Lu Ping was also taken aback when he returned to the Fire Prison Burning Heaven Array again, because the power of the Array at this time has increased a lot compared to when he fought with Yan Jiuxiao. Xuanhu estimated that the reason should be in that Yan Jiuxiao. After the fall, all the remaining law phases are dissolved in the sea of ​​fire. M.

Fortunately, after Lu Ping’s battle with Yan Jiuxiao, his cultivation base has also advanced by leaps and bounds. Three years are enough for Lu Ping to heal, recover, and break through the bottleneck. Especially after he completely refines that small bottle of Jiao’s blood, Lu Ping can clearly notice. What kind of progress has been made to his own cultivation strength in the past three years.

Perfecting the formation in the Hell Burning Sky formation is not an easy task to complete in a short time, and with the improvement of the formation, its power is also increasing steadily. It is wrong that this formation is not considered to be controlled. , It is extremely difficult for Lu Ping to go in and out freely, let alone bring Xuanhu and Xuanwei with him.

However, with the improvement of the formation, although the power of the formation has greatly increased, it also allows the Xuanhu to control a small part of the formation operation. Although this little control power is not enough for the Xuanhu to completely complete the Hell Burning Sky formation. The control is in the hands, but it is also enough to open up a few relatively safe footholds in the big formation with the help of Lu Ping.

Just in the process of opening up these safe footholds, Lu Ping has easily caught five fires in the sea of ​​flames, two of which are strange fires of heaven and earth, and the remaining three are spirit fires of heaven and earth. A Heaven-Earth Spirit Fire that was even a lower-rank Heavenly Fire, which surprised Real Master Xuanwei.

In addition, there are many rare treasures scattered in the Hell Burning Heaven Array. These are all rare spiritual materials in the heavens and the earth. Some of them can even be used directly to improve the quality of the spiritual treasures. Just imagine being able to be in the Hell. It can still be intact under the burning sky, so how can the quality of these spiritual materials be low.

"This fire vein is not simple. I did not expect that there are so many heaven and earth spiritual fires bred in it. If you break this fire vein now, I am afraid that the entire Chiwu Island will once again usher in the same way as Chiwu Island from the beginning. A scene of ordinary spiritual fire rising from the bottom of the sea."

Lu Ping disdainfully said: "Exhausted Ze and fishing can be compared to the long stream of water, and the fat water does not flow into the fields of outsiders. These few footholds I have established in this formation are to be able to enter the formation at any time to collect the fire, in the alchemy hall and the refining hall. It's also too noisy. Just open up a few safe points in this formation space, and you can take advantage of this sky of fire at that time. It depends on the skills of the pill pavilion and the refining hall."

The reason why Xuanhu ventured into the Hell Burning Sky Array this time to perfect the formation was because Lu Ping had the training resources to let the True Spirits develop the Hell Burning Heaven Array on his own.

After opening up several safe footholds in the Hell Burning Sky Array, Lu Ping returned to Tianling Mountain. Because of the sudden change of Chiwu Island, the date of the treasure ship originally planned by the True Spirit faction had been delayed for three years. Now that the True Spirit Sect has consolidated the Chikiri Island's sphere of influence, and the Sky Profound Sect has repeatedly sent people to urge, the treasure ship is already imminent.

When Lu Ping returned to Tianling Mountain, the big disciple Wang Xuanqi, who had already heard the news, had already been waiting here.

Lu Ping asked as he walked, "You can find out about your Xuanwei. Who is in charge of the distribution of martial arts resources now?"

Wang Xuanqi said respectfully: "Return to the teacher, he is the uncle of Heavenly Magic Master."

"It's him?"

Lu Ping frowned and asked, "Isn't he mainly presiding over the affairs of the Zhongtu Yingtian Courtyard?"

Wang Xuanqi replied: "Uncle Qi Tiancai has always presided over the affairs of China."

Lu Ping was very displeased and said: "The school has said that Yingtian House is very important. In order to avoid clues in the practice circle of China, the host of Yingtian House is changed every ten years. Senior Sister Qi is afraid in Yingtian House. It's been thirty or fifty years!"

Wang Xuanqi had no words, and Lu Ping asked again: "What kind of words does the school have about this matter?"

"In the past few years, there have been some seniors from the school who have visited Zhongtu, but Uncle Tiancai has managed the Yingtian Courtyard well over the years and has contributed many outstanding hemolytic disciples to the school."

Lu Ping sneered, waved Wang Xuanqi to leave, and walked towards the Heavenly Spirit Palace alone.

In the Heavenly Spirit Palace, under the auspices of the head Liu Tianling, the cultivators of the True Spirit Sect gathered together to discuss matters concerning the sailing of the treasure ship.

In fact, the Zhenling faction has been planning for a long time on this matter, and the general matters have been planned for a long time. The rest are mostly supplementary details and the matter of how the Zhenling faction will stay in Beihai after the treasure ship sets sail.

Seeing Lu Ping come in, the ancestor of Celestial Elephant smiled and asked, "Are you going to Zhongtu or staying in Beihai?"

Lu Ping said without even thinking: "The disciple has never appeared in public in Beihai in the past few years. Even the matter of Yan Jiuxiao has been speculated by the outside world. There is a lack of understanding of the real situation. The disciple should still act in a low-key manner. It is also good to see what will happen this time. People can't wait to jump out."

The ancestor of Celestial Elephant smiled and nodded: "It's okay, the old man is also planning to do this. This treasure ship seems to be sailing, but undercurrents are actually surging. Over the years, this faction has become more and more powerful in the North Sea. I am afraid that many people are waiting in secret. Taking the opportunity to be angry, the faction will inevitably divide its troops after the treasure ship sails, and the troops will disperse. This may be the best time for the North Sea dispatchers to launch a disaster."

