Nine Heavens

Chapter 1199 A Ghost Shop

Chapter 1199 A Ghost Shop

"Haha, brother Liu! Are you talking about gods? When we brothers woke up, we found that each of us had a hundred golden hearts and a faint blue moon soul sword in our bodies! No, we came here on purpose. Come and return a part of the Golden Heart!"

Ah Liang has a lively personality and loves to talk, and said happily.

"Hehe, but Brother Liu laughed a little bit. Last night our brothers actually had the same strange dream. We dreamed that our brothers killed you to get those rewards. You said it was absurd or not. Before we thought that the dream last night It's true, now that I see brother Liu, my heart is finally at ease!"

A Ming looked Liu Qianlang up and down, and smiled.

"Hehe, where are you going? How can the things in the dream be real? Brother white hair, oh! You should call the shopkeeper, come quickly! Try the fairy fruit that Uncle Jingquan just picked back today, it's so sweet It's so brittle!"


Under Liu Ye's eyebrows, Sui'er's eyes flashed, and he smiled coquettishly, and then greeted everyone to eat the fairy fruit. He picked up two casually, floated in front of Liu Qianlang, and handed one to Liu Qianlang who still had a strange expression on his face. Then he lowered his phoenix head, took a mouthful mischievously, and started chewing beautifully.

Immediately, wisps of familiar strange fragrance lingered in Liu Qianlang's breath. Liu Qianlang felt dizzy at first, and then felt a burst of refreshment all over his body. His figure was as indistinct as a floating mist, and his mood suddenly became extremely happy.

"Haha, it smells so good!" Seeing Sui'er's cute appearance, Liu Qianlang couldn't help chewing on it.

"Huh? Suier, why are there always fairy fruits? Isn't there any nectar or sweet dew?" However, the Golden Soul King looked at the emerald green fairy fruits on the counter on the side of the treasure hall, which were full of fairy fruits. It's not as delicious as nectar, he asked with a bitter face.

"Hee hee! Yes. Suier knew that Brother Jinhun was the spirit of the bee tribe, so he specially asked Uncle Jingquan to bring a bottle of spirit nectar. Here it is, here it is!"

Hearing this, Sui'er grabbed it in the sea of ​​sleeves, and suddenly there was a blue jade bottle more than half a foot high in his palm, which was shining with golden light, and it was full of a large bottle of spiritual flower honey.

"Haha, this? Thank you so much, Sister Sui'er!" The Golden Soul King impatiently took the Youlan Honey Bottle, and opened it impatiently.

"Wow! It's so fragrant and sweet! Haha."

The Golden Soul King immediately beamed with joy, smacked his lips and began to suck, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Hehe, what kind of honey is this, it's so mellow, it's really intoxicating!" Brother A Liang twitched his nose, smelling the mellow aroma in the room, he was full of praise.

"Hehe, if the two brothers like it, next time, Suier will also ask Uncle Jingquan to prepare some for you!" Suier tilted his head and smiled when he saw the Golden Soul King was very happy, and saw Brother A Liang.

"Oh! Thank you in advance. But you will not be rewarded for your merits. If sister Suier needs help in the future, feel free to ask!" A Liang sighed with a smile on his eyes.

"Really? That's what you said. If there is any job I can't do in the future, I will definitely find you, hee hee!" Sui Er stopped chewing the fairy fruit, dropped a piece of pomace and laughed.

"Of course it's true. Sister Sui'er is smart and beautiful. Not to mention preparing delicious food for our brothers, it's an honor to do things for Sister Sui'er for nothing. It's getting late, you guys continue to be happy, let's go back for now! Brother Liu, Brother Jinhun Farewell!"

A Ming took his younger brother A Liang's words, saluted and said goodbye.

"Hehe, let's go, brothers!" Liu Qianlang and Golden Soul King returned the gifts. However, Liu Qianlang has been carefully savoring the fresh fruit in his mouth and the smell emanating from the honey bottle of the Golden Soul King, and was surprised to find that these two fragrances, as well as the fragrances emitted by other fairy fruits in the fruit basket, are the same.

And this kind of fragrance would appear in my dream last night whenever I killed someone. After Liu Qianlang sent A Liang brother away, when he turned around, he just blocked the sunlight from the window into the room.

