Nine Heavens

Chapter 1002 Black Haired Bones

Chapter One Thousand and Two


About an hour later, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen suddenly felt a very strong icy cold, and heard the roar of a hurricane coming from outside the sedan chair.

Outside the Hades sedan chair, more than a hundred little ghosts, divided into front, back, left, and right sides, were carrying the Hades sedan chair together and leaning forward. They were trying their best to feed their babies, and they were still shouting slogans. The first Yin-Yang Boundary River is the Black-haired Baigu River.

"Third brother! Don't tell me, some legends in the world are really groundless. They say that mortals weigh a thousand catties, and little ghosts can travel thousands of miles a day with their souls. It is difficult to carry a body. I didn't even believe in ghosts before. Who knows today? Let the ghost carry it all over the sky."

"Indeed, the river of black hair and bones ahead, the river of human skin and blood, and the river of human shadows and beasts are stronger and stronger than the wind. We are coming here in the flesh, unlike the last time when only the soul and the primordial spirit did what they wanted here. Fortunately, I successfully practiced the ghost-shaped magic skill in my first life, because my soul and soul were absorbed by me. Therefore, under the ghost-shaped magic skill, I can be as light as nothing.

But you don’t know how to do it yet. When we arrive at the Soul-Shouling Liyou Hades, we will use the technique of falling thousands of catties to make them unable to walk, and then stay in the Soul-Shouling Liyou Hades for a while. While they are resting, I will teach you the shape of ghosts. Divine skills, and explore the soul-receiving Liyou Nether Palace. See if there is such a thing as the Book of Life and Death, and how many are destroyed. "

"Okay, but third brother, we have all learned ghost form and magic skills, so we won't really become like those evil spirits! Then when we go back to Xinggong, Lan Shuang, Yexiang and the children will not be scared to death!"

"Hey! That's impossible. Nothing is perfect. Once you learn ghost form and magic skills, you can never change back. You have to think about it. You're not like me. I just fused the soul of my whole life, so naturally Knowing the ghost shape and magic skills. No matter how you change, you can eventually recover. But your fourth brother is not successful, and he is really a ghost if he becomes a ghost!" Liu Qianlang also made a very scary face for Song Zhen to see.

When Song Zhen heard this, how could he agree, he would rather lose his life, and he would never agree to scare his wife and beloved daughter, so he immediately waved his hands and refused, even his forehead was sweating from fright. "Forget it! Third brother, I'd better use illusion. Although it consumes some spiritual energy, it won't turn me into a ghost!"

"Hehe!" Liu Qianlang smiled again when he saw the funny look of him twisting his black and white eyebrows and sweating on his forehead: "The third brother is teasing you! Sigh! Speaking of which, this time when I returned to the mountain gate, I hurried out again. I really miss your sister-in-law and children. I don’t know when I can go back this time!”

"Oh! Third brother. You scared your fourth brother to death. How can you tell the truth as a joke? I really believe it! I just realized that if someone who doesn't joke often suddenly tells a lie No one doubted it. Who said it wasn't, if it wasn't for Sister Juan, I would have to stay at the mountain gate for a while. No matter how shameless the leader of the Blood Moon God Sect, Ouyang Langlong, can't make me Song Zhen happy for a few days, right?"

"Well! It's time to reach the bank of the black-haired and white-boned river, fourth brother. I'm still invisible, so you can continue to act as the soul-hunter and follow them into the soul-receiving Netherworld Palace. Just play by ear and start pushing thousands of jins down."

As soon as the two finished speaking, the Nether sedan chair came to the bank of the Heifa Baigu River, the first Yin-Yang boundary river in the southwest Yin-Yang realm, and the Black-and-White Yin-Yang Nether Bridge was just a few steps away.

"Oh my God! Your Highness Piaoling Hades, the little ones can't lift it anymore. The black and white yin and yang winds and gray storms are strong here. Let's rest for a while before leaving!" Immediately, more than a hundred little ghosts put down the Hades sedan chair outside the sedan chair, and kicked their buttocks. , lying crookedly in a big circle, lying on the riverside panting for breath.

