Nine Heavens

Chapter 1214 Obsessed

Chapter 1214 Obsessed

"Master! All peak masters! For the unscrupulous juniors, see all the high-ranking ones!"

Several hours later, Liu Qianlang and Suier flew in the opposite direction along one of the spiritual light roads on the third floor of the Jiuluohuan Building in Youlanqian City, and finally appeared in a strange space full of crescent moons.

In the middle of the crescent moon in the sky is a huge blue half moon, like an upside-down half of a leather ball, very round, with a faint cold mist on it.

Except for the crescent moon and the blue half moon, the whole space is in a cool white tone.

The moment Liu Qianlang and Suier stepped out of the Spiritual Light God's Road, the void, the sky, and the cloud traces in the ghost boat, they saw seven people wearing huge silver-gray Taoist robes standing on the top of a huge blue half moon. The man with the blue crown.

Liu Qianlang couldn't see their faces, but he could tell who they were by looking at the Moon Soul Sword and the Immortal Artifact in their hands.

Seeing the seven people, Liu Qianlang was full of surprises, and his heart was filled with turmoil and mixed feelings, so he hurriedly saluted them respectfully.

"Haha. You are here to kill us!?" The head of the seven laughed loudly, and did not wait to see Liu Qianlang, but questioned him coldly.

"Master! What is the meaning of this? Liu Qianlang is only destined to step into the second world to see you nobles again because of the love of the master and all the peak masters. How could he have the idea of ​​killing you nobles?"

When Liu Qianlang heard the words, the ending he was most worried about finally appeared, and he asked in horror.

"Bah! You still know this, it's really hard for you! Standing with the lord of Absolute Sun Lost City, who is also the No. 1 Dark Devil and Seventh Queen of the Nether World, and still so close, they didn't come to kill us, could they still protect us? We can't!"

Master Xukong, with two cold lights shooting out of his eyes, stared aggressively at Seventh Charm Queen, at this moment Suier spat.

"My lords don't know, Suier has now abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, and will no longer be evil to the five human beings. I hope that from now on, I will naturally understand the Tao with one heart, and follow the clouds and go with the wind."

Liu Qianlang hurriedly pulled Suier to kneel down, Suier's face turned pale and angry in an instant, but he looked sideways at Liu Qianlang's resolute and upright face, and finally knelt down.

For this reason, Liu Qianlang glanced at Suier gratefully, and said so.

"Liu Qianlang, Liu Qianlang, you even believe the words of a ghost. It's a waste of my time to cultivate you! My village master asks you, do you, Liu Qianlang, still firmly believe in the way of good fortune and defend the good fortune? The creed of the well-being of the common people in the world?"

Master Bing Po sneered and asked.

"That's right! As the old head asked, Liu Qianlang will never disobey his own beliefs. Doing good is destiny, and doing evil is hatred!" Liu Qianlang replied firmly.

"That's good, immediately kill the ghost demon next to you! If you kill her, we will trust you, Liu Qianlang, once more. Otherwise, we will be irreconcilable enemies!"

Master Bing Po spoke word by word, Liu Qianlang trembled all over when he heard it.

"Hmph! Don't make things difficult for the white-haired brother. Why do you decide other people's life and death! If the Empress Dowager didn't take care of the white-haired brother, you mob, even the old Shisanyu would have already become the empress's subordinates." The souls of the dead or the slaves of the underworld, how can you have a chance to shout here!

Come on, brother with white hair, why should we make fun of ourselves! Go back to our Sweet Dream Cave, take a rest, and then go back to the Lost City of Absolute Sun behind this charm, and find all the sisters, wouldn't it be better to be at ease from now on. "

Sui Er stood up suddenly, snorted coldly, and said angrily.

"Suier!" Liu Qianlang was extremely embarrassed for a moment, looked up at Suier in pain and shouted.

"Kill her!"

Master Bing Po and the peak masters behind him ordered in unison.


Liu Qianlang suddenly yelled, and slowly got up and said: "I know that Suier has committed countless big mistakes. Although a hundred deaths cannot redeem his drunkenness. However, everything has a destiny, and the root of all these crimes is not Suier. But on me, Liu Qianlang.

All the venerables only know that Sui'er is the number one demon of the underworld, but the venerables don't know that Sui'er was once the primordial fairy god Dongluomei. Because she loved me in Tianlinghe, she divided her souls into the lower realm, eight of them were scattered, and after the main soul transformed into the seventh charm, she manipulated the nether world, created the Lost City of Absolute Sun, slaughtered the world, threatened the nine heavens, and wanted to dominate the three realms.

But all he did was to find the junior, and he just wanted to be happy with the junior. If guilty, the blame lies with me.

It's just that she didn't expect that the world will be complicated, and her persistence will become a pawn of the big ghost clan and more evil forces, using her and assisting her to complete their infinitely hateful goals step by step. The Five Paths of the Five Realms is one of them.

It is true that the first is the way of yin and yang circulation in the human world, the second is the way of loneliness and ruthlessness in the human world, the third is the way of fallen evil ghosts in the human world, the fourth is the way of exterminating demons in the human world, and the fifth is the way of crossing the human world and entering the heavens. Created.

However, she herself is just intoxicated in the self-perfect Lost City of Absolute Sun, admiring herself alone. Countless evil things were not done by her, so it is not all her fault! "

"Shut up! You are clearly defending her. You don't need to say anything nonsense, just because she is the number one demon in the Nether Hell, and she is the public enemy of all monks in the world. In a word, we can still be friends if we kill him , The past love has been wiped out, and since then we have met as strangers. If you don't kill her, you will immediately be at odds!"

