Nine Heavens

Chapter 1221 Four Great Qashqais

Chapter 1221 Four Great Qashqai

Who will that person be? When Duguying disappeared into the sky, the Seventh Charm Empress calmed down, her blond hair fluttering, and she kept circling this question in her mind.

But after thinking for a long time, Seventh Charm Empress couldn't figure out who Duguying was talking about. Now the fifth law of the five human worlds has completely disintegrated. The whereabouts of the sixteen Yuehua are still unknown, Fuhua Yuncang is definitely dead, Snakehua Wuyazi and Linghua Cailing couple left the chaotic universe, Guanghua Wuhen has been killed by Qianying Goshawk. Even the official Sun and Moon left the second world.

Now Guxin Dumu Village, the residents of Youlanqian City, and Yinghua Village are all destroyed, leaving only the forces of Huanhuatang and the ubiquitous ghosts and skeletons in the second world. And this person is obviously not from Minhuatang, so who could this person be?

Could it be that Empress Seventh Charm suddenly thought of Liu Qianlang, but she immediately denied it. One is that I know very well in my heart that the white-haired brother is dead, and the immortal body is buried under the Sweet Dream Tree in the Sweet Dream Cave. Besides, even if the white-haired brother was alive, he would not be in cahoots with such a hypocrite.

There is also the point that the Seventh Charm Empress can't figure out the most, why does Duguying pretend to be her own appearance to kill people? If the other party does this, he will never make a name for himself as he said.

"Sigh! Brother White Hair, if only you were alive, I regret giving up the Sun Moon Sacred Tree's blocking. If you are not allowed to enter the second world, maybe you won't die."

Empress Seventh, looking at the clouds and mist in the sky where Duguying disappeared, pondered and muttered to herself, then retreated and floated into the Golden Heart Tree.

In the waves of light and the sea of ​​golden light on the vast and huge cliff island tree outside the golden heart god tree, there are sighs from time to time.

After Liu Qianlang left Yinghua Village, she was heartbroken, not only because of the destruction of the entire Yinghua Village, but also because all of this was done at will, which made Liu Qianlang unacceptable, let alone face the next To break through the exit of the second room. Because Suier must be there at this very moment.

She must still be doing the evil things of preventing or killing all the second-world intruders there, and she will never turn to the light as she promised to herself, and like herself, she will firmly believe in the creed of the Dao of Good Fortune . Otherwise, how could she commit the atrocities of slaughtering Yinghua Village, Youlan Que City and Guxin Dumu Village.

Good fortune is really tricking people, let me and her have a karma in heaven, acquaintance in the world, instant connection, and then turn to hostility. If he broke through the entrance of the second world, how would the two fight to the death? Liu Qianlang didn't dare to think about it, nor did she want to think about it.

Therefore, Liu Qianlang was drifting aimlessly in the night sky, shuttling between countless blue stone buildings, and looking at the center of the Yangke Yinmo formation tens of thousands of miles away. Youlan City. He knew exactly what he was going to do next, but he just didn't want to fly anywhere.

The sky is blue and vast, the western sky is cold and the moon is vast, and the stars are getting thinner. In the dark night sky, the ghost skeletons with golden hearts and white bones are still everywhere in the tens of thousands of blue stone buildings, shuttling inside and outside.

On the outer walls of some Youlan stone buildings, there are ghost demon skeletons crawling all over them. It is horrifying to see their bones miserable. Looking at the golden hearts in their bodies, it's like the lamps of golden hearts inlaid on the blue stone building, which makes people feel cold and disgusting.

Liu Qianlang suddenly felt so tired and depressing. With a thought, he flew into the Sweet Dream Cave, and then gently floated down under the Sweet Dream Tree, lying on Suier's former Sweet Dream Flower Tomb and his own Sweet Dream Flower Tomb. In the meantime, there is some slope on the lakeside where the sweet dream tree is located, and the sparkling lake is seen.

Sweet Dream Lake is very beautiful, in the mist, it seems that the innocent Suier walked over, holding an emerald green and golden sweet dream fruit in his hand: "Hey, brother with white hair, are you tired, eat a sweet dream fruit Bar!"

The wind blows in the cave, the sweet dream flowers fly, the warm fragrance blows on the face, Liu Qianlang sniffs the fragrance of the flowers, looks at the mist of the Linghu Lake, and takes out a sweet dream fruit that Sui Er once gave him from his bosom, and has never been willing to eat it. Holding it in my hand, under the moonlight and the lake light, I stared at it obsessively, my eyes gradually blurred, and I fell asleep.

In Suimeng, Liu Qianlang embraces Tianmenghua, soft and gentle, as if returning to the childhood years, lying in the warm arms of his parents, with a rippling smile on his face.

Suddenly, Liu Qianlang felt a chill all over his body, and instinctively floated into the void, standing in the ghost boat and looking around.

"Haha, see the head of Xiaoyang Sidao!"

Liu Qianlang looked intently, there were four people wearing purple Taoist robes hundreds of feet away. The four of them were mighty and tall, with dragon eyes and tiger eyes, each of them was stepping on a giant knife, and their feet were shining brightly. After a burst of laughter, they saluted themselves.


Liu Qianlang was surprised for a while, and then recognized that the other party turned out to be his own senior brother from the Xuanling Sect in the past, the "Xiaoyang Four Knives" under Zeng Zixiao's sect.

"Haha, it turned out to be Aoyue Kuangsao Bingjinwolf, Congealing Ecstasy Chasing Soul Suoyue Dao Zhu Mogong, Tianhen Gudao Huanlangzi and Feiying Canxin Dao Chao Jiufeng four senior brothers. Liu Qianlang really did not expect , we will actually meet in the second world, what a pleasure to meet."