Flying mountains and rocks outside the sedan chair, black and white hurricane vortexes hovered in the surrounding gray space non-stop, and the space was filled with all kinds of evil cries, which made people get goosebumps when they heard it. Full of disgusting taste.

"Oh!" Song Zhen was so suppressed that his face was flushed, his meridians flowed backwards, and he was almost about to spit out his heart, liver and lungs, but he resisted and said, "Well! Let's rest. But how can the King of Hades be in this wilderness? Staying in the wild. Take this King of Hades to collect the souls of the Netherworld, the brothers are also tired, everyone eats some delicious soul food, and sleeps well before leaving!"

"This, this! Wandering Hades, this is not very good! There are rules in the previous dynasty. The governors of the Netherworld of the Yin-Yang Realm are never allowed to enter each other's Netherworld, let alone interfere with each other's soul affairs. If we go in, we will let everyone If Ghost King City or Ming know about it, it will be a disaster!" A little ghost outside the sedan chair got up and reminded Song Zhen.

"Bah! Now the twenty-four yin and yang realms are alive with ghosts and ghosts. We went without anyone noticing. If you don't tell me, I don't tell you, who knows. Don't take this opportunity to make a fortune, let alone wait for it." When. Little ones, don’t be afraid! Once you’ve eaten and drank enough, you can take as much as you can, don’t care what ghost king Cheng Mingdu is. If you ask me in the future, just say that Liu Juan didn’t do what she did?”

"Wow! Wandering Hades is still smart! Okay, brothers, get up, let's go and collect Hunli Netherworld, and let him drink five times and six times on weekdays. Today, our brothers copied his Netherworld! Hey!"

The little ghosts who were already exhausted underground heard that it was good, and the ghost sun was shining in an instant, and they bounced again one after another. Then they yelled and lifted the Hades sedan chair, and then walked towards the Nether Bridge chanting.

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Zhen quickly shut his mouth tightly, put a layer of light mask on his body, opened his mouth, breathed in through his nose, and felt that the smell was much better. Then he thought of the sound transmission Liu Qianlang said: "Haha! How about me, the King of Hades?"

"Hmm! Not bad, I guess if the fourth brother is really the King of Hades, the other Kings of Hades will beg for food everywhere!" Liu Qianlang nodded seriously.

"What do you mean? Third brother, are you complimenting me? Why does this sound so awkward?" Song Zhen asked thoughtfully, twisting his black and white eyebrows.

"His Royal Highness, be careful, we are about to enter the Black Hair White Bone River!"

At this moment, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen saw more than a hundred little ghosts carrying them onto the Nether sedan chair through the underworld curtain of the Hades sedan chair, and then reached the opposite bank. They thought they would go deep into the opposite bank. But these little ghosts didn't, but shook their heads one by one, carrying the hell king's sedan chair together, shouting, they all carried the hell king's sedan chair and shot into the black-haired white bone river.

"You?" Song Zhen was shocked and couldn't help shouting, but he was immediately swallowed by the roaring hurricane on the river. Immediately, the two of them felt the world turned upside down. It took a long time to calm down.

Then I saw more than a hundred little ghosts all turned emerald green all over, carrying the Hades sedan chair and landing in the contrasting light colors of black and white.

If you look closely at the white, there are sections of pale and shining bones. And that blackness is the clusters of black hair wrapping around the head.

Whenever the black hair is separated from the head inside, the black hair will continue to flutter and flow on the dark side, while the head flies to the countless pale skeletons on the opposite side. Then the head, which was still covered with flesh, was instantly burned into a pale skull by the pale white light fire.

The black strands of hair, icy cold and frightening, kept whipping on the Hades sedan chair, while those pale skulls always wrapped the Hades sedan chair, and the things that could die at any time, kept opening and closing their jaws, sending out The piercing gnashing of teeth.



In the river of black hair and white bones, there were countless women howling and whimpering, and there were countless gnashing of teeth. Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen don't understand, every time Hunsha enters his Netherworld and passes through the so-called Heifa Baiguhe River, he has to wave his Yin-Yang mace and beat them non-stop, otherwise these ghostly things will be destroyed. will devour him.

