Nine Heavens

Chapter 1220

Chapter 1220

"Love flowers don't know the face of a man, so I have no choice but to give the fairy treasure to Junxian. The fairy village has been haunted by ghosts and demons many times, and this treasure is the culprit! This unknown Taoist friend sensed that you have a righteous spirit, so he sent you This treasure is presented to you.

However, although Xianbao is good, it is harmful to people, so don't show it to others. The reason why Empress Seventh Charm came to Yinghuazhai to spy undercover was because of this treasure. This treasure was not originally owned by Yinghua Village, but belonged to a fellow Taoist who escaped from the third world.

A few years ago, this fellow Taoist was hunted down and seriously injured, and inexplicably appeared outside Yinghua Village, and happened to be rescued by Yao Wanli, who was still in Yinghua Village at the time, but died soon after, and we haven’t had time to ask him about it. Name, but left this treasure before death.

Now that all the disciples in Yinghuazhai are dead, they are powerless to protect this treasure. I hope that this treasure will die well in your hands! After fellow daoists leave, please take the trouble to seal Yinghua Village, so that our sisters in Yinghua Village can rest peacefully from now on! "


Liu Qianlang was in a very bad mood, brandished the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and laid several layers of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate sword and sword gang seal formation outside Yinghua Village, muttered a few words silently, then stood in the ghost boat and galloped towards that place .

Suddenly, there was a slight whistling sound of rubbing the air in my ears, and then I saw a lavender love flower flying over my shoulder.


The love flower took the initiative to bloom, and a little golden light shot out from the heart of the flower and landed on the palm of her own, and then said the above words.

"Senior Qinghua Palace Master, don't worry, Liu Qianlang will never let this treasure fall into Xiao Xiao's hands and do any bad things!" Liu Qianlang secretly lamented the strength of Qinghua Palace Master's cultivation. I found myself in the sky above the tomb of Quan, just because I was too sad and didn't want to talk to myself, so I left this seal, and then I died.

Taking advantage of the faint brilliance of the clear moon in the western sky, Liu Qianlang discovered that the palm is a golden kit, just like the kit that his beloved wife Fang Tianyingfang gave him the Fairy Eye Dragon Ball back then.

Staring at it for a while, although Liu Qianlang was also curious about what kind of treasure it was, but he was really not in the mood to open it, thinking that he would give it to his beloved wife Fang'er when he saw her, since it belonged to her mother after all.

Mo Ye, desolate, Liu Qianlang carefully put away the kit and love flowers, then pierced through the clouds and fog, and continued to drift in the deep sky.

The bottom of the dark ghost building, the exit of the second world.

A towering giant tree, the trunk is gold, the leaves are gold, the flowers and fruits on the tree are also gold. This towering golden tree grows in a huge spring of golden water with a radius of thousands of miles, so its golden wheel divine light can be seen tens of thousands of miles away.

The canopy of this tree is very special, the main branch of the tree has seven branches, all of which are tens of thousands of miles long, like a black dragon, each branch has seven branches, and the secondary branches still have seven branches, as if the cycle is endless.

The golden light on the branches, leaves and fruits above the crown of the tree is dazzling, especially each fruit is heart-shaped, flashing like the sun, countless. This tree is another ghost tree that the ghost hell controls the second world in the five worlds - the tree of golden heart.

The number of gold is huge, and the fruit of the golden heart on it is as bright as a galaxy, forming a vast and majestic sea of ​​golden light. In the sea of ​​golden light, golden fire is surging, and the sky is spraying streams, which is extremely frightening. Ordinary monks would be engulfed and melted by the vast golden fire even if they were thousands of miles away, let alone passing through this area.

It is precisely because of this that the second world has a heart that is crazy and greedy for the golden light on this tree. The purpose of practicing the golden light magic is to adapt to this vast sea of ​​golden light and fire, break out of the second world, and thus ascend to the third world .

Of course, this is a scam, as explained above.

At this moment, under the golden heart tree tens of thousands of feet high, in the vast and tumbling sea of ​​golden light and fire, two figures floated on the crests of the two waves that gathered thousands of feet.

A man and a woman. The man is far away from the tree of the golden heart. He is covered with a faint blue Taoist robe. He has a white face and long beard and blue eyes. With the palm of his right hand holding a blood jade inkstone in front of his chest, he stood firmly on the top of the golden fire wave, with a calm and confident look on his face.

The woman was only a hundred feet away from the Golden Heart Tree, and palm-sized golden leaves, both in the shape of a heart, fluttered down and danced around her.

She was wearing a pure white velvet robe, with waves of pure white light, like cotton white clouds, playing with a pair of pink peach blossom fans in her hand. During the gentle shaking, peach powder lingers on the pearl face frequently, and the smile is like waiting for nothing.

The two of them faced each other in such a silent manner, it seemed that it had been a long time, only the vast golden waves and fire waves under their feet kept rising and falling, but they could not be seen moving.

After a long silence, the man finally spoke first: "The Seventh Charm Empress has really changed, she is no longer cold, and she no longer hides her face. She smiles so beautifully, making Duguying mesmerized by seeing it."

