Lu Ping used the Water Seepage Sword Art to peel off the seals that had been weakened by three consecutive colorful forbidden charms.

Lu Ping in the late stage of the advanced technique has reached a very high level no matter under the control of divine mind or the control of true essence. The water seepage sword art is displayed in Lu Ping's hands, and layer after layer penetrates into the seal. During the ban, it was like peeling off layers of eggshells, and Lu Ping was completely sure to withdraw his swordsmanship powers before completely breaking the seal ban, so as not to injure the sealed objects in the ban.

And when the restriction in front of him was stripped by Lu Ping layer by layer, only the last hazy colorful color was left, Lu Ping's expression moved, and the two rays of light had cut through the sky where his spiritual thoughts could reach. He flew quickly in the direction where he was.

"My grandfather, since this cave space is a legacy left by the ancestor Luan Taoist, besides the seven ancestors’ natal Lingyu, will there be other treasures in it, otherwise, Lu Tianping will not last for two days? Time has always stayed in this corner of the cave sky."

Yan Lingzi obviously had some troubles. Although he was convinced that his grandfather could defeat Lu Tianping, from the look of Yan Jiuxiao's previous expression, that Lu Tianping could retreat calmly even if he was defeated. If so, this person would have gained in the cave. Yan Jiuxiao wanted to take away his treasures, but it was not so easy.

Yan Jiuxiao's face was calm, but his heart was a little overwhelming. Lu Ping's continuous performance was beyond his expectation. At this time, the originally confident patriarch Huolun also seemed a little uncertain.

At this moment, Yan Jiuxiao's expression was also correct. Lu Ping did not deliberately hide his physical presence. Soon after Lu Ping noticed that his grandparents and grandchildren, Yan Jiuxiao also discovered Lu Ping who was breaking the seal.

"Good opportunity, grandfather is one step ahead, and Xie'er will follow afterwards!"

After all, Yan Jiuxiao turned into a rainbow light and galloped past tens of miles in the blink of an eye. Lu Ping looked up and saw that a rainbow light suddenly turned into a huge fireball in Lu Ping’s eyes. The bigger he came, he slammed down on his head.

At this time, there was only the last layer of the restriction in front of Lu Ping, and Lu Ping was even able to see through this layer of restriction that the sealed object inside was exactly the same as the one in his hand.

An irritation flashed across Lu Ping’s face, and a sword tactic was pinched in his hand. The True Spirit Sword, Mo Li, which had been transformed into a spirit treasure of the Second Tribulation, flew out from behind Lu Ping and swayed in the air. The dense sword light came from the sword. From above, it turned into a sword wave like a mountain whistling a tsunami, and rolled up toward the fireball meteor that fell in the air!

Yan Jiuxiao has been condescending and gathering momentum for a long time, while Lu Ping appears to be a little unprepared. Although the sword of the Great Jiangdong, which was evolved by the sword of true spirit, is powerful, it was broken by the fire meteor, and Lu Ping couldn't help but move backwards. After retreating more than a hundred meters in a row, the wind was obviously falling, and the bolide was also extinguished by the swelling fire ball, turning into an orange flame and flying backwards, falling into the hands of Yan Jiuxiao.

The two directly fought against each other, Yan Jiuxiao had the upper hand, but never came to the Qicai prohibition, and Lu Ping was repelled more than a hundred meters away, but amidst a triumphant laugh, the Yan Jiuxiao took the opportunity to descend. Yunguang happened to fall in front of the restriction that was about to be broken, and suddenly spit out a fireball towards it, which was almost smashed down. Obviously, he didn't care whether this fireball would destroy the items sealed in the restriction.

However, since it can be clearly seen that the sealed object in the ban is a feather, as the carrier of Taoist Luan’s seven natal magical powers, Yan Jiuxiao naturally does not worry that the fireball magical powers of the flame coffin can cause damage to Lingyu. Because the two are originally from the same source.

However, facing Yan Ling's triumphant laughter, Lu Ping also showed a mocking smile on his face.

If Yan Jiuxiao on the side noticed something, his expression changed, and he shouted: "Be careful!"


The flame coffin is still unclear, but at the moment when the restriction is shattered, the back of the flame coffin is cold. This flame coffin can be considered quick to respond. I don’t know that Lu Ping has already left behind near the restriction. A flame suddenly burst from the body, and the whole person pounced to the side, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab Lingyu in the forbidden seal that was broken.

However, how could Lu Ping’s backhand not expect the next response of the Yan Coffin, a crisp drink came from behind the Yan Coffin, even though he had been hiding very fast, but Lu Xiaoping’s long-planned sword still stabbed Passing through the left shoulder of the Yan coffin, and then Cangliu Xiaojian came up from behind, rushing to pick up the three-foot Lingyu that was almost in hand before the Yan coffin, and then fell into Lu Xiaoping's hands.

At this time, Yan Coffin had just remembered because of the screams of being pierced through his shoulders. Yan Jiuxiao had already rushed to rescue him. However, Lu Ping naturally would not sit and watch his external incarnation fall into danger, the sword of true spirit circling around him. Zhen, the six flood dragons roared and rushed towards Yan Jiuxiao.

"War! War! War!"

Yan Jiuxiao sneered and said, "This kind of means can also stop the old man!"

