Nine Heavens

Chapter 1202 Knock on the door with you

Chapter 1202: Knock on the door with you

Liu Qianlang was furious, and frantically flicked out the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. Immediately, the bright red light curtain filled the space, but after a burst of roaring, he somehow failed to strike it.

"Hehe, my Qianlang, you are reluctant to kill me. Mengniang Taoshan remembers it in her heart and will repay you!"

Farther away, came the sweet voice of Liu Qianlang who seemed to have known each other like a dream, like a spring breeze blowing on the face. Her gentle voice made Liu Qianlang's anger unable to continue.

"Who the hell is she, why would she talk like this?" Liu Qianlang fell into infinite confusion, feeling her heart bursting with depression, just like Yemengmengmeng's limbs were bound, and she couldn't break free, feeling extremely anxious.


"Jingquan, since you and I came from the first world to the second world for hundreds of years, we have been inseparable and depended on each other for life. We have gone through countless ups and downs. I can't imagine that today you completely disregard the friendship of Quan Jianhuadao in the past. , pierced the Blue Bingquan sword into my chest! Why is this?"

In the voice of Liu Qianlang asking himself, he was at a loss, as if he was stuck in a quagmire. At this time, Mrs. Xianshu's angry and disappointed scolding was heard far away.

"Don't blame me, Xianshu. If you don't die, we will all die sooner or later. Instead of that, it's better for me to live, learn the golden light, and one day be able to avenge you! As for why, I don't know, I only know that here In the second world, our fate is in the hands of others."

Liu Qianlang didn't listen any more, and didn't want to listen any more, as if he was running away, he manipulated the ghost boat to cross towards Lingtian Zhaibao with a thought.

Just when the ghost boat was about to enter the gate of Lingtian Zhaibao, Liu Qianlang saw the old man Qingquan again. He was chasing a skeleton man wearing a blue flower on his head. At this time, the old man Jingquan behind him swung a blue sword, and the sword was smashed into powder.

Then the old man Jingquan silently watched for a while the scene of the pale bone powder scattered under the moonlight, then turned around suddenly and went back. Liu Qianlang clearly saw that the old man Jingquan's pale hair had turned black now, and his wrinkled face had become young and round, but his eyes were full of tears.

Next, Liu Qianlang returned to Ling Tianzhaibao's own bedroom as if fleeing, her heart still trembling.

"Crack! Crack!"

Liu Qianlang just sat cross-legged on the bed, trying to concentrate for a while, but there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Liu Qianlang suddenly smelled that strange fragrance, which he had always been sensitive to, and couldn't help but feel uneasy again, and asked calmly.

"I'm Suier, I can't sleep and want to talk to you for a while." Suier said mischievously outside the door.

Liu Qianlang pondered for a while, and had many questions to confirm, so he forced a smile and said: "Hehe, it's up to you, come in, I'm thinking about participating in the Tianque's episode tomorrow, and I don't feel sleepy, come in .”

Liu Qianlang agreed, and got off the bed at the same time, sat at a blue stone table under Yuexia, poured a cup of fragrant tea and drank it casually.

"Hehe, I knew you were worried about tomorrow's episode of Tianque, so I'm here to help you." With a squeak, he pushed the door open and entered, holding a big Luanmeng sweet fruit in his hand, smiling happily road.

"Have Suier participated in the episode of Tianque?" Liu Qianlang continued talking and asked with a smile.

"Of course not, but Miss and Granny Sakura have participated, how can I get a chance as a girl. Hee hee! This time, Miss Sakura will not come, and Grandma Sakura will not come. Can the white-haired brother take me? Are you hungry? This sweet dream fruit is for you."

With a happy face, Sui Er sat across from Liu Qianlang, handed Liu Qianlang the Luanmeng sweet fruit with a golden glow in the green, tilted his head and said to Liu Qianlang.

"Thank you, Suier, thanks to you for taking care of me and the Golden Soul King these days. It's not a problem to take you there, the problem is that I don't know how to get there myself. Didn't Que Guan say that only people from Zhongjin are eligible to participate?" Well? You are eligible, but I am not. Neither is the Golden Soul King."

Liu Qianlang took the fragrant luanmeng sweet fruit and was used to eating it, so he started chewing it.

"Hee hee, why are you so polite? I'm so happy to be with the white-haired brother and the golden soul brother. Don't thank me, I still want to thank you. If you didn't save me, I would not be here at this moment up.

Brother Jinhun slept like a dead pig, and he didn't wake up after I called for a long time, so I came to you by myself.

I have thought about what you said a long time ago. I have always been taken care of by the young lady in Yinghuazhai, and my strength has already reached the level of the strength of Zhongjin. What about your white-haired brother, I found that you are a rare nine-day cut-off pulse, an undying heart and a spiritual body.

