Nine Heavens

Chapter 1217 The Joke in the Sky

Chapter 1217

"The road to your fairy fate is full of variables, and the information that I can calculate and study with Brother Bingpo is still very limited. However, there was a saying in the fairy world countless years ago. It was a strange fairy book called Destroying the Realm The whole book is unique in the world. If anyone gets it, when the time comes, it will foreshadow countless magical things about cultivating immortals. Among them is the luck of the person who gets it.

But it's a pity that the Complete Book of Destruction has been lost for countless years, and the world of cultivating immortals almost regards it as a myth. Liu Shaoxian is really an existence full of infinite opportunities. So let me tell you, you can pay attention by the way in the future, maybe you will get this book. In that way, your long journey to immortality may be much smoother! "

A good scholar, thousands of miles away, with fairy eyes piercing through the sky, he clearly looked at Liu Qianlang's astonished expression, his eyes flashed with a faint blue color, and said infinitely profoundly.

"Oh? Thank you for reminding me, senior, what does the Complete Book of Destroyer Realm look like?"

Hearing this, Liu Qianlang asked with joy in his heart. Immediately in his mind, he thought that his teacher Jietong had taught him the Six Treasures, Summoning Soul Sword, Immortal Riding Blue Spirit Beast, Immortal Amber, Yaotian Silver Mirror, Colorful Ball and Inky little scroll.

These six treasures, the Soul-Calling Excalibur has become his Nine Heavens Immortal Sword that dominates the world, the blue spirit beast is given to his beloved wife Shui'er, the immortal heart has turned into his own heart, and the Yaotian Silver Mirror and Yaotian Gold Mirror are combined , donated to Shura Temple.

Now the remaining colorful balls and pitch-black scrolls are still kept in the most secret place within his black jade skull, and the black scrolls are called by Master Jietong. Could it be that the other party is talking about this fairy scroll?

"The old man has never seen it, but it is said that it is a wordless book that is no more than three inches dark, and it requires extremely powerful magical skills to read it. Why does Liu Shaoxian ask such a question? Could it be that you have seen it?"

Seeing Liu Qianlang's resolute face flickering with excitement, the good-natured scholar thought for a while and asked tentatively.

"Haha, where did this junior get such good fortune? If he wants to see it, he must be a senior. This junior is just curious." Liu Qianlang originally planned to say that he owns the Complete Book of Extermination.

However, I suddenly remembered the earnest teachings of my mentor, Daoist Jietong, before parting, and reminded myself repeatedly that the road to immortality is long and long. Don't let yourself reveal your strength and treasures easily, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Thinking of this, Liu Qianlang raised his head and drank a glass of fine wine, then laughed and answered.

"Well, haha. That's true. Although the old man didn't see Liu Shaoxian many times before, he was promoted to the second world. However, Liu Shaoxian is unforgettable. He was born with a golden spirit and unique roots.

This reminds me of an old friend. Back then, there were two powerful spiritual forces in your body, good and evil, which were constantly fighting against each other, and an even more powerful spiritual force was also sealed. And this spiritual power happened to belong to this old man. The old man wants to ask, what is the relationship between Liu Shaoxian and this old man? "

"Oh! Senior, please state clearly the name of this senior and the specific relationship with him. Yes, there is indeed a powerful spiritual power in my body that was automatically unsealed later, and now the three spiritual powers have already merged into one. It is indeed true. It was bestowed by a person who has shown infinite kindness to younger generations.

But this benevolent person has a word first, and the younger generation is not allowed to reveal his identity at any time. Seniors don't speak famous words, and juniors naturally don't know whether the person the seniors refer to is a person of great favor to the juniors. "

Liu Qianlang was surprised for a while, the other party was so powerful, and he only met twice in those years, and he was just a little unknown disciple at that time, why was he so interested in him? It seems unreasonable to have such a deep impression on yourself.

Listening to the other party's tone, it seems that he really knows the real teacher Jietong? If the other party answers this way, how should you respond? Tell the other party directly that he is the apprentice of Zhentong Jietong. Such an answer is obviously inappropriate, the environment in the second world is so complicated, even the seven high-ranking people regard themselves as demons, and the other party can't guarantee the same. The reason why you are good to yourself may have another purpose.

No, you can't tell the other party about your relationship with your mentor. Liu Qianlang made up his mind, and frankly shook the white jade wine glass slightly, motioning for the other party to drink with him.

"Haha, good wine. After reuniting Moyu, immortal wine makes friends!" The scholar of Shanhai drained his wine, smiled, and then said: "Realist Jietong, he is my former junior, the old man's Taoist name Lu Ze, and Eldest brother Guang Shun is also a disciple of Master Changxiao."

Although Liu Qianlang was prepared in her heart, she was still shocked when she heard the words. What the other party said is obviously wrong. Since he and his teacher are senior brothers, doesn't it mean that he is of the same generation as the ancestor of the Xuanling Gate of the Twelve Shocking Peaks of Longyun Mountain, Guang Shun, how can he become the master of Bing Po after countless generations? Brothers.

"Haha, it turned out to be a misunderstanding. The powerful supernatural power in my body was indeed passed down by an old senior by coincidence, but this senior called himself Xiayan, not a real person from Jietong. This junior is just sharing with this benefactor. I met once, but I never saw him again. The only thing left in my impression is his elegant voice and smile, and I don’t know anything else. Listening to the words of the senior, it seems that the seniority is very high. ?”

Liu Qianlang concealed his relationship with Master Jietong, and asked tentatively at the same time.

