Nine Heavens

Chapter 1216 Nine Stones and Nine Flowers

Chapter 1216 Nine Stones Nine Flowers

Suier sleeps very sweetly, and dreams are very real.

About two hours later, the tomb of Tianmenghua'er where Liu Qianlang was located turned over flowers, and under the moonlight, a golden skeleton with golden light flashed strangely, and the golden heart in his body was beating vigorously. The liver and lungs are complete, and the Nine Heavens Jue Meridians extending from the heart and dantian to the limbs are also shining golden light.

Above the skeleton and above the shoulders, the skull is flexibly rotating, and the white and rainbow-colored psychic eyes in the eye sockets are still deep and vast. There is still a strange black jade skull dangling on the chest. It's just that the whole person turned into a golden bone skeleton.


The golden bone skeleton man jumped out of the tomb of Tianmenghua'er, came to Sui Er, looked down at himself for a while, turned his body around, and immediately appeared a white and flawless Tianjin Chan robe, and then put on his head. A dragon sundial turned into a bright red ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons are high-spirited, and the crown of the roaring dragon sundial is moved.

Just like the seven moon soul killers in Guxin Dumu village, only two sharp eyes are exposed.

"Suier, take care! The white-haired brother is no longer a physical body, and I don't want you to see me in such a state of embarrassment. However, the white-haired brother will always protect you secretly.

Go to sleep, Suier, the white-haired brother still has a lot to do. Here, the white-haired brother will often come back, look at Sweet Dream Lake, and recall our happy time here for more than ten days. "

Liu Qianlang, who turned into a golden skeleton man, has gone through more than two hours at this moment, and most of the divine power in his body has recovered. First, he restored the tomb of Tianmenghua, fearing that he would wake up and find himself leaving. Then he leaned over slightly, smoothed Suier's messy strands of hair with an extremely slight movement, then slowly got up, stepped back, and drifted away slowly on the ghost boat.

"Brother with white hair!"

In Sui'er's sleep, he suddenly felt a familiar breath surrounding him, and felt the strands of hair on his sideburns being pulled behind his ears in such a familiar direction, and suddenly woke up, jumped up, and yelled involuntarily.

Sweet Dream Cave, under the sweet dream moon, the sweet dream tree is rustling with flying dream flowers, bursting with fragrance to the end of the world, but the warmth is still there, where is he in the dream outside the dream! ?

"Brother with white hair!"

Suier gave another distressed call, looked at the tomb of Sweet Dream Flower under the moonlight, and flew over lightly, lay down on the tomb of Sweet Dream Flower, buried her beautiful face in the deep petals of Sweet Dream Flower, and It was a burst of hot tears.

Such an unbearable pain like a knife, I saw Yiren in my dreams from time to time, and after seven days, Suier finally left. When she left, she took the phantom body of the ghost boat left by Liu Qianlang.

After Liu Qianlang left Tianmeng Cave, he found an uninhabited central and highest building in the Youlan Building Group in the Second Human World's formation of yang and yin demons, and practiced on the top of the building for several days. , and used several days to repurify the chaotic divine power contained in the Cangyuan Stone, the Desolate Stone, the Desolate Universe Stone, the Tuguang Stone, the Immemorial Stone, and the Primordial Stone several times.

In the next few days, he successfully cultivated the divine power of Mie Ze contained in the purple Mie Ze Stone. So far, there are already seven terrifying chaos powers in the body.

Considering that he is about to face some inexplicable and terrifying forces in the third to fifth worlds. With all his strength, Liu Qianlang went deep into his black jade skull, and the nine Yuanying guardians practiced his soul again. Because he was already the Sun Moon Yuanshen, after a lot of hard work, he created the third soul gate Xianmen, which will The soul power has been raised to the terrifying level of ten thousand souls.

As the saying goes: "People with ten souls, cultivators with a hundred souls, immortals with a thousand souls, and gods with ten thousand souls!" Now, Liu Qianlang's spiritual wisdom has reached the realm of immortal gods in terms of purely soul power, so any ghost mutant immortal gods in the Nether Hell will fight against each other. , there is no longer any worry. The only regret is that Liu Qianlang is still a golden light skeleton.

Liu Qianlang's practice lasted nearly three months. The day when he finished his practice, the bright moon was in the sky, and the cold stars were all over the sky. He was in a good mood, so he flew up on the flying disk, stood on the top of the blue stone building, and watched the sky and the moon .

Ninety-nine and eighty-one crown dragons on the head are affected by Liu Qianlang's powerful soul power, all of which are open to spiritual wisdom, each shining with dragon scales, staring and opening their mouths, breathing in the aura of the second world of the sky, occasionally screaming and hissing, Very excited.

Can't see Liu Qianlang's face, but his eyes are full of river rainbows, looking at the sky and night clouds for thousands of miles, with his hands folded on his chest, the sky brocade cicada robe is torn to pieces with the wind. Looking from a distance, it is extremely domineering.

"The lonely mountain is lonely, the sky is high and the clouds are terrifying. Don't Liu Shaoxian find it boring to look at the mountains and rivers alone?"

Liu Qianlang was looking into his arms, thinking about the majesty of the sea, when he suddenly heard a trembling voice from the top of a blue sky-piercing stone building thousands of miles away.

In Liu Qianlang's eyes, he saw a thin man wearing a light blue Taoist robe with a fluttering long beard, holding a dark red blood jade inkstone in his hand. The top of the stone building.

"It was indeed boring before, but with the appearance of the senior scholar who is good at habit, the junior will naturally not be lonely anymore!"

