Nine Heavens

Chapter 1200 The Man of Seven Golds

Chapter 1200 The Man of Seven Golds

"Ghost shop, what do you mean, Suier?" The Golden Soul King asked her when he saw Suier's flustered and pale face.

"Let's go, I'll talk to you guys when I get back!" Sui'er was very nervous, holding Liu Qianlang's arm, almost ran all the way to Lingtian Zhaibao, panting for a long time before calming down.

"Why is Tu Mo Ninth Floor called a ghost shop?" Seeing that Sui'er's face gradually recovered, Liu Qianlang asked.

"None of you are allowed to go there again, you know!" Sui Er cried with some tears.

"This?" Liu Qianlang and Golden Soul King felt a little embarrassed by her gaffe reprimand, and couldn't help hesitating.

"I'm sorry, I'm worried about you!" After a while, Sui Er also realized that his attitude was a little too much, and said with a pout.

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly: "Of course we know, I just don't go there in the future, but I don't know why, the store is indeed a bit strange, there is no one there. But there are many treasures."

"Brother White Hair, did you hear anyone talking after you went in?" Sui Er asked with great concern as he held Liu Qianlang's hand.

"No, after I went inside, I saw magic weapons everywhere, but I didn't see the store, so I yelled a few words, but no one responded. When I was wondering, I heard your voices, Then come out quickly."

Liu Qianlang originally planned to tell the truth, but when the words came to his lips, he lied and changed his story for fear of scaring Suier.

"Thank God!" Sui'er clasped his hands together, bowed directly to the Bodhisattva, and murmured. Then he said: "You don't know how terrifying the two demon-slaying ninth floors on each floor of the Jiuluohuanlou in Youlanqian City are. Anyone who goes there, some of them are hacked by all the magical weapons there before entering the door It became a cloud of blood.

It was born by fate, and after returning home, it has become supernatural since then, and has never stepped out of its own fairy shop since then, closing the door of the fairy shop early every day before the sun goes down, especially at night. Going out, there is only one exception.

It was rumored that Cang Yue summoned the soul, and in the middle of the night, a voice suddenly came from Tianji Haoyue: 'It's time for you to die! ’ Then the fairy shop or the ordinary monk heard such a call, immediately flew out of the door, and was instantly reduced to ashes by a blue light. "

"But it's evil enough, why is the murdered person so obedient, let him come out and die?" The Golden Soul King interrupted Sui Er, feeling that Sui Er was a bit alarmist.

"It's not just obedient, it is said that those who died, not only did not resist, but were very calm and happy!" Suier added.

"Sui'er is saying that Cang Yue's call of soul has something to do with Tumo Ninth Floor?" Liu Qianlang guessed what Sui'er was going to say next.

Suier nodded, then glanced at the sunny street outside the door, and said in a low voice: "There is no one on the ninth floor of Tu Mo, but there is a cold soul who speaks again. Her voice is the voice of Cang Yue calling the soul. As long as People who heard the cold voice inside after entering the ninth floor of Tumo, either died, or they would become what I just said.

No matter how you ask these people, they will keep silent about what they saw and heard when they entered the ghost shop on the ninth floor of Tumo, except that they open the door of the fairy shop in the house during the day to do business, and they are mysterious and silent at night. "

"You went in too? How do you know this?" Golden Soul King asked with a frown.

"Where do I have the guts, but Granny Yinghua went in, and I heard her tell the lady when she came back after she went in. I just overheard it." Suier shrank back and gave the Golden Soul King a look. .

"As you said, Granny Yinghua has also become the same as those who have entered the ninth floor of Tumo. Are there any changes?" Liu Qianlang was not afraid, but felt that some answers were coming to him, and asked with a smile.

"Brother white hair, don't you believe it? You can still laugh when you hear this? Although Granny Yinghua hasn't become like those people, her temperament has changed drastically since then. She used to be gentle and kind. After Mo Jiulou, I never came to Lingtian Zhaibao in Youlanqian City again, and my whole person became abnormally cold, with harsh words, and all the people in Yinghuazhai were afraid of her when they saw her."

