Nine Heavens

Chapter 1203 The Collection of Tianque

Chapter 1203 The Collection of Tianque

"That's not true. Youlan Que City is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. We don't know if we have a chance to buy the Golden Heart with this little capital?" Suier looked up at the boundless Youlan rising mist around him, shaking his head.

"Hehe, don't worry, the white-haired brother is not a poor ghost either. But who hosts this episode of Tianque, and how can we get in?" Liu Qianlang smiled slightly.

"I don't know who hosts it, but it's not easy to get in, hee hee, look over there, just follow them." Sui Er looked up into the distance and raised his finger.

Liu Qianlang looked along her line of sight, and in the northwest direction of the blue mist, several figures of men and women floated indistinctly, their faces were very indifferent and strange. The clothes outside the body are obviously not like ordinary citizen monks in Youlanque City.

When Liu Qianlang and Suier were still watching them from far away, these people also saw Liu Qianlang and Suier. Then Liu Qianlang saw their contemptuous eyes, and even heard their cold snorts.

"Who are they?" Liu Qianlang and Sui Er also established a mind transmission, Liu Qianlang asked.

"I don't know. The power of golden light in their bodies is terrifying. They are extremely golden people. We can compete with them there. It seems that we can't expect to buy the heart of golden light this time, so we have to open our eyes!"

With a depressed expression on Suier's face, he said with a wry smile.

"Hehe, meeting is fate, let's go! Suier, let's go over and say hello to them." While Liu Qianlang was speaking, he came in front of several people in an instant. With a glance, there are five men and two women on the other side, all of them are about middle age, with blue swords and bright waves of cold smoke under their feet, the men are wearing blue Taoist robes, and the women are wearing blue gauze skirts.

The expression is full of energy, the feeling of being proud of the spring breeze, the whole body is full of spiritual energy, and the golden light in the body is shining without restraint.

"Liu Qianlang, a monk who has just entered the second world in the first world, has met all the seniors!" Liu Qianlang stood firmly in the ghost boat, his white hair fluttering, and under the breath of Dafa, the halo of the golden cicada robe was soft and soft during the day , bookish.

"What's the matter, why are you blocking the way of our blue shadow seven demons?" The leader of the man was pale and stern, wearing a curly crown, eyes like a sword, stroking a big golden wrench in his hand, stopped, and asked coldly .

"Seniors of the Blue Shadow Seven Devils, please forgive me. This junior is only participating in this Tianque Collection for the first time, and I don't know how to get in, so I take the liberty to bother you and ask for advice." When Liu Qianlang spoke like this, he was secretly thinking about where these seven people came from. road.

"Hmph! With your cultivation base, you are still participating in the Tianque Collection. If you are interested, go back and stay quietly for a while. Get out of the way, don't delay our good deeds!" Before the leader could answer, the forehead of the one behind flickered The bright red and pearly woman looked Liu Qianlang and Sui'er up and down, and snorted coldly.

"What's wrong with us, you can go, why can't we go!?" Hearing this, Sui Er became angry immediately, took a step forward, and retorted angrily.

"Sui'er!" Liu Qianlang hurriedly stopped Sui'er, and said politely: "This senior, don't be as knowledgeable as my sister, she is used to being domineering, she doesn't know how deep she is, and contradicts senior, this junior apologizes to you."

"Hmph! What are you, you deserve our Blue Shadow Seven Devils to be angry with you, get out of here!" But the woman with the red cinnabar mole on her forehead didn't appreciate it, and scolded with an angry face.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang judged in his heart that the other party was definitely not a good person, so he didn't want to offend them for the time being, so he pulled Sui Er to the side to dodge, smiled and signaled the other party to please let him go.

The leading man fumbled for the golden finger very slowly, and the golden light reflected on his face. He squinted his eyes and kept looking at Liu Qianlang. After a long time, he said: "It's not a bad thing for young people to want to learn more, but first You have to see your identity clearly, how can we Blue Shadow Seven Demons be followed by you two juniors with such low cultivation levels.

However, since you have met us, helping you to enter the collection of Tianque is nothing more than a piece of cake. How about this, you stay far away from us, and after we enter, the demon of the principal puller can speak on behalf of you and the two venerables who guard Tianque Zhiji, and let you enter Tianque Zhiji once. However, if you unfortunately die in the collection of Tianque, then you can't blame us. Let's go, fellow juniors! "

"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang saluted again, watching the other party swaying towards the center of the blue fog in the center of Youlanqian City.

"Will they kill us? Why do they look so perverted?" Sui Er asked Liu Qianlang with a very ugly face.

"Hehe, I'm scared! It's just that you can go back. If brother Jinhun wakes up alone, he will worry that no one will talk to him." Liu Qianlang said, looking down at Lingtian Zhaibao's position.

"Oh! Then let's go with you. When he wakes up, he knows that I used Tianmengguo to make him fall asleep, so don't blame me to death! It's death anyway, so let's fight!"

Suier frowned, thought for a while, and made up his mind.

Seeing the figures of the Blue Shadow Seven Demons shrinking gradually, Liu Qianlang did not follow them, but manipulated the ghost boat and used the ability of instant escape to carefully explore and analyze within a radius of hundreds of miles, and found that the collection of Tianque was in You It's just in a large seal formation above Lanqian City.