"Hiss! It seems that the old man made a mistake. How could the spiritual power of Shijiazi in your body come from the mixed primordial divine power of Yaoxing Shenhai Miaoyin Palace Jietong? How could such a thing happen in the world? Junior brother Jietong just now He is a young man, but his talent is outstanding, far surpassing my senior brother Guang Shun and my second senior brother.

The third junior brother has matured early, but at the age of twenty, he already knows almost all the immortal arts of his teacher, and has created his own supernatural power. It is the divine power sealed within your body. The biggest advantage of the Unbounded Primordial Divine Power is that with this divine power spreading all over the body, one will be hundreds or even a thousand times faster than ordinary people in practicing any kind of immortal art.

You have only been able to make such appalling progress in just a dozen years, all because of the power of this world-communicating primordial power. Who is that Xia Yanhui? How could it be possible for the third junior brother to create the Jietong Hunyuan divine power? It's really strange.

Just now, you asked me why Bing Po and I called each other senior brothers. Actually no, that is your misunderstanding. The reason why they call me Senior Brother is not because of seniority. That's what I asked them to do. You don't know, in the past ten years after the head of the Xuanling Sect took office, there would be a head teacher who would secretly teach the head master the skills and secrets of the sect that only the head of the sect is qualified to learn.

My identity in Xuanlingmen is the master of the sect, and I hardly show up on weekdays. If I show up, for the sake of keeping my identity secret, the peak masters of all generations call me senior brother. After you became the head of the sect back then, I had something to do and left, and before I could teach you the magical skills and secrets of the Xuanling Sect, you left the Xuanling Sect later.

And when I returned to the mountain gate, I saw that Ni Batian was doing the opposite, and Xuanlingmen was no longer in the state of Qingling in the past, so I angrily ascended to the high realm and sought the immortal journey by myself. That's why I'm here. "

"Oh! This junior is really disrespectful. With the respected status and cultivation level of the senior, he must be the master of the fairy world!" Hearing this, Liu Qianlang finally understood why the twelve old peak masters, no matter who met each other It turned out that the other party was one of the founders of the mountain, so he couldn't help paying respects.

"Hehe, everything has become a thing of the past, so it's worth not mentioning it. I think Junior Brother Jietong might have some relationship with your benefactor, Daoist Xiayan later.

By the way, the old man just said that the old man is the teacher of the head of the Xuanling Sect in the past. It stands to reason that I should teach all the magic skills of the head of the Xuanling Sect and the top secrets of the Xuanling Sect. You were also the head of Xuanling Sect, Qiyue, and deserved such an opportunity. I don't know if you are still interested in learning another school? "

The scholar Shanhai heard that Liu Qianlang did not admit the relationship between Master Jietong and him, he looked a little disappointed, held a white wine glass and thought for a moment, and said so.

"If this junior was the head of the Xuanling Sect in the past, he would naturally wish for it. If this junior rebuilds the Xuanling Sect tonight, he will hand over the headship to Senior Brother Yunzhong. Since he is the head, if there is a chance, the senior will pass it on to him. That's what should be the most. However, if Senior Duying allows this junior to know a thing or two, he will be ecstatic."

Liu Qianlang half refused and half agreed, and pointed out the other party's identity in the second world.

"Haha. Good! Then it's up to you. I think the Seventh Charm Queen must have told you about my identity?" Shanhai Scholar laughed loudly upon hearing this.

"Yes, but not all. There are three main forces in the second world, one is Yinghua Village, the other is Lonely Heart Dumu Village, and the third is the secret Lonely Heart and Ruthless Way Force, and then there is the Lonely Heart and Ruthless Way Force. Yingzhai. And senior is the owner of Duyingzhai, Duying!"

Liu Qianlang had already drunk the seventh cup of fairy wine, his face glowed with confidence, and he said sonorously.

"You are indeed very intelligent. When you came to the second world, in just one or two months, you figured out things that ordinary monks here can't figure out for decades or even die. I am indeed the owner of the Solitary Shadow Village. Ying, do you want to ask, since I have a close relationship with Bing Po and the other seven peak masters, why do I set up fairy villages separately?"

The good-natured scholar didn't wait for Liu Qianlang to ask, but he raised the question himself.

"Hehe, this junior didn't know who he was until he saw him. The moment he saw him, he had such doubts, but he quickly figured it out. Just like what senior said, everything in the past is like smoke. And What is now faced has long been the same, and things have changed.

Although the Guxin Dumuzhai July killers call for the righteous way, the things they do, the body and the golden heart, have completely lost the righteousness of the past, even though they think they are pure and moral. And the senior is still the body of Qingning human relations until now. It's the so-called different ways! "

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly and expressed his opinion.

"Well, although Bing Po is also a generation of all-powerful peak masters, but to be fair, he is not as smart as you, and he does not have your informal domineering. So his future is only destruction, and you are also the body of a golden skull, but you still have A chance to recover. And I can tell you about this chance."

"Oh! Then why didn't you tell Senior Bing Po?"

"As I said just now, he is not as intelligent as you, and he will die sooner or later, but you won't, so this opportunity is only valuable to you. Have you heard of the Yinyang gym? The Yinyang gym can restore your body. This is the only one The way, the second world said that the non-stop practice of the Golden Light Divine Art can regenerate the meridians of flesh and blood, which is nonsense.

However, the Yin-Yang gymnasium is at the bottom of the Nether Hell, and it needs the power of refining the soul and the power of the sun and the moon to summon it. "

The scholar who is good at habit, looked up at the white moon wine glass shining with white light clouds under the bright moon, sniffed the clear fragrance of blue Wangnian bosom friend wine, and said calmly.

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