Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1394: Destroy Pure Yang

Huoluan clan chief Yan Jiuxiao took advantage of Lu Ping’s chance to chase him wildly on Chiwu Island, centering on the magma lake where the veins converge, and forming a huge array of nine volcanoes surrounding the magma lake that was exploded by Lu Ping. It is the Great Array of Hell Burning Heaven!

This Dao is generally believed in the cultivation world that only through the heart of the son-mother earth fire can be cultivated the supreme flame magical power, there is actually another way of cultivation and display among the Huoluan clan, and this Huoluan clan is unique. Obviously, the way of inheritance is to transform this inferno magical power into a huge formation, with stronger power, wider coverage, and naturally more complicated control. That’s why Yan Jiuxiao will try his best to make use of Lu Ping’s pursuit. The killing broke nine volcanoes one after another. m.

At this time, Lu Ping was trapped by Yan Jiuxiao in such a huge formation. In Yan Jiuxiao's eyes, Lu Ping was already a lamb to be slaughtered.

"It's such a big hand, Huo Luan patriarch has made such a huge battle in order to deal with the next person, Lu Mou is really flattered!"

Lu Ping's affectionate smile made the Huolun clan leader very uneasy. This is not the manner that a desperate person should show!

Although Yan Jiuxiao was guilty of whispering in his heart, but now that the Hell Burning Heaven Array has been completed, he thought he was invincible, and there was no reason to back down at this time. He could only believe that Lu Ping in front of him was just making a mystery.

Yes, it must be a mystery, and it may even be delaying time. When he first met on Chiwu Island, there were still fellow monks beside Lu Tianping. Those people must have returned to ask for help, although the True Spirit faction except this Lu He didn't look at Tian Ping, but it would be a trouble if there were two other big monks coming.

Thinking of this, Yan Jiuxiao made a decisive decision and moved his hands from the outside to the inside, and all the areas covered by the Hell’s Burning Heaven Array turned into a sea of ​​flames, and this sea of ​​flames was also different from ordinary fires. It was caused by the huge fire of the entire Chiwu Island. The fire formed by the veins as the foundation has even more power than the heavenly spiritual fire. What's more, with the support of the fire veins, the sea of ​​fire can flow endlessly, and any one of your cultivation bases can burn you out.

The so-called Hell Burning Heaven originally meant that the trapped people went through pain and torment until they fell. If they burned to death as soon as they came up, it would not be called a "hell".

When the big formation turned into a **** of fire, Lu Ping’s supernatural powers stretched out, spreading all the fire waves surging from all around beyond his body. However, countless flames licked and licked the purple-golden guard. The body is full of qi and water, and it is like cold water entering a pan, and the water is bright and dark, as if it will die at any time, all supported by Lu Ping's true essence.

Yan Jiuxiao sneered and said, "Lu Tianping, the old man admits that you have a deep and strong cultivation base, and that you can survive the burning of the Hell Burning Heavenly Array to the present. The true essence is so strong and long that the old man has seen it only in his life. , But what about it, your support like this is nothing more than lingering, but it will make the old man appreciate your painful mileage from life to death, haha..."

Because of Lu Ping's full power of the true essence in his body, at this time, his whole body seemed to be stained with a blue-purple mist. Hearing Yan Jiuxiao's ridiculous mockery, Lu Ping suddenly raised his head to look at Xiang Yan Jiuxiao, and said seriously: "You are happy. It's too early!"


Yan Jiuxiao's laughter stopped abruptly, but then he seemed to have heard some funny words, and said, "You still have to think about what last words you have left!"

At this time, because Lu Ping fully supported the water curtain sky, delaying the erosion of the bodyguard qi from the sea of ​​fire has filled the bodyguard qi with the three-light divine water, but it can only be extended for a while.

Lu Ping remained unhurried, opening his hands to pinch out a magic formula and squeeze it outwards. The surface of the shaky body protection supernatural power was suddenly covered with a layer of white feather lotus image, and it was once again stable under the burning of the hell. : "Do you really think that Lu will be forced to lose his mind. You want a puppet to be used by you to lay down this inferno-burning array?"

Yan Jiuxiao's heart sank and said coldly, "Isn't it!"

Although Yan Jiuxiao had confidence in the burning of the sky in Hell, Lu Ping Gujing Wubo's expression still made him hairy for no reason. Seeing Lu Ping's various methods, Yan Jiuxiao flashed a hideous face on his face, saying: "Since you want If you die early, the old man will make you perfect! Huo Luan, come out!"

There was a scream that resounded throughout the world from the Dharma Xiang Qingyun that had been tossing behind Yan Jiuxiao. Qingyun changed. A burning red firelight stretched out from the void, and a divine horse's Fire Luan fell from the void. The road opened by the fire fluttered its wings.

This Huo Luan is covered with crimson flames all over his body, like an elf in the fire, it is the pure sun of Yan Jiuxiao.