Moreover, there are more than one seal entrances to enter the collection of Tianque, and there are one in the north and west corners of the East and the Nian. Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat to the entrance of Tianque Collection in the southwest.

"Brother white-haired, what are you doing? You flew here and there, why did you come to the southwest? Isn't the entrance that the seven monsters said is here?" Seeing Liu Qianlang's actions, Sui'er was always puzzled. , Waiting for Liu Qianlang to calm down, and asked.

Liu Qianlang glanced sideways at Sui Er who was sitting on the side of the ghost boat and smiled, but did not answer. Then the ghost boat moved again, and after a silver rainbow flickered, the two appeared in the space of the blue mist.

However, the world in the blue mist space is still surrounded by blue mist, but the color is much lighter. If you look around, there are many swaying figures in the depths.

Liu Qianlang took the ghost boat, held Suier's hand, and walked inside on the blue mist.

"Hey! Stop!"

"Are you Yinghua Village, Guxin Dumu Village, Duying Village, or a landless wandering cultivator outside the Yangkeyin Demon Formation?" The two of them hadn't taken a few steps when two guardians suddenly appeared on the left and right. The person, who was covered in blue, and his head was tightly wrapped, except for two golden eyeballs, shouted.

"Hee hee! We are from Tianwai Village! Why, is there something to stop us?" Suier smiled while hugging Liu Qianlang's arm.

"Of course there is something. Why haven't we heard that there is a Tianwai village in the second world! How did you get in? This person is not qualified enough, please go out!" Unable to sense the golden aura in Liu Qianlang's body, he said.

"This?" Suier found out that Liu Qianlang hadn't triggered Jiutianjuemai, so he quickly winked.

Of course Liu Qianlang understood, but he didn't do that. Instead, he reached out and took the three full Qiankun bags from Suier's waist into his hand. Then push them into the hands of each of the sages. He smiled and said, "Are you qualified this time?"

"Hey! It's almost there."

Seeing the Qiankun bag, the two sages who kept the seal immediately stretched out their big golden hands and touched the Qiankun bag, instantly sensing the great wealth inside. On the head filled with cold smoke, the four golden eyes flashed with brilliance hundreds of times stronger. One of them was nodding, while the other said greedily as he saw that there was still a cosmos bag in Liu Qianlang's hand.

"Haha, it's all yours! Can we go?" Liu Qianlang gave the third universe bag to the other party without hesitation.

"Two young immortals, please!" The two sages were jumping with joy, looking at Liu Qianlang and Sui Er saluting and sending them off with great delight.

"Oh my god! Brother white hair, you gave all your wealth to the two janitors. It is useless for us to come here. How can we come to Lingshi Lingbao to buy a heart of golden light?" Afterwards, Suier asked Liu Qianlang with a bitter face.

"Don't worry, Suier, I have my own way!" Liu Qianlang said with a smile and mysteriously.

"any solution?"

"Grab it!" Liu Qianlang said with his ear.

"Only based on our strength?" Sui'er was startled when he heard the words, quickly touched Liu Qianlang's forehead, and said: "I don't have a fever!"

For the sake of concealment, Liu Qianlang and Sui'er changed their speech to sound transmission through their minds, and walked towards the center of Tianque Collection, while watching the swaying figures around them.

The Tianque Collection is also called the Golden Light Heart Surprise Buying Fair. It is held once a year, and the organizer is unknown. The participants are the people from Yinghua Village, Guxin Dumu Village, and Duying Village. There are two other types of people. One is the people in Youlan Que City, and the other is the landless wandering cultivator outside the formation of Yang Conquering Yin Demons.

As mentioned earlier in the Duying Village, there is only one person in the entire village, but there are people who protect him on the top of the tallest building in the center of each blue building in the whole Yangke Yinma formation, and these people will come to Tianquezhiji once a year .

The so-called wandering cultivators refer to the fact that there are still a few unaffiliated monks left in the second world. Their cultivation is generally extremely high, they are not afraid of all kinds of threats, and they are independent of the three great fairy villages.

While walking, Liu Qianlang suddenly saw seven figures swaying in front of him, and suddenly stood still, and then fourteen cold eyes shot at himself and Suier in the mist of tens of feet.

"The current collection of Tianque is really not as good as it used to be. Anyone can come in and participate. What's wrong with the second world?" The woman with a vermilion mole on her forehead mocked Lianyu.

"What Zhu Guang said is true, but I'm afraid that if you have the face to come in, you will have no face to go out. After a while, the heart of golden light will float out. If you have no capital and strength, you are asking for insult!"

Another woman among the Blue Shadow Seven Demons with a blue light shining on her forehead spoke harshly, and her tone of voice was sinister and unpleasant.

"Zhu Guang, Lan Shan! Why do you need to be as knowledgeable as two unknown people, let's go!" In the end, it was the man who claimed to be the devil of the golden wrench, stroking the oversized golden wrench on his left thumb with a look of surprise in his eyes Said. Then the seven figures flashed into the mist again.

"Cut! Look at their virtues!" Sui Er was very angry, if Liu Qianlang hadn't been holding her hand, he would have flown over to scold her a long time ago. At this moment, the other party left, stomping angrily.

"Hehe, why are you angry with them? Don't forget that we are here to relax and gain insight." Liu Qianlang was calm, and after being ridiculed by the other party, he looked very happy.

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