Nine Heavens

Chapter 1219 Repeated Disasters

Chapter 1219 Successive Disasters

After finishing these, Liu Qianlang controlled the ghost boat to roar out of the Shenyue domain, and then activated the ghost boat's instant escape method, and shuttled out of the Yangke Yin Demon formation in the blink of an eye. Countless blue stone buildings appeared in the first The eastern sky between the two is beyond the enchantment of Huazhai.

The area where Yinghua Village is located has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and lavender love flowers are flying everywhere, like purple butterflies flying in the sky. Shocking, mysterious, and beautiful, it also contains the infinitely mysterious power of the sealing array.

Liu Qianlang stood steadily on the ghost boat, sniffing the fragrance of the love flowers that came to his face, he was very excited, because he was about to see the young lady of Yinghuazhai. Is it Fang'er? what happened to her How did it appear in the second room? Sui Er couldn't explain it clearly, and was eager to see her.

Under the uneasy mood, Liu Qianlang was in even more pain. Now that he was in the state of a golden bone skeleton, even if he saw Fang'er, he couldn't recognize him, and Liu Qianlang fell into anxiety.

"Sui'er! You are so cruel! No matter what, we have saved you before, why did you avenge your kindness and slaughter me, Yinghuazhai!"

Just when Liu Qianlang was anxious and anxious, he suddenly heard the mournful cries from the seal array of countless love flowers dancing in Yinghua Village. After careful taste, it turned out to be the former owner of Love Flower Palace. , Fang'er's mother's voice.

"It turned out to be her!"

Liu Qianlang's eyes lit up, and she immediately understood that the lady in Yinghuazhai was actually the mother of his beloved wife Fang Tianyingfang. But at this moment, judging from her tone, she is actually with Suier.

"Heck, I don't need you to rescue me. That's why I deliberately pretended to be injured to deceive you in order to enter your Yinghua village. It's ridiculous that you, as the owner of Yinghua village, think you are smart, and sometimes use Yinghua Show up as a mother-in-law, sometimes as the daughter of the village owner. She has been deceiving everyone, the real Yinghua mother-in-law has already been killed by you. But you can't fool me, huh? Love Flower Palace Master!"

It really came from Suier's voice, Liu Qianlang was furious when he heard it, how could Suier become so cruel, he just slaughtered all the monks in Jiuluohuan Building in Youlanqian City, and killed the seven high-ranking people in the Shenyue Domain The Moon Soul Killer is attacking Yinghua Village again now, what a devil!

"You already knew that I was the Lord of Love Flower?" Palace Master Love Flower asked in surprise.

"Do you think that just a veil on your face and some small spells can confuse the Empress? Maybe you don't know yet, all the coldness, killing, and ruthless situations in the second world are all there. It is caused by the lonely heart and ruthless way set by the Queen of the Charm.

Let me tell you a secret, three years ago, in fact, your husband and your frowning and smiling husband Wanli Wanli never betrayed you to set up any Minghuatang, let alone harmed any of your disciples in Yinghuazhai.

The real master of Huahuatang is my girl, Suier. Your husband and Yao Wanli are just my puppet masters. Every time I pretend to be them, I come to Yinghuazhai to plunder your beautiful female disciples. , and then I use the Unbounded Divine Art to control your husband to destroy the plundered female disciples by various means.

And it was all done on purpose when you came to the rescue, so that you would hate your own husband infinitely. Giggle. How's my trick? In less than a few months, I invaded the Yinghua village with the poison of the lonely heart and ruthless way. The poison of the lonely heart and ruthless way was brought back by some of the tortured disciples we deliberately asked you to rescue.

They have already turned into demon skeletons, and began to be manipulated by me to assassinate more and more disciples in Yinghua Village. But you didn't know it, and you thought it was done by Minhuatang. Therefore, they aggressively attacked the Huanhuatang, and then slaughtered your husband and Yao Wanli with their own hands.

By the way, in fact, your sister, Yanxiao Huafei discovered my secret before you slaughtered your husband, so she secretly came to Minhuatang to meet her husband Yao Wanli. I remember that I told you about this situation, and then you were furious, regardless of indiscriminateness, and as soon as Yanxiao Huafei came back, you secretly killed her with your love flower array, and the next thing is your sister and husband death day.

Then, in order to deceive others, you added another identity, Granny Yinghua. Hehe, living as one person playing three people, I don't know if you are tired or not.

You think that you are very proud of having wiped out the Huanhuatang, but you don’t know that since then, not all disciples in Yinghuazhai have existed normally. Demon Skeleton's.

As you know, the Moon Soul Killers in Guxin Dumu Village hate the Demon Skeleton the most, so they chase and kill people from Yinghua Village everywhere. In desperation, the people in Yinghuazhai had no choice but to brush their faces with white gauze to cover their alienated faces, because the Moon Soul Killer only kills the Skeletons. Under the cover of the veiled soul veil, they couldn't tell whether the people in Yinghuazhai they saw were ghost demon skeletons or not.