At the moment when this form was summoned by Yan Jiuxiao, the entire Hell Burning Heaven Array was completely transformed into a huge oven, and Lu Ping was the only object to be refined in this oven.

As soon as the Faxiang came out, Yan Jiuxiao's confidence immediately increased, but when he looked at Lu Ping again, he found that Lu Ping also showed a weird smile at him.

As soon as the Huo Luan Faxiang appeared, Lu Ping lifted his hands upwards, as if he was about to lift a mighty thing, and shouted in a low voice: "It's now, Yuanchen's Great Formation, get up!"

Yan Jiuxiao was startled, and he saw nine blue halos suddenly flickering at the foot of the volcano that was the foundation of the nine formations of the Fire Prison Burning Heaven Array.

This Hell Burning Heaven Array had already been submerged by the sea of ​​fire, and there was nothing else except the scarlet fire. However, these nine blue halos broke through in the sea of ​​fire. Although the sea of ​​fire rolled over on its own The flame tried to engulf the nine crystal halos, but could only hear the explosion of one after another in the large array, and the nine halos never died under the encirclement of the sea of ​​fire!

Yan Jiuxiao's expression changed, and he blurted out: "In the formation, it's not good, when did you set the formation!"

Lu Ping "hehe" sneered: "Yan Jiuxiao, you use Lu's hand to break the foundation of the formation of nine volcanoes. I don't know that Lu is also using you to weave a snare, and you will be caught!"

After that, Lu Ping stretched out his hand towards the air with a move. On the protective wall formed by the flames of red mist, three crystal clear halos flashed in different directions at some time, and they were in a group at the foot of the nine volcanic mountains. The halos echoed from a distance, and the outline formed by the twelve halos just shrouded Lu Ping and Yan Jiuxiao!

Yan Jiuxiao suddenly remembered that when Lu Ping frantically chased him, whenever he used the Pure Sun Lingbao and the True Spirit Sword to press on him, he would always try to block his retreat with a magical power transformed by the life spirit water.

Although the magical power transformed by this life spirit water is not weak, it is obviously far from the power displayed by the two spirit treasures.

Originally, Yan Jiuxiao thought that Lu Ping’s move was just a helpless move because the real yuan could not help after using two spirit treasures in succession. Now it seems that Lu Ping’s superfluous act that seems like a red eye is obviously a hidden killer, but it is a pity. I was ignorant of the past when I was overwhelmed. A regret flashed in my heart, but his face became more and more ferocious. He said: "So what, if you want to set up the formation, it depends on your formation. Burning the sky through the hell!"

Although Yan Jiuxiao's mouth was tyrannical, the moment Lu Ping awakened the Twelve Yuanchen Formation, Yan Jiuxiao had already controlled the Faxiang to break through the barriers of the Twelve Yuanchen Formation and regained control of the Hell Burning Sky Formation.

However, Lu Ping planned for a long time, and even hesitated to be in a dangerous situation. If he didn't move, he would definitely kill the game. Nowhere would Yan Jiuxiao escape the control of the Yuanchen Array!

Just as the Pure Yang Faxiang began to impact Yuanchen's great formation, the magical powers around Lu Ping's body suddenly disintegrated, and the white lotus figure attached to the water curtain and sky was generally spread out under Lu Ping's feet and suppressed in one fell swoop. The sea of ​​fire under your feet.

At the same time, the twelve Yuanchen beads that were soaked in the Sanguang Divine Water gleamed with multicolored light and temporarily suppressed the surrounding sea of ​​fire. Each Yuanchen beads shot out twelve colorful rays of light, which were compared with the other eleven Yuanchen beads. And the formation on the white lotus array is connected, and then a multicolored light curtain begins to spread along the colorful light that connects the array with Yuan Chenzhu, forming a huge multicolored space in the burning sky array of the inferno, which is connected to the inferno The Burning Sky Array is completely isolated!

The twelve yuanchen formation is complete!

It was too late and it was fast, and at the moment when Yuanchen's Great Formation was completely formed in the Hell Burning Heaven Formation, Yan Jiuxiao with the power of the Pure Sun Dharma could crash against the colorful light curtain of the Great Formation.

How is the power of pure sun waiting!

The Yuanchen formation shook violently, and Lu Ping’s complexion suddenly rose purple. After repeated battles and resisting the invasion of the Hell’s Burning Heaven formation, the Yuanchen formation that finally formed was hit by Yan Jiuxiao's full force. , Even as strong as Lu Ping, a mouthful of blood spurted out amid the shaking of Yuanchen's array.

However, after all, Yuanchen's Great Array was able to withstand the impact of Huo Luan's Dharma Phase!

The Twelve Yuanchen Array is the natal array that Lu Ping has condensed since the hemolysis period. Two hundred years of hard work has been in vain!

With what Yan Jiuxiao's eyesight, he naturally knew that the huge array in front of him was extraordinary, so the impact of the pure Yang Faxiang just now could be regarded as his full blow, but it was not successful!

