Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1395: The mystery of the fall

The volcanic eruption on Chikiri Island can be said to occur every day, but it can make the entire large island tremble like a mountain shaking. Such a movement seems to have never occurred except after Chikiri Island emerged from the sea, not to mention this. At that time, an unprecedented huge celestial phenomenon formed over Chikiri Island!

In the process of magma flint flying in the sky, a huge cage was formed over the entire Chikiri Island, which was enveloped by the flames of the red mist, and the spirit of fire that permeated the entire Chikiri Island was formed in the cage. Instantly was wiped out. M.

The dramatic changes on Chikiri Island attracted the attention of all the nearby monks in an instant. Both the Huolun clan and the various factions in the North Sea began to evacuate at the same time. The True Spirit faction who had already removed the battle group gathered at this time. On the treasure ship, I looked worriedly at the flames rising from the island.

"This is, a volcanic eruption?"

After all, the ancestors of Tianchang had a bad vision, thinking that it was just a series of volcanic eruptions on Chikiri Island that formed such a huge celestial phenomenon.

The ancestor Jiang Tianlin looked condensed, and said: "No, this is a large flame formation that was artificially made, and it seems to be a formation that evolved from supreme magical powers!"

Jiang Tianlin's words made everyone's heart sink. Lu Ping practiced pure water attribute exercises, so this large array that has caused such a huge celestial phenomenon is naturally aimed at Lu Ping!

This powerful array provokes the power of heaven and earth, and its power can be called earth-shaking. It must be the pure sun ancestor Yan Jiuxiao who personally shot it. Lu Ping, who has just advanced to the late stage of the magic phase, can survive in front of such a power of heaven and earth. True Spirit Sect No one dared to think about it anymore, it's just that everyone's complexion didn't look good at this time.

There was a depressing silence, the ancestor Tianqin suddenly said: "It seems to be the prison of the flame of the supreme magical power!"


The face of the ancestor Tiancheng was extremely ugly at this time: "It's not the flame cage, it's the **** burning heaven!"

"Hell burns the sky?"

A trace of doubt flashed across Jiang Tianlin's face, and said, "Can the fire of the heart of the mother-child arouse such power of the world?"

The ancestor Tiancheng was equally puzzled, but he still said, "It is indeed more like the burning of the sky in the Hell. Is it possible that the Huo Luan clan still masters the other secret techniques used to perform the "burning the sky in the Hell"?"

The gloomy ancestor Xianglou was also standing on the treasure ship at this time, and he couldn't help but anxiously said: "Whether you want to rescue, after all, the other party is a pure Yang monk. !"

Jiang Tianlin suddenly stretched out his hand in front of him and grabbed it. A burst of spatial turmoil spread a few meters away from the treasure ship, and Yin Tianchu staggered and stepped on the void to retreat onto the treasure ship.

Jiang Tianlin said solemnly: "This is not the time to go to Chiwu Island!"

Yin Tianchu said coldly: "Don't go! Go kill!"

Tian Qin sternly said: "Kill? Who to kill? Huolun monk? At this time, the two sides just stopped fighting. The Huolun clan must be guarded strictly. There are two big monks sitting in the town. Although your assassination technique is exquisite, kill one or two again. Put yourself in?"

A crimson flash flashed across Yin Tianchu's face, but after all he remained on the treasure ship, but he turned and entered the cabin secret room.

A weak voice suddenly sounded with a hint of anxiety, and said, "Why, why not, don't you save Senior Brother Lu? Senior Brother Lu is very dangerous."

Tianqin's biting eyes suddenly swept over, and a figure involuntarily hid behind Jiang Tianlin. The frost on Tianqin's face disappeared, but when he saw Jiang Tianxuan six points of fear, three points of incomprehension and an unclear intimacy Secretly looked at Lyra.

Jiang Tianlin saw that Tianqin, who had been cold before, looked at her daughter with a stunned face. He sighed in his heart and touched his daughter’s head and said, “If you are in danger even with your senior brother Lu, all the people on this treasure ship People go there for nothing."

Jiang Tianxuan obviously didn't believe it, and asked in a low voice with surprise: "Is Senior Brother Nine better than Dad?"

Jiang Tianxuan instinctively wanted to ask in a low voice, but the person here is not very clear. Tianqin and other second-generation disciples, or Yin Tianchu and others, naturally have a high and inferior in their hearts, but people such as Mayu, Zhong Jian, etc. In fact, there is no idea about the level of Lu Ping’s cultivation strength, not to mention the other blacksmith cultivators on the treasure ship who are also looking forward. Although Jiang Tianlin has leaked a lot of information in his previous words, these are natural. It was not as intuitive as Jiang Tianlin said it himself.

Jiang Tianlin smiled bitterly, but he didn't conceal the matter, and said straightly: "Awesome, he is a character comparable to Chunyang!"

There was a sound of air-conditioning on the treasure ship, followed by uncontrollable excitement, and his own sect actually produced a monk who was comparable to Chunyang. What a boost to the morale of the True Spirit Sect!

Comparable to pure Yang, after all, it is still a bit worse than the real pure Yang, but what can be done, don't forget that the ancestor of Tianping is the great monk in the late stage of the law!

Jiang Tianlin's personal words spread throughout the treasure ship in an instant!

Jiang Tianxuan learned from his father that Senior Brother Jiu should not be in danger, and happily followed Zhong Jian and Ma Yu back to the cabin secret room.