"You have also changed. I thought you were just a clown who broke into the first world, and knew that you were intoxicated in the Solitary Shadow Palace. I didn't expect you to be the ghost of the Thirteen Nethers! Tell me, What are you doing here?"

Empress Seventh Charm said lightly.

"Haha, Duguying is not a person who praises women casually. Once I have praised a woman, she is the woman I like and must be. I praised you just now, so don't you understand what I mean? ?

Dubu Universe is certainly the future of my Duguying, but Duguying is a person who loves the country and more beautiful people. On the road of all-powerful, you need to have someone you like to accompany you. I think you are very suitable. "

Dugu Ying's rainbow eyes swept across the stunning face of Empress Seventh Charm.

"Oh! I heard a common saying in the world that a toadmo wants to eat swan meat. I think you seem to be a tomamo. This queen is not those women with low human cultivation in Yinghuazhai. You can bully me. "

Empress Seventh Charm taunted.

"No no, Duguying is astounding, the Seventh Charm Empress really underestimates Duguying. How can Duguying have the heart to bully you for such an amazing woman. It's not that Duguying is forcing you. I believe that one day, you will Willingly beg me to marry you, and that day is not far away!"

Duguying remained calm and said confidently.

"Do you still seem to want to tell me something? What have you, a hypocrite, done during this time? To be able to say such nasty words must be something you think you are proud of."

The Seventh Charm Queen's beautiful eyes flashed, and she raised her fan to catch a golden leaf on the fan, examining the graceful golden halo on the golden leaf and asked.

"Hehe, the woman Duguying likes is smart. Duguying just destroyed Yinghua Village, and the lady you always wanted to know about Lushan is actually the owner of Yinghua Village. Palace Master Love Flower. She is dead now, she was pissed off!"

Duguying's eyes were full of smiles, and she talked lightly.

"I've already guessed it, but I haven't confirmed it. It's so strange that Yinghuazhai died. Almost all of their disciples were poisoned by the ruthless way, and they would die sooner or later. You just sent them off early. The lady was pissed to death, was it you?"

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Seventh Charm Empress.

"Hehe, of course not, I was so mad at you! Do you know how I went to Yinghua Village to execute my plan to slaughter them? I went in your body shape. And I told the owner of Yinghua Village my You are the master of Huatang, and you are responsible for all the conspiracy, so she was pissed off! How about it, I am smart.

Are you very angry? Also, before I slaughtered Yinghuazhai, I did two things that made you happy. One is to slaughter all the monks in the Jiuluohuan Building in Youlanqian City, and the other is to break into the Shenyue Realm and kill the seven moon soul killers in Guxin Dumu Village. And I always appear in your form. Now you are the hero of Nether Hell! Do you want to thank me! "

Duguying said it as a joke, but Seventh Charm Empress's face gradually turned pale, and she asked coldly: "It's really shameless, it turns out that the mysterious Minghuatang is Duying Village, and you are the master of Minghuatang!?

Ben Meihou finally figured it out. At first, I thought it was their fault that the Guxindumuzhai Moonhunter Killer turned against you, an ex-dao friend. It turns out that you are the guy with the real human face and animal heart! Why pretend to be me to do these nasty things? "

"Hehe, for the sake of two people, one is the person who opposed me from the first world, and the other is you. However, the person who opposed me has now become a close friend of Wangnian with me, and you, hehe, She will not become the first lady of Dugu Ying Fa Tang in the near future!"

Duguying was not at all angry at the insult of the Seventh Charm Queen, but said with a smile.



The Seventh Charm Empress finally got angry, and the pink peach blossom fan in her hand shook suddenly, and the golden leaf on the fan instantly drew a golden light, blue dragon and rainbow, and shot towards Duguying.

"Haha, my Mei'er, don't worry, don't rush to give me a token of love, but I will take it anyway. Take care of your body, I will go back to meet that bosom friend who has never made a new year, and we will come together soon, I have a big surprise for you! Hey! Don't leave!"

When the golden light dragon rushed towards Duguying, there was a sudden flash of blood under Duguying's feet, and a crisp-sounding red swan appeared, and immediately flew up more than a thousand feet with him on its back. At this time, Duguying's left hand was suddenly a thousand feet long, and as soon as he grabbed it, he held the golden leaf in his hand, laughed wildly, and flew away.

"Will! Will!"

After the Seventh Charm, seeing a missed move, her eyes were filled with astonishment, and the peach blossom fan in her hand was divided left and right. In an instant, thousands of rampant golden rainbow dragons roared and chased after him.

However, Duguying didn't want to fight with the Seventh Charm Empress. The blood-red jade inkstone in her hand suddenly shot out countless blood-red swan geese, covering the sky behind her, and thunder and lightning spewed out around the golden heart tree. The sky in the second world was torn apart into a ring-shaped abyss, and the earth broke out into a bottomless circular abyss. The sea of ​​golden light and the golden heart tree in the center are isolated into a cliff island.


The sea of ​​golden light flows across the sea, and suddenly the vast golden light water and fire form a rushing waterfall, rushing endlessly under the circular abyss, and burst into a sky-shattering roar.

"Beauty—wait for me, I will come again soon!" A distant Duguying's voice came from the thundering roar of the surging waterfall, and the blood-red geese drifted away.

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