Nine Heavens

Chapter 1210 Under the Sweet Dream Tree

Chapter 1210 Under the Sweet Dream Tree

"What does this kid mean, boss?" After Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat and disappeared, Thirteen Dou Lingtian, one of the elders in Shisanyu, asked incredulously.

"What are you asking? It's clear that he is truly self-reliant, and he has a creed. He is neither right nor evil, and he is both good and evil. Let's go, I'm afraid he will rebel against this world from now on, and never go in the same direction as the righteous way of the fairy world. people!"

Guang Lingtian was silent for a while, then sighed.

"Isn't Boss going to kill him?" The old and cold woman's voice filled the sky.

"Today's Liu Qianlang's cultivation seems to be just the realm of Nascent Soul transformed into Mahayana, but in fact his cultivation has long been at the peak and is unpredictable, and it is not comparable to our traditional methods of immortality. Not only is his sense of immortality different, but also Even the way of stepping on the fairy is an alternative.

We have already killed him and cannot kill him, now there is only the way of the heavenly tribulation, maybe we can destroy it! Now that he is the body of the heavenly spirit, he has no veins in the nine heavens, and he has an immortal heart. Why should we make articles about his physical body? It seems that it is time for us to return to the heavenly realm. let's go! "

When Guanglingtian saw Liu Qianlang controlling the boat of time, the mysterious and infinite six divine powers had far surpassed his own, and the ninety-nine and eighty-one earth immortal rings around him were all there, and they were about to condense into a first-level heavenly realm fairy ring.

This kind of strength has the potential to explode at any time, and even his own existence in the realm of immortality is a little hard to see through the other party, so he said.

"Well! Boss is right, let him toss about in the world and the netherworld for the time being, and when he breaks into the sky, we will settle accounts with him together! But boss, don't we go and explain to Bing Po and the other juniors? ?”

A certain Thirteen Islands elder said.

"Then why bother, the seven of them have already been poisoned by the ghost, turned into ghost skeletons, and refused to practice the golden heart skill, and there is no chance to restore the human body, so let them go, destruction is a matter of time. I’m just a little sorry for Junior Brother Harmony who has been missing all this time!”

Guang Lingtian's tone of voice seemed to be reminiscing about something.

Sweet Dream Cave is located far away in the southeast skyline of the Yangke Yin Demon Formation.

The red petals in the cave are like butterflies and swallows, dancing with the wind, or dense like clouds, scattered like birds, or rustling like snowflakes. Fragrant everywhere, intoxicating all the time.

The roof of the cave is as high and wide as the sky, and the walls of the cave are free from flying flowers and dust. Spiritual flowers and different grasses compete with each other in emerald beauty, bamboo waterfalls and lakes are all intoxicating.

The ghost boat of Liu Qianlang drifts slowly in the sky full of red flowers, and the fragrant petals fall on Suier's hair, smiling face, and simple white dress. Immediately, the white background of the gauze was dotted with flowers, as gorgeous and lively as clouds.

The red flower blooms with golden stamens, and the soul smiles sweetly at the lover.

Liu Qianlang soon saw the sweet dream fruit tree on the bank of a barking lake in Tianmeng Cave. Fruit, like the mischievous Suier calling to himself in the dream of flowers and fruits.

Seeing the sweet dream tree, Liu Qianlang sat in the ghost boat and hugged Suier, surrounded by circles of sweet dream trees more than ten feet high, smelling the mellow fragrance, looking at Shui'er's soft face, but Liu Qianlang Lang couldn't bear to fall under the sweet dream fruit tree.

Suier's face is fake, but this face has called his white-haired brother countless times, thinking about it now breaks Liu Qianlang's heart.

Liu Qianlang doesn't know what he has that is worth letting a living life die for him, but Liu Qianlang knows how a beating heart once trembled for him. Although this heart is a devil heart.

"Suier, the white-haired brother brought you to the Sweet Dream Cave. It's really beautiful here, but why are you asleep? The white-haired brother hopes that you can call me a few more times under the sweet dream tree!"

Liu Qianlang gently uncovered Sui'er's fake face, revealing the stunning face of Empress Seventh Charm. But Liu Qianlang still called Sui'er by name. Liu Qianlang liked this name, and it was engraved in his heart.

Whether it is the Seventh Charm Empress or Suier, the curved eyebrows and barking eyes have never changed. This is one of the reasons why I later recognized Sui Er as the Seventh Charm Empress, or the Taoshan Mengniang.

The curved eyebrows are still delicate, but the sparkling gaze has become a memory that Liu Qianlang will never forget. I don't know how long Liu Qianlang sat in the ghost boat and accompanied Suier around the Sweet Dream Tree, and I don't know how many circles he went around. When Dongyue was reflected in the lake, Liu Qianlang hugged Suier and floated down under the Sweet Dream Tree.

Liu Qianlang made a sweet dream flower's tomb, and then let Sui'er lie comfortably on the sweet dream flower. And I sat beside her, carefully combing every strand of her hair until I thought it was perfect. Only then did she cover her with sweet dream flowers one by one.

The shape of Suier's tomb is beautiful, it is also the color of tan powder, it is also the shape of sweet dream flower, and it exudes the smell of sweet dream flower.

Liu Qianlang sat beside Suier Tianmenghua's tomb, sitting cross-legged for seventy-seven forty-nine days and nights, and was already covered by a thick layer of Tianmenghua, forming the same existence as Suier Tianmenghua's tomb.

Forty-nine days and nights, Liu Qianlang has been sober. He is thinking about many things, especially the future. The more he thinks, the more tenacious his mind becomes.