Suddenly, hundreds of pale skulls shot into the Hades sedan chair, attacking Song Zhen with white flames. Liu Qianlang, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and with a flash of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, he was overwhelmed immediately. A stegosaurus roared and smashed the skulls to pieces.

Then, a sword curtain was quickly spread around Song Zhen, so that the skeletons could no longer get close to Song Zhen.

"Hmm! Heck! Young master, you are so handsome!"

Just as Liu Qianlang made a rescue for Song Zhen, several women with extremely beautiful faces suddenly appeared beside him. They were all wearing jet-black long hair, slim and slim, and exuded an incomparably seductive fragrance. Before Liu Qianlang recovered, Then she snuggled into Liu Qianlang's arms, chattering aloud, and on Liu Qianlang's body, Jesus' hands wandered freely, making Liu Qianlang's spirit flutter.


Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword was furious, and the red rainbow flashed automatically, and the colorful clouds around the rainbow quickly turned into eighty-one sword dragons, and swallowed these women while roaring. Then quickly guard all directions of the Hades sedan chair, so that those evil things can no longer enter.


"Crack! Crack!"

Outside Hades' sedan chair, countless women with jet-black hair cried more and more miserably, crying out anger and unwillingness. And those pale skulls were even more violent, they kept smashing at the Hades sedan chair, and the sound of teeth gnashing was deafening.

However, more than a hundred little ghosts outside the sedan chair were extremely excited, constantly scratching the pale skull and putting it into their arms. After pulling those dark strands of hair, they kept stuffing them into his mouth! And he kept chewing, looking at that posture, enjoying it like a child who likes to eat spicy sticks!

After landing in this black-haired bone river for more than an hour, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen saw a huge skull with a radius of several tens of feet at the place where the black and white colors meet, with the base of the neck touching the ground. It looks like you are buried in the soil alone with a head exposed. It's just a skull.

But this skull, the left side is pitch black, with black hair more than a hundred feet long, it is the face of a woman. The right side is pale, without a single hair, it is the face of a man, with a huge open mouth, framed with two huge government gates. There were seven ghost guards standing on the left and right sides of the gate, and when they saw more than a hundred little ghosts coming forward carrying the Hades sedan chair, they surrounded them with a whoosh.

Kneeling down, he shouted: "See Piaoling Hades! My lord told the little ones, I have already prepared the daughter of seventy-seven forty-nine high-grade pianos that His Highness wants, and she is imprisoned in the soul prison. My lord said, if he If you don’t come back by chance, His Royal Highness will just take it away.”

If these ghost guards had not been recruited, they would never have gone up to the Heifa Baigu River, so until now they don't know that their housekeeper Hun Li has already been killed, and they don't know what happened in the snowy area of ​​the Hundred Thousand Ice Fields , Naturally, I don't know that Piaoling Hades asked Liu Juan to clean up.

I thought it was Wandering Hades inspecting everywhere for profit like before! So stepped forward and yelled. However, seeing more than a hundred little ghosts carrying the Hades sedan chair together, there was a moment of surprise in his expression, but it disappeared immediately.

"Well! You Southwest Yin-Yang Realm has been doing very well, and you have never disappointed the King of Hades. Rewards, little ones!" Song Zhen was looking like a ghost at the moment, and slightly lifted the curtain of the Hades sedan chair to be enslaved by all the little ghosts. A killing move.

More than a hundred little ghosts understood, fourteen of them, pretending to hold the treasure plate they had imagined, each containing a few gold and silver ingots, walked up to the fourteen ghost guards with a smile.

The fourteen guards were overjoyed, and immediately extended their hands to pick up the treasure with beaming smiles, but when their smiles were still on the ghost's face, their own ghost's head had already moved.

"Haha! Well done! Go, go to the mansion first and kill everyone, leaving no one behind!" Song Zhen praised when he saw that all fourteen guards had died under the ghost knife.

"Yes!" More than a hundred little ghosts were ordered to leave.

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