Nine Heavens

Chapter 1211 Primal Fantasy Azure Dragon

Chapter 1211 Yuan Magic Canglong

"In addition, when Liu Shaoxian cultivates to the seventh level, there will be a danger of becoming a skeleton, that is, if he fails to break through the entrance, he will immediately become a demon skeleton. I hope Liu Shaoxian will be prepared!"

Lanyue Lingmei didn't want to tell Liu Qianlang this, but finally she did.

"I know that as long as I, Liu Qianlang, walk into the seven-story Pagoda of Golden Light Divine Art and cultivate the seven-star profound formation, I will be saved regardless of life or death. I live, and I will use the Haolan Golden Spirit to dissolve the poison of swallowing chakra in Suier's body! Death, my domineering heart of golden light can also save Suier! Therefore, no matter whether he lives or dies, Liu Qianlang has no complaints or regrets!"

Liu Qianlang has long been able to read minds with divine sense, but Sunyue Quguan didn't know about it, so the door of the mind and the soul door of the mind are completely undefended, and Liu Qianlang knows what the two of them think.


The Sun and Moon officials all exclaimed in amazement, and their faces suddenly felt ashamed.

Because based on their original intention, Liu Qianlang would definitely turn into a skeleton, as soon as the 7749th day came, the two of them would immediately use the seven-storey pagoda to destroy each other and get the golden immortal heart amber. As for Liu Qianlang, he was not in their concern at all.

"When you're done, please don't rush to destroy the formation and take away your mind. If I mutate, I will naturally destroy my demon body, and the primordial spirit will come out holding my heart. The formation is vast, and I am afraid of hurting the two of you. In the end, there is no hope of saving you." , remember!"

Liu Qianlang reminded Sunyue Quguan one last thing, and then slowly closed his psychic eyes, his spiritual thoughts were too empty, and suddenly ninety-nine or eighty-one mad dragons came out with their teeth and claws. At this time, the ninety-nine and eighty-one mad dragons who cultivated the spirit gang had already fully evolved into real dragon bodies, and they were all divine dragons at the peak level of nine claws. Liu Qianlang called it the Eighty-One Elephant Dragon.


Eighty-one elephant dragons roared and roared around Liu Qianlang, and then quickly distributed them in ninety-nine and eighty-one extreme yang positions around Liu Qianlang's body, and then retreated into the dragon body, one group of nine dragons, and the other seven groups refined ten thousand years of gold Heart of golden light.

Two groups of Suspended Sky Willows lead thousands of feet above the heads of the willows, and they revolve slowly around the willows according to the regular orientation. They are covered with faint blue scales, shimmering, frequently accepting the rushing golden light waterfall formed by the seventy-nine and sixty-three golden heart beams refined by the seven groups of elephant dragons around them. Then he opened his huge mouth to transform the golden light waterfall into a pure golden spirit and breathe it out towards Liu Qianlang's body.

"Sister, this Liu Shaoxian is really extraordinary. He actually created such a wonderful and miraculous cultivation method. How did he do it when he cultivated in the ninety-nine and eighty-one extreme yang!?"

Seeing the rainbow in the seven-story pagoda, the rainbow on the first floor, and the rainbow willows leading the waves are instantly bathed in the infinite golden light array, and the eighty-one cultivation elephants are swallowing clouds and puffing fog, roaring and moving, Lanyue Lingmei said incomparably shockingly.

"Could this be the Great Formation of Primordial Illusion Cultivation and Canglong Cultivation that Empress Mei once said?" Hong Sun Jingmei's eyes flashed in amazement.

"What is Yuan Huan Canglong Cultivation Formation, can my sister explain it clearly?"

"I also just heard Mei Hou mention it by chance. She said that she was also one of the gods of the original gods in the heaven, and was revered as the god of harmony. At that time, there was no beauty in the chaotic universe. She thought that many phenomena Gathering, looking comfortable and eye-catching is harmony. Among all the original gods, Meihou's appearance is the most harmonious, so she was named the god of harmony. Later, she was named the god of Dongluomei.