The fire spirit orb in Yan Jiuxiao's hand is also a second-tribulation spirit treasure. It is more powerful under the blessing of the flame supernatural power of Yan Jiuxiao. A series of six fireballs are separated from the fire spirit orb, and they are in front of the six dragons. The explosion sounded, and the six flood dragons each let out a miserable howl, and their bodies were all broken!

"Haha, it's said that Beihai Lu Tianping possesses magical powers, and the old man seems like that!"

Lu Ping took the colorful Lingyu from the outer avatar Lu Xiaoping who was standing on his shoulders, and when he heard the words waved Lingyu towards Yan Jiuxiao, he smiled slightly and said, "Zai Xia was originally just to get this Lingyu. No matter, since Huoluan Patriarch has the heart to fight, you and I have come again!"

Yan Jiuxiao's expression sank. Lu Ping's previous "War" formula was broken, but Qi Cai Lingyu had already reached Lu Ping's hands. To be fair, Yan Jiuxiao had already lost Lu Ping's move.

But without waiting for Yan Jiuxiao's performance, the flame coffin on the side could not be restrained at first, and only Lu Ping cursed: "Lu Tianping, you are so mad. You don't need to take action from your grandfather today, and let me judge your methods first!"

As he said, a ball of fire was ignited again in Yan's hand, and Yan's expression dignifiedly pushed forward. The fireball disappeared into the void before it flew out of the palm of his hand. When it appeared again, it had turned into a flame cage, turning Lu Ping was trapped in it.

The flames of the coffin showed that Lu Ping was not evasive. A beam of joy flashed in his heart and was filled with anger. The surprise was because Lu Tianping dared to block the supernatural power of flames that he had cultivated for hundreds of years, and Lu Ping was angry. Obviously, this is not to put him in the eyes.

Lu Ping looked at Yan Jiuxiao with a faint smile, and said, "It's better for Huoluan Patriarch to let Sun retreat, otherwise it would be bad if you and I accidentally injured him!"

Without waiting for Yan Jiuxiao to speak, Yan's coffin was already furious, and said loudly: "Too much deception, flame cage, burn it for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the flames of the coffin shook his hands together, and the flames attached to the flame cage suddenly rose. The raging fire formed a huge fireball, and Lu Ping's figure was completely covered by the flames.

A smirk appeared at the corner of Yan Ling's mouth. He was about to open his mouth to mock Lu Ping's uncontrollable ability, but suddenly heard his grandfather Yan Jiuxiao shouting: "Be careful, he's coming out, you go back!"

The look of the flame coffin was stunned, watching the raging flames in front of him, how come out, this flame cage was originally praised by the grandfather, if a monk of the same rank is trapped in it, the vitality of 10% can be reduced by 90%, that is the face of the law. In the later period, the great monks would have to spend a lot of time to get out of trouble.

But Yan's coffin soon showed a trace of panic on his face. This supreme magical power he cultivated with the natal fire of the heavenly high-grade spirit fire can be said to be his strongest method, but Lu Tianping slowly walked out of the flame cage like walking in a leisurely courtyard. The majestic flame could not stop it. Even when Lu Ping walked out of the cage, the flames around him extinguished. Lu Ping burned again after he left.

That's the life spirit fire trained on the foundation of the heavenly high-grade spirit fire, not to mention the ability to burn mountains and boil the sea, at least in the daily discussions with the monks in the late stage of the family's law, it is necessary to break through the flame shackles. After a lot of trouble, why could Lu Tianping, who was also cultivated in the later stage of the Fa, be able to regard his supreme supernatural powers as nothing?

Lu Ping's smiling face contained murderous intent, and said: "I have been with the coffin brother for a long time, and I am not going to be indecent. Please also ask the coffin brother to pick me up!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a gurgling noise in front of Lu Ping, and a group of flowing water appeared out of thin air, condensed into a water ball, and then drifted towards the flame coffin.

"Please accept it!"

Lu Ping's smile always felt so dazzling in the flames of the but the slow blisters in front of me really made it impossible for the coffin to feel the threat.

But the flame coffin is not a fool after all. Naturally, he wouldn't think that Lu Ping put out such a blister so solemnly to entertain him. Since he doesn't know the details, let's just let it go.

However, just when Yan Coffin tried to let the bubble open, a tyrannical divine mind suddenly intruded into the range of the divine consciousness guardianship of the Yan coffin, and Yan coffin felt that his divine consciousness was suddenly hit hard by someone on it, and was about to avoid it. The opened body staggered. Although his heart was clear, his body could no longer coordinate for a while. He just watched the blisters in front of him hit his body.

What's the strangeness hidden in this blister!

For no reason, the flame coffin simply thought that since he couldn't hide, he would simply try Lu Tianping's blister method. Could it be just an ordinary water polo, just to humiliate me?

However, this idea has not been implemented yet, and Yan Jiuxiao's slightly nervous voice came to mind: "Stop hurting my grandson!"

Can this water polo really hurt people?

Yan Coffin's doubts were quickly answered. A wall of fire suddenly stood up in front of Yan Coffin. But before Yan Coffin breathed a sigh of relief, he saw the solemn Yan Jiuxiao erect two walls of fire again.

Just to block this water ball actually used the three great magical defense secret techniques that my grandfather had practiced?

This thought flashed across the head of the flame coffin, and was soon replaced by shock. The dangling water ball really penetrated the four walls of fire in a row, and finally it was completely complete when the fifth wall of fire was placed under the flame coffin. This eliminates the water polo which is no different from ordinary flowing water.

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