "Grandfather, Daoist Seven Luan's life, Lingyu, we have already got three! "

   Yan Jiuxiao collected Lingyu, keeping his expression calm, and said: "There are still three Lingyu in this cave sky, and Lu Tianping will not return empty-handed. It seems that we are going to speed up!"

After a pause, Yan Jiuxiao said to the Yan Lingling beside him: "You have to get through the second thunder calamity as soon as possible. If the magical powers contained in this feather feather cannot be captured by Taoist Luan from the beginning. If you admit it, you will only be able to figure out one or two after the advanced stage of the phase!"

Although Lu Ping saw a place covered by the colorful prohibition in the middle, he finally gave up on gritted teeth and continued to chase Luan's handkerchief to fly away. At the same time, he could feel the mysterious induction of the blood in his body. The feeling is getting stronger.

   Lu Ping’s curiosity has become more and more intense, what is this existence that can inspire the handwritten script of Jiao Dao people, the sword of true spirit, and the mysterious sense of Lu Ping’s bloodline!

   The handkerchief was dragged by Lu Ping like a kite, but it turned abruptly in mid-air. Lu Ping was taken aback for a moment and saw that the handkerchief was really not going far, but it was going around in mid-air again.

   Lu Ping could perceive that the induction in the bloodline seemed to be getting stronger, and the handkerchief that lost its direction was more like saying that the bloodline induction thing was here, but there was nothing in front of him.

  Space magical power!

   Lu Ping’s first reaction was that the treasure must be hidden in a void here!

   However, this is just an extremely reluctant space cave, not a small thousand world like the world of Taoism.

   If it is in the Little Thousand World, it may be difficult to open up the void in front of you if you want to use the space supernatural powers in it again, but it is not impossible. With Lu Ping's current cultivation base strength, I can do it myself.

And the space cave in front of us is far more stable than the space of the Big Thousand Worlds. It is already even more difficult to reluctantly display the supernatural powers of space, not to mention the need to open up another space in this space cave. "Mosaic" into this cave.

  , only the Seventh Ancestor of the Open Heaven like Taoist Luan can achieve this kind of magical realm like a chain of heaven.

However, it was extremely tricky for Lu Ping at this time. Although it is much easier to crack this chain of caves than to use this kind of supernatural power, it is after all for those who use this kind of space supernatural power, and it is obvious to Lu Ping. It’s still a lot of trouble. If the inlaid space and the hidden treasures are lost, if it affects the cave space or even causes the cave sky to collapse, then it’s not a joke. A lava lake!

   "This is really tricky!"

Lu Ping’s spiritual thoughts are all compressed in this thirty-square-meter square. I hope to detect the clues within the range of the handkerchief. In fact, Lu Ping did find that the void in front of him is quite strange, but Lu Ping wants to easily open this place to hide. The space in is extremely difficult, because Lu Ping has discovered that this hidden space has formed an ingenious connection with the cave sky, but if Lu Ping’s cracking methods make a mistake, it is very likely to trigger the entire cave sky. Shock.

   Lu Ping carefully tried several space magical powers, but none of them worked. On the contrary, it almost caused the turbulence of the whole cave, so that Lu Ping had to give up the trial!

   How can this be good!

In the process of trying to unlock this hidden space, although Lu Ping was unsuccessful, he also opened several gaps in space several times. When the gaps in space were opened, Lu Ping could clearly perceive that. The induction from the divine mind will immediately increase, and the dragon's facial features in the core space of the heart will also become more impatient and active.

   After several trials and no results, Lu Ping simply summoned the praying mantis, and asked, "Are you sure?"

The mantis said with an air: "Naturally, we are sure, but our methods have always been direct, and you can't detect the position of the strange treasure hidden in the space. If you cut it in this way, you can certainly remove the space without affecting the sky. It broke open, but if it hurts with the hidden things inside, don’t blame us!"

   Lu Ping's face flashed a little bit of reluctance, but he still said, "You may get something when you open it. If you can't open it, you don't even know what's inside!"

Mantis thought for a while and said: "This hidden space was also supplemented by space prohibition. You have the colorful forbidden symbol in your hand. Although this kind of clever space prohibition is not very useful, it can be weakened a little bit. You can also use a bit less force. If the contents are strong enough, it can be preserved even if it is cut!"

   Lu Ping also thought about it. He also took out a shining talisman in his hand, and moved it into the void in front of him, and stuck it on a gap once captured by Shen Nian.

Lu Pingxiu was very helpful in improving the technique of talisman after the advanced stage. In addition, Lu Ping had heard the mantra about making colorful forbidden talisman in the world of Taoism, which made Lu Ping in the advanced stage. The improvement in the production of the forbidden talisman after the later stage of the Dharma phase far exceeds that of other talismans.

