Nine Evolutions of the True Spirit

Chapter 1399: Master Prospector

The collection of Yan Jiuxiao for more than a thousand years can be described as all-encompassing. In Lu Ping's view, the quantity and quality of Yan Jiuxiao's collection can be worthy of a medium-sized martial art collection for thousands of years. m.

The most important one is naturally about the cultivation inheritance of the Huolun clan. Originally, Lu Ping was still worried about how Lu Qin'er would obtain the complete inheritance secret technique of the Huolun clan in the future. Unexpectedly, the Huolun patriarch had a full set of Huoluan clan in his body. According to the secret, this somewhat surprised Lu Ping. It seems that the Huoluan patriarch is really a model of "balance between public and private".

The inheritance secrets of the Huolun clan are all-encompassing. It is based on several Huoluan practice techniques, supplemented by various magical secrets, the refining of the magic weapon of the natal magic weapon and the spiritual treasure, and the elixir needed in the various cultivation processes. Fire map, fire vein identification, related formation inheritance, Fu Lu inheritance, refining inheritance, alchemy inheritance, etc., are almost a set of encyclopedias about fire attribute inheritance techniques.

Make two rubbings of the Huolun clan's inheritance secret technique, one to Lu Qin'er, one to keep by himself, and the original to the martial art collection.

Among all Lu Ping's disciples and followers, apart from Qinghu's possession of a god-thief axe owned by Dabao, Lu Qin'er became the first person to possess a spirit treasure.

Lu Qin'er's pair of wings completely turned into a pair of fire wings, flying up and down in the golden room, and let out a clear cry of excitement.

This pair of Lingbao Fire Wings was found in Yan Jiuxiao’s storage artifacts. Lu Ping was also surprised when he saw this pair of Fire Wings. It was obviously a pair that could be used for flying away. Lingbao can also be used for actual combat.

If Yan Jiuxiao trapped Lu Ping with the Hell Burning Heaven Formation, and then retreated with this pair of Lingbao, Lu Ping would not be able to trap him even with the Yuanchen Formation. Unfortunately, Yan Jiuxiao thought he had the chance to win. Attempting to completely kill Lu Ping in the big formation, but unexpectedly suffered Lu Ping's calculations instead.

There was originally a catastrophe spirit treasure in Yan Coffin's hand, but it was a pity that it was smashed into the core space by Lu Ping outside the big formation. The spirit treasures and magic treasures contained in it were all twisted into pieces during the collapse of the space. A complete magic weapon survived, making Lu Ping scream unlucky.

There are a lot of things left. Unfortunately, Lu Ping doesn’t have time to sort them out one by one. Fortunately, Lu Ping has a big treasure, who is very interested in such things, and Lu Qin'er is obviously more like from Yan Jiuxiao’s collection. After obtaining the things that he needed for his cultivation, the rest was handed over to the two of them to deal with.

Lu Ping, on the other hand, took the layout of the Hell Burning Sky Array inherited by the Huolun tribe. He first gave it to the ancestor of Tiancheng. The ancestor of Tiancheng was like a treasure. When even closed on Chiwu Island, once this The formation method was thoroughly studied by him, and it can be imagined that the strength of Tiancheng ancestors must be even higher.

Immediately after Lu Ping, he gave the rubbing pattern to Xuanhu Jingyan to decipher it, because Deng Xuanming is now on Feiling Island, but under the guidance of the real person Xuanchen, there is another pattern in his hand. Xuanhu wants to think It is not difficult to crack this array.

However, Lu Ping did not want to crack the entire large formation in the central area, but only secretly opened a channel to enter and exit the large formation within the control of the True Spirit faction.

"Then why don't you just break open this big formation?" Xuanhu was a little puzzled about Lu Ping's plan.

"Why is it broken? In order to be able to enter this big formation, how many people have been in the Beihai faction? If it is broken, wouldn't it be cheaper for them? Just like this quietly opening a channel, only the monks of this school can How nice it is to go in, the most core area of ​​Chikiri Island belongs to the school unknowingly." Lu Ping explained with a smile.

"Just like when you discovered the secret path to and from Fei Ling Island?" Xuan Hu gave Lu Ping a white look, thought about the result of the discussion with Master Xuan Chen, and then said, "If only one channel is opened, not only will it be much more difficult. And the danger of getting inside cannot be completely avoided."

Lu Ping didn't care at all, and said, "Even if the danger inside is not weakened at all, wouldn't I still kill Yan Jiuxiao inside and come out unscathed?"

Xuanhu wrinkled his nose and snorted, obviously dissatisfied with Lu Ping's original adventure, but he also knew that Lu Ping was absolutely right.

Lu Ping couldn't help but smile when he watched Xuanhu rising up, and said: "Don't worry, the area covered by this inferno burning sky is the core of Chiwu Island, and the rare and exotic treasures contained in it are the most important part of Chiwu Island. I don’t know how many there are, and because of the existence of the main fire vein of Chiwu Island, there will be a steady stream of heaven and earth treasures with various fire attributes, especially some heaven and earth spiritual fires and strange fires. If they can create one The secret path leading to the formation, even if entering the formation is somewhat dangerous, compared with these gains, it is totally worth it."

