Nine Heavens

Chapter 1001 Skeleton Ghost Book

Chapter 1001 Skeleton Ghost Book

"Oh! This book is so strange. Are the characters on it ghost characters? Why are there all kinds of skulls?"

When Liu Qianlang slaughtered Liu Xian, Song Zhen was always curious about the ghost book in Liu Xian's hands. Just when Lian Qianlang chopped out the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, Qishang Spring shot out a strange colored smoke, Turning into a different claw, he quickly grabbed the Nether Ghost Book in front of his eyes, and at this moment looked at the rolled Nether Ghost Scroll.

I saw that the scrolls of the ghost book are made of white and yellowed human skin, and the characters on them are all kinds of strange skulls, human, and birds and beasts, and each skull is very unique. Evil, the seven orifices are bubbling with evil smoke.

Song Zhen had never come into contact with ghost characters, flipped through them for a while, but didn't know a single word, looked up at Liu Qianlang's pale face, and asked. At the same time, he rushed to Liu Qianlang and handed it to Liu Qianlang.

"Book of Life and Death in the Yang Realm", Liu Qianlang just read the five skulls on the cover casually.

"Third brother, do you know the ghost characters on it?" Song Zhen asked in surprise.

Liu Qianlang nodded, keeping his eyes on the flying route of Hades' sedan chair outside the Yin Treasure Bag. Therefore, I didn't pay much attention to reading "Book of Life and Death in the Yang Realm", but just nodded.

"Hehe, third brother! How do you recognize these ghost characters, can you teach me?"

Song Zhen was very interested in this ghost book, but he couldn't understand it, and always felt awkward.

"Well! This is not difficult, third brother will teach you now!"

Liu Qianlang felt that the Nether sedan chair had passed through the long ice-colored cloud-cold ice cave and entered the deep part of the gray cave. It is estimated that there is still a long way to go before reaching the first boundary river in the Yin-Yang world—Hei Hei outside the Yin-Yang world. Bone River. So the line of sight turned to Song Zhen who was interested in studying "Book of Life and Death in the Yang Realm".

"Fourth brother, stretch out your hand! Now I will teach you how to recognize and read the writings of ghosts and demons." Liu Qianlang looked at the ghostly ghost scroll "Book of Life and Death in the Yang Realm" that was more than a foot in size, and felt that a ghost book is nothing to look at. Since the brother is interested , just give him the method of recognizing and reading ghost characters, demon characters and magic characters. It will also be of great benefit to the two people's future actions, as well as brothers' divination of the three worlds of ghosts and demons.

"Haha! That's great!" Immediately stretched out his left hand, forming a palm.

Song Zhen was overjoyed. It was his great regret that he didn't know these three languages. He really had the basic ancient book of witchcraft, ghosts and divination in his hand, but it was a pity that he didn't know it and it was difficult to study it. In addition, my younger sister encountered many inexplicable signs in divination about ghosts and demons in the Three Realms, and she herself did not understand the meaning of the words, which became an obstacle to draw the best conclusion.

Just when Song Zhen was secretly happy, Liu Qianlang's soul thought moved, and instantly sorted out the three methods of recognizing and reading the three characters in the soul thinking into the simplest method of recognition and reading, and then turned it into a small beam of light that blends green, red and black Tuan condensed the middle finger of his right hand, drew a circle in front of his eyes, condensed again, and tapped Song Zhen's palm.

Immediately, there was a burst of green, red, black and three-color brilliance in Song Zhen's palm, and then it disappeared in his palm, and then he clearly saw the three-color light ball pass through Song Zhen's arm, from shoulder to neck, and quickly entered the soul gate above his head Inside.

Song Zhen is now eighty-one souls with great wisdom. He entered the sea of ​​souls with the method of recognizing and reading three languages. After a little refining, a large sea of ​​wisdom suddenly appeared in his mind. Thank you, third brother!" Then I couldn't wait to flip through the "Book of Life and Death in the Yang Realm".

