Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1396: Take the lead

A secret escape light finally couldn't hold on after it approached the vicinity of the treasure ship. Amidst the exclaims and warnings of the True Spirits, the escape light broke through the shield of the treasure ship and fell on the deck. A person covered in blood and burns staggered incomparably a few steps, reluctantly helped the ship's side to stand firm, and immediately sat on the deck with his back against the ship wall. m.

"It's the ancestor of Tianping!"

Everyone exclaimed for a while, obviously they didn't expect that the most embarrassed person in front of them would be the famous Narcissus of the school!

Jiang Tianlin, Mei Tianqin and others rushed towards the deck when Lu Ping couldn't maintain the escape, and Lu Ping was panicked at this scene.

Jiang Tianlin walked in front of Lu Ping in two steps, slapped a palm on Lu Ping's shoulder, a vast vitality injected into Lu Ping's body with his true essence, and said in a deep voice, "How?"

Lu Ping reluctantly smiled, and said, "Yan Jiuxiao is dead, get ready!"

Huoluan Patriarch Yan Jiuxiao is dead! The ancestor of Chunyang is dead!

Just when everyone did not respond in front of the heavy news, Lu Ping had already returned to the treasure ship secret room surrounded by Jiang Tianlin and others.

With a bang, the previous whispers of the True Spirit monks on the treasure ship suddenly turned into cheers!

How did Yan Jiuxiao die? Who was in his hands? Could it be that he died in the hands of the ancestor Lu Tianping, the water sword immortal?

Just as there was a lot of discussion from the real spirit school, the ancestors of the real spirit school came forward to calm everyone's speculation and strictly prohibited the disclosure of this news.

At the same time, the light on the treasure ship rose one after another, and several practitioners of the True Spirit Sect led the Dharma Stage disciples of this faction into Chiwu Island and began to expand the True Spirit Sect’s sphere of influence on the island. The news of the fall has also been sent back to Tianling Mountain, and follow-up assistance is believed to be sent by head Liu Tianling soon.

In the secret cabin of the treasure ship, Jiang Tianlin and Mei Tianqin are sitting opposite Lu Ping, because the matter is important, especially the news of the fall of Yan Jiuxiao. At this time, no one but the True Spirit Sect knows about it. It is the time to seize the opportunity. Therefore, Lu Ping did not retreat and healed his injuries, but after swallowing a few top-quality healing pills, he worked hard to discuss the follow-up with Jiang Tianlin and Mei Tianqin.

Lu Ping briefly talked about the process of fighting against Yan Jiuxiao, but it was also thrilling in the ears of the two. After hearing that the purpose of Yan Jiuxiao and others was actually the remains of Taoist Luan, both of them exclaimed. After Lu Ping admitted that Yan Jiuxiao had really fallen by his hands, even though the two had been prepared, they couldn't hold back their unbelievable expressions.

It took a long time for Jiang Tianlin to come back to his senses and said, "The disciples under the sect have already been sent out. This time it should be possible to turn half of Chiwu Island into a sphere of influence before the Huoluan tribe and the Beihai factions react. The back-ups should be led by Junior Brother Tianshan. This time the faction gathered two great monks, five middle-stage monks and a few early monks on Chiwu Island. They should be able to shock the various factions in Beihai after the Huluan clan evacuate!"

Lu Ping nodded and said, "It should be enough. We still have a treasure ship, but the news of my serious injury must be kept secret. This time, it will be enough to seize the sphere of influence outside Chiwu Island. If the North Sea factions unite to oppose or even You can retreat appropriately, but you must concentrate the martial arts to occupy the central area. The true treasures of Chikiri Island are in the central area. This time, you and Tianqin and Tiancheng are required to take action in person. The treasure ship has juniors to sit in. Yes."

Jiang Tianlin pondered for a moment and said, "I tried my best, but the central area is full of crises and the environment is dangerous. Although Tianqin and Tiancheng, I and I have no trouble getting in and out, it is extremely difficult for the disciples under the sect to be stationed!"

Lu Ping coughed twice, and grudgingly said with a smile: "No, the dangerous environment of Chiwu Island is formed by the fire veins all over Chiwu Island. Now Yan Jiuxiao has sunk into the fire veins of Chiwu Island with a piece of the Two Tribulations Lingbao. The main vein communicates with the nine volcanoes and sets up the fire-burning sky-burning array. Without the main vein support, the remaining scattered veins will naturally greatly reduce the risk, but the fire attribute training resources in the central area of ​​Chiwu Island will not decrease, especially Many fire veins have been conceived for thousands of years, and there should be a lot of spiritual fire and strange fire in them. This time is the best time to seize!"

Jiang Tianlin was relieved when he heard the words, but even if he began to worry about the cultivation resources in the central area of ​​Chiwu Island, the fire attribute cultivation world inside Chiwu Island was always concerned by the various factions in the North Sea, but it was only due to the dangerous environment inside. Development. Now that the fire spreading on Chikiri Island can be contained, the True Spirit faction will naturally rush to complete the de facto occupation before the factions.

At this time, Mei Tianqin asked about the Fire Prison Burning Heaven Array, and said, "Senior Nephew Lu, what is the situation in the Hell Burning Heaven Array? If it can be broken, let alone the two calamities of the Flame Nine Heavens. Lingbao, the main vein of that fire vein alone is probably not weaker than a giant spiritual vein!"

