Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1389: 9 changing expectations

This jade bottle was broken because of the rune patterns carved on the bottle wall, so that Lu Ping could not stop the escape of the blood of the dragonfly in the bottle. This made Lu Ping feel a little at a loss for a while, so he had to desperately **** the escaped blood mist into his stomach. , While running the Dragon Star River Jue to make the blood mist refining into the blood.

Looking at the jade bottle in his hand, Lu Ping felt very anxious. How could this be good? Naturally, he could not have watched the blood dissipate into blood mist and volatilize, but now he really didn't have the means to suppress the volatilization of blood mist. Are you going to refine this half bottle of the essence of Jiao blood here?

But there is obviously more than one hidden treasure in this cave space. The place Lu Ping once encountered was covered by the colorful prohibition on the way to come. It must have been sealed with extremely rare treasures, thinking And the piece of Luan Taoist Lingyu in the hands of Tianqin ancestors was most likely from this cave sky space, and Lu Ping hesitated even more.

   While Lu Ping was still hesitating, the jade bottle in Lu Ping's hand had already made a decision for him!

The blood mist in the jade bottle continued to dissipate, causing Lu Ping to maintain the movement of the true essence in his body, while continuously inhaling the dissipated blood mist into his abdomen for refining.

In the process of refining the essence and blood of this dragon by Lu Ping, the Faxiang of the dragon in the heart core space has already jumped out of the floating sea, and the true essence in the blood veins penetrates into the heart after being brought into the heart. In the nuclear space, and then the entire heart nuclear space turned into a piece of time shrouded in colorful brilliance, the law of dragon flew up and down in it, and the sound of happy dragon chants was emitted from time to time.

Lu Ping Ping had a weird color. Whether it was the dragon's law or his own blood, he had already entered a state of excitement because of the refining of the escaped dragon's blood, and this state was true for Lu Ping. It’s too familiar. For Lu Ping’s epiphany and the growth of his cultivation, it is a great opportunity. If this process is to be interrupted forcibly at this time, I am afraid that it will cost ten times or more to recover this loss in the future. Hard work!

Lu Ping gritted his teeth. Anyway, for him, this bottle of Jiao’s blood is much more important than that Taoist Luan’s life, Lingyu, even though the ancestor Tianqin once said that there might be something in this life Lingyu. The magical powers left by Taoist Luan are top secret, but in Lu Ping's view, this bottle of blood may even be the key for Lu Ping to survive the third thunder calamity in the future, usher in the ninth change of the law, and achieve pure Yang.

   Lu Ping advanced through the second phase of the second Thunder Tribulation advanced stage phase this time, and did not absorb the essence of the bloodline of the dragon again before, but after passing through the thunder Tribulation, the dragon's facial features successfully ushered in the eighth change.

Lu Ping was originally a little nervous before crossing the catastrophe. I don’t know if he could successfully usher in the change of the law. However, after crossing the catastrophe, Lu Ping clearly perceives the change of the dragon’s law, and this change comes from Lu Pingjin. A mutation of one's own blood before the late stage of the phase!

Lu Ping guessed that the reason for this mutation originated from when he had just established the advanced hemolysis phase and established the main bloodline. At that time, Lu Ping's bloodline competed. Among them, the bloodline of the Jiaoguo came to the fore because it swallowed the bloodline of the tortoise. It suppressed the other five bloodlines with a huge advantage and became Lu Ping's main bloodline.

Later, when Lu Ping advanced to the second level of hemolysis, he never encountered the bottleneck of blood purification. Lu Ping always thought that the turtle blood had already been swallowed and assimilated by the blood of the dragon. However, as Lu Ping's cultivation grew, he knew more about himself. Only then discovered that in fact it is not as simple as he thought.

   The tortoise bloodline has not been refined by its own bloodline, or it has not been refined completely, especially after Lu Ping retreats from the five elements tortoise hiding in the practice, the hidden turtle bloodline even has a tendency to strengthen.

In retrospect, when Lu Ping established the main bloodline in the early stage of advanced hemolysis, he refined the tortoise bloodline in one fell swoop. In retrospect, I still feel that this process reveals a lot of weirdness, and as Lu Ping's cultivation base grows, Lu Ping has become more and more aware. He believed that this kind of tortoise bloodline that was not completely refined but dissolved in the bloodline would be a hidden danger of its own, and this hidden danger became clearer as the cultivation base increased.

  Lu Ping also tried to completely refine the blood of the Hemolytic Flood Dragon, but when Kong Minghai crossed the land for a thunder catastrophe, perhaps because of the smelting of the lone eagle bloodline, Lu Ping was ultimately unable to pull out his hand to refine it.

Ushering in the second thunder tribulation this time was originally an adventure for Lu Ping, but in the end Lu Ping successfully summoned the second thunder tribulation, which brought the eighth change to the law of the dragon, and the turtle in his body The bloodline was finally exhausted, and the hidden dangers were completely eliminated.