".The souls of 18,000 and three people in the Southwest Yin-Yang Realm. Among them, 3,000 are exquisite soul dishes, their birthdays and maturity dates."

"Zhanxie Song Yu, Changshi Yang Body. Born in Zhanhao Country, the central country of Coconut Country Coconut Li, three years after the founding of the country, Dahui fortune-telling stranger, life-span of 70,000 years, the soul can be ripened, and when it is ripe, it will be fragrant for thousands of miles, Minghui It is plentiful, and eating it can open up seventy-seven forty-nine ghost veins."

"Busheng Huachen, the yin body of the eternal life. Born in the first year of the Huachen Mountain, the fairyland in the southwestern pole of the Zhanhao Kingdom, is a superb Dahui soul. The longevity is also 70,000 years old, and its soul is the best in the yin. When cooked, the soul is locked, and the wisdom of the eating ghost is wide open, and one can see the ever-changing world and the rules of the heavens."

"Song Zhen, the divining sage Huachen, the son born when the soul was mature. Super soul, born with the best soul delicacy, can lock the soul at any time, make its yang energy exhaust, eat its soul, the ghost has infinite mana, and the smallest is the ghost Qijiang, as a marquis official, can go to the fairy class in the heaven to ask for the title. Or as a ghost saint, be favored and carefree.

In addition, his wife Lan Shuang, Ye Xiang, and their two children are also high-grade soul food. If they can be locked up together, they can enjoy a feast of top-quality food for the whole family. "

"Liu Qianlang, the immortal soul from the heavens enters the mortal world, the supernatural soul, reincarnated for ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lives, and every life is a unique soul. If you eat it for ten lives, you can be named a marquis, and if you eat it for a hundred lives, it can be called a marquis." King, if you can enjoy it for thousands of generations, you can be the boundless Yang Emperor and Underworld Emperor of Yin and Yang forever. Enjoy the wealth and honor in the world during the day, and be the only one in the underworld at night. If you get all the souls of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lives, you can enjoy it alone. It is the only supreme existence in the chaotic universe."


Song Zhen flipped through it for a while, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, and the more angry he became. Looking at the evil smoke rising from the aunts with skulls and skulls, he almost vomited blood. The skeleton book not only mentions parents, his wife, children and third brother, but what is even more exasperating is that these ghosts actually treat human races as food like melons, fruits, pears and peaches. But the time of death has come. And this death date is what they say.

Because looking back, each of the 3,000 human races mentioned in the "Book of Life and Death in the Yang Realm" gave the time when the third brother died, and some of the dates have been stamped with the skull of Hades India, that is. The three dates are references provided by the world of yin and yang. In the end, Hades decides which date the person will die, and that person will die on that day.

"Damn it! It's really hateful!" Song Zhen was so angry that he flipped the pages of the book. He kept yelling and cursing.

Seeing Song Zhen's groggy expression, Liu Qianlang couldn't help taking it over and flipping through it quickly, then pondered for a while. Said: "Fourth brother, don't be angry, just be happy!"

"Huh? Why? These ghosts are treating us like this, what does the third brother mean?" Song Zhen twisted his black and white eyebrows, puzzled.


Liu Qianlang just smiled slightly, threw the "Book of Life and Death in the Yang Realm" into the air, shattered it with a palm, and made a loud noise, and then said: "Destroy it, and we will kill the ghost spirit again! We will be there in a while." Wouldn’t it be a good thing for the Governor of the Netherworld of the Yin-Yang Realm to find all such "Yang Realm Book of Life and Death" and deal with them, so they will no longer be able to go to the human world to arrest their souls!"

"Well! Yes, haha!"

Song Zhen's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he laughed. But after a while, the black and white eyebrows twitched and sighed: "Such an evil thing is really harmful. Even the third brother's previous life was tempted by it and turned bad. What a pity!"

"I'm afraid it's not just the first life, the second, third and so on in the past are not good either!"