The small scum of the fairy fruit that fell as I chewed it just now was miraculously shining with a golden luster without the sunlight.


Liu Qianlang couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise, it's obviously an emerald green fairy fruit, how could it have a golden luster? He sighed suspiciously, then knelt down to see what happened.

"Hehe, Brother Jinhun, don't patronize yourself to eat, let Suier taste it too!"

Just as Liu Qianlang was squatting down, Sui Er chased after the Golden Soul King's footsteps and stepped on the little fairy fruit residue. When Suier's foot left, it no longer existed.

"Look at you girl, brother Jinhun wouldn't give it to you, and even snatched it, it's really naughty." King Jinhun said with a smile when Suier stepped on his feet. At the same time, because of Sui'er's pushing, he almost fell on the back of Liu Qianlang who suddenly squatted down.

"Haha, brother Liu, you two didn't do it on purpose, one grabbed and the other blocked?" After standing still, the Golden Soul King saw Liu Qianlang looked up at himself strangely, and then kept looking at Sui Er He thought that Liu Qianlang and Sui Er were playing tricks on him together.

"Hey! Shopkeeper, what are you doing? No matter what falls on the ground of our own fairy store, it is our own. Why are you looking for it so hard?" Sui Er also squatted down and looked around. His eyes were shining, he didn't see anything on the ground, he asked Liu Qianlang in surprise.

Following Liu Qianlang's gaze, she found Liu Qianlang was looking at her embroidered shoes, her face blushed and her eyes shone with embarrassment.

"Hehe, I was wrong. Just now, the sun flashed outside the house, and I thought something suddenly crawled on the ground." Liu Qianlang got up and said with a smile.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Then Liu Qianlang tried to ask again.

"Don't mention it! Why did you sleep so well? I just remember dreaming non-stop. One dream was so uncomfortable. I actually dreamed that a lady with a white gauze mask in Yinghua Village and a person who called herself Yinghua Granny knocked on the door in the middle of the night. We were looking for us. After we went out, at the end of the dark street, another person with a blue sword flew inexplicably.

Granny Yinghua was furious, and fought with the other party. The other party was really vicious, and stabbed Miss Yinghuazhai desperately. Following the savior's eagerness, she was pierced through the body by the Youlan sword. I was really scared to death!

Fortunately, I woke up in the morning and ran to the lobby to see that Suier had already been cleaning the fairy cabinet. I thought it wasn't a dream. Everything in the dream was so real. Frankly speaking, I'm still uneasy until now. "

Hearing Liu Qianlang's question, the Golden Soul King stared intently for a long time with his mouth full of honey, fixedly looking at Sui'er's shoulder, his eyes showing fear as he spoke foolishly.

"Heck, what's wrong with you guys, dignified monks, why do you look like ordinary people, what kind of dreams, dreams, I really envy you, you have so many dreams! But next time, I'm not allowed to appear in your dreams Yes, it still made me dream so badly.

But having said that, I still feel as if Miss and Granny Sakura came here last night. So I woke up early, opened the store door and saw that the aisle was empty and there was no one there. Forget it, it is estimated that we think too much, think about it every day, and dream about it at night. whee! Don't even talk about it, get ready, we're going to do business, and we're going to get rich again today! "

Suier looked around at Liu Qianlang and Golden Soul King, and after floating into a fairy cabinet with a smile, he looked excitedly at the various fairy treasures displayed in the counter. Among them, there are spiritual flowers and herbs, strange mushrooms and ginseng, dragon eye phoenix pills, all kinds of magical weapons, etc., all of which are extremely expensive in the second world.

However, Liu Qianlang was not interested in this at all, and ran out of Ling Tianzhai's treasure gate in a few steps, looking at the wide street outside the gate. It is already morning, the sky is sunny, the crowds are bustling, lively and thriving, and the road ahead is intact.

Liu Qianlang didn't say hello, and quickly rushed into the crowd, and quickly came to the third floor of Youlanqian City, and looked at the ninth floor on the left and right sides of this floor, which is the ninth floor of Tumo mentioned in two places. However, both are fairy shops selling fairy weapons and weapons. At this moment, the two fairy shops have also opened their doors, and they have already started their business for a day.