   Originally, Lu Ping was only capable of drawing six-color forbidden talisman, and the success rate was really not high, but after leaving Feiling Island, he was able to produce the colorful forbidden-breaking talisman, which represents the highest achievement of forbidden talisman!

Although the current success rate is still low, Lu Ping has prepared a lot of precious talisman paper for this purpose. Although a lot of wasted, he still has a few colorful forbidden talisman in his hand. In addition, he still has a system in his hand. The ancestor Tianxue, who had made great progress in Talisman, gave him a few colorful forbidden charms. Now Lu Ping has a lot of colorful forbidden charms, and it is not a concern for him to consume one or two forbidden charms.

The empty void suddenly turbulent after the colorful rays of light flashed. Lu Ping's eyes lit up, and his hands stretched out. The handles of a huge purple-gold scissors were each held in one hand, and a dragon chant sounded in Lu Ping's body. A strong blue-violet true essence was injected into the pure Yang Lingbao along his arms. The rich true essence was so powerful that it even rendered a faint blue-purple smoke around Lu Ping's arms.


   Pulled his arms outward, Chunyang Lingbao's blade suddenly opened, and two purple-golden blade lights suddenly pierced the void in front of him from the left and right.

   Then Lu Ping closed his arms suddenly, and there was another "clank" sound. The blades of the scissors closed, and the void in front of him was turbulent, and then there was a crisp sound. The sharp light from Lingbao's scissors seemed to cut something.

Lu Ping's expression changed, he hurriedly dissipated the rushing Zhenyuan in his arms, released the Lingbao scissors in his hand, and the void in front of him was like a torn curtain, revealing a small part hidden behind him. Space.

Lu Ping looked happy, and saw a half-foot-high purple chalcedony bottle in this small space, with dense runes engraved on the wall of the bottle. At this time, there were strands of spiritual energy in the talisman. The veins of the pattern flowed around, and then escaped from the broken rune pattern at the mouth of the bottle, and there was a faint blood mist that escaped with the spiritual energy.

At the mouth of the bottle, the original slender bottleneck is now half of the whiteness missing. It was obviously cut by Lingbao scissors, and the remaining small half of the bottleneck and the bottle stopper were already broken in space and fell to the ground. .

After the space was opened by Pure Yang Lingbao, there were signs of collapse. Lu Ping quickly grabbed the opened jade bottle in his hand, and then this small space embedded in the cave sky turned into fragmented space fragments. Disappeared in the cave sky.

   Lu Ping stepped back a few steps, avoiding the turbulence caused by the collapse of the space, and then focused his attention on the jade bottle in his hand, and Lu Ping's expression changed drastically!

As Lu Ping lowered his head and looked into the jade bottle, there was a hint of light red mist in the mouth of the bottle that was cut off and was sucked into Lu Ping's abdomen along with the aura from the bottle, and then Lu Ping's heart was like a beating. The drum beat fiercely twice!

  咚! Boom!

The bloodline of the whole body was like a flood in an instant, even though there was a sound like a rushing river from Lu Ping's the floating sea in the core space of the heart, the law of the dragon was tossing up and down in excitement. If it weren't for Lu Ping's efforts to suppress it, he would even have to fly Qingyun up from behind Lu Ping.

   When Lu Ping looked down, most of the blood-red liquid in the jade bottle shimmering with a special luster undulated with Lu Ping's light sway, and even traces of blood mist escaped.

   This is blood at all, the essence of Jiao!

   And at such a moment, although Lu Ping had no reason, he was so sure that it was not only blood, but also the pure blood of the dragon, the blood of the Daoist himself!

   It is because this is the essence of the dragon's blood left behind by the Taoist Taoist, which triggered such a strong induction in the handwritten script of the Taoist Taoist on the handkerchief, which made the sword of the true spirit in the same body exciting and inexplicable, and had a mysterious induction with Lu Ping's own blood!

Lu Ping just sucked the blood mist that escaped from the jade bottle into his abdomen, and the blood in his whole body had such a strong reaction. If all the essence and blood of this whole bottle of Jiao were refined into the blood, it would be What kind of state do you achieve?

  Excited thoughts flashed in Lu Ping's mind, and he was shocked!

   The bottleneck of the jade bottle at this time has been cut through, and the blood mist inside is constantly dissipating, and Lu Ping's previous seals with his handprints found that he could not stop the blood mist from dissipating!

   Lu Ping casually took the cut bottle mouth on the ground in his hand, trying to connect the broken rune pattern, but it was obviously impossible to do so, and he still couldn't stop the blood mist from dissipating.


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