The Huoluan clan suddenly evacuated!

Without warning, on the third morning after a huge celestial phenomenon broke out in the central area of ​​Chikiri Island, when the various factions in the North Sea were still unknown, the Huoluan clan suddenly evacuated!

After discovering the evacuation of the Huoluan monks, the various factions in the North Sea quickly organized a chase. The Tianshan ancestors who rushed in for reinforcements also participated in this chase. After a fight, both sides suffered deaths and injuries, but in the end But it was not able to stop the evacuation of the Huolun Clan monks. M.

The Huolun monks apparently left during the night, and they appeared to be extremely hurried. Even the resident at the edge of Chiwu Island did not have time to clean up. Judging from the large amount of training resources remaining in the resident, the Huoluan clan had previously Obviously there is a plan to stay here for a long time, but why they left so silently, there are weirdness everywhere here, making all the factions in Beihai wonder!

But one thing is for sure, there must be a major event among the Huluan clan, that is why I hurriedly wanted to evacuate the Beihai, but this major event is good or bad for the Huluan clan, whether it is related to the Beihai faction or not. Got it.

Soon someone connected the huge celestial phenomenon that erupted in the central area of ​​Chikiri Island with the evacuation of the Huoluan tribe. On the second day after the evacuation of the Huoluan tribe, the area originally occupied by the Huoluan tribe on Chiwu Island was originally occupied by the Huoluan tribe. Suddenly became the target of various factions in the North Sea.

However, just after various factions clashed for the area occupied by the Huolun clan and erupted several times, the True Spirit faction had quietly controlled nearly half of the sphere of influence outside Chiwu Island!

The monks of various factions who immediately entered the central area of ​​Chikiri Island to check the situation came back with an inexplicable news that made everyone excited: The central area that was originally sinister and densely began to become "calm" at some point!

Although there are still lava flows, volcanic eruptions, and fire and poisonous smoke, the cross-flowing magma is obviously decreasing. The original hot ground that makes people think that a burst of red magma may be ejected at any time is cooling; volcanic eruption The frequency seems to have been reduced a lot, and the intensity of the eruption is also weakening; the area originally filled with fire and poisonous smoke seems to be dissipating,...

And after all this slowly calmed down, the monks of the various factions discovered that the central area, which they had already believed to be rich in cultivation resources, was in fact much richer than they thought!

On the third day of the formation of the sky phenomenon of Chikiri Island, although the various factions in the North Sea are still vying for the "vacuum" area left after the evacuation of the fire-luan clan on the periphery of Chikiri Island, even though the dangerous environment in the central area of ​​Chikiri Island has just begun. The improvement is still sinister, but every school can’t wait to send at least one Dharma monk to lead a team of Dadan-period disciples of the school to go deep into the central area. While vying for the cultivation resources inside, it also tries to be in the central area. Establish their respective spheres of influence.

Conflicts inevitably occurred again. Faced with the cultivation resources that are far more numerous than those in the peripheral regions in terms of quantity and quality, the monks of various factions who are responsible for expanding the scope of strength will inevitably compete with each other for these cultivation resources. Conflict between.

During this period, despite the constraints of the monks of the various factions, they may not have them to indulge behind them. Therefore, the conflicts between the various factions are also resolved after the outbreak, and then erupt after they have subsided, until the monks of the various factions and the True Spirit School meet!


Compared with the rise of the True Spirits in recent years, in order to prevent the unity of the various factions and deliberately low-key, this time in the fight for the central area of ​​Chikiri Island, the True Spirits have been exceptionally strong, and can even be described as aggressive!

In fact, the monks of the various factions only discovered after contacting the True Spirit faction that the True Spirit faction seemed to have entered the central area of ​​Akakiri Island first, and they had even explored the advancement of the factions in the central area of ​​Akakiri Island. At that time, it had already begun to delineate the sphere of influence, and began to build a resident guard to occupy the area.

It is precisely because of the two-day opportunity that the True Spirit faction has occupied a large area of ​​the central area first and is continuously expanding the occupied area.

The conflicts between the various factions and the True Spirit faction also occurred in this process, and this time the True Spirit faction was very tough. There have been several encounters with the True Spirit faction. The forging disciples of each faction were taken by the True Spirit faction. The monks repelled, and there were even deaths and injuries of varying degrees during the period.

Fortunately, the Faxiang ancestors of both sides are still considered restraint. The factions are frightened by the strength of the True Spirit faction, and the True Spirit faction does not want to stimulate the factions too much, but pushes them towards the union.

However, the True Spirit Sect had made more preparations than the other factions in the North Sea. They entered the central area with more Faxiang monks and Dadan disciples, and their confidence was naturally greater.

This time, Jiang Tianlin will take full control of the central area of ​​Chiwu Island. There is also an ancestor Lu Tianping who can kill Chunyang sitting on the sea outside the island. Just thinking about this is enough to make the True Spirits think about this time. The competition in the central area of ​​the island is full of confidence!

Although Jiang Tianlin strictly ordered the True Spirit faction not to provoke the monks of all factions, he also implied that he "can't be afraid of things", let alone give up the expanded sphere of influence.

And the impact of this command on the real spirit school is that when the real spirit monks encounter the monks of various factions, although the real spirit monks did not take the initiative to provoke, the expressions and the tone of the expressions are "you come soon." Provoking me", "You should make a move first", "Why don't you make a move yet",...

