Nine Heavens

Chapter 1201 Peach Fan Mengniang

Chapter 1201 Peach Fan Mengniang

For the next two days and nights, the daytime is still a sunny world, and when night comes, Liu Qianlang continues to receive the mysterious seventh stone flower order to award Venerable Flowers the mission of killing people. Liu Qianlang also slaughtered familiar faces in the past like a nightmare, first he was in pain after the slaughter, and then he was vaguely forgotten in the daytime.

And these are all involuntary, unable to control themselves, and I can't find out the reason for a while.

For two nights, whenever Liu Qianlang killed people, he would pay great attention to the hearts and meridians of the people he killed, and found that the meridians and hearts of all the people he killed were golden and shining, just like his own nine days. pulse.

And during the daytime, Liu Qianlang didn't stay in Lingtian Zhaibao anymore, and told Suier and the Golden Soul King that there was something to do, and walked leisurely in the Jiuluohuan Building of Youlanqian City, occasionally Let's chat at Jiaxiandian.

Liu Qianlang seems to be leisurely and casual, but he is extremely cautious in his heart, letting go of his powerful spiritual sense, and carefully analyzing anyone in You Lan Que City around him.

Liu Qianlang soon discovered that the people he had killed were all the lowest level of non-gold people in the sky in Que Guan, and they belonged to monks with completely normal physical characteristics.

And those who have different degrees of meridian heart golden light, their bones are constantly transitioning to a pale color. The higher the level of the people of golden light, the paler their bones.

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang recalled that at night, he had accidentally seen Haoyue shoot out a faint blue rainbow, and he had killed people. He killed people who had golden meridians and hearts like this, but he deliberately avoided people who did not have gold. On the contrary, the so-called moon soul killers I saw, including myself, killed people who were not rich.

And Liu Qianlang was very surprised to see that the same person in Youlanqian City actually has two clones, one lives in the daytime and the other lives in the night. Moreover, their soul thoughts actually exist separately, without interference from each other. However, if one of them dies, his memory can be passed on to the living clone.

These two avatars, the one that lives during the day is called the body of the Yang Soul, and the one that lives at night is called the body of the Moon Soul. And the objects that the Moon Soul Killer slaughtered were all Moon Soul bodies. Including those moon soul bodies that he killed.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Liu Qianlang killed Brother A Liang at night, and saw Brother A Liang again during the day. But there is one thing that Liu Qianlang has been unable to figure out. If this is the case, even if the foreign Golden Soul King does not have the sun and moon clones, Suier should always have them. However, I still haven't found Suier's sun and moon twin soul avatar.

This is a question from Liu Qianlang. In addition, Liu Qianlang has been thinking about several questions, but he still has no answer. One is that what he joined was obviously a fake Moon Soul Killer organization, and the core figure of the organization was the head of Guxin Dumu Village. So where is Guxin Dumu Village, what is the real face of the owner of Guxin Dumu Village? People who don't have money?

If the Moon Soul Killer organization led by Guxin Dumuzhai is fake, then who is the real leader of the Moon Soul Killer organization, and where do they exist? Why do they keep killing people with golden meridians and hearts and moon soul bodies?

Another problem is that everything I experience at night is real, but in the daytime, I will inexplicably hint to myself that everything I experience at night is a dream. Even Suier and Golden Soul King said the same. They have also appeared in their dreams many times, do they really not know, or are they lying?

The night before the Tianque Collection that Que Guan said was held, Liu Qianlang quickly completed the mission of the Moon Soul Killer. After returning, he lay on the bed and continued to ponder over many problems that had been entangled with him. Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he remembered that there was something he hadn't done in his mind a few days ago, and he was suddenly happy.

It's just that after the tea cup kung fu, Liu Qianlang stepped on the ghost boat and turned into a thin cloud and appeared in the shop of the neighbor Jingquanxianshuxiandian.