Liu Tianling said at this time: "Although Beihai had a lot of speculation about you after the last incident of the Flame Nine Heavens, you have never appeared in public in Beihai over the years. If I wait for the news to say that this time you will go to Middle Earth with the ship. ?"

Lu Ping said respectfully: "Everything is subject to the arrangement of the teacher!"

Jiang Tianlin smiled and said, "There are so many helpers on the treasure ship!"

The ancestor Tiancheng grinned and said, "Brother Jiang, you preside over the treasure ship. You can fight Chun Yang on the sea. How many can you do?"

Jiang Tianlin said sternly: "The so-called fighting against the pure sun is nothing but misinformation. If you really encounter the pure sun, the treasure ship can only defend itself at sea. The so-called contend is nothing more than passive beatings. If the confrontation continues for a long time, the treasure ship will be defeated. If you don't believe it But ask Master Nephew Lu, at least if the old man is in charge of the treasure ship, he is not sure to escape under his chase."

Everyone looked at Lu Ping. Lu Ping rubbed his chin and smiled: "There are also strong and weak in the pure sun. What the uncle said is like the figures who have achieved pure sun for hundreds of years in the great sacred places. If it is new like Yan Jiuxiao, etc. Monk Jin Chunyang, or like Lin Yu-senior, who is lucky enough to advance to the pure sun, most of whom are in the treasure ship can do nothing, but nowadays, no one in the cultivation world will just offend the school, don’t forget now The situation in the cultivation world is not much better, even if there are forces that are hostile to this faction, they are still powerless."

Lu Ping’s words today are a bit more authoritative than Jiang Tianlin. Especially after Lu Ping killed the Flame Jiuxiao, although this incident has not been rumored, it has caused great repercussions among the Zhenling Faxiang monks, causing Lu Ping to be in The prestige of the True Spirit School has reached a new height.

With Lu Ping’s assurance, everyone was relieved, but he heard Lu Ping speak again: "Although there will be no big powers to take action for nothing, but just in case, from the disciple's point of view, let Tianfeng, Tianshan, Tiancheng, Let the four uncles and uncles of Tianshu go together."

The first three are nothing more. After all, they are all cultivators in the middle stage of the law, but among these people there is a heavenly technique, which is a bit strange.

Mei Tianqin objected: "Didn't it say that Tianyuan could follow suit for some experience? Besides, Tianyuan is a mid-stage cultivator, at least it is more suitable than Senior Brother Tianshu."

The ancestor of Tianshu also had a sullen expression, and said: "The old man is lowly capable, so I won't go to join in the fun!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Ping argued: "Senior Brother Tianyuan has been in China for many years, and even a prestigious existence among the three generations of monks, he already has the ability to stand alone. In the eyes of the disciples, it is better to run the Yingtian Courtyard. , Senior Sister Tiancai has presided over the other courtyard for 40 to 50 years, but now it is not suitable to stay in Middle-Earth. What's more, the disciples heard that Senior Sister Tiancai is now at the peak of the early stage of Dharma, and she is returning to Beihai to prepare for the first thunder disaster. Based on the senior sister's contributions over the years, she can go to the seabed to retreat and practice."

The so-called submarine dense land naturally refers to the Fei Ling Island. Except for a few special monks in the early stage of the practice, although they know that there is such a dense land, they do not know that Nine is the famous Fei Ling Island.

Mei Tianqin's face sank, and said: "Naughty, just like you, there are no hosts for several important functions of this faction. How can these people make up?"

Lu Ping was not moved, and said directly: "The duties of the master and uncle Tianshu can be handed over to Senior Sister Li Tianru. Senior Sister Tianru has been around the head for a long time. If he can take over this matter, it will be convenient for the head to take care of it. This faction's cultivation resources are commanded and called."

Tianshu immediately said angrily: "You mean that the old man is not qualified for this post, and has also hindered the deployment of the cultivation resources of the head of the school?"

Now that Tianshu had made things clear, Lu Ping would naturally not hide it, but said with a serious face: "Dare to ask Uncle Xuanwei, the disciple of this school, Xuanwei is the only mine seeker, and the disciple has ordered the school to cultivate resources. With more leaning, why didn't this person get the slightest help?"

The ancestor of Tianshu sneered and said: "Is that the mine-seeker who used your name to slander? The old man admits that this person has some It's just that this person is under the qualifications of cultivation, and he is full of help. It's a top five golden pill, and it doesn't even have the qualifications to take shortcuts to condense the law, so it's a sudden waste of martial arts resources!"

Lu Ping sneered: "First, since the disciple promises that he is qualified, then he is qualified. Uncle, where did you question the qualification? Second, since the uncle said he was not qualified, why did the disciple send it to Xuanwei? Someone still receives the training resources for his?"

The face of the ancestor of Tianshu suddenly turned red. He did not expect Lu Ping to be so strong in front of the many generations and second generations of the Tianling Temple disciples. He did not care about the face of him and others, and he did not expect Lu Ping to seize the evidence of his corruption. .

The ancestor of Tianshu can only resist saying: "Cultivation resources are naturally given priority to the cultivators who need it most and are most likely to advance!"

Lu Ping mocked: "The most likely monks with advanced techniques are not your uncle's disciples, right?"

The ancestor of Tianshu suddenly became angry and said, "You! Lu Tianping, you are spitting blood!"

"Enough! Silence!"

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