And now if the essence of the dragon is refined in this jade bottle, in Lu Ping’s view, in the future, the third time of advanced summoning the thunder tribulation advanced pure sun will not have to worry about finding the essence of the dragon’s blood. It is entirely possible that the essence and blood of Bottle Jiao could be replaced and there is more than enough. After all, this is very likely to be the essence and blood left by the Taoist person himself.

And if Lu Ping wants to find the right bloodline on his own, then he is most likely to face a top-level demon cultivator who is at least the peak of the late stage of the law, or even a monk from the top-level demon race of the pure sun level. May meet the requirements of replenishing blood.

Not to mention the difficulty of Pure Yang Demon Cultivation, it is enough that these bloodline demon cultivators must be from the top-tier demon clan, which is enough for Lu Ping to have a headache. These demon cultivators are often involved and not weak, and want to kill them. It is not easy for one person. If the forces behind him are drawn out, it is afraid that Lu Ping himself will have to pay a great price if he wants to settle down.

   From this point of view, this bottle of Jiao’s blood came at just the right time!

  The matter has come to this point, Lu Ping simply put aside the remains of the Taoist Luan that might be hidden in the cave, and first put this bottle into the bloodline.

It is not easy for this bottle of essence blood to be refined, and Lu Ping never thought of refining it here. After all, there are still two fire-luans in this cave, who are eagerly watching. He just blends it into the bloodline and saves it. After this Dongtian retreats and refines again, I believe that Lu Ping's own cultivation will also increase due to this.

   This was also inspired by the blood of the tortoise, otherwise Lu Ping would not have come up with a way to temporarily dissolve the blood in the bloodline so quickly, and then refine it later.

Even so, Lu Ping needs to continue to practice the exercises in the process of temporarily integrating this bottle of blood into his own blood. In this process, there is still a small amount of blood that has been completely refined, and Lu Ping can even clearly detect it. To the growth of self-cultivation.

Although this process is very small, with Lu Ping’s cultivation base, it is already extremely difficult to be able to clearly detect the growth of his cultivation level by his divine mind. What's more, it is not only Lu Ping’s cultivation base that grows, but also the inner core space. The image of the dragon!

Not knowing how long it took, Lu Ping took a long breath and turned the last trace of blood in the jade bottle into blood mist and swallowed it into his abdomen. After a while, he opened his eyes slowly, sharply. A trace of blood was revealed in his eyes, and then he was hidden.

   Lu Ping stood up, grabbed the jade bottle in his hand, and once again set his eyes on the complicated runes carved on the surface of the jade bottle. After thinking about it, he put it away together with the mouth of the bottle that was cut by Lingbao's scissors.

Lu Ping’s divine mind looked inward a little, and he could perceive that the bloodline at this time was roaring like a rushing river. Although Lu Ping could no longer practice in retreat, the Longteng Galaxy Art still operated on its own, continuously dissolving. The essence of the Jiao blood in the blood is refined, and then driven by the blood, together with the essence of the essence, it continuously penetrates into the core space through the heart.

The entire heart core space is still enveloped by the colorful rays of light infiltrating from the blood. Since Lu Ping inhaled the first blood mist, it has been flying above the floating sea, and the whole body is bathed in colorful glow. It can be said that At this time, Lu Ping's cultivation base grew slowly, but it stopped growing all the time.

Lu Ping pinched Wei Wei's heart and was shocked. He originally thought that it would not take a few hours to simply dissolve the essence and blood in the blood. Unexpectedly, it took two days before and after. Fortunately, the flames of the sky in the past two days. My grandfather and grandchildren never found here, otherwise, once the other party sneaks an attack, and he runs the technique at full strength and has no time for him to take care of, it is very likely that he will be injured in the hands of the two.

   But Lu Ping was also surprised at the same The space in this cave is not vast, how can it be that two days have passed, the grandfather and grandson have not yet met him.

At the same time, on the other side of the cave sky, Yan Lingting watched his grandfather surprise and surprise the third feather in his bag, and couldn't help asking: "My grandfather, how come I have never encountered that. Lu Tianping, it is said that this cave is not big. Two days are enough time for me to meet. Is it possible that Lu Tianping is hiding from us, or until now, Lu Tianping has not broken a restriction outside the hiding place? "

The joy on Yan Jiuxiao's face disappeared when he heard the words, and he also changed a look of doubt, said: "Leave him alone, now three of the four feathers in the cave sky have reached my hands, Taoist Luan's The seven roots of Lingyu have no roots in the hands of my Huluan clan, and the last one should be the direction that Lu Tianping had gone before. What exactly this person is doing, we will know when we get there! "

When Yan Jiuxiao's ancestors and grandchildren came to Lu Ping's direction, Lu Ping had already returned to the place that he had seen before on the road before the colorful prohibition. After a little test, Lu Ping threw out his hands one after another. Three ban-breaking charms shining with colorful brilliance were floated in front of the colorful bans, and then the brilliance of the ban and the talisman dimmed as if they weakened each other.

   The praying mantis crawled on Lu Ping’s shoulders, eager to try: "How about it, cut it or not?"

   Lu Ping said in a bad mood: "What kind of cut, this prohibition can always be broken if you take some time. If you break the treasure inside, not every time you will have good luck."


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