"Then what should we do? If we break into the Nether Hell, we will inevitably encounter other past lives of the third brother? If it is really like the first life or the two lives he said do not meet, if they meet, they will be punished, wouldn't it be no matter what, third brother I'm going to kill my previous life! It's fine to learn bad things like I did in my first life, but if I meet a kind person, what should I do?"

"This is also a question I am struggling with, but let's not think about it for now. The most important thing for us now is to find my sister and then make plans. Fourth brother, look, we will soon reach the Heifa Baiguhe. It's time for us to go out Yes. Hehe, the fourth brother has collected all the ghost gold and silver, jewels, jade, treasures and other ghost treasures here, which will be of great use to us."


Song Zhen nodded, waved his big sleeve, and all the ghost treasures that Hun Sha had searched for in endless years turned into streams of light and shot into Song Zhen's sleeve sea.

The next moment, Liu Qianlang activated the ghost-shaped magic art, covering the two people with a layer of ghostly ghostly aura, and then used the concealment technique, convinced that the soul-hunting demon would never find the two again, and then suddenly appeared in the Hades sedan chair Inside, one left and one right are sitting beside Yahunsha.

Soul-hunting Shazheng is so beautiful, he thought to himself, now the twenty-four yin and yang realms and the twenty-three soul-hunting prefects are all dead. The Wandering Hades is also dead, and Liu Juan proclaimed himself the Wandering Hades on the 100,000 Ice Fields and is causing trouble. For a while, she is focusing on dealing with her. It is estimated that no new Hunhun will be appointed for a while. Governor.

This is really the spirit of the ancestors, hehe, after returning home, hurry up and enjoy the 3,000 delicious souls in the treasure book, the ones that are easy to bully. , sit firmly on the throne of the wandering Hades. Then, Liujuan, hehe

While thinking about beautiful things endlessly, Yahunsha couldn't help laughing, couldn't help closing the ghost sun, and hummed a ghost song.

However, he never expected that after closing the ghost eyes, he would feel a burning sensation all over his body, and then he felt that his head was gone, his arms and legs were gone, the ghost's heart and liver were gone, and then the heart of life and life that represented the existence of ghosts were gone. The soul turned into smoke, and then I didn't know anything.

Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen saw that the soul-hunter who was sandwiched between the two of them had turned into a puff of evil smoke and dissipated under the two wisps of blood-red wind, so they clapped knowingly, and they all smiled knowingly.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

"Your Highness Piaoling Hades, why did you suddenly become so heavy, you little ones are exhausted!"

At this time, the heavy breathing of twenty-eight little ghosts carrying the sedan chair could be heard outside the sedan chair, and one of the little ghosts asked in a chirping voice.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen snickered at each other for a while, Liu Qianlang smirked, telling Song Zhen that you should deal with it, but he tilted his body and leaned against the window corner of my Hades sedan chair, closed his eyes, and felt comfortable fell asleep.


Song Zhen looked at it, laughed for a while, and then used illusion to sit up in the appearance of the ghost, chatting about the hell curtain of the king's sedan chair, glanced at more than a hundred little ghosts, and imitated the voice of the ghost, saying: "Hi! Just now Hades ate some of the souls in his collection, and he gained weight several times in one fell swoop, that's why you've been troubled!

It's coming, it's not far anyway, if you can't lift it, you can take turns to lift it, hold on, when you get to Fu Yin, I will naturally reward you all. "

"Really? Hee hee! You idiots, you can't move, get out of here, let us do it!"

"Oh! It's really heavy. Your Highness is really blessed. Even the ghost's body and soul are so heavy. At first glance, it looks like a ghost of great wealth! Brothers, shout for me."

"One two! Hi!"

"One two! Hi!"

The little ghost outside the sedan chair was really working hard, and while struggling to carry the Hades sedan chair in the depths of the cloudy and gray ice cave, he shouted slogans. After a burst of laughter, Song Zhen also lowered the dark curtain and leaned back, falling into a deep sleep.

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