Nine Heavens

Chapter 1000 Onigata Jingu

Chapter One Thousand

"Hehe, it's nothing to help you practice ghost form and magic skills, but for saving Yuelan, I think it's better for you to go there yourself, and of course we will help you!" Liu Qianlang also smiled.

"Hey! Why don't I want to, but things are not so simple. Liu Xian has not stepped into the nether world. There are many evil laws and magical powers in the nether world. Among them, if you don't meet each other in a lifetime, you will be punished if you meet! One of the most tyrannical laws.

It is said that any person in the mortal world, no matter how many lives you have reincarnated, must never meet in different lives, otherwise this person, all his previous or future lives, and himself will be arrested by the Nether Hell's Absolute Sun Order , and then sent to the Yin-Yang Realm of Jue Yang Miyu to receive the most cruel punishment, until he was destroyed and slaughtered. Since then, this person has completely disappeared in the Yin and Yang realms, and even a trace of his soul has disappeared!

You and I met suddenly in this Yin treasure bag of Hunsha, I guess Hunsha didn't think of it for a while, so we met. Therefore, if we go out, only one of you and I can go out. In comparison, it is natural that you are stronger than me, and it is more likely for you to save Yuelan.

But one day Yuelan is really rescued, and I hope she won't reveal the fact that I no longer exist, I'm afraid she will be sad. You and I are the same person, with the same appearance, you have the memories of my life, and the memories here, after I merged with you, you will also have them. If you take care of her instead of me, Yuelan won't find out. It is my greatest wish to let her come back to life and live happily instead of suffering in the cold hell. "

"Bah! This Nether Hell is really evil! What kind of law is this! Brother Liu, don't worry about it. With me and third brother here, you can rest assured! All laws are like dung in our eyes. Just go out!"

Song Zhen couldn't help frowning when he heard this, twisted his black and white eyebrows and spat.

"Hehe! Song Xian is really a loyal brother, Liu Xian is so happy to know you! I have been in this yin treasure bag for tens of thousands of years, and my ghost form and magic skills are about to be perfected.

It's as natural as you said, and it's the best. Can you please ask the two venerable immortals to protect me for a few hours, and when you see my soul scattered, beat the scattered soul back to the soul body. After ninety-nine eighty-one hits, if the soul does not fly away, it is natural that he has successfully cultivated the ghost-shaped magic skill, and then rushed out of the Yin treasure bag with the two immortals.

In fact, just before the two venerables came in, I was still sprinting for the final entrance of this ghost-shaped magic skill. Unfortunately, I have tried hundreds of times but failed. "

"Well! So, let's start right away! Let's go out early, and rescue Yuelan earlier!" Liu Qianlang heard this, his eyes fell on Liu Xian's deep eyes, and he felt an inexplicable expression in his eyes. Weird smell.

That kind of weirdness was so deeply hidden that Liu Qianlang couldn't tell what it was for a while, but he felt very uncomfortable, so there was a hint of security in his words.

Upon hearing this, Liu Xian's eyes flashed with incomparable excitement, and he bowed his head. Steadily floating above the pile of gold ingots, sat cross-legged, then slightly closed his eyes, and began the final porch sprint of ghostly form and magic.

"Fourth brother, I think there may be problems in this lifetime, so be careful!" Liu Qianlang said to Song Zhen via voice transmission.

"Impossible! He is your previous life, how could he harm you?" Song Zhen became more alert when he heard this, and at the same time responded to Liu Qianlang's slight nod. Whether it is necessary or not, it is always good to be careful.

Next, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen also floated cross-legged to a distance of four or five feet in front of Liu Xian, slowly spinning around him, always paying attention to his changes.

It was very calm at the beginning, Liu Xian pinched an unseen formula with both hands, and his face was also very calm. But half an hour later, Liu Xian's face suddenly turned ghostly green, his eyes were closed, but two blood-like evil rainbows shot out from his eyes, he kept scanning the surroundings, and then his whole body also glowed with ghostly green. Moreover, the colors are getting stronger and stronger, and the whole person is like a jade carving.