The things Liu Qianlang was thinking about included all the memories Sui Er gave him when he closed his eyes, and Sui Er's memories contained many secrets or things that he wanted to know.

When Liu Qianlang was motionless and crossed his legs in meditation, two beautiful girls had fallen under the sweet dream tree many times. One of these two girls is wearing a fiery red cloud dress and a mist skirt, holding a red sun in his hand. One was wearing a blue neon dress, with a blue moon floating above her slender palm.

Every time the two fell down, they looked at each other and shook their heads, as if they wanted to say something to Liu Qianlang, and then left again after hesitating. But this time it came again. After a moment of hesitation, Lan Yue Jingmei couldn't help asking: "Liu Shaoxian, if there is a way to revive Queen Mei, would you be willing to save her?"


The tomb of sweet dream flowers floating on Liu Qianlang's body made a slight dreamlike sound, and Liu Qianlang stood up slowly, his eyes flashed aggressively.

"Death without regret!"

Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttered around, she was dressed in silver, she nodded slightly, her voice was very small but as heavy as a thousand jun.

"If you need to practice the golden light magic skill after saving the charm, the golden light magic skill Haolan Jinling can swallow the wheel-swallowing poison in the charm queen's body! However, after the charm queen is saved, the young immortal will turn into a golden spirit spirit, a human and a demon coexistence body, You are no longer purely human. According to your sects of cultivating immortals in the world, you have fallen into evil ways!

If this news spreads to the human world, from now on, you will be abandoned by the three realms, and you will be forever hunted down even in the Nether Hell! Have you thought about such a powerful relationship? "

Hongri Jingmei was deeply surprised by Liu Qianlang's agreement. Before, I had been hesitant to say anything, because there was really no reason for a righteous immortal to rescue a spirit demon. Unexpectedly, the other party agreed without even thinking about it.

"What about people, what about ghosts, what about demons, if you are focused, why care about the whistling of the hurricane. When Suier fell into my arms and gave her memory to me, I found that her memory was missing. Then At that moment, I guessed that she must have destroyed the method of saving her.

I know her thoughts, and use death to fulfill my righteous innocence. I don't want to be resurrected, for fear that I will fall into the path of demons. However, Sui Er didn't know that I, Liu Qianlang, had always regarded sects as worthless in my heart, and treated all living beings the same as the sun and the moon. Doing good is destiny, but evil is revenge! Suddenly repented, all evil happened.

Suier still loves me when Liu Qianlang is a wave of the Nine Heavens Spirit River, nine wisps of beautiful souls, and six wisps of them are kind to me, such kindness. Even if Suier does evil forever, Liu Qianlang will protect her well, no matter what the world is! Tell me how to practice the Golden Light Divine Art"

Liu Qianlang said with emotion that there is no need to doubt his determination.

"Hey! Our sisters have never been able to understand how Bingao, who disregards the three worlds, can fall in love with a man in the world. Now we understand. If the young immortal acts like this, if the heroic immortal does this, even we, such as the ruthless spirit, will admire him No wonder the Empress Mei gave up her ambition of fighting for hegemony in the world for you!

Practicing the golden light magic skill, the practitioner must have the nine-day Juemai, the golden spirit and the celestial root, with at least three gods and gods in his body, and then set up a seven-story tower rainbow, and each layer of rainbow, seven ten-thousand-year-old golden golden hearts are arranged in the sky seven. From low to high, you can successfully cultivate the Tiangang Xuanzhen, that is, the golden light magic power is divided into seven layers of Tiangang Xuanzhen from low to high.

Each stage lasts for seven days, and the seven ten thousand-year-old Golden Hearts of Golden Light must be completely refined within seven days, and then climb to the second stage of the Rainbow Realm on time at midnight on the seventh day, and so on.

In the process of practicing layer by layer, it will become more and more difficult, but there must be no pause or mistake, otherwise the rainbow will collapse immediately! If Liu Shaoxian is willing to practice, the Sun Moon Que Guan will immediately set up a rainbow to form a team, add his heart to the Seven Stars and Tiangang, and it will be accomplished immediately! "

Hongri Jingmei was also eager to rescue the seventh charm, wishing Liu Qianlang could practice quickly, and her words were like pearls.

"Trouble the sun and moon officials!"

Liu Qianlang is overjoyed, and please speak with courtesy.

"Well! The Queen of Charm is blessed. I hope she will have a comeback in seven to forty-nine days! Liu Shaoxian can rest assured that he will practice, and Sunque Queguan will successfully protect the Dharma for you no matter what!"

When the sun and the moon were speaking, they raised their hands to worship the sun and the moon in the flying hands. When the sun and the moon were shining in the sky, a rainbow of seven colors magically appeared on the sparkling lake, and it kept floating in the sky. , keep building.

After the tea cup kung fu, a seven-story pagoda rainbow like the collection of Tianque was formed, and then seventy-seven forty-nine thousand-year-old golden hearts of golden light suddenly settled on it, seven in each layer, and each layer was a seven-star formation of Tiangang state.

"Haha, thank you!"

Liu Qianlang laughed loudly, and flew in, and then the sun and moon officials flew down to the lakeside, sat cross-legged, and their spiritual consciousness flew, covering the entire space of the seven-story pagoda's rainbow golden light cultivation formation.

"Practice this skill, there are many dangers, Wanwang Liu Shaoxian is calm and focused, don't be impatient! If you reach the low level early, don't rush forward, practice repeatedly, the peak state is the best to reach the peak!" Sun Yueguan kindly reminded.

"Liu Qianlang is taught!"

Liu Qianlang also sat cross-legged in the seventh-floor tower rainbow, sat firmly and suspended in the center of the seventh-floor rainbow at the lowest point, and said gratefully.

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