The ancestor Tiancheng and others did not know when they also left, only Mei Tianqin and Jiang Tianlin were left on the deck.

"Actually, you don't have to say so clearly!"

Jiang Tianlin smiled slightly and said: "This matter can't be kept secret, it is better to use it to boost the morale of the disciples, not to mention that this is originally a fact. The most proud thing!"

"Xuan Xuan,..."

"Xuan Xuan's mind is just a child!"

"I know, back then..., I'm sorry! All these years,...Thank you!"

"The past is gone, and what it does, if you really want to be held accountable, you should say to Tianling if you really want to apologize and be grateful, we all owe her!"

"Yes, I owe her..."

Mei Tianqin's expressions seemed to flow and hesitated to speak, but Jiang Tianlin had already turned around and entered the treasure ship: "Keep monitoring the central area of ​​Chiwu Island, and be ready to meet Master Tianping's nephew at any time!"

Mei Tianqin looked at Jiang Tianlin's back, her wriggling lips finally turned into two words: "Okay!"

At the edge of the central area of ​​Chiwu Island, the flame coffin, pale due to excessive blood loss, looked anxiously at the huge celestial phenomenon in front of him with a hint of excitement, muttering to himself: "This is the Hell Burning Heaven Array! That Lu Tianping actually forced his grandfather to use the Hell Burning Sky Formation, this is the inheritance left by Taoist Luan to the Huo Luan clan, this Lu Tianping will undoubtedly die!"

"Really, who told you?"

A hoarse voice suddenly rang in Yan Ling's ears, and Yan Ling's eyes opened with an incredible look, and he wanted to escape without even wanting to get away.

However, as soon as this sound rang, a ray of light suddenly broke through the crimson fog wall and flashed in the direction of the flame coffin, and the fog wall behind him slowly took on a jet shape.

Yan Ling yelled loudly, and a flame knife of more than ten feet long condensed in front of him and slashed towards the light, but unexpectedly it cut a hole!

With a look of fear on Yan Ling's face, he slowly lowered his head and looked towards his chest, but he didn't know when there was already a big hole in his chest. He opened his mouth, but only "hehe" was left in his mouth. The sound and the passing of vitality made the eyes gradually lose their color, and finally fell back slowly.

Another escape light broke through the wall of fire fog in front of him, staying slightly above the corpse of the flame coffin, looting the storage instruments on his body, and then gently pushing his corpse into the flowing The magma turned to ashes.

"To the effect, I didn't expect to suffer such a big loss at the end!"

Lu Ping hated it!

Lu Ping made various calculations and finally trapped Yan Jiuxiao in the sacrifice of the twelve yuanchen formation, and then used Pure Yang Lingbao to kill the body of Yan Jiuxiao. From his point of view, Yan Jiuxiao was already ninety-nine percent dead, even though there was Chunyang. The existence of Faxiang can still be reborn, but where can he escape in the Yuanchen formation at this time?

However, Lu Ping didn’t know that the Pure Yang Fa-phase after the third thunder tribulation was very different from other Fa-phases. After the other Fa-phases had no physical support, they had only the power to escape despite the monks’ spiritual minds. , And the Pure Yang Faxiang has completely absorbed the power of the Pure Yang, and has lost the support of the physical body. The Pure Yang Faxiang's own strength has not weakened, but instead took the opportunity to launch a counterattack to die with Lu Ping!

And Lu Ping was already exhausted physically and mentally after slaying Flame Nine Heavens, and he couldn't help but relax. In such a moment, the pure Yang Fire Luan technique ignored the attack of the true spirit sword and the dragon, and his whole body turned into one. The group of intense flames rushed straight towards Lu Ping.

Huo Luan is going to blew himself up!

At this moment, Lu Ping's face was really scared!

Lu Ping, who was already at the end of the crossbow, had no choice but to force Yuan Chen's formation again, and the entire space flipped away instantly from the Pure Yang Law, and Lu Ping's internal organs shook, hurting again.

At the same time, the Dragon Faxiang roared, rushed close to Chunyang Faxiang and bit Huluan's neck with one bite, tearing its head off his body, and Li Qiye was also unwilling to show After piercing through the body of pure Yang Faxiang, a group of fire suddenly vented out of it.

After doing all this, Lu Ping once again forcibly activated the Yuanchen Formation, and after isolating the Dragon's Law and the Sword of True Spirit from Pure Yang Law, he suddenly retracted the Yuanchen Formation to protect himself, and the broken Fire Luan's Formation had already been destroyed. Discharged into the sea of ​​flames within the Yuanchen Great Formation.

With a muffled bang, the broken pure Yang law transformed into a huge fireball and instantly blended with the sea of ​​fire, and Lu Ping almost at the same time recovered the twelve Yuan Chen beads that were in danger under the burning of the burning sky array in the inferno. .

But even if the self-detonation of the Pure Yang Faxiang was weakened by the destruction of the Dragon Faxiang and Mo Li, its power instantly ignited the Hell Burning Sky Formation, and it almost completely defeated the Yuanchen Formation. Fortunately, Lu Ping was alert, at the last moment. Withdrawing Yuan Chenzhu's defense, only then could he withstand the turbulence of the sea of ​​fire.

Although Yan Jiuxiao is dead, there is still an insider in what happened in the hidden space. Fortunately, this Yan coffin is obviously confident in his grandfather and the Hell Burning Heavenly Array. He didn't leave here, and Lu Ping naturally did not leave. Will let him leave alive.


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