When the color was so thick that it was almost like dripping water, Liu Xian suddenly screamed: "Seal the loose soul!" Then he saw emerald arcs flashing suddenly on his body, and then ten emerald arcs flashed out of the emerald arcs. The phantom of the white Liu Xian quickly flew away in all directions.


Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen had already seen it in their eyes, and with just a casual wave of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and Astrology Ruler, one red, one black, and two saw a powerful rainbow, which immediately forced them back into Liu Xian's body.

Then, things like this kept happening, those phantoms of Liu Xian became stronger and more tyrannical each time, and the colors became more dazzling each time. The movements of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen also became faster and faster.

In the end, he had to stand up, Liu Qianlang stood on the chaotic cauldron, and Song Zhenao stood on the blood unicorn, the two circled around Liu Xian, whistling and whirling, and the light curtains kept cutting down, Make a deafening sound.

"Haha! Go back!"

When it was the eighty-first time, when Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen forced back the three souls and seven souls that Liu Xian had scattered out, finally Liu Xian's glaring phantom could not be seen flying out again, Song Zhenda laughed.

Immediately, the emerald green brilliance outside Liu Xian's body slowly withdrew into his body, and the rainbow in his eyes also disappeared, and soon he returned to his elegant scholarly appearance. Then he adjusted his breath for a while, and slowly opened his eyes, which were full of smiles.

"Thank you two venerable immortals! Liu Xian has finally succeeded in cultivating the ghost form and magic skill."

Liu Xian looked around his body and looked inside, then got up and saluted and smiled.

"Hehe! You don't need to be polite for the rest of your life. What is the magical effect of this ghost form magic skill, can you tell me a little bit?"

Liu Qianlang didn't move, standing on top of the Chaos Cauldron, and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Xian drifted towards Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen in the void, still holding the Nether Ghost Book in his hand, and said with a smile: "Ghost shape magic is the basic ghost magic skill that any ghost body in the Nether Hell possesses. That is to say, Only those who have successfully cultivated the ghost form and magic skill are qualified to be called ghosts in the Nether Hell, and can become a real member of the ghost world in the Nether Territory.

Then, you have a chance to get what you want in Nether Hell, such as becoming the most common Yin soldier, or being a general of Yin soldiers, and you can also step by step develop towards the ghost king city, the capital of the underworld, and become a prince who seals borders. It is possible to become an official, or even become the king of Hades.

The most tempting thing is that if you are strong enough, you still have the opportunity to be reincarnated in the human world as the emperor. After enjoying countless delicious and exquisite souls in the Nether Hell, you can also enjoy endless glory and wealth in the world!

The role of the specific ghost form and magic power! There are two main uses, one is to allow you to have the identity of a ghost, and you can have an extremely ferocious and shocking rough face, full of savage power. At the same time, with ghost mana, you can deal with those humble souls at will! "

Liu Xian said excitedly while walking, and at the same time triumphantly transformed his figure into an extremely ferocious appearance.

"Oh! It seems that I am full of longing for the identity of the evil ghost. How could you be willing to combine your soul with mine? Did you plan to let us help you practice the ghost form and magic skill successfully, and then escape by yourself? Get out of this yin treasure bag! We are just being used by you, aren't we?"

Looking at Liu Xian who was approaching steadily, Liu Qianlang looked calm, fixed his gaze, and said calmly.

"Haha! It seems that you are not stupid. It's a pity that you are too tender. You even helped me when you thought about it. Liu Xian will tell you another secret. There is still a way to chase and kill yourself to ensure that you don't die, do you know what it is?"

Liu Xian looked at Liu Qianlang's slightly fluttering white hair with disdain, and asked provocatively.

"A confrontation between two generations, if one of them dies, the other will not be hunted down by the Jue Yang Order, and it will naturally continue to exist!" Liu Qianlang looked into the distance and said lightly.

"It's a pity that such a powerful spiritual root died under Liu Xian's hands! But there is no way to do it! Facing the temptation of the prosperity of Yin and Yang, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends can ignore it, let alone one that has nothing to do with me Another life!