Mei Tianqin himself has a deep knowledge of flames, and he is the actual principal of the Dan Pavilion. He naturally knows the importance of a large fire vein to the True Spirit School. Apart from that, the one that caused Chiwu Island from the bottom of the sea After the floating medium-sized fire veins were towed by the True Spirits to Tianling Mountain, they played an extremely important role in promoting the development of Dan Pavilion and the restoration of the shortened treasure ship.

Lu Ping smiled bitterly, and said, "How can the disciple know, but this battle has been established, and Yan Jiuxiao is dead. If you want to break this battle, you can only go deep into the battle. Originally, the disciple would enter the battle after healed from his injuries. Suffering might not be able to break this great formation, but after he killed Flame Nine Heavens, its pure sun phase merged most of its essence into the sea of ​​fire in the process of rushing, causing the power of the Hell Burning Heaven formation. It can be even worse, even if the disciple is healed from his injuries, he is still not pleased in this battle!"

"That's it!"

Mei Tianqin was obviously disappointed.

Jiang Tianlin smiled and said: "Don't worry, since even Master Lu is not sure of getting in and out of the Hell Burning Heaven Array, other people naturally can't take away the treasures in the Array. Moreover, the large-scale fire veins are now the only thing. The faction knows that, let’s not say, the other factions are suspicious, and entering into it will only damage their staff in vain."

Mei Tianqin also smiled and said, "But it's too greedy. It shouldn't be too late for such a thing. I'll do it as soon as possible!"

Unexpectedly, Mei Tianqin just stood up, but listened to Lu Ping: "Uncle Master, don't worry!"

Lu Ping stretched his hand across the square table in front of him, and a row of six feather feathers of varying sizes appeared on the table, wrapped in colorful light.

Mei Tianqin and Jiang Tianlin glanced at each other and knew that this was what Lu Ping said was the remains of Taoist Luan he had obtained in the cave sky. Yan Jiuxiao fell into Lu Ping's hands, and all the treasures on his body naturally belonged to Lu Ping. In the bag.

It is a pity that according to what Yan Jiuxiao said, the natal feathers left by Taoist Luan should have seven roots, and the feather feathers that Tiancheng ancestors snatched from the monks of the Huoluan tribe were inspired by Mei Tianqin, and the Huoluan clan had already obtained them. Two of them, one of which is on Yan Jiuxiao's body, while the other is in the hands of another Chunyang ancestor of the Huolun clan. Therefore, at this time, there is only Six Fundamental Life Lingyu in Lu Ping's hands.

Lu Ping handed the second feather from the left to Mei Tianqin and said, "Uncle Master, this one is the feather feather you got before. Taoist Luan should have seven feather feathers, one of which is in the East Sea Huolun clan. The hands of an ancestor of pure Yang."

Mei Tianqin took over this Lingyu and smiled: "Although this thing is a relic of opening the sky, the ideas contained in it seem to contain a set of extremely powerful magic tricks, but I still don't know what to do!"

But seeing Lu Ping smiled and said to Jiang Tianlin: "Uncle, you should choose one too!"

Jiang Tianlin was a little unsure, but he still chose one of the five remaining feathers based on his feelings, and said, "Is Nephew Lu know one or two of the oddities?"

Lu Ping nodded, and said with a serious face: "The seven fundamental life Lingyu left by Taoist Luan not only contains seven supreme magical powers, but each of these seven magical powers is a heaven-opening magical power. Gen Lingyu can only be sensed and inherited by monks of Luan bloodline. Uncle Tianqin and Uncle, you are both monks of Luan bloodline, and it is possible to inherit these seven heaven-opening supernatural powers. Unfortunately, this school only has these six Lingyu."

"Open the sky magical power!"

It was Jiang Tianlin who was taken aback when he heard the news. It seems that there are only the six sacred places in the cultivation world that have the complete inheritance of Heaven-opening magical powers, as well as the individual monks of Xiao Baiyu and Lu Ping, whose strength and luck are extremely high. Actually, he can also have the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the magical power of the sky.

Lu Ping saw that the two of them looked excited, but still had to say: "Although there is the inheritance of the magical powers in the sky, it is not necessarily available, but it is possible! But the uncle Tianqin is already the root of Lingyu. Acknowledge, that thought will naturally guide Master Uncle to inherit the cultivation method of Kaitian supernatural Whether Uncle Jiang can get it depends on luck."

Jiang Tianlin smiled freely and said: "It's good to have this opportunity!"

Looking at the remaining four Lingyu on the desktop, Jiang Tianlin asked, "What do you plan to do with the remaining four Lingyu?"

Lu Pingdao: "These six feathers not only contain the inheritance of Taoist Luan's magical powers, but the more important thing is that the six magical powers are sealed inside, and it is the magical powers sealed by Taoist Luan himself. Although the disciples cannot Inheriting these inheritances, but being able to try to suppress the thoughts of Dao Luan among them, so as to be able to inspire the sealed Kaitian magical powers at any time."

Jiang Tianlin was shocked when he heard the words, followed by joy, and said: "In this way, this faction can be regarded as a real treasure for suppressing the sect's luck!"

Lu Ping smiled slightly and said, "It is exactly that when Taoist Luan opens the sky with magical powers, except for the Seventh Ancestor of Kaitian, there is no enemy in the world!"

Jiang Tianlin stared at Ling Yu in his hand, and said solemnly: "This thing is not at the critical moment of the faction's survival and should not be used lightly!"

Lu Ping agreed: "With this thing, you can preserve the inheritance of the original faction!"

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