The conflict first started when Linggu Sect and Feiyu Sect teamed up to meet the True Spirit cultivators. The disciples of the two factions took the lead in taking the initiative to take the lead from a small group of True Spirit cultivators. Jade mine.

Until Zhong Jian and Ma Yu heard the news, the conflict between the two parties had already escalated. The True Spirit faction was at a disadvantage, so the disciples of the two factions took the lead and injured three people, and the two factions of the monks were also hit hard by the True Spirit faction’s counterattack. .

When the two arrived, the two Dharma monks of the Linggu Sect and the Feiyu Sect had arrived. Although these two Dharma monks did not bully the small by the big, they used the power of the ancestor of the Dharma to oppress the True Spirit Sect. The monk gave up this fire jade mine.

This time, Zhong Jian and Ma Yu's double swords combined the two swords to take the lead, encircling the two dharma monks in the sword light in one fell swoop. Amidst the cheering of the three disciples, the two dharma monks were easily completely suppressed by Zhong Jian and Ma Yu’s combined attack secret technique. .

Fortunately, Jiang Tianlin explained in advance that Zhong Jian and Ma Yu did not want to injure them severely after expressing the attitude of never wanting to let them go, so they took their swords and stood in front of the monks of their own faction.

When the two second-generation monks of the Linggu Sect and the Feiyu Sect were relieved from their joint attack in an embarrassing manner, they also understood the attitude that the True Spirit Sect never wanted to let it go, and did not care about being stepped on the shoulders by the younger brothers to become famous. Humiliated and hurriedly led his disciples to leave here, the cheers of the True Spirit disciples coming from behind made the departure of the two cultivators seem to be fleeing.

Compared with the attitude towards Linggu Sect and Feiyu Sect, the ancestor Tiancheng directly used the Hell Burning Heaven Array to severely damage Lin in the middle stage of the same advanced stage during a conflict with the Xuanling Sect monk. Xu Qing, this time the dispute was due to a small magma lake that gave birth to five heaven and earth fire seeds.

Immediately after another news came, Mei Tianqin made a move to retreat the mid-Dharma monks of Haiyanmen during an open-air battle for the Chiyan Stone Mine, and the forging alchemy monks of the two sides appeared in the process of fighting for the mineral veins. Dead and wounded, but apparently the Haiyanmen disciple was killed, otherwise, with Mei Tianqin's protection, it would never have been just a retreat to the cultivator of the method.

The relationship between the Shisha Pavilion and the True Spirit Sect over the years is still quite harmonious, but in a battle for a naked flame, Guo Tianshan arrived in advance, and the Shisha Pavilion monk came afterwards. There was no conflict between the two sides, but the Shisha Pavilion monk. In the end, he retreated.

When the other monks of the Jade Sword Sect, Chongming Sect, and other sect forces in Beihai approached the pre-delineated sphere of influence of the True Spirit Sect, they were also rushed by the three generations of Dharma monks such as Tianhui, Tianxuan, and Tianfeng. Retreat.

Then there was another piece of news that touched the sensitive nerves of the various factions. The Canghai Sect monk and the True Spirit faction disciples fought against each other in the battle for a high-grade earth-level heaven and earth spirit fire. The two sects originally had grievances, and the conflicts continued to escalate. Both sides suffered casualties during the conflict.

However, since the True Spirit monks entered the central area to occupy the territory in advance, although they were prepared, they would inevitably be stretched in number because of the large area occupied. The Canghai Sect is still in the process of exploring, so the manpower has exceeded it. The True Spiritual Sect monks stationed here have made the True Spiritual Sect clearly a disadvantage in this conflict.

However, when the ancestors of the East Lake of the Canghai Sect heard the news and rushed to the place where the conflict occurred, they disappeared suddenly, and the True Spirit monks who came from another station for reinforcements joined the monks of the same school and jointly killed the monks of the Canghai Sect. After a big defeat, the Canghai Sect finally evacuated more than ten people who were killed or injured.

A monk who was a Buddhist monk was strangely "missing", no one was alive, no corpse was seen!

Just when the ancestor Dongkun of the Canghai Sect gathered up the monks of various factions and tried to question the True Spirit Sect Xingshi, Jiang Tianlin appeared!

He interrupted the clamor of Dongkun's old ancestor Serenei, Jiang Tianlin just casually showed to the monks of all factions that the true spirits do not offend me and I do not offend the and then left the monks of all factions and went straight away. , As for the disappearance of the Canghai patriarchal monk, Jiang Tianlin ignored it from beginning to end.

The shock of a great monk is enough for all factions to curb their ambitions around the corner!

The ancestors of Dongkun are still trying to encourage the unity of the various factions. However, at this time, the ancestors of the Faxiangs of the various factions have already gathered the monks of the Faxiangs period that appeared in the true spirit school in the conflicts in the central area. Silence.

Among the conflicts between the various factions and the True Spirit faction, nine practitioners from the True Spirit faction appeared before and after the True Spirit faction. Among them was Jiang Tianlin, the great monk. Although the monks of each faction kept calm on their faces, which one of them Isn't my heart trembling fiercely?

If the ancestor of the East Lake really fell into the hands of the True Spirit faction, then the one who could quietly put it to death should also be at least a mid-stage Dharma monk. Then at least ten True Spirit faction had gathered in the central area of ​​Chiwu Island at this time. Phrases monk?

This is only part of the strength revealed by the True Spirit faction!

A scorching wind blew past, and the hearts of the monks of all factions shuddered. Before they knew it, the True Spirit faction had actually been so tyrannical!

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