Yan Jiuxiao felt a panic in his heart. Judging from his insight, if this large formation could not be broken in the first time, he would have fallen into Lu Ping’s calculations. At this time, he could only do his best to resist Lu Ping’s imperial envoy Yuan Chenda. The strangulation of the formation delays time, so that the Great Fire Prison Burning Heaven Formation can completely disintegrate the middle formation from the outside.

Yan Jiuxiao is confident that the power of the Hell Burning Heaven Array, which was passed down by the descendants of the descendants of Daoist Luan, is definitely above Lu Ping’s Yuanchen Array. After all, the Hell Burning Heaven Array uses the mighty power of heaven and earth, but the colorful space in front of him is With the power of Lu Ping alone, it is acceptable to persist in the Hell Burning Sky Array for a period of time. Over time, he will inevitably be refined by the Hell Burning Heaven Array!

But the key to the problem is whether Yan Jiuxiao can persist until the collapse of the Yuanchen formation!

Fortunately, the power of Lu Ping's inferno and burning sky formation is also quite expensive, and even suffered internal injuries, just thinking about Lu Ping's fierceness when he chased him with the pure sun spirit treasure and the sword of true spirit. The patriarch of Dangdang Huoluan also played a drum in his heart, and the space of Yuanchen's large array at this time did not have the vast dodge space over Chiwu Island!

At this time, Yan Jiuxiao could only bite the bullet and take the lead in attacking Lu Ping, hoping to win the first opportunity. If he could take the opportunity of Lu Ping's injury at this time to inflict him severely again, then this Yuanchen formation would naturally be undefeated.

However, after all, Yan Jiuxiao didn’t know that Lu Ping’s deployment of this Yuanchen formation was not just to isolate him from the Hell Burning Heaven formation, it was the strongest means that Lu Ping had honed for more than two hundred years and never easily revealed. There is only this little means!

As soon as Yan Jiuxiao encouraged Yu Yong to rush towards Lu Ping, Lu Ping, who was still bleeding from the corner of his mouth, suddenly smiled and smiled triumphantly!

Yan Jiuxiao's heart suddenly burst. The Huo Luan Faxiang who had rushed towards Lu Ping wanted to take it back for defense. However, since he had already shot at this time, he could no longer allow him to hesitate. He could only hope that the power of Pure Yang Faxiang could completely break what Lu Ping could. The limit to withstand!

However, this is only a delusion of Yan Jiuxiao!

Lu Ping squeezed his unfolded palm fiercely, and uttered two words every word in his mouth: "Shaking the sky!"

This colorful space suddenly became disorganized. The distance between Lu Ping and Lu Ping was getting farther and farther away. At the same time, the force of the tyrannical space was tearing the Huo Luan from all directions, and at the same time, it was also tearing at the pure Yang Faxiang. The physical body of Yan Jiuxiao possessed by Yang law.

Yan Jiuxiao suddenly discovered that in this Yuanchen formation, he was not only losing control of himself, but also losing the capture of Lu Ping's figure!

Just when Yan Jiuxiao was panicking, Lu Ping suddenly appeared beside him, and the sword of true spirit turned into six dragons and rushed towards him!

With a roar of Yan Jiuxiao, Huo Luan's wings flapped, and instantly got rid of the force of space tearing in the Yuanchen space, and calmed the spatial fluctuations within a few meters of the However, at this time, the six dragons were already there. He rushed forward and fought with Chun Yang Fa.

However, Huoluan is a pure Yang form after all, and even though the six flood dragons were transformed by the sword of true spirits, they also fell into a disadvantage.

Yan Jiuxiao swept his eyes, Lu Ping did not know when he had lost his track again. With a bad cry, he immediately discovered that Lu Ping had appeared dozens of meters away in front of him. The purple-gold clouds rose behind him, and a carrier was ancient. The strange and wild aura of the strange dragon suddenly protruded its golden claws from Qingyun, and then the whole body broke through Qingyun’s obstacles, and a huge roar that shocked Yan Jiuxiao’s divine consciousness came, and the strange dragon’s magic appearance was already Submerge into the void, and when he reappeared, he already joined the battle group with Chunyang Huoluan, and suppressed the life spirit fire attached to Chunyang Faxiang's body in one fell swoop!

Yan Jiuxiao finally showed a look of horror, but he saw that Lu Ping had already taken out the Pure Yang Lingbao in his hand. He wanted to resist again. However, in order to set up the Hell Burning Heaven Array, he had the Second Tribulations Lingbao Fire Spirit Orb in his hand. It has fallen into the magma lake as the base of the motivating formation.

Two blade lights broke through the air, and Yan Jiuxiao could no longer contain the despair in his heart. In the howl, countless magical abilities, regardless of their power, were displayed by his brain, but they all exploded into a sky full of spiritual energy when the scissors were closed. , A rain of blood fell, and the Huo Luan who was fighting with the Law of the Dragon in the Yuanchen space let out a long and stern cry.

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