Suier's eyes were deep, and he was concentrating on remembering something.

"Boss, it's this fairy shop! It's either closed, or two women are greeting buyers inside, and they have never seen their master. The little ones have warned many times that if the shopkeeper doesn't show up again, the door will be sealed for her." The store has been swept away!

Yesterday, the little one saw that the shop was open again, and I thought there were still two women taking care of it. Why don't you hurry up and get the leader here, and keep the benefits of closing the store and sweeping the goods for you! "

"Haha, I really have you. Ben Que Guan likes you to the ninth floor, and he just caress about things. After a while, he will be more agile and move all the good things from Ling Tian Zhai Bao to Ben Que Guan Guan Building. Of course, the benefits are indispensable to the brothers. , especially you on the ninth floor!"

"Thank you Que Guan!"

There was a sudden noise outside the treasure gate of Ling Tianzhai, and then seven burly men jumped into the hall, each of them was five big and three thick, wearing blue Taoist robes, with golden plain knives in their hands, shining brightly in the sunlight. golden flower.

The seven big men all wore strange curly crowns with jade inlaid on their foreheads. The head of the crown was inlaid with blue jade. The six profuse khans in the back have orange jade inlaid on their foreheads, blue faces, leopard eyes and eyebrows, and beards all over their faces.

As soon as the seven fiends settled down, the leader shouted, "Move!"

"Oh! Where did the little devil come from, dare to snatch my Liu Qianlang's Lingtian Baozhai in broad daylight? I really don't want to live! My lady, the bullies you are talking about are these bastards!?"

When the leading man rushed into the hall, he didn't take a closer look, and he didn't intend to. Since Layer Nine said that there is no male owner in this store, according to the rules of Youlanqian City, the store has to be closed. As for the disposal of the treasures after the store is closed, that is up to him.

Just as he waved his golden knife to give an order, he suddenly heard a cold voice from behind the counter ten feet away. Taking a closer look, it was a young man with white hair and a shawl in a clean white suit, sitting quietly and fiddling with the golden abacus on the counter in front of him.

"It's them, this time you have to be the master of the slave family. Every time they come, they scare the slave family and the lady, and take away a lot of our treasures every time without giving money!"

With Er'er talking in a sweet voice, and her gorgeous clothes shining, Pingting walked to Liu Qianlang's side in the back hall, pouted and looked coldly at the seven big men at the door, and said according to what had been discussed in advance.

"Hmph! Floor Nine! Is this the owner of Lingtian Baozhai?" The leader of the big man glanced sideways at the big man who came to his side, then snorted coldly and asked Liu Qianlang.

"If your eyes are not blind, you should see clearly. Hurry up, my shopkeeper is disgusted when I see you, my fairy shop is for buying fairy treasures, you bastards are not qualified to come in!" Liu Qianlang wanted to provoke the other party .


Liu Qianlang's insults and reprimands deeply angered the Que Guan. After a moment of gloomy expression, he shouted a second time without waiting for Layer Nine to reply.


Behind Que Guan, six burly men immediately rushed towards the surrounding counter treasure pavilions.


Six streaks of golden light struck, and there were six screams one after another. The trembling and broken fingers of the six big men were pushed back to the door by the huge wind of golden light, screaming endlessly.

"Who are you? You want to touch Lingtian Baozhai's things without my shopkeeper's permission. Don't you want to kill yourself?" Liu Qianlang took back the golden abacus he threw out just now without raising his head, and continued to fiddle with it. Certainly not counting, but no one knew what he was counting. Including Suier and Golden Soul King.

"Hmph! Offend the seventh leader of Que City Que Guan on the first floor of the Jiuluohuan Building in Youlanqian City. I think you don't want to mess around in Youlanqian City. Hurry up and take out the elixir and connect the fingers for my brothers, otherwise Ben Que Guan immediately smashed your fairy shop!"