Although Liu Qianlang only met Shanhai scholar twice at the Twelve Shocking Heaven Peaks of Longyun Mountain, he was engraved in his heart. Not only because of his low-key and elegant demeanor, but also because of the blood jade inkstone that shines like the red sun in his hand all the time. This person's cultivation base is far higher than that of Bing Po Daoist and all the old peak masters, but his cloud is calm and the wind is calm, and the dragon sees the head but does not see the tail, which is really admirable.

Therefore, Liu Qianlang recognized him at a glance, but he was very surprised to meet him here.

"Haha. So, you regard me as a friend?"

The scholar who is good at rehearsing vast sounds, laughing loudly.

"If the seniors are not ashamed of the juniors as people with golden bones and skeletons, and regard the juniors as friends, the juniors will wish for it!"

Liu Qianlang made no secret of her changes.

"Well, based on your frank and undeceptive character, Liu Qianlang, the old man didn't miss you back then. You are indeed a blessing in the world. Although you also refined the heart of golden light, and you are still seventy-nine forty-nine thousand-year gold You are familiar with Golden Heart, but you are doing this to save people.

Although it is impossible to escape the principle of loneliness and ruthlessness after all, it is justifiable. It's not like those who are actively greedy for the heart of golden light, who only want to break through their cultivation and kill those who are of the same way. So I recognize you, a junior, as a friend, and I am optimistic that you will not change your original intention. "

A good scholar, he praised.

"But what I saved was the No. 1 devil in the Nether Hell, the No. 1 Demon Queen!" Liu Qianlang said that he was afraid that the other party would turn against him immediately.

"Haha, so what. Don't say that the Queen of the Seventh Charm has abandoned the dark and turned to the bright. Even if she doesn't change her evil heart, the heroic man is still worthy of the respect of good and habitual scholars.

In addition, the Seventh Demon Empress is not the number one demon in Nether Hell. It's just because she was proud and arrogant before, and she was also a fairy god, and she has always been an unknowing puppet of the Thirteen Nether Hells and Nether Underworld Ancestors! "

A scholar who is good at hearing the words, smiles and obliterates it.


Hearing this, Liu Qianlang sighed and laughed loudly: "Since we are friends, shouldn't we have a drink? Recently, Liu Qianlang suddenly couldn't do without drinking. I used to only know that the color and taste of fairy wine is good wine. But now the younger generation finds out that the fragrance of lips and wine are beautiful, but the infiltration of passion is even more magical.

In addition, there are different kinds of love, there is sweet wine of love, there is wine of mourning, there is wine of heroes, there is wine of love and nostalgia, there is wine of self-deprecating helplessness, there is wine of brotherhood, and there is wine of gratitude and worry.”

"Haha, Liu Shaoxian is so heroic. Over the past ten years or so, he has really learned a lot. I am willing to accompany you. As you said, what kind of wine should we drink?" Shanhai scholar asked with a smile.

"Wangnian bosom wine!" Liu Qianlang replied loudly. Thousands of miles away, Liu Qianlang had already summoned a white jade wine glass and a white cloud of wine for the other party in an instant.

"Hmm! Well said! Wangnian bosom wine!"

"Ding dong! Ding dong!" The pure white wine cloud began to drip the faint blue and fragrant fairy wine, the scholar who was good at it stroked his beard and nodded, staring at the exquisite wine cloud that was more than a foot long in front of him, feeling very relieved.

"Can this junior ask me one thing?" Liu Qianlang asked while waiting for a drop of wine.

"Since you are a bosom friend, you can speak directly."

"Okay, that day Suier and I went to the collection of Tianzhu, the Seventh Charm Empress, in fact, senior was also there, right?"

"That's right! The old man had two purposes that day. One was to kill the Seventh Charm Queen next to you, and the other was to prevent the Sun and Moon Killer from Guxin Dumu Village from entering the Tianque Collection to kill you and the Seventh Charm Queen. However, When I found out that Seventh Charm was always showing mercy to you, I gave up my plan to kill her and concentrated on dealing with the Moon Soul Killer.

I heard what the Seventh Charm Empress told you that she was once the god of Dongluomei in the chaotic era of the heavens. I was deeply moved by this, and this is the reason why I didn't kill him. In addition, Brother Bingpo and I have studied your life and death in the world, and there is a saying that nine stones and nine flowers are among them.

It means that you have nine lucky stones and nine kinds of beautiful flowers. Nine Stones, the white Cangyuan Stone in the Nine Stones rumors, the blue Streamer Stone, the red Desolation Stone, the black Cloth Dark Stone, the green Haogu Stone, the golden Dharma Stone, the purple Daze Stone, blue Cuiyu is also called the stone of sealing the world, the colorless stone of creation. Judging by your cultivation, you should have obtained at least most of them.

And the catastrophe of nine flowers should all belong to your beloved wives. I don't know the details, but each of your beloved wives will bring you another disaster of death. Killing his wife can be done in peace, otherwise it will be difficult and tormented. This disaster of yours is precisely due to the Seventh Charm Empress. She is the phantom born of the first fairy flower in the fairy world. The legend of this flower is called Unbounded Flower. "

The good-natured scholar pondered for a moment before a voice said.

"Nine stones and nine flowers!?" Liu Qianlang was a little stunned when he heard this, and murmured to himself.

"Yes, you have also been the head of the Xuanling Sect in July, and you should also have the Immortal Breath Wheel. If you still have the Immortal Breath Examination Form that you stepped into the Xuanling Sect, you can take a look. Now you have experienced There are quite a few, and your cultivation has reached an unfathomable level, and there should be more signs of immortality in your immortal breath."

"Haha, um. This Wangnian bosom friend wine is really delicious, but it's a bit late, otherwise it would be such a joyful thing for us to drink with your nine nobles!"

The Shanhai scholar raised his head and drank the wine full of immortals, praised it, and said regretfully.

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