Liu Qianlang walked back and forth several times at the entrance of the two fairy shops, thought over and over again, stood for a while in front of Tu Mo's ninth-floor shop on the left, and then floated in.

"What kind of weapon do you want to buy? To kill or to be killed?" Liu Qianlang entered the fairy shop, and to his surprise, there was a shop with a radius of tens of feet, neatly arranged with vertical rows of treasures. Pavilion, but there is no one in sight.

There was no one, but there was a voice as cold as winter, which should be the voice of a woman.

"Haha, Your Majesty is really a dragon who never sees the end. Since he doesn't show up, no matter what kind of weapon, Liu Qianlang didn't buy it, but robbed it, and Liu Qianlang has a habit of grabbing it if he likes it!

As for these weapons, in Liu Qianlang's hands, they are all murderous, and the killed weapons do not appear in Liu Qianlang's world! "

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, and when he was talking, he had activated the magic art of shrinking the pulse, and in the next second, all the immortal weapons around him turned into dots of stars and flew into his golden tower of Zhuanyunboot.

"Hmm! It's crazy enough. You don't look like a kid. Why did you rob me?" The other party didn't seem to be in a hurry, but asked with approval in his tone.

"Let you show up!" Liu Qianlang said word by word.

"Haha." The other party laughed coldly when he heard the words, and suddenly the laughter stopped abruptly: "The real moon soul killer will never show up at any time. These things can't threaten me. No one has the right to see the moon soul The appearance of a killer is no exception for you Liu Qianlang. Unless the second world is lonely and ruthless, it will collapse!"

"What do you mean? You mean that I, Liu Qianlang, and the Moon Soul Killer I've seen are all fake?" Liu Qianlang's heart moved when he heard the words, and he hurriedly asked.

The other party was silent for a while, and said: "I think, since you were able to break into the second world, and after going through two nights, you are still not affected by the law of loneliness and ruthlessness, this is enough to prove that you have extraordinary determination and never change your original intention! You should be a smart person, and a smart person should not ask others, and you must firmly believe in your own judgment about everything!"

"Thank you! Can you tell me who you are?" Liu Qianlang wanted to make sure that this person was the peak master of Fairy Suifeng who he killed last night.

"Moon Soul Killer!" The other party replied simply and firmly.

"Haha, I didn't expect the Moon Soul Killer to open for business. The conclusion of true and false is already very happy, and he smiled.

"Who said that the purpose of opening a fairy store is to make money, and the fairy store of the Moon Soul Killer is only for compensation, not for profit?" The other party's words were a little inexplicable.

"This is even more confusing. It doesn't matter if you don't open a store, you are probably the first fairy store to take the initiative to seek compensation. How did you pay for it, and why did you do it?"

"Because I can take whatever is in my fairy store. There is only one condition, that is, not to go out at night. As long as this condition is met, my fairy soldiers can be chosen at will. Of course, each person is limited to one piece and will be given 10,000 souls." precious.

We did this because we were waiting for someone, someone who was capable of taking all my immortal weapons and artifacts at once. The only person who can do this is someone who can shrink the pulse, and this person is you. "

"Oh! You seem to be no stranger to me! Even if you wait for me, what does it have to do with other people!?" Liu Qianlang sighed softly.

"You have too many questions. It seems that you should leave. You heard that someone is looking for you outside." The other party issued an order to evict the guest.

"Okay, I'll return these to you!" Liu Qianlang also heard the voices of Sui'er and Golden Soul King outside the store. Then with a thought, all the fairy weapons and artifacts in the store appeared in their original positions again. Liu Qianlang finished these in an instant, turned around and walked out of the house.

"It's free, why don't you pick one?" the voice behind Liu Qianlang asked.

"It is enough for Liu Qianlang to have the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword! No matter how good the immortal weapon is, Liu Qianlang will dismiss it in his eyes, but thank you! Next time I trouble you, I hope you won't be offended."

"Oh! White-haired brother, it's not good for you to enter which store, why did you enter a ghost store?" When Liu Qianlang walked out of the ninth floor of Tumo, Sui Er frowned and looked at the plaque on the ninth floor of Tumo, surprised Said.

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