Master Xukong was trembling with anger, and the white and sharp sword in his hand instantly grew to a length of five feet. He pointed at Liu Qianlang, who was thousands of feet away, and shouted angrily!

"Brother White-haired, with what you said just now, it is not a pity that Suier is already dead. If Brother White-haired wants to kill Suier, Suier will never fight back. Suier has died once, so why would he care about dying again? Just ask the white-haired brother to remember that there was once a woman who accompanied you."

After saying that, facing Liu Qianlang, he slowly closed his barking eyes, with a calm expression on his face.

"Kill her, if you don't kill her now, when will you wait!" Bing Po Daoist urged again.

However, Liu Qianlang's face was pale, looking at the great kindness and honor of the past thousands of feet away, and then at the soul of his beloved, how could he make a move. My heart is cut like a knife, I don't know what to do! struggling with painful thoughts

"Do it, white-haired brother, don't kill me. If I am the number one devil in the netherworld, and you will become the number one madman in the ten thousand realms, all the forces in the three realms, except demons, gods, gods, and gods, will kill whoever they see. It will be beyond redemption!"

Follow your mind to transmit the sound to Liu Qianlang.

"Haha, thank you for Suier's understanding so far, so what, only Suier is a devil, wouldn't you be lonely, the white-haired brother is willing to accompany you, no matter who in this world hates me, as long as Suier will never leave, Liu Qianlang will be happy." There is a reason to live. Suier opened his eyes and looked at the white-haired brother, the white-haired brother will never let you die no matter what!"

Liu Qianlang suddenly laughed sadly, and floated in front of Suier, caressing Suier's delicate face, his face gradually calmed down.

"Brother with white hair!"


Sui Er actually cried, and Sui Er cried beautifully, but Liu Qianlang looked sad.


Thousands of feet away, the seven moon soul killers in Guxin Dumu village shouted loudly in unison, and suddenly the moon soul swords filled with blue and cold smoke shone towards Liu Qianlang and Suier in their hands.

"Sui'er promised the white-haired brother not to make a move. This is what Liu Qianlang owes them! Okay?" Liu Qianlang said to Sui'er with a slight smile when he felt the infinite evil spirit of death sweeping over. Then Suier was covered with an indestructible dragon spirit aura.


"Thunderbolt click!"

In the next second, the seven moon soul swords and seven moon-absorbing sword rainbows slammed into Liu Qianlang and Sui'er, with thunder and lightning and howling hurricanes. The slash was outside the two of them, and there was a loud roar.

In an instant, bright red blood gullies split open all over Liu Qianlang's body, and the dark red blood quickly stained Tian Jin Chan's robe red, heart-piercing pain flooded his whole body.

"Sui'er, the white-haired brother has wronged you, I'm sorry! Hehe, I will make you the happiest princess when I return to Sweet Dream Cave! I will obey you in everything." However, Liu Qianlang didn't even move. , despite the seven swords and rainbows chopping and tearing, large pieces of flesh and blood flew away from his body like snowflakes, but he was still laughing.

"Brother with white hair!"

Sui'er looked at Liu Qianlang's bloody body, and burst into tears instantly, sobbing. Knowing that the reason why the other party has no defense at all is to repay the sin for oneself. He hated himself but couldn't make a move, calling out to Liu Qianlang with a hoarse voice.

"It's okay, I don't know how many times Liu Qianlang died, I just suffered a little bit, they can't kill me! Hehe, don't cry, although you look good when you cry, but the white-haired brother prefers when you smile .Hehe, just smile and let the white-haired brother take a look."

Liu Qianlang's once silvery and white hair was chopped into a mess by Dao Dao Jianhong, and flew wildly in the hurricane. Even though the Tianjin Chanpao was tempered by the sun and the moon, it is now difficult to resist the seven-handed Moon Soul sword. Chopping, making bursts of shattering crackling sounds.

The whole body turned into bright red, but the opponent was still hacking and slashing non-stop, using all kinds of magic weapons to the extreme, never ending death!

Liu Qianlang's heart and soul were shaken, knowing that he had reached a dead end on the road to cultivating immortals, he could neither betray the righteous teacher, nor would he abandon the woman in front of him who was obsessed with everything for him. Then the only choice is to die by yourself.

Now Liu Qianlang is most gratified to look at the beautiful Suier in front of him, to take one more look at him, and then send her away from here at the moment when he is completely destroyed, taking his own wish with him.

If Liu Qianlang is not humorous at all, how can you make Suier laugh? Suier finally couldn't help it, shouted loudly, broke through the dragon spirit shield under Liu Qianlang, and was about to rush to the sky .

"Ahem! Suier, cough cough, Suier, don't!"

Liu Qianlang saw that Suier was suddenly surrounded by the infinite evil spirit of the Moon Soul Sword, knew that she was going to make a move, and stopped with a sharp cough, then wanted to gather all the mana and send Suier away.

At this moment, Suier suddenly realized that he knew that Liu Qianlang was going to apologize with death, so he couldn't help but clenched his silver teeth, blood flowed from his lips, and cried, "Brother with white hair!" The moon soul sword slashed towards his body, and he decided to die with Liu Qianlang.

"Sui Er, Sui Er!"

Sui'er's body also became bruised and bloody in an instant. Liu Qianlang yelled, and in the next second used the remaining mana in his body to control the ghost boat to hold Suier, and disappeared in Guxin Dumu village in an instant.

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