The cold moonlight outside the shop shone into the dim shop. Liu Qianlang took advantage of the flowing moonlight to look around at the fairy fruits and vegetables all over the house. Apart from the twinkling stars, there was a mellow fragrance of fairy fruits everywhere.

"Old man, thanks to the fact that there was no one in Ye Suier's fairy store, your Moon Soul body had a chance to die under the Moon Soul sword. Now it's all right, once the Moon Soul body dies, you don't have to worry about the sun and the moon anymore." When two souls meet, they are destroyed."

When Liu Qianlang was looking around, he heard the old voice of an old woman from the back hall.

"Well, that's right. Thanks to that moon soul killer, otherwise, I'm really worried that one day my Yang soul body will suddenly enter our fairy store and meet my moon soul body. Now everything is over, you The body of the Moon Soul has already been slaughtered by the Moon Soul Killer. Our Yang Soul Body has accepted the memory of the Moon Soul Body and came here.

From then on, we can practice with peace of mind. Haha, let’s talk about the girl Suier next door is so kind, I don’t even know how to thank her for giving us more than a dozen golden hearts. "

This is the voice of the old man Jingquan.

"Yeah, we are a fairy fruit seller, and we don't have any special treasures. Thanks to her, she pointed us to the Luanmeng Xiangguo that we collected outside the Yangkeyin Demon Formation. They all like to eat it. We sold some and gave them as gifts." Some, at least feel at ease."

The old woman sighed.

"Keep your voice down, when I went to the southeast area of ​​the Yangke Yin Demon Formation to pick the Luanmeng Xiangguo, there was a strange woman with a white veil who kept telling me to just pick it, and I was not allowed to come back and mention the Luanmeng Xiangguo If anyone asks about this fruit, they can only answer that they don’t know anything about it. Otherwise, I won’t be allowed to pick it again!”

"Really!? Why is that?"

"I don't know. Go to sleep, alas! I don't know when and what month the moon soul bodies of all the people in our second world will be slaughtered. At that time, it will be fine, and we can be free like the first world." I’m living a comfortable life now. I’m happy just thinking about it.”

"I'm also going to get two Luanmeng sweet fruits to taste, I'm happy!" As soon as the old woman finished speaking, Liu Qianlang heard the sound of getting out of bed.

"Come back! You don't want to live anymore!" Qingquan old man suddenly shouted sharply.

"Hehe, I said old man, isn't it just two sweet fruits of Luanmeng, why are you making such a fuss?" Liu Qianlang heard the old woman stop getting out of bed.

"All those luanmeng sweet fruits were made by Suier. She told me repeatedly that I would not sell any of them to others, nor eat them. She said that if we don't have enough mana, we will die!" Qingquan old man said anxiously.

"As long as you are honest, follow Er on time. That girl is naughty and teasing you. Okay, isn't it just two fairy fruits? It doesn't matter if you eat it or not. I am very surprised. Why do they only eat this kind of fragrant fruit? Why do they only eat this kind of fragrant fruit? There is nothing too special about it, and when I smell the fragrance, I feel dizzy, as if I am dreaming in broad daylight."

The old woman laughed.

"Otherwise, what would it be called Luanmeng Tianguo? You should rest quickly, I'm going to refine the Heart of Golden Light!" Qingquan old man warned, and the back hall quickly fell silent.

Hearing their conversation, Liu Qianlang looked around intentionally, and soon saw a basket of delicious Luanmeng sweet fruit, which was at the most conspicuous place in the hall.

Under the moonlight, the Luanmeng sweet fruit, which is glittering in green and gold, is shining with strange colors, and it is full of fragrance. Its fragrance is the most peculiar, and it can be distinguished among all kinds of fairy fruit fragrances at once. Because this kind of fragrance is exactly the strange fragrance that I smell when I kill people every month.

"Suier?" Liu Qianlang whispered to himself, and then with a thought, the ghost boat miraculously appeared in the cultivation space of the old man Qingquan.