Xuanhu knew what Lu Ping was talking about, so he said, "In fact, this Hell Burning Heaven Array is powerful, but it was actually set up hastily by Yan Jiuxiao. Although there is a Second Tribulations Spirit Treasure that suppresses the fire veins, this large array of In the end, the power has not been fully utilized. Although the various factions in the North Sea have fold in many monks, it is also because the real great magicians have not been attracted by Chikiri Island. If they can be arranged calmly, their power can be increased by four or five. Success, when you want to get in and out of this big array at will, you will have to pay the price!"

Although Lu Ping knew that this big formation had not fully demonstrated its strength, he was still a little surprised when he heard what Xuanhu said, and said, "Can it be increased by half, so much?"

Xuanhu smiled triumphantly and said: "Of course, but it is not easy to arrange this large formation. Not only does it require a lot of precious array equipment, but also a mine seeker who is familiar with the direction of fire veins. , And in order to prevent clues from being discovered by the monks of various factions, a great supernatural power is needed to assist us in repairing the formation in the formation."

Lu Ping smiled "hehe", and said, "That can only be me. If you are looking for a miner, you can only find Xuanwei, but he should be on Chiwu Island now."

Chiwu Island contains a lot of mineral veins of various fire-attribute spiritual materials, and the True Spirit School occupies almost half of the entire Chiwu Island. Today's Xuanwei True Person is very busy!

True person Xuanwei now has a very high status in the True Spirit Sect, and his treatment is almost equal to that of the True Spirit Sect monk.

In fact, according to the mine-seeking level of the real Xuanwei, he can only be regarded as a monk at the level of the mine-seeking master, but don’t forget, let alone the True Spirit School, even in the entire Beihai there is almost only him. Master mine seeker, and Beihai's long-standing barrenness also raised his status as a mine seeker master again.

In addition, this guy was caught in Lu Ping's light at the beginning, which also made him maintain a close relationship with Lu Ping. Now that Lu Ping is in the real spirit school, the real Xuanwei has to be a fox and a fake tiger. He always talks with others. Thinking about how I was with the ancestors of Tianping, or how I was with the Narcissus in the past, a few words are said, and many people have begun to worship before he started to search for mines.

True person Xuanwei is not a self-sufficient person. Although he does not use Lu Ping's name to be domineering, he can be regarded as a majestic and majestic in the Zhenling School, but he is at least really capable, so most of the time people look at Lu Ping. Two compliments are necessary for the face, which makes this guy even more triumphant.

Now that Lu Ping recruited, Real Xuanwei naturally didn’t say anything. He put down the high-grade spiritual material vein he was looking for and ran over. In front of Lu Ping Ping, Real Xuanwei was a teacher. He knew very well that everything he had now was nothing. It is from the good fortune of this junior.

But when he heard that Lu Ping was about to take him into the Fire Prison Burning Heaven Array, the mine-seeking master turned pale and was shocked on the spot.

"Huh? Go to the crematorium? If you don't go or not, I said, Junior Brother Lu, Master Tianping, where can I get in there? You know, half a month ago, it was said that an outside Buddhist monk avoided it. The defense of the Gilt Sword Sect has sneaked into the large formation, and there is still no news yet. There is always no return to every monk who enters. I am a real blacksmith who enters to find death, don't I go or not!"

Lu Ping said in a huff: "What kind of crematorium, you can't die! I have been in the big formation once, and if I protect you two, this **** burning sky will not hurt you!"

Really Xuanwei was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Xuanhu, and said suspiciously: "No kidding, even bring your good friend in?"

Lu Ping brought his own Taoist couple in. Obviously, he knew the power of this big formation very well, and naturally he was sure of it. True person Xuanwei immediately patted his chest and said, "I'll just tell you, Junior Brother Lu, you are definitely in your chest. , Don’t worry, this time, brother, I must have pierced both sides of the knife, and the pan will follow you all the time!"

Xuanhu "chuckled" and grinned. Lu Ping knew his lazy temper, so he stared at him, a bit displeased: "I have taken care of the martial arts. I have taken care of you for nearly a hundred years. You have been looking for mines all these years. The results are impressive, and it is a slippery one. Every time you find a good mine, you can get a benefit. How can you get to the eighth floor of the forge alchemy at your cultivation level, or you just broke through?

The real person Xuanwei disappeared from the previous laugh when he heard the words, but he still said casually: "It's not that It's a waste of training resources, it's better to save a fortune for future generations!"

Lu Ping frowned upon hearing this, and said, "Which level of spiritual artifact is estimated to be able to be smelted?"

After the late stage of forging a pill, monks can probably estimate their own potential based on their own cultivation status, and thus estimate the heaven and earth spirits they need, and naturally they will probably be able to understand the achievement of several gold cores.

True person Xuanwei smiled disapprovingly, "Hehe", and said, "It is estimated that at most, it is the smelting of high-grade spiritual objects of the ground level. Anyway, it’s impossible to condense the principles of the Fa, and why waste the cultivation resources of the sect?"

Lu Ping slapped his palm on the shoulder of Real Person Xuanwei, and Real Person Xuanwei felt that his entire body was under Lu Ping's control. At the same time, Lu Ping's eyes suddenly shot a sharp light, almost piercing the space of his heart.

After a while, Lu Ping released his palm and said, "Your cultivation level is indeed a mess!"

True person Xuanwei smiled bitterly, but he heard Lu Ping say: "But it's not that there is no chance to advance the method, but this is a shortcut. After you force the advancement, you will have no further possibility."

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