The first layer of Que Guan snorted coldly, and roared and ordered.

"That's not easy. I'll ask you a few questions. If you answer them satisfactorily, your brothers' fingers will recover immediately. If you're not satisfied, they won't just break their fingers, including you. It's up to you , not my opponent.

Let me ask you the first question, do people who appear in Youlanqian City during the day live in Youlanqian City at night? "

Liu Qianlang flicked his fingers on the golden light abacus, and instantly the seven golden rainbow lightsabers turned into seven arched bridge shapes, and shot at the seven people from the golden abacus. It was possible to penetrate in a second, but it stopped.

In this way, life is at stake, Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.


There was smoke from the seven orifices of the Que pipe on the first floor of Youlanqian City, and his face was flushed with anger. No matter he felt the slightest pain in his throat, and there was liquid flowing out of his throat, he had to answer: "Not all, there are many people who come to buy fairy treasures. They all live outside the Yangke Yinmo formation, and they will leave before the sun sets."

"At night, why are all the fairy shops and people here closed their doors?" Liu Qianlang asked urgently.

"Because the ghost shop is the two demon-slaying ninth floors on each floor of the Jiuluohuan Building in Youlanqian City. It was rumored that some very powerful and powerful monks lived there. The master fell because of the slaughter of the demon skeletons, and it became a ghost shop there."

"Why is it called a ghost shop?"

"Because there is no one in the store, only ghosts, and the people who go in are either dead or stupid."

"Where do you live? Can you come out to patrol at night?"

"We, we live in the Que Guan building in the middle of the first floor. We dare not come out at night, at night!" Liu Qianlang asked a series of questions, and the Que Guan on the first floor was already sweating profusely and wet all over. I don't know whether it is sweat or blood in the throat, and there is a piercing pain.

"Apart from the difference between the people in Xiandian and ordinary monks, what's the biggest difference between the people here?" Liu Qianlang finally asked.

"If you go back to the shopkeeper, the biggest difference between the people in Youlanqian City is not the difference between the people in the fairy store and the ordinary monks, but whether they have the golden light of the heart. Here, the most precious thing is the heart of golden light. All the efforts of everyone, They are all saving money to buy the Heart of Golden Light, and then refining and strengthening their own heart veins.

For rich monks, after possessing the heart of golden light, the twelve regular meridians, the eight extraordinary meridians, and even the heart will become stronger and stronger because of the continuous refining and absorption of the golden spirit of the heart of golden light, and then the meridians, heart There will be golden light shining in the deep red. Rumor has it that after the entire heart becomes the same heart as the Golden Heart, it will enter another magical and powerful world!

Therefore, the people in Youlanqian City are mainly divided into seven categories: people without gold, people with early gold, people with average gold, people with middle gold, people with high gold, people with extreme gold, and people with perfect gold. However, what I saw during the day was only the first three at most, and the monks behind were all extremely miraculous, and their appearance was very mysterious. Especially the latter two kinds of people are only heard of, no one has seen. "

"Oh! Where can I buy the Heart of Golden Light?" Liu Qianlang asked.

"It is held once a year, the collection of Tianque in Youlanqian City. There are three more days until this year's collection of Tianque. As long as you have enough spirit stones, spirit treasures, spirit crystals, spirit marrow, and even spirit diamonds, you can get Heart of Golden Light. However, there are not many people who are qualified to enter the collection of Tianque.

To enter the collection of Tianque, people must be above Zhongjin to be eligible. As for people below the level, if they want to get the Golden Heart, they can only buy it from people above Zhongjin at a higher price. "

"Well, I am very satisfied with your answer. The shopkeeper is happy today, so go ahead. These things are for you. I will not be here often in the future. I hope you will stop harassing me!"

Liu Qianlang felt that the other party's answer was almost enough, and he couldn't ask any more questions, so he recovered the severed fingers of the six big men with a flick of his sleeves and gave them some things. Send them away amidst their thanks.

Then he didn't say much, and continued to fiddle with the golden abacus.

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