Liu Qianlang saw dozens of feet away, in a high cultivation sky, the old man Qingquan was sitting cross-legged, with his palms flat on his chest, and a golden heart between his palms was refining.

The space is very wide, and Liu Qianlang judged by his feeling that the space with a radius of hundreds of feet should be in the underground of Jingquanxianshuxiandian. The surrounding space was pitch black, and Liu Qianlang raised his eyesight to a level of a few million breaths before he could see the surrounding environment clearly.

At this moment, because of the golden light bubbling into the body from the heart of golden light, the old man Qingquan's arms, head, body, lower body, and white hair are in a state of bursting golden light, which looks very strange from a distance.

This kind of change is similar to what Suier experienced on his first night in Lingtian Zhaibao. The difference is that obviously the old man Jingquan's cultivation base is not as high as your cultivation base. The meridians and heart in the body are just a little bit of golden light shining, not yet reaching the level of golden light shining all over the body.

Liu Qianlang glanced at it for a few times, but didn't find anything more, so he wanted to leave. At this moment, in Liu Qianlang's line of sight, he saw an ethereal and graceful woman approaching hundreds of feet away from the old man in Jingquan, and stopped ten feet away in front of the old man in Jingquan after a while.

A strange fragrance wafted over immediately, the kind of strange fragrance that I smelled when I killed someone, the strange fragrance of Luanmeng sweet fruit.

Who is this man? How could there be that strange fragrance on her body? Liu Qianlang was startled, and stopped in an instant, looking intently.

The other party covered his face with a white gauze, and his body was covered with a white feather robe like a white cloud. A powerful and inexplicable aura lingered, majestic and elegant, but he couldn't see the other party's face.

"I can't imagine that the old man Jingquan is so old, but his mind is still the same as before. Ben Mengniang likes such a promising monk. However, if you continue to practice like you, when will you be able to have some luck. Let Mengniang Let me help you!"


The woman who claimed to be Mengniang was holding a peach petal-shaped red fan in her hand, and she just fanned it slightly in front of her eyes a few times as if she was fanning herself. All of a sudden, her peach blossom fan shot out streaks of golden light, and then poured them into the old man's Tianling Cap continuously.

"Thank you, Taoshan Mengniang! First, I gave you the sweet fruit of Luanmeng, and then I came to teach you the Immortal Technique of Jingquan!" The old man Qingquan was very grateful, and thanked him generously.

"Thank you, it's not just a word, it should also be expressed." Taoshan Mengniang spoke softly.

"What should Qingquan do?" Jingquan old man suddenly waved his arms frequently, absorbing and pressing the golden light from Peach Fan Mengniang's peach blossom fan into his body, and asked.

"Go and kill your wife, Mrs. Xianshu, now. She talks too much, and she wants to eat the sweet fruit of my wild dreams. That's not okay. But don't worry, kill her, and I will give you a flowery flower immediately." Siyu's new wife, I guarantee your satisfaction!"

Taoshan Mengniang gave the order to kill, but her tone was pleasant, as if she was telling a beautiful legend. You can't see her face, but you can see her barking eyes.


What left Liu Qianlang speechless was that a moment later, a woman's death scream was heard from a distant space, it was Mrs. Xianshu's scream.

The scream was so sad, full of shock and puzzlement, that Liu Qianlang felt a little awed when he heard it.

"Oh! Liu Qianlang is right, come here to see me secretly, do you like me?"

When Liu Qianlang was in a state of confusion, he suddenly heard a sweet and gentle voice entering his ears, and then saw Mengniang Taoshan flying towards him, her eyes were pulsating.

"Who are you? Why did you instigate murder?" Liu Qianlang was even more astonished, he was hidden by the Qixi Dafa and the ghost boat, and the other party found him. Then a figure appeared.

"Of course it's someone you like, giggling, you're even more handsome. I still have something to do at home, let's go first, take care!" Mengniang Taoshan let out a string of laughter like silver bells, and then Pingting turned back and drifted away.

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