Nine Heavens

Chapter 1213 Spiritual Light Divine Path

Chapter 1213 Spiritual Light Divine Path

In the center of the formation of yang and yin demons, the Nine Conch Ring Building in Youlanqian City, after Liu Qianlang killed all the golden heart demon skeletons overnight. Because of the protection of the powerful formation of Yangke Yinmo, the ghost magic power can no longer control this area. There are no ghosts and skeletons who use various means to harm this place.

Therefore, Youlan City experienced a cold night for the last time. The next day, all the non-golden people got up early in the morning and walked out of the house, suddenly seeing the sour-colored evil spirit of death that once filled the sky of Youlanqu City, and the dazzling black ghostly poisonous mist no longer floated around. The extremely oppressive and heavy smell in the air is no longer there.

Cheers erupted immediately, giving all the credit to the savior in their hearts.

"Hehe, thank you Guxindumuzhai!"

"Oh my god, there is finally hope for the Second World to return to peace, vitality, abundance and beauty! Thank you Lonely Hearted Moon Soul Killer!"

After the non-golden people on each floor of the Nine Spiral Ring Building cheered, they knelt and bowed around each floor of the Nine Spiral Ring Building facing the infinitely high and far-reaching space in the center of Youlanqian City.

Next, the first reaction of those who are not in the position of gold in Youlan Que City is to rush into the fairy shops opened by those who once owned the Golden Heart, trying to seize the precious resources needed for various leisure.

"Fellow Taoists who are suffering, stay calm and don't be impatient. Gu Xin Du Mu has already collected all kinds of precious resources from those with golden hearts for the thousands of fellow Taoists here. Gu Xin Du Mu has long been waiting here, so I will When fellow daoists wake up, they will be distributed fairly.

But fellow Taoists, don't be blindly optimistic. Now that Youlanqian City is protected by the formation of yang to overcome yin and demons, it is safe for the time being. But here's the ruthless way of heart, Guxindumu has never been able to find its place of existence. Therefore, the evil spirit of death and the poison of the netherworld may pervade again at any time.

Therefore, fellow Taoists, after obtaining these precious resources, you must step up your efforts to practice all kinds of magical skills, and rely on fellow Taoists to focus on finding the source of evil in the lonely and ruthless Tao! "

Just when everyone was making a commotion and was about to go to those fairy shops where Liu Qianlang had recovered his appearance, a cold and lofty man's voice suddenly came from tens of thousands of feet in the sky.

All the people who don't have money are pleasantly surprised, because this voice is exactly the voice of the real Moon Soul Killer Guxindumu Village Master Guxindumu who has disappeared for many years.

When they all looked up into the distance, they saw seven figures slowly floating down in the red sun in the vast sky. There are four men and three women, who seem to be middle-aged. They are all dressed in huge silver-gray Taoist robes. Their faces are covered with blue crowns, and only their rainbow eyes are exposed.

They are all stepping on a huge blue moon soul sword, the moon soul sword is full of cold smoke, and the seven swords are blue and bright, like a blue lake, very mysterious.

The leader is tall and majestic, with two extremely cold and frightening eyes, holding an ice tower that is also filled with cold smoke in his hand. The ice tower is shining blue and red like a red sun. What he just said was what he said.

Behind him, on the left side are three women, one is stepping on a pure white handkerchief, and the other is sitting on a flower-scented chair. There is also a sharp sharp dagger that is more than a long white foot in his hand.

There are three men on the right, one of them is holding a flute with emerald flowers and a halo of blue crescent moon. An upside-down hill floated on one palm, and a black sky-covering seal floated on the head of the last one.


"Thank you for your kindness and greatness to the Killer of Guxin Dumuzhai in July, and obey the destiny!"

"thank you!"

"Our hard times are finally over!"

Seeing the seven mysterious cloud-soul killers in the Guxin Dumu village that has been rumored for a long time finally appear, the people on each floor of the Jiuluohuan Building in Youlanqian City suddenly returned to their original places, kneeling in pain and crying with gratitude.