In fact, the moment you saw me, you should have killed me, but unfortunately you didn't, you lost your only chance! I guess you must be blinded by some kind of moral and family affection in the world, that's why you are so stupid, let my soul not be snatched, and help me practice ghost form and magic skills!

do you know? Any ghost in the Nether Hell has only himself in his heart. They are ruthless and ungrateful. They never know what sadness and joy are, but only hatred is rooted in their hearts and souls. No matter how kind they are to him, they will not be moved in the slightest, but if anyone hurts their interests even a little bit, they will hate him so deeply that they will chase and kill him forever, and will not give up until they achieve their goals! "

Liu Xian has already stopped in front of Liu Qianlang, looking up and down at Liu Qianlang, he has already regarded Liu Qianlang as a dead person, and the next moment he is going to suck Liu Qianlang's soul, devour his life, vital energy, and life aura And Patrol power up. So he said everything without any scruple, and didn't pay attention to Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen at all.

"Bah! I respected you for the sake of third brother. I didn't expect you to be such an ungrateful person! Where is your friendship in this life? I don't think you said this to save you." It's Yuelan, the whole one is a devil!"

Song Zhen heard Liu Xian's words, the more he listened to it, the more angry he became, he couldn't help but roared and cursed.

"Yuelan? Haha! That was when I was in Yangshi, and I, Liu Xian, didn't know how good the Nether Hell was, so I was so shallow. I was content with a little girl like Yuelan.

For something like her, if I make a fortune in the Nether Hell, if I want it, I can grab a lot. When they came to Nether Hell, when they were flourishing, who would pay attention to things like them, apart from being slaves to ghosts, they could only be treated as soul food.

Ghost King City, King Hades, or the royal family of Hades, as well as the wives of princes and ministers are all extremely beautiful fairies in the nine days, and that is the most beautiful existence in the universe. Rouge vulgar powder? ah? Ha ha."

When Song Zhen mentioned Yue Lan, whom he had never seen before, Liu Xian couldn't help laughing wildly, and when he said something that surprised Song Zhen, even Liu Qianlang couldn't help being surprised when he heard it. However, Liu Qianlang didn't look back, and still looked at the edge of the green space in the space of the treasure bag of soul-hunting evil.

Outside the space, more than a hundred little ghosts carried the soul-hunter in the ghost sedan chair, shot between two mysterious mountains in the dark night, and then flew into a blue cloud cave.

Liu Qianlang was terrified, because those two mountains were the Mountains of Allies, and the cloud cave outside turned out to be the Yunleng Cangbing Cave, which is a strange cave regarded as a treasure by divination saints. Unexpectedly, the depth of this cave is the entrance of the Twenty-Four Yin-Yang Realms, the southwest Yin-Yang Realm, which really surprised Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe! The two of you are going to die, don't you have anything to say?"

Liu Xian suddenly discovered that Liu Qianlang hadn't looked at him directly since he helped him successfully practice the ghost shape and magic skill, and Song Zhen also roared with anger, and turned his eyes to the side, and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Hehe! Since you are going to die, why bother talking nonsense? Is there a difference between saying it and not saying it? But you are so confident that you will kill our two brothers!?"

Liu Qianlang still didn't look back, and asked with a smile.

"Haha! Couldn't the ghost form and magic skill kill two people with physical bodies in the mortal world?" Liu Xian laughed loudly, and suddenly green waves of light appeared outside him, and then the three souls and seven souls in his body turned into ten soul dragons, rushed to the sky, and then Roaring, he rushed down towards Song Zhen and Liu Qianlang who were below.


However, when the ten roaring soul dragons more than a thousand feet long were swooping down, Liu Qianlang snorted coldly, and with just a light wave of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, eighty-one dragons were instantly shot out. Eighty-one wild dragons screamed wildly, and within the blink of an eye, they devoured Liu Xian's ten soul dragons to a mess.

Then Liu Xian's three souls and seven souls were sucked into the mouth by Liu Qianlang turned around. Immediately, Liu Qianlang reached out and grabbed Liu Xian's primordial spirit, and without waiting for him to speak, he swallowed it.

"No! How could the ghost form and divine art be defeated in the hands of you Yang people?" Until the moment when Liu Xian's soul turned into smoke, he didn't understand why he was wiped out, so he let out a miserable scream.

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