Alas, I have pity on your husband and Yao Wanli. They used to be such a free and unrestrained person. For the sake of your sisters, they did not hesitate to leave the Lonely Heart and Dumu village, no longer be the moon soul killer, and protect you with all their hearts. However, I just used a small trick to not only make them oppose Guxin Dumuzhai, but also make them turn against you until they are unjustly killed by you.

However, it's a pity that the Empress Dowager had disappeared just like that, and then had to pretend to be Guxin Dumuzhai and set up a fake Moon Soul Killer Organization-Huiming Ghost Tower.

All of this will pass once you die, and from now on, the second world will become the world of death, except for the ubiquitous underworld demon skeletons, only Duguying, the mysterious Duguying Village, exists. And sooner or later he will die. "

When Palace Master Qinghua asked, Suier elicited a lot of earth-shattering words. When the Lord of Qinghua Palace heard the words, there was a scream and a whistle that pierced the air, as if she flew away.

"Giggle." Behind him, Sui Er matched the cold mocking laughter.

"Cang lang lang!"

Liu Qianlang couldn't listen any longer, and manipulated the ghost boat to appear within the Love Flower Formation in an instant, floating above the fairyland-like beautiful space of Yinghuazhai. With a sweep of her eyes, she saw Sui Er shaking a red peach blossom fan in her hand, and she was looking up triumphantly at the Palace Master of Love Flower flying to a mountain in front of her like crazy.

A bright red light curtain followed Liu Qianlang's appearance, and the sword scream of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword slashed down with a terrifying hurricane.


However, with just a light swipe of the pale pink peach blossom fan in Sui Er's hand, Infinite Taotao pale pink light blocked in front of her in an instant, and the bright red sword curtain of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword was actually blocked. When the two collided, there was a roar.

"Heck, why is it you again, oh. This crazy woman is your old friend, okay? In that case, I will show kindness to you and let you have a life-and-death farewell. Go, she will soon be pissed to death I'm warning you, this is the second time you've come to your door to die, and the third time, I'm not going to be polite to you. Hehe."

After Suier smiled like a silver bell, his figure kept retreating and shrinking in the red-pink surge until he disappeared into it.

"Boom! Boom!"

Liu Qianlang was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he chopped out several bright red sword curtains. The sky and clouds rolled, and the mountains and land formed ravines. However, the other party had already disappeared, and the silver bell-like laughter turned into a snickering laugh.

"Sister Hua Fei! Sister, I'm sorry, woo woo. Hua Fei, my good sister!"

In Yinghua Village, there are boundless green mountains and green waters, beautiful trees, elegant bamboo buildings, beautiful jade palaces and pavilions. Although it is called Xianzhai, it surpasses countless palaces in the first human world.

In a mountain depression surrounded by bamboo and wood, above a misty spiritual spring, there is a very beautiful fairy tomb. The fairy tomb is exquisitely carved from elegant and beautiful jade. Le ding dong.

In front of the fairy tomb, the Lord of the Palace of Love Flower beat her chest and stomped her feet, knelt down and burst into tears.

Liu Qianlang watched from a height of more than 100 zhang, and wanted to persuade him with infinite words, but he was in a predicament and could not show his identity, so he could only watch silently, not knowing what to do.

"Hua Fei, my sister is really stupid. Why didn't my sister listen to your advice at that time? She saved a female devil and lured wolves into the house, which not only harmed my sister, but also the entire Yinghua Village. Woohoo! In one night, all our sisters They were all slaughtered by her, she is so cruel!

Hua Fei, it turns out that my husband and brother Wanli didn't betray us, they were always innocent, it was my sister who was blind and wrongly blamed them, all this was caused by my sister's stupidity.

Is my sister lonely? Hehe, my sister is here to accompany you, Hua Fei, my good sister! Don't blame my sister, my sister is not bad, my sister let you see my sister's heart, it is red and kind! "


Palace Master Qinghua, after a bitter smile, suddenly leaned back, a gust of blood spewed out from her chest, and pulled out her own heart, then put her hands in her palms, sobbed a few times, knelt down abruptly, and then There was no sound.

The blood dripped down her hands to the ground, and flowed down her chest to the spring, and soon the spring water in the early morning became bright red, and the sunlight glowed with a frightening color.


This move of Palace Master Qinghua was too sudden and unexpected, when Liu Qianlang saw her, she almost fainted, she yelled, and flew forward. However, it was too late. The other party not only made atonement with his heart, but also annihilated his soul and soul.

A few hours later, Liu Qianlang opened the tomb and Yanxiao Huafei buried the owner of Qinghua Palace, rewashed the spiritual spring in front of the tomb, kowtowed three times, and then died for Yinghuazhai His disciples rested their graves one by one before leaving Yinghua Village.

At a height of tens of thousands of feet, Liu Qianlang leaned down to look down, and the countless love flowers in Yinghua village were still dancing. However, Yinghuaer fairy village, like Guxindumu village, has also turned into a huge fairy tomb.

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