"The sun sets and the moon rises, and the soul of the moon is dispatched! I hope that such a day will never happen in the future. Fellow Daoists present must firmly remember that they should never covet the Golden Heart again. The so-called absorption of the golden spirit in the Golden Heart is purely the first time. The tricks of the two ghosts in the world to deceive people.

Once we absorb the spirit of the golden light that contains the evil spirit of death, the poison of the nether world, and even the poison of swallowing the wheel, there will soon be a change, the sun and the moon will appear, and even the body and spirit will be destroyed, and the regeneration of the possession will not be possible .

The moon body became the slave of the nether world, and the sun body became the target of the moon body. And the sun body will do everything possible to kill itself and other moon soul bodies in order to survive. And the only way is to keep absorbing the evil and poisonous aura of the Golden Heart, until finally it mutates into a demon skeleton and completely becomes a slave to the underworld.

There are only two endings for the ghost skeleton man, either to be the ghost slave of the ghost forever, or to destroy himself in pain in the end! Do you know that people in the entire second world regard the Heart of Golden Light as the most holy treasure, an incomparable wonder among leisure resources, but it is precisely the most cruel thing that devours the bodies of all our monks and righteous spirits? s method!

Previously, the fellow Taoists present might still hate themselves for being inferior in cultivation, for not being able to get their hands on the Golden Heart of Light, and then crazily cultivating day and night, just to have a Golden Heart of Light one day. Fall and death.

Do you know what the purpose of the ghost is? Their purpose is to slaughter all powerful monks here, or alienate them into their slaves. We are all-powerful in the first human world, thinking that we have reached the pinnacle of cultivation and ascended to a high level. Who would have thought that we would keep walking into layers of purgatory on earth.

Forget it, you all know that the Heart of Golden Light is good for harming people, so it's useless to talk too much. Congratulations to those who don’t have a heart of golden light, and those who have some will be destroyed immediately. I hope that the poison of the underworld will no longer be rampant, and maybe we still have the hope of winning the ruthless way. All Moon Soul Sword Killers, give them all the resources we have collected! It's time for us to go. "

Guxin Dumu Village Master Guxin Dumu said so far, and ordered.

"Yes! Village Master!"

The six people behind Gu Xin Du Mu saluted and replied in unison. Then the treasures in the hands of the six people instantly flew out countless brilliant stars of various colors, shooting like shooting stars towards every angle of each floor of the Nine Spiral Ring Tower.

"Haha, thank you Killer of July! Thank you, Village Master Guxin Dumu!"

"Wow! So many pills!"

"I finally have a handy magic weapon, hehe."

After the seven moon soul killers from Guxin Dumu Village scattered their treasures, looking at the cheering crowd, they seemed to be deeply moved. They stood there for a long time, and then finally rose into the sky tens of thousands of feet, and soon disappeared.

After a burst of jubilation on the floors of the Nine Spiral Ring, Youlan Town gradually calmed down, and then quickly abandoned their once low Youlan residences, and each found a satisfactory atmospheric Youlan stone building to live in.

However, on the ninth floor of Demon Slayer, there is always the shadow of a ghost shop in everyone's mind. No one dares to go in, even though they know that there are countless treasures inside, and they are given for free.

However, at noon a few days later, two people, a man and a woman, floated into the ninth floor on the left side of the third floor, under the watchful eyes of everyone.

That man, the people around him have seen before, is a handsome and cold man with white hair lightly, wearing a pure white fairy robe, wearing silver fairy boots.

And the woman wearing a white velvet robe, with a sweet smile on her face and gleaming eyes, gently shaking a red peach blossom fan in her hand, with infinite aura and jewel-like appearance, since the two of them appeared together, the entire Youlan City There is a strange fragrance everywhere.

"They're so bold, they're desperate!?" Some curious people around quickly walked layer after layer around the door of the ninth floor of the Demon Slayer, and straightened their necks to look inside.

Seeing the crowd gathered around them, the two smiled and said nothing, and didn't mind. After creaking the door and entering, they never closed the door again, and then walked through a section of the courtyard and left towards the inner hall.