When Liu Qianlang saw the four of them clearly, he was overwhelmed with joy and surprise, and his lonely and depressed heart suddenly disappeared, so he laughed and saluted in return.

"Hehe, there is no need to be polite to the head of the sect. Now that the four of us have broken into the second world, we have been protected by Dugu Ying, the master of Duying Village, many times, and our magical skills have improved rapidly. I am deeply grateful for God's grace. I have joined Duying Village and ranked fourth. Big Qashqai. Carrying out things while doing nothing. Very comfortable.

A few days ago, the village owner informed the four of us that the head of the sect had also entered the second world. We were so excited, thinking of the time when we talked about meritorious deeds and wine with the head of the house, I couldn't bear to look for you. The owner of the village, Ende, also thought that the head of the sect had just entered the second world and had to worry about safety, so he also agreed that we would look for you and protect you by the way. "

Youlan Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang chuckled, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and said in a loud voice.

"Well, that's right. It's really wonderful to get together in the past and continue today!" Demon Killer, Huanlangzi and Chao Jiufeng also echoed.

"Thank you, brothers, but don't call me the head of the sect anymore. The former Xuanling Sect is long gone, and the current head of the Xuanling Sect is Senior Brother Yunzhong. Qianlang is only in office for July, and he has never made any contribution to the Shanmen. It’s really ashamed to damage the mountain gate. Brothers, you should call me brother or Qianlang! It’s more comfortable to lead the waves this way.”

Liu Qianlang was grateful to Dade, and when he mentioned what happened back then, his face was full of shame.

"That's fine, but Junior Brother Liu must not be ashamed of the mountain gate. The world can learn from who was right and wrong back then. It's just that Junior Brother Liu had an unfortunate time and met two scumbags, Ni Batian and Ni Tianleng. In the hearts of our brothers , although you have only been the head of the sect for seven months, we have always been convinced of you and will always recognize you as the head of the sect. It doesn't matter if we don't say it, but our respect will not change. "

Lord Moxie nodded, Yan Zining under his feet was ecstatically chasing the soul and the Suoyue knife was shining brightly, all looked at the other three brothers and said.

"Liu Qianlang is really pleased that four senior brothers have said such words. Hehe, how did the four senior brothers find this place?" Liu Qianlang was very moved.

"Naturally, the village master told us. The village master has already told us about your situation in detail. Now the second world has been poisoned by the ruthless Taoism of Queen Seventh Charm, coupled with her ruthless slaughter, and there are cold deaths everywhere. Brother Liu is always in danger. Therefore, the village master is very worried, and let us come to welcome you back to the Qitianlou sub-helm of the Solitary Shadow Village."

As dark as ink, with the swaying clouds, Tianhen Gudao Huanlangzi's clothes fluttered, revealing the purpose of this visit.

"That's right, it's safest for Junior Brother Liu to follow us back to Solitary Shadow Village. If you have any plans for the future, I'll wait, and even Xianzhai will help you. No matter how powerful Junior Brother Liu is, it wouldn't be a bad thing to have a few more helpers."

The master of Feiying Canxin Saber, who was as red as blood, flying cold light and blood blades, also said to Feng Jiu.

"I didn't expect the owner of Duying Village to be so enthusiastic. Since this is the case, Liu Qianlang can't wait for the companionship of all senior brothers. Qianlang, please trouble all senior brothers!"

"Haha, happy! Brother Liu, you don't have to be polite, let's go!"

The five flew to one place in an instant, clapping their shoulders and holding hands, they were very happy. Then, Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang led the way in front, Liu Qianlang and the other four followed, and quickly flew out roaring. The sweet dream cave entered the sunny sky of the second world.

The second world in the daytime is high and wide, very beautiful. On the ground, the demon skeletons inside and outside the Yangke Yinmo formation disappeared under the sunlight, and only towering mountains, magnificent mountains and rivers, and countless majestic and domineering orchid stone buildings greeted the eyes.

"Hehe, fellow seniors, if my guess is correct, the place you usually stay in is the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine blue stone buildings, the center of each building is the highest stone building, right?" ?”

Based on his understanding of the situation in the second world, Liu Qianlang guessed and asked the Demon Slayer around him for justice.

"Well! That's true. The central pole building of these buildings, Duying Village is called Qitianlou, which belongs to the sub-helm of Duyingzhai Xianzhai. Every Qitianlou lives in a Duyingzhai casual guest. We That's four of them.

We Xiaoyaoke have almost nothing to do on weekdays, and there are countless resources for cultivating immortals at any time, delivered by the Xiaoyao Envoy of Duyingzhai. In addition to being happy and happy, we are practicing magic skills. It's really wonderful! "

When Zhu Mogong talked about Qitianlou, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he looked very intoxicated.

"Oh! I thought we were going to the Solitary Shadow Village? I have entered the Qitian Tower before, and it was empty. There is no wonder, let alone a happy life!" Liu Qianlang sighed in confusion.

"Haha, the Duying Village is a place exclusively for the owner of the village. How can we have the qualifications to go there. However, when you get to your Qitian Tower, I opened the Xiaoyao Hall for you, and you will know how beautiful it is."

"Ha ha."

Hearing Mozhu Gong's words, Aoyue Kuangdao Bingjinlang, who was galloping in front of him, also turned his head and looked at Mozhugong and others with a burst of laughter, with an expression of joy beyond words.

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