Tomorrow when we enter the seal entrance of the collection of Tianque, you only need to activate the Jiutianjuemai, and naturally your body will be full of golden light, and then add my real golden person's breath, and you will be able to cover it. "

Suier looked very happy and confident, snatched the Luanmeng sweet fruit from Liu Qianlang's hand and took a bite, then handed it to Liu Qianlang.

"Is this okay?" Liu Qianlang looked at Suier's curved eyebrows under the hazy moonlight, Wang Wangxiu felt inexplicably familiar, and asked in surprise.

"Sure, the brilliance and aura of the Golden Heart of Light are very similar to your Nine Heavens Absolute Vein, plus my golden aura envelopes, absolutely no problem. But you are not allowed to lose me in the collection of Tianque! Hehe laugh."

With big shining eyes, Sui rested his cheeks on both hands, looking at Liu Qianlang mischievously and boldly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but what about the Golden Soul King?" Liu Qianlang raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the Golden Soul King's bedroom.

"He, it's easier to let him go. It's golden all over, even its eyes, eyebrows and hair. It's easier for you to get in. But, we're all going, who's looking after the house, so."

Sui'er flashed his eyes and raised his finger to draw a circle in front of Liu Qianlang's eyes to speak half of the sentence, then giggled.

"Haha, you naughty girl, no wonder the Golden Soul King said that the King of the Golden Bee Spirit Demon of his grandpa's generation has become a grandson here. He has no status at all in our Lingtian Zhaibao.

Tomorrow we went to Tianque Jiji and left him alone, how could he agree! "Liu Qianlang couldn't help laughing, the previously suppressed mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Suier has already figured this out, so I just put a dozen sweet dream fruits on his bedside, and he smelled the fragrance of sweet dream fruits enough to sleep until we came back. Brother white hair, you know this What is the full name of Sweet Dream Fruit?"

Suier looked at Liu Qianlang mysteriously, and asked softly.

"What's it called?" Liu Qianlang just heard that this fruit is called Luanmeng Tianguo in the next door, and Suier is called Tianmengguo. He was about to ask, but he didn't want Suier to bring it up first, but he pretended not to know.

"It's called Luanmeng Tianguo, or Tianmengguo for short. It is the most precious fairy fruit in the second world. There is only one Luanmeng sweet fruit tree in the entire second world. It only bears 7749 fruits every season, and It was born in a very secret place in the southeast of the Yangke Yin Demon Formation. I discovered it by accident.

That was a few years ago, before I joined Yinghua Village, one day I found a woman in a white fluffy fairy robe in a mountain bend. Strange thing bites. She saw me, grabbed me with difficulty, and asked me to take her to a place called Sweet Dream Cave.

So I followed her instructions and helped her to fly to the mysterious cave—Sweet Dream Cave. It is really magical there, completely different from other places in the second world, with clear water and blue sky, singing birds and flowers, gurgling water, and lingering fragrance everywhere. Being in it, all kinds of troubles disappeared, and the woman's wounds healed on their own.

The woman told me that her name is Taoshan Mengniang, she is a fairy who loves her heart, she fell in love with a handsome man, and the reason why she was hurt was because when she followed this man, she was hurt by her superiors. she. But where is she from, and who is above her, I asked her and she never said.

However, in order to thank me for saving my life, she gave me a magical towering tree with pink flowers and emerald green and golden fruits on it, which is the Luanmeng Xiangguo. But there is one thing, I only need to pick, and I am not allowed to destroy the trees, and I am warned, except for those I trust, no one is allowed to enter the Sweet Dream Cave.

For a long time, I have been reluctant to pick it. I didn't let Uncle Qingquan go there to pick them until I met you and thanks to the kindness of my two elder brothers for saving my life. Pay him for his hard work, and we enjoy the miracle fruit.

After eating the sweet dream fruit, all the troubles in the world will be forgotten, and all the pain will go away like a dream, leaving only happiness. whee! Suier hopes that the white-haired brother and the golden soul brother will always be happy no matter what they encounter here! "

Suier's innocent eyes flashed, Wang Wang's eyes were full of longing, and he spoke in a pleasant voice.

Liu Qianlang was very touched when he heard it, and felt ashamed in his heart, until Sui Er said these words, he was actually wary of this kind little sister.

"Thank you Suier!" Liu Qianlang said sincerely. Then the two talked about many things heart-to-heart, talking and laughing under the moonlight, that late night was the happiest night Liu Qianlang had felt since he came to Youlanqian City.

A sweet dream fruit, after the two chatted and ate it together, in addition to the sadness of going away, there was a rush of happiness and hope in their hearts.

Time is always rushing, amidst Suier's clear and crisp laughter, Ling Tianzhai shot into the room the first ray of blue and blue sunshine day after day.

"Wow! The sun is out, let's go to the collection of Tianque now. Look, brother with white hair, I brought all the money I earned from Ling Tian Zhai Bao!"

Suier patted the three Qiankun bead bags on his waist, and said confidently.

"Hehe, Sister Sui'er is actually a rich woman!" Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and the ghost boat with silver flowers flashed under his feet.

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