"Hey! Now that the blue moon and the red sun are gone, there is no one to scout the way for Suier, so I'm really not used to it." After the woman entered the inner hall on the ninth floor of Tumo, she turned around and lined up the treasures on the treasure pavilion in the Siwang hall. sighed.

"Hehe, miss them? It's a pity that there's nothing you can do. You even gave them the Sun Moon Sacred Tree, so it's hard to summon them." The white-haired man laughed.

"Yes, we have been together day and night for countless years, and once we parted, I felt very disappointed. However, I am very satisfied with our ending. They are also considered to be a master of cultivation, to find their own world and future, and I will do it for them Happiness is. The most important thing is that Suier has also found his own future."

Suier thought of the past ten days with Liu Qianlang in Tianmeng Lake, his face was full of happiness, and he said quietly.

"Well, if you can think this way, you will feel relaxed soon. Suier said that there is a moon soul killer in the ninth floor of the demon-slaying sky, but how do we find it?"

Liu Qianlang looked up at the depths of the ninth floor of Tu Mo, and found that the surrounding space was much deeper than the one he had been here before, and the treasures were several times more, but he did not sense any entry outside the portal in the space. Exit, so I asked Suier.

"Hehe, didn't you accept the blue moon and red sun's engraved sky cloud traces? Let's go to your soul sea now and observe the recent sky cloud trace activity route of Moon Soul Killer And the location will be known."

Suier mischievously flew to Liu Qianlang and said with a smile.

"Haha, yes. How did I forget about the sky and cloud traces, okay, get along, don't leave it in my soul sea, and it will make me uneasy in the future."

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang was overjoyed, made a joke, and then with the help of the ghost boat's unbounded supernatural power, he and Suier immediately appeared in the sky above his soul sea, among the white clouds, on the ghost boat.

"Hee hee! The white-haired brother is a greedy person at first glance. Looking at your mountain of memory and cloud lake of memory, there are stars shining everywhere, and I don't know how many miracles you have experienced. After you go out, you must give me the opportunity. Speak and listen."

Standing beside Liu Qianlang, Sui'er leaned over and looked around, and saw Liu Qianlang's soul sea is vast and vast, the sky is boundless with clouds, the land is vast, the sea and rivers, towering mountains, islands and waterfalls, miracles, everything is there , with excitement and curiosity shining in his eyes.

"Hehe, if you're willing to listen, then I'll just tell you. But right now, we want to find the celestial cloud traces left by the Sun and Moon officials."

Liu Qianlang glanced sideways, followed by the peach fan shaking gently, and teased Mengniang Taoshan with a smile.

"I don't know if this is your soul sea, or mine, huh! That's not it, I'm still looking for it." Sui'er blushed when she heard Liu Qianlang calling herself Taoshan Mengniang, and after laughing angrily, Lifting the fan, it pointed to a sparkling place thousands of miles away.

Liu Qianlang followed the direction of the peach blossom fan, nodded with a smile, and instantly the two of them appeared in the sky above this area.

Liu Qianlang leaned over to look around, and found that there were thousands of intertwined, infinitely complex azure blue light ropes on the surface of the lake, like strangely long snakes cruising non-stop.

"This?" Liu Qianlang looked coldly, the extremely complicated light path was irregular, and looked back at the confident Suier.

"Just look at the whole story and know the coming and going, so why go fishing in the lake!" Sui Er said with flashing eyes full of mystery.

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang thought for a while, and said with a smile, "It's better to be as clever as you are, I know."

When Liu Qianlang looked down again, he quickly saw that all the starting points of the infinitely complex light path are in one place, and all the ending points are divided into eighteen places. After a little deliberation, Liu Qianlang found that the end of these light paths happened to be where the ninth floor of the Jiuluohuan Building, a total of eighteen demon-slaying ninth floors, were located.

Anyone who follows one of the paths of light can reach Guxin Dumu Village, this is the path of spiritual light that the two are looking for. Knowing this, Liu Qianlang's heart suddenly brightened, and holding Suier's slender hand, he crossed out of his own soul sea in the next second, and appeared in the ninth floor of Tumo again.

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