At that time, Dongluomei God had a very high status, and he was often the indispensable official of Bumei enlightenment for the important gatherings of primitive gods and gods, or the construction of mysterious shrines by skilled craftsmen, or the ethereal appearance of clouds and mists in the sky and the earth, and the auspicious state of flowers and birds. Dance like a fairy. Concise the sound of nature, mellow wind whistle and birds chirp to create songs and create music. Our chaotic universe has gradually become Dongluo Paradise.

Because of the Queen Charm's status in the heavens, her knowledge is naturally extraordinary. Even the God of Chaos never deliberately avoids the God of Dongluomei when it comes to her cultivation, and she even likes to listen to the voice of the immortal Dongluo to enlighten her.

The Yuanhuan Canglong cultivation formation is the only cultivation formation possessed by the God of Chaos. According to Meihou, when it comes to cultivation, human cultivators are nothing more than swallowing pills and absorbing the heaven and earth, which are spirits and auras, and they are absolutely incapable of relying on the intermediary formation to cultivate. Even in the heavens, there are not many fairy gods who can rely on the fairy formation to cultivate.

Yuan Huan Canglong Canglong Cultivation Formation is unique in the chaotic universe. The so-called Yuan Huan means the first biochemical, Yuan Huan Canglong is the original first batch of chaotic dragons formed by the condensed primordial Vientiane aura of the chaotic universe. It is rumored that after the Chaos War, all the Yuan Huan Canglong died in the melee, so the God of Chaos lost the method of Yuan Huan Canglong's cultivation. Now it appears in Liu Shaoxian's cultivation, could it be true? "

Hong Sun Jingmei explained for Lan Yue Lingmei, but she felt that it was impossible to explain.


Suddenly, the sun and moon officials heard a more shocking roar of dragons, and then bursts of hurricanes swept in from the rainbow of the seven-storey tower like a sea.

Struggling to control his figure, he looked up, but while speaking, Liu Qianlang had already broken through the third rainbow of the seven-story pagoda rainbow. At this moment, his body was full of golden waves, and he was sitting firmly in the golden wave vortex, surrounded by eighty-one Two dark blue dragons, accompanied by wind and lightning, are roaring together into the fourth rainbow realm.

"He, is he a man or a god! How did he do it? Could it be that he is stronger than the God of Chaos? Now that the Primordial Magic Azure Dragon Cultivation Formation has disappeared, how can he have it!?"

The blue moon spirit charm and the red sun spirit charm each stepped on a light flower, swaying non-stop in the hurricane, the cold wind poured in, and retreated more than ten thousand feet with difficulty, before they barely stabilized. Lanyue Lingmei's face was pale, and she said bitterly.

"I don't know, and I can't be sure whether his cultivation formation is the cultivation formation of Yuan Huan Canglong. But obviously, the successful cultivation of the golden light formation is like picking something out of a bag for him, and it is so random that we can't imagine. How can he need it?" We protect the law.

Look at the tomb of the Queen of Sweet Dreams, when he was cultivating the Golden Light Formation, he was able to distract himself from the formation and firmly protect the entire lake and the Sweet Dream Tree by the lake. safe and sound.

From now on, we don't need to make him our enemy anymore, and don't expect to kill him. The reason why we are still alive is not that we are smart, but that people have no intention of killing us at all! Such gods and men, it's no wonder that Snake Hua Wu Yazi and Ling Hua Cai Ling would rather fly out of the chaotic universe and live in seclusion in an inexplicable place in the west than obey the orders of the Queen Mei.

My sister knew that after hearing what Mei said, Guanghua Wuhen actually died at the hands of his own spirit rider, the Thousand Wings Goshawk! That thousand-winged goshawk turned out to be the vehicle of the first evil god of chaos, the god of darkness! Forbearance for countless years, intending to be tamed by Guanghua, in order to find the former master.

Chaos and vicissitudes, the world is changing, we sisters don't know whether it is luck or misfortune, I don't want to continue to be hostile to Liu Shaoxian, let everything go as it pleases. My sister also intends to leave and live in seclusion, what is my sister's plan? "

At the end of Hongri Jingmei's words, she even intended to leave.

"Well, that's exactly what my sister said. But our sisters are the Sun Moon God Tree Fairy. If we leave the Sun Moon God Tree and no longer follow the Queen, where can we go? What will we do after we leave?"

Lanyue Jingmei was also a little tempted, after all, after seeing the seventh charm with her own eyes, she no longer had the intention of being too strong and hostile to Liu Qianlang's defeat of several tyrants in the world. The two of them are originally ghosts, and it's hard to die well if they stay here. It's better to leave, find a place to go, cleanse the spirits and get rid of the ghosts, and leave a bright future for the future.

"Didn't Snake Hua Wu Yazi and Ling Hua Cai Ling go to the Inexplicable Universe in the west? Why don't we go find them, they have the foresight, maybe there is our future."

"Okay, listen to my sister. But we have a fate with Meihou. Without the Sun Moon God Tree created by her, naturally we would not have our sisters. We should watch her resurrect and leave before we can feel at ease."

"Hehe, that's natural. I guess the first thing Liu Shaoxian does after rescuing Mei is to track down the whereabouts of Guxin Dumu Village. Since we don't need to protect the law, why don't we use the weird celestial phenomena that the Moon Soul Killer in Guxin Dumu Village has been operating over the years?" The cloud traces are engraved on the Tianmeng Lake, and even the Empress Mei doesn't know all about it. Then it won't be difficult for them to find Yinghua Village, after all, Empress Mei used to be an undercover agent in Yinghua Village."

"Well! We've done them a great favor by doing this. Let's repay Mei Hou a kindness and express a little apology for the disrespect to Liu Shaoxian!"

"Oh! My sister has changed. When did you learn to be kind? My sister looks so pretty when she smiles. I don't think my sister will be called Lanyue Lingmei anymore. How about calling me Fairy Lanyue?"

"Hehe, okay, Lanyue likes this name. Then don't call my sister Hongri Jingmei, how about Hongri Fairy?"

The sun, the moon, and the officials laughed and flew towards the lower part of Tianmeng Lake, but after a while, they completed the lake engraving, and then they both flew towards the mysterious third, fourth, and fifth worlds.

After they flew away, suddenly there was a burst of bangs in the sky of Tianmeng Lake, and then they saw that the entire space of Tianmeng Cave was filled with gorgeous golden light.

Not long after, all the golden light and precious energy rushed to the center of the sky above Tianmeng Lake. About half an hour later, the golden light disappeared, revealing a seven-layer extremely mysterious and clear tower-shaped rainbow.

It was only a moment's work, and the seven-story pagoda rainbow suddenly turned into countless colorful star points and flew towards the center of the seven-story pagoda rainbow. Immediately after the colorful star dots disappeared, a figure with white hair fluttering around, wearing silver clothes and standing tall in the void appeared.

This figure, with long rainbow eyes and countless rainbow stars shining around him, with a smile on his face, is Liu Qianlang who has successfully practiced the golden light magic skill.

"Will! Will!"

In the space of Tianmeng Cave, countless golden phoenixes and auspicious birds flew from all directions, singing happily. The sky is full of gorgeous colorful butterflies, forming colorful auspicious clouds, together with the incomparably mysterious rainbow starlight all over Liu Qianlang's body, and the strange divine fragrance emanating from his body, making the entire Tianmeng Cave full of auspicious flavors.

And the more and more auspicious smell came out of the Tianmeng Cave, the sound of countless auspicious birds chirping, the colorful auspicious clouds fluttering, and the amazing fragrances floated out of the Tianmeng Cave, slowly drifting into the sky of Daewoo, and into the sky. The first, third, fourth and fifth human worlds go deep into the nether world and break through the heavens.

The entire myriad worlds are shaken by people, gods, ghosts, listening to the crisp singing of auspicious birds, watching rare auspicious clouds covering the chaotic universe, and tasting the wonderful fragrance of creation.

Inexplicable! Horror!

However, Liu Qianlang didn't know about all the changes outside the Sweet Dream Cave, so he looked at himself with satisfaction, and then suddenly drifted towards Suier's